Igniting A Flame {Kingdoms #1}

By The_Devils_Belle

898 93 80

[First Draft - No Editing] A kingdom in ruins, lost to the ashes of war A once mighty king vanished from the... More



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By The_Devils_Belle

I need you.

I need you.

I need you.

Lukas travelled through the weightless realm, his body effortlessly floating through the dark chasm. Air stifled. His lungs filled with something sweeter than air, something crisp and delectable. Finally, his drifting body touched the surface. That grey opening tore its way through the abyss. He gazed beyond it, at the boundless landscape of withered greenery black with neglect and sorrow. The sky flushed deep grey, empty and endless.

Lukas shivered, the sensation of overpowering loneliness striking him. That huddled girl quivered in the centre, her head buried into her knees. Abandoned. Misunderstood. Her dusty blonde hair flickered as she turned her head, that violet eye glowing so bright. Her body faded into nothing until it reappeared right in front of Lukas. She placed a hand on the opening, that barrier blocking her escape.

"Khandi," Lukas whispered delicately, the sound echoing softly in the wide space.

"You need to get me out."

"I can't. I'm sorry. It's sealed shut."

"Please," she mumbled, her tone soft with desperation.

Lukas pressed his hands against the opening, longing to tear apart the barrier and pull the girl to freedom. But...he didn't want to. He stepped back, that shiver of loneliness returning more sinister. Khandi whimpered, her eyes flooding a stream of tears. Lukas faded back into the other realm, her words repeating.

I need you.

I need you.

I need you.


Lukas shifted with the boat as it hauled itself over another wave. He darted his eyes across the small ship. The captain blissfully swerved the ship through the open sea, bracing his face for the fresh wind. Yevvi placed his chin along the edge, his orange hair whipping furiously. He rubbed his eyes, groaning. He saw that girl again. Was it a dream? No. He hadn't fallen asleep. A vision? Couldn't be.

His head flushed with confusion. The thought of drifting atop an endless pit of water daunted him. Thrashing waves sent chills down his spine every time. The continent of Untaf was only a few more hours. He could see the faint, foggy outline gleaming in the distance.

Yevvi had mentioned going to Heht—a kingdom he had not heard of before—to retrieve a friend of his, a Maragnian survivor. Lukas's life had spiralled drastically with new information that changed everything. He still had no idea what he was doing following Yevvi along like a puppy but part of him longed to hear his story, to hear of the father that may have been and the life he may have lived. He struggled to decide whether he accepts this truth or not, but he promised himself he will try to make sense of it.

The boat halted, splashes of water diving onto the surface. Lukas clenched his stomach as to avoid spewing the contents. He searched the area, plain water. No land nor structures. Yevvi stretched his arms and signalled Lukas over.

"Why are we stopping?" Lukas tensed, combating the urge to hurl and the building fear.

"We're going to Heht." Yevvi tilted his head, his brows furrowed in confusion. "The kingdom of the sea?"

Oh, gods. Lukas shook his head, stepping back into the middle of the ship. "We are going down there?" Lukas glanced at the watery abyss and quivered.

"That's where Arvin is. Here," Yevvi threw him a tube of blue liquid mixed with a dash of orange, "Rae made it for us. The water breathing wears off in exactly five days, so we do not have long to be down there."

Lukas felt the blood slither from his body as if he were a hollow shell. He stood, speechless. That deep blue trench encasing his mother flushed into his mind as he helplessly lingered above the surface, watching her lifeless body travel down. His thoughts shifted to the many times he was weakly held against the ground or bound by vine. He shook his head, disappointed by his feebleness. He had to be strong as he promised his mother.

Lukas stepped onto the ledge and faced the open sea. His heart thumped rapidly, adrenaline coursing through his veins. Panic. Oh, gods he was panicking. Lukas took a deep breath and glanced at Yevvi. He smiled kindly before offering his hand to Lukas. The pair grasped hands, Lukas almost clawing into his skin. He counted in his head before springing of the ledge, the water closing in.

An airy crack boomed through his head. The water encompassing his body and rushing into his lungs. Strange to feel water filling your lungs yet still taking normal breaths. Yevvi slipped from his grip and floated out of sight. Lukas lost control of his body, furiously flailing his arms and searching for the surface. Panic roared through his veins, his heart pumping unnaturally fast now. Darkness crept its way through his vision and dizziness itched at him before entirely claiming his body, leaving him carelessly floating through the watery coffin.

He couldn't save her. He let his mother sink into the sea as he grazed the surface, breathing in the air that she should have breathed. His heart beating while hers stopped. It just took one outstretched arm and he could have gripped her and pulled her to the surface. She could have been here right now, holding Lukas when he needed her most.

Finally, Lukas's conscious slowly returned as he faced the dark watery abyss. It was night. Night. He had been floating around for hours. Something grainy covered his toes. Sand. He reached upwards and felt a cool breeze. Shallows. He was in the damn shallows. Bubbles travelled to the surface as he sighed. His body tensed as he slowly drifted in the water. Do not panic. You're okay. Lukas held his breath and he jumped forwards.

Instantaneously, something clawed at his leg and yanked him back. He twisted fiercely revealing a deep green sea creature grinning at him with spiked teeth. Lukas screamed and flipped around the water, fighting the predators grip on his ankle. The more Lukas fought the grip, the more he seemed to be pulled back. He wondered if such a thing claimed his mother's rotting body.

The water rippled and a figure burst in front of him, kicking away the creature with ease. At the sight of orange hair, Lukas felt relieved. The sea beast thrusted forward, slamming its slimy body onto Yevvi. Lukas lunged and clawed its face, sending blood spirting in every direction. Yevvi wrapped his arms around Lukas and pulled him deeper into the ocean. He glanced at the creature, who convulsed and cradled its face in pain, before holding onto Yevvi tight. He closed his eyes and forced his mind away. A fire crackled, calming in the ice cold winter nights. Lukas snuggled into an ivy blanket. Yes. He was at his hut in Sora. Slowly, he forgot the water that suffocated him and focused only on fuelling the blazing fire.

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