The House Of Wolves [Fransyke...

By alotlikevegas

9.2K 597 2.1K

If only Oli knew how shady Lee really was, then maybe he wouldn't be in this situation..... this was the firs... More

{Characters Part 1}
{Characters Part 2}
The Strange Boy
The Sky Really Is Beautiful
I Did Tell You I Would See You Later
I'm Absolutely Certain
I Don't Think That's Going To Work
Everything I Do Is Illegal
You Never Stop Do You
What Do You Want
Like What You See?
I Know He Is The One
You Will Learn To Love Me
You're Making Me Do This
Property Of Josh
See You Soon
It's Not Your Fault
You're So Adorable
I Love It When You Smile
You Know What I Came For
I Know He Does
I Will Come With You
You Made The Right Choice
It's In The Past Now
You Can't Be Serious
What's The Plan
I Can't Wait Till You Finally Break
Are You Ready To Have Some Fun
You Don't Have A Choice
I Don't Wanna Be Alone
It Won't Stop
I Love You Too
Great Timing
I Just Want It To End
Drop Dead
Karma's A Bitch
He's Gone Mad
Why Don't You Join Me
You Don't Understand
You Wear Me Out
How Much Do You Want Me
What Were You Saying
Now Where's My Show
We Should Do That More Often
Awww It's A Squirrel
You Are All Useless
I Want You To Beg
Look Who's Begging Now
You Are So Cute
I'm Happy For You
When Did This Happen
It Will Be Fine
She Is Nice
He Is Here To Die
Come out Come out
Can I Join The Party
You Lied
Easy Peasy
You've Got It All Wrong
Take Care
Pleasure Doing Business With You

Split Up

164 12 50
By alotlikevegas

Don't kill me for this plz-

Josh jolted awake to the sound of screaming coming from beside him. His eyes snapped to Oli thrashing around in bed screaming. Josh moved to try and wake him but Oli shot up and opened his eyes, tears were streaming down his cheeks and he pulled his knees up to his chest so he could protect himself from the terrors that haunted his dreams. Josh pulled Oli close to him and held him tightly.

"No no no no " Oli cried.

"It's ok Oli, I'm here. It was just a nightmare" Josh frowned and kissed the top of Oli's head. Oli was shivering and crying against Josh's chest.

"I-I'm sorry" Oli shakily apologized.

"It's fine, it's not your fault" Josh shook his head and took Oli's face in both of his hands. Oli looked up at him with sad eyes and hugged Josh back. Josh was shocked at the sudden sign of affection but he embraced it and hugged Oli back. Oliver had stopped shivering but the tears were still falling. Josh stroked Oli's hair as the hazel-eyed boy calmed down.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Josh asked hesitantly. Oli shook his head and wiped the tears from his eyes. Josh nodded and Oli removed himself from Josh's lap.

"Do you want to go down for something to eat, seeing as it is 10 am" Josh suggested, quickly changing the subject.

"Y-yeah, can I use the bathroom first," Oli asked.

"Yeah, you don't have to ask for permission for things like that" Josh gave Oli a small smile and Oli nodded in return. Oliver got up off the bed and walked to the bathroom. Josh watched him leave and then stood up to grab a shirt from his closet, He yawned and grabbed a simple black shirt and a grey beanie, seeing as his hair was a total mess. He pulled both items of clothing on and opened the window to let in some fresh air. Oli returned from the bathroom moments later.

"Put your shoes on, if you want to go for a walk later," Josh said, he needed some fresh air and a change of scenery so he assumed Oli must have needed the same. Oli nodded and pulled on his converse. Josh did the same and they both walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

They entered the kitchen to find Jaime at the stove cooking something and Vic making toast at the counter. Josh motioned for Oli to sit at the table, Oli sat at the same spot he sat at yesterday and watched Josh walk over to Jaime to ask about whatever he was making. 

Oli's attention was drawn to the voices in the hall, he watched in curiosity as Mike and Tony walked through the front door. What really caught his attention was that the door had been left wide open. No one had bothered to close it. Oli looked at the door and then to Josh, he swallowed the quilt as Josh walked to the table with two plates of toast. Josh placed a variety of spreads on the table as well and handed Oli a plate.

"I figured you might want some so I didn't bother asking" Josh sat down at the head of the table and dug in straight away. Oli kept his attention on the door, he didn't feel like eating but he did so Josh wouldn't get suspicious. The door was still wide open by the time they had finished eating. Oli had his plan already figured out, he was glad he gained Josh's trust early. If his plan worked then, amazing. And if it didn't, then Oli was absolutely and royally fucked.

Josh took their plates to the sink and placed things back in their place. The entire time he watched Josh, Oli felt guilty, he was second-guessing his plan. He could either stay with Josh and continue on with whatever was going on last night, or he could try escaping and possibly fail. Oli made his decision when Tony walked into the room with a crate. He placed it on the table and turned his attention to Josh.

"I'm going to need Jaime to deliver these to om&m later today," He said, he turned his back to Oli and the hazel-eyed boy took that opportunity to look into the crate. His eyes widened and he confirmed his decision when he saw multiple guns and magazines stacked on top of each other.

