Invisible (Calum Hood)

By SarahFayez

266 30 0

You're the only one who doesn't make me feel invisible. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 20

6 1 0
By SarahFayez

Skylar's p.o.v

Today Calum and I were driving from our house to NYU. I never thought this day would come. Summer went by so slowly and I was just excited to be going to university. Calum and I will be sharing a dorm room. I am happy about that. Right now I was in my bedroom surrounded by boxes and my suitcases. I still haven't packed my car yet. On top of all of my stuff I also have to fit all of Calum's things in the car. I texted Calum and told him to start bringing things outside to my car. I then started carrying boxes to the car.

Calum: Good morning.

Skylar: Good morning Cal.

Calum: So what time are we leaving? 

Skylar: Well we are having lunch with our friends at 11:30. We then need to leave by 1:00 because we have to be at our dorms by 2:00.

Calum: Ok.

Once we finished packing the car Calum went back to his house to hang out with his family before he left. I walked back inside my house and had breakfast with my family.

It was now 11:15 and I was getting inside my car so we could go to the diner. We were meeting up with Chloe, Ashton, Michael and Luke. Chloe was going to California, Ashton was going to Florida, Michael was going to Colorado and Luke was going to Washington. We won't see each other until thanksgiving. We pulled into the parking lot of Daniel's Diner. I worked my last shift here yesterday. I was going to miss everyone here. Jillian said if I wanted to work when I come back for school breaks that I could. 

Calum's p.o.v

Once we made our way inside the diner we found everyone else already waiting for us at a table. We sat down and begun talking.

Chloe: So when does everyone leave?

Skylar: Calum and I are leaving today.

Michael: Tomorrow.

Luke: Same.

Ashton: I leave in 3 days.

Once the waiter showed up we ordered our food and continued talking with our friends. After lunch was over we paid and left the restaurant. Everyone was surrounding Skylar's car. 

Chloe: Make sure you at least text me once a day!

Skylar: I will I promise.

Calum: Ok bye guys!

We got into Skylar's car and started driving away from the restaurant. About an hour arrived in Manhattan. We were about 15 minutes away from the campus.

Skylar: I can't believe we are here!

Calum: Me neither!

15 minutes later we arrived at NYU. We had to go register before we could get into our dorms. Once we figured out where to park the car we walked into where they were doing registration. Once we got all the information we needed and the keys to our dorm we left registration. Next we just had to figure out how to get to our dorm. We asked for instructions and then went to our dorm.

Skylar's p.o.v

we reached our residence hall and then parked the car. We saw a whole bunch of people moving in and people who were helping others move in. 

Nicole: Hi I'm Nicole. Let's get you to your dorm.

We started unloading my car. They had these baskets on wheels thatw e could use to move our stuff. We filled it up as much as we could and grabbed a few other things. We were on the second floor so we got in line to use the elevator. Since there were so many people it too 5 minutes. We walked down the hall to dorm 215. I grabbed my key and unlocked the door. This building had a dining hall and communal bathrooms so that meant none of the dorms had kitchens or bathrooms. It was just a living room and 4 bedrooms per room. When we walked in there was another girl already there.

Kyra: Hi I'm Kyra. I'm guessing you guys are my roomates?

Skylar: Yep! I'm Skylar and this is my boyfriend Calum.

Calum: Hi.

Kyra: Our other roommate Austin is my boyfriend. He should be here soon. He is driving up from New Mexico.

After talking with Kyra we took a few more trips to get everything from my car to the dorm. Once we had everything out of the car I had to figure out what parking garage I was allowed to use we parked. We were lucky because it was really close to our dorm. Calum grabbed my hand and we started walking back to the dorms.

Skylar: I can already tell that this year is going to be great.

Calum: How?

Skylar: I am at the school of my dreams with the man of my dreams and I get to spend all my time with you.

Calum: I love you.

Skylar: I love you too.

We stopped walking and Calum kissed me. I kissed him back and we continued walking.

The End.

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