While We Were Away ||KNJ||

By itsonlymellow

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Authors Note + Prologue


73 14 19
By itsonlymellow


We all want love. (Don't we?)
SAY NO. To the hate. Discrimate. For goodness sake. We all want affection. (Don't We?) Show me that. Yes I will and everyday. We all want. Many things. (Don't We?)


He sits with his head low, his eyes casted over the papers he's holding in his hand.

His eyes run over the sentences; the words, his heart trying to feel some of them.

He was one of the choosen ones. The ones who could easily feel whenever they wanted to. It was like a switch which he could turn no and off.

But this ability meant that he could also bring feelings into the universe. He could put positive energies into the world which would then bring positivity and sense of satisfaction to his listeners.

To do all of this without being discreet he was able to create feelings through music.

Lives back, people loved the music. It had become a universal language, either being of love or hate, but mostly love.

So when he was born, everyone knew he was meant for it. By everyone, he meant his mom and dad and his siblings.

He had these dark patches all over him, which made him look more 3D than 2D. But now he knew they weren't actually black patches, they were more than that.

They were just simple patches that meant nothing. They were little musical notes grouped together in bunches all over his body. He was filled with them except for his neck, where he had a little crescent moon with an ingrowth of trees.

His soulmate patch.


After that fateful day of walking into his soulmate whom he didn't even knew who she was except she was wearing a bright yellow sundress with a transparent umbrella hanging from her hand. Her honey like hair were flowing across her features but what Namjoon did knew was that she was breathtaking and he felt something for her. But because of his abilty to recognize feelings whenever, he wasn't necessarily able to differentiate between it.

And after that day, he tried to forget about her. Put her in lyrics of his music but he knew that she was the reason who brought so much depth to him. Who brought him to this platform where he could connect with people in a whole lot of a different mannner.

He was able to put a finger on what exactly he was feeling and then write it down, which ultimately gained him popularity. But only to him, it was also beneficial to his bandmates and overall his country.

He had fans, he knew that. He was famous, he knew that. But even after all of that, he didn't realise why she didn't wanted him. She never once looked for him, never once tried to.

But has he? Even he put his ability over her. He also neglected her for so long so its only fair that she didn't try to as well.
But the thing is, in the end, abilities aside, would he want her?


He packed his bag and got up to leave. He finished going through the lyrics and production papers and had dropped them of at the manager's cabin.

He was going to get some good nights sleep before his flight tomorrow. They were once again flying to New York after 6 months. This time for the production of music.

6 months ago was when he met her. On the busy street of downtown manhattan.

And after all this time he was going to be at the same place, in the same time as her.

Was he excited? Excitedly-Anxious? For sure.


"Hyung!" Jungkook, his bandmate called to him and ushered him towards his seat in the plane.

"Hyung this is your seat and here is your passport. Manager Hyung just gave it to me" Jungkook says to him as he sits down on the seat and takes out his headphones and puts them on.

His wasn't much close to his band members. Nobody in this world were close to eachother, because you didn't want to reveal too much informative so the other developed some kind of attraction for them. It was more in way forbidden.

He nods his head at Jungkooks direction before leaning his head back on the seat with his eyes closed but with only one image surrounding them.

The girl in the yellow dress.

The plane landed and as usual they went through the whole process of checking out and immigration.

Namjoon took his bag and followed his hyung towards the car.

He kept his face down. His eyes looking at his shoes. He wore a yellow sweat suit today. The only yellow set of clothes he loved because it resembled exactly like hers.

He hadn't told anyone that he was able to see colours.
And he hadn't known if anyone could except for some of his hyungs.

But then if he did tell them, he would have to let them know that he wasn't together with his soulmate. Heck, didn't even know her name.

He sighed as he heard a couple of womanly voices and tried to rest his beating heart.

What if she is here?

He thinks but quickly lets go of the thought and gets on the car and drive to their hotel.

The boys had a night off until the next day where they had to work with external buisness partners on their music.

Namjoon grabbed his beanie as he left his hotel to walk the busy Manhattan roads.

He placed his headphones and hummed as he walked around the congested streets.

His heart hoping to find her, maybe just to get a glimpse of her.

But he also knew that the chances of the was very limited. Maybe not even there.

He was busy looking at the walls and the dark sky illuminated by the colours of the building when he turned a corner and hit something.

He stumbled a little and held onto the little frame of an old woman who bumped into him but didn't look one bit sorry.

"I know this may seem weird but everything has to come to an end. Right? So I don't know much it'll pain but it is time!" She says and places her wrinkly hand on his arm and one second Namjoon was all flustered by the woman and the next he was in so much pain that he heard cries leaving his mouth.

The pain ran down his limbs, constricting around his heart. His stomach churning irregularly. He whimpers as he feels the strings of his body breaking, he could feel his soulmate patch burn into his skin and next thing he knew he was in a very dark place.

Lost and very very cold.

Heyyyyy beautiful readers,
I did say I will update twice today.

I really liked writing today. The weather was a little rainy, a little cloudy and just phenomenal.
Did I tell you that I absolutely love the rain

.... :))))))

So please give me your feedback for today and remember me in your prayers and be safe in your houses.

I hope all of you are safe from the pandemic.

Thank you and love you,

What is your favourite colour?
Mine is blue
Yea like mots7 lol

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