He sat back down in his chair before Tony turned around and pretended like he didn't see anything. That's it, I'm fucking out of here. Oli tuned out Josh and Tony's conversation and only tuned back in when Josh motioned for Oli to follow him.  Josh suddenly stopped walking and turned to Oli.

"Stay here, I gotta go do something but I will be right back" Josh pet Oli on the head and made his way over to Tony who was currently taking things out of the fridge. Oli watched them intently then slowly made his way out of the kitchen and down the hall towards the door. How the fuck has no one noticed it's still open. Oli smiled to himself and quickly ran out of the door before he could second guess himself.

Josh turned around after quickly asking Tony something about the delivery that was going to take place later today and turned around to walk back to Oli. His eyes widened and panic began to rise when he saw Oli was gone. He shook Tony's shoulder in shock and the other man slowly turned around.

"What do you-" He dropped the piece of toast out of his mouth and stared at the spot where Oli previously was. "Fuck-" Both of the men sprinted out of the kitchen towards the front door.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Josh yelled. He sprinted out of the door and onto the driveway, he looked around rapidly for some sort of clue to where Oli had run off to but there was nothing. Josh's worst fear had come true and the boy he loved had disappeared.

"FUCK!" He screamed. He heard hurried footsteps behind him and looked to see that the rest of the guys had run to the front door. "He got out!" Josh yelled. The color drained from almost all of their faces and they quickly hurried out of the door to Josh's side.

"Split up and don't hesitate to play rough!" Josh yelled in anger. The others followed his orders and ran off in different directions. Josh ran into the woods and desperately tried to locate Oliver.

"I swear to god when I find you, you will fucking get it!" Josh yelled into the woods.

 Oli could hear everyone yelling in the distance but he didn't slow down. He could hear the yelling getting louder so he hid behind a thick oak tree and covered his mouth with his hand so he wouldn't give away his position.

"I finally started trusting you, Oliver!" He heard Josh yell. "Everything was going great, but you had to go and FUCK IT ALL UP!" Oli could practically hear the anger dripping off the words. Fuck!

"I can't fucking believe you!" Josh's shouting was getting closer and the louder it got the more fucked Oliver got.

"I've given you a bed to sleep in and food to eat!" The shouting was getting louder and louder, Oli wanted to run but his feet were cemented to the ground.

"I even gave you love!" Josh was right behind him but Oli was paralyzed in fear.

"I could have sold you off to Jordan for fuck's sake! But I fucking didn't because I love you! AND THIS IS WHAT I GET IN RETURN!" Oli held back a yelp when Josh stormed past him, luckily for Oli, Josh was looking straight ahead so he completely missed Oli. 

Oli turned around and ran the opposite direction, he didn't care if Josh saw him. He just needed to get away from that absolute psycho. He sprinted off in another direction but his escape was cut short when a hand grabbed the back of his sweater, stopping him from running forward and yanking him back in the process. Oli gagged and let out a choking sound. He fell back and grabbed his throat in attempts to soothe it. He Struggled to get up off the ground but the person yanked them back down.

"Let go of me!" Oli screamed.

"Not a chance mate" Oli looked up to see Vic standing above him smirking. Oli attempted to get up again but Vic pushed him onto his back with his boot and pressed down on Oli's chest, keeping him in place on his back. Vic crossed his arms as he watched Oli struggle, he pressed his foot down harder and Oli let out a pained scream.

"Nice try" Vic smirked. Oli threw his head back and screamed in frustration. "Hey, Josh! Over here!" Vic yelled in the direction Josh was in. Oliver gulped and shook his head. Vic leaned forward and grabbed the collar of Oli's sweater, he picked him up and threw him against a nearby tree. Oli gasped for air as the wind was knocked out of him, he didn't get much time to recover though, because Vic picked him up again and twisted his arm behind his back and pressed Oliver face-first into the trunk of the tree. Oli groaned in pain at his arm behind twisted behind his back and struggled against Vic's strong grip.

"Let me fucking go!' Oli yelled.

"No can do" Vic shook his head. 

"Fuck you! Fucking cunt! Let me go!" Oli screamed. Vic used his other hand to grab Oliver's hair and yank his head back. Oli growled and grit his teeth in pain.

"Don't. You. Dare. Speak to me like that" Vic growled and tugged on Oli's hair again. Oli whimpered and gave up on struggling against Vic, he may be small but the mother fucker was strong. "You may be Josh's bitch but no plaything like you will ever speak to me like that" Vic snarled. 

"Fuck. You" Oli growled. Vic brought Oli away from the tree and slammed him back into it, he pulled his head back again using his hair. Oliver screamed in pain and clenched his eyes shut.

"Thank you, Vic, but that's enough of that for now" Josh walked up behind Vic and placed a calm hand on his shoulder. Vic released Oliver and smirked at Josh. 

Oliver fell to the ground and cradled his sore arm. Josh walked forward and grabbed Oli by the throat, he lifted him up and pinned him against the tree. Oli clawed at Josh's hands and glared daggers into him.

Josh leaned forward and licked up Oli's jaw, causing the boy to shiver, and whispered into his ear.

"Let's have some fun, shall we"



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