High School DxD: Fire And Lig...

By JFaustus12

19K 301 221

So after reading a bunch of x Reader fanfics, I thought I'd write my own. It's my first one ever, so I'm exci... More

What?! I've Been Reborn As A Devil?
The Quest To Save A Nun? We're Devils!
My First Date With The Priestess of Thunder
My First Stray Hunt!
My First Devil Pact, and A Little Love
Fire And Lightning
Daddy's Home
The Himejima Tragedy

The Founding of My Life As A Devil

4.4K 51 34
By JFaustus12

You are (F/N) (L/N), a teenage boy living in Kuoh Town. Your house is simple, a one story, 1 bed and bath. You lived alone, as your father had walked out on you when you were young, and your mother passed away last year. You liked your life as is, but it could be better. Little did you know, you possessed something that would change your life forever.

It was a warm August day, and you were getting dressed for school. You put on your uniform, combed your (H/C) hair, and put on your shoes. Walking to school was an every day thing, and once you reached the gates of Kuoh Academy, you saw a classmate, Issei Hyoudou, walking with the most beautiful girl in the whole Academy, Rias Gremory. You had heard down the grapevine that she was from Northern Europe, but with no experience with her, you had no idea. As Issei and Rias separated, you looked to Rias, and beside her stood a girl with magenta eyes, and long, dark hair. She was captivating to say the least, but you had to get to class.

Sitting through algebra was as boring as it always was, though sitting by Issei, Matsuda, and Motohama made it a lot better.

"Aye homie, you gotta tell us about those ORC girls, you know they're all up in yo biz, man." Matsuda said.

"I told you guys, nothing is going on—yet." replied Issei.

"Yet?! You mean you've been walking to school with Rias Gremory and you haven't groped those jugs yet?" exclaimed Motohama, obviously upset that Issei hadn't made his move.

"No, man. Not yet, though I tell you what, her sweater bazookas are the best I've ever laid eyes on." Issei said, obviously fantasizing about Rias Gremory's breasts.

"Dude, you can't tell me you're not feeling up that fly-ass Akeno though," said Matsuda, with an obvious hard on for whomever this Akeno girl was.

"I haven't yet, but I can't but help to imagine those two cuddling naked together, it has to be true." said Issei.

You turn around, and by chance, ask a question. "Hey, Issei, can I ask a question?"

"Oh, hey (F/N), sure. What's up?" Issei replied.

"This Akeno girl, I've heard you talk about her a lot in the past. Was she with Rias this morning?" You ask him.

"Well, she's almost always with Rias, so yeah, it was probably her. What did the girl with her look like?" asked Issei.

"She was about the same height as Rias, with dark hair in a long ponytail. Magenta eyes as well." You tell him, with Matsuda and Motohama basically foaming at the mouth over your description.

"Yep, that's her. Why do you ask?" Issei said.

"Eh, nothing important. Was just curious is all." You said to him.

"Alrighty then." said Issei.

The bell rang, and the last class of the day was over. Now club activites began, and you went home, as you weren't apart of any club. On your way home, you couldn't help the feeling that you were being watched.

- - - -

3rd POV. The ORC Clubroom

Rias Gremory and her servants gathered in the clubroom after school. While waiting on Koneko and Issei to arrive, she pondered over an earlier observation. A specific boy that was talking to Issei in his algebra class as she walked by earlier that day. Said boy intrigued her.

"Akeno?" said Rias. "Can you come here for a moment?"

"Of course, President." said Akeno Himejima, her Vice President, and second in command. Akeno walked over to Rias' desk and stood by Rias' chair.

"I observed a peculiar boy today, Akeno, in Issei's class." said Rias dreamily.

"Peculiar in what way, Rias?" inquired Akeno. "Was he attractive to you, or is it something different?"

"No, no. It isn't that. I believe he has a sacred gear. Do you happen to know anything about a boy in Issei's class with (H/C) hair that sits in front of him?" asked Rias.

"I do not, but I am sure Issei does." said Akeno.

"Very well then, thank you Akeno." said Rias.

"You're welcome, President." replied Akeno.

The doors suddenly opened, and in came Koneko Toujou and Issei Hyoudou.

"I'm glad you two made it okay," said Rias. "how was your day in school?"

"Average," replied Koneko.

"Pretty friggin' sweet." said Issei.

"That is great." said Rias. "Now down to business. Issei?"

"Yes, ma'am?" said Issei, tensing up at his name being mentioned.

"There is a boy in your class, he sits a seat up from you. What can you tell me about him?" inquired Rias.

"Well, his name is (F/N) (L/N), and he's a pretty cool dude. We haven't talked too much until recently, but that's about all I know about him." said Issei.

"(F/N) (L/N), hm? Alright, good to know. I want all of you to monitor (F/N) very closely. I believe he possesses a very powerful sacred gear, and we do not want him harmed."

"A sacred gear?" asked a blond boy. "Which one?"

"That I am not sure of yet, Kiba. We will find out soon enough, I believe." replied Rias.

"This should be interesting." said Kiba.

"Yes," said Rias. "very."

- - -

After reaching your house, you sat your school stuff down and plopped down on the couch. The feeling you had on your way home was a very, very odd one. You'd never felt like you were being watched before, but who knows, probably just stress. You turned on the TV and enjoyed your favorite show for a little bit, and then got ready to eat dinner. At about 9 o' clock, you decided to get a shower and head to bed, as school would come early in the morning.

A small time skip

A few days later, all was normal, school had came and gone, and you were on your way to school again. This time, you did not see Rias Gremory and Issei, but the girl you knew as Akeno walking to school by herself. Looking at her, you started to appreciate her beauty, those magenta eyes and that dark hair. What a killer combo. You looked up, and there were the gates. Aw, shit, school time again, I guess, you thought.

It was algebra time again, and you weren't focused in like you usually were. You were staring outside the classroom through the windows beside the door. By chance, it seemed, you saw Akeno passing by. It seemed your eyes met hers for a moment, and how in the hell it happened, you couldn't figure it out, but she smiled at you.

"Oh shit, son," said Matsuda. "did you see Akeno pass by just now? That honey is flaming."

"Hell yeah I did," said Issei. "It seems (F/N) got a good look at her too. The guy was off in space."

You snapped out of your daze at the mention of your name. "Say what? I wasn't staring at her!"

"You totally were, dude. She's hot, it's fine." said Issei with a dumb grin on his face. "Want me to introduce ya?"

That got you riled up. Your face got really hot. "Woah, woah, man. No need, I was just admiring her beauty. Don't need to introduce me." you said.

"Alright, man. Suit yourself." said Issei.

You thought to yourself. I wonder what she's like? Is she sweet and kind? Cold and heartless? Who knows?

After being in your own head for all of class, the bell rang, and school was over. It was today, Friday, that you decided it was time for a walk in the park after school. It was a sunny day with bluebird skies, and no day could be better for said walk. As you strolled through, observing the leaves blowing through the air, the trickling creeks around you, you realized how nice life was. You thought of Akeno, which was an out of place thought, yet a nice one. Akeno Himejima, huh? God, she is gorgeous, you thought. The day matched her, beautiful and still.

It was then that the air became stagnant, and the sky turned purple. You couldn't believe your eyes, the sky was a swirling purple, and in front of you appeared three figures.

"Took us long enough to track this one down." said the left figure.

"Now, now, Zutrien," chided the middle figure, "we need to eliminate him as soon as possible,"

With that being said, your instincts kicked in. You turned around and ran as hard as you could, but it wasn't good enough. An excruciating pain shot through your leg, and you fall immediately. You look at your leg, and there's some beam of light sticking out, almost like a spear. The sight of your blood pouring out of your shin made you sick to your stomach, and the blood loss was making your head dizzy. I have to be dreaming, this can't be real. I'm dreaming, I know it, I have to be. The last vision you saw before fading into unconsciousness was of a red light emitting, and coming out from it were Rias Gremory, Akeno Himejima, and...Issei Hyoudou?

- - -
3rd POV

Rias spoke loud and clear. "Hear me, Fallen Angels! You shall not kill this boy."

The left figure, Zutrien, spoke. "That red hair... Is that the Devil King's younger sister?"

While Rias was dealing with them, Issei ran over to (F/N), who was bleeding out.

"Rias! We need to get (F/N) out of here quick! These fallen angel douchers have hurt him bad." exclaimed Issei.

"Right. Be gone, Fallen Ones! Or we will use force." shouted Rias.

The fallen angels recognized Rias's status and fled quickly. She then ran over to (F/N) and Issei, with Akeno at her side.

"Issei, I will take him to his home and heal him, however, I think it is time. He has been recognized by the Fallen Angels as a threat, and the Gremory House does need a second rook." said Rias.

"So you are going to make him one of us. That's our Rias." said Akeno.

"Uh, okay then, President. I guess I'll keep him laying here." said Issei.

Rias stands over (F/N) and puts a rook piece on his chest. "In the name of the Marquis of Gremory, I, Rias Gremory, make you my devil servant, and a rook of the House of Gremory. Live for me, (F/N) (L/N)."

With the ceremony being done, Rias took (F/N) home to heal his wounds.

Author Note: Hello everyone! So this is my first fanfic ever, and I thought I'd make it an Akeno X Reader. I love reading this, and I loved writing this first chapter, and I hope you all will like reading it as much as I did writing it. Until next time, you all! Special thanks to Relentlezz41 for inspiring me to write my own Akeno x Reader.

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