Vampire in Stardew Valley [Se...

By CelloSoul

11.5K 362 60

You're on the run from Vampire Hunters and, since you're a vampire, that's very bad news. So, you decide to l... More

New Home
The New Feeling
Getting Started
Dinner Party
The First Feed
Don't Tell a Soul
Friday Night
The Hunter
A Façade
One of Us
His Sister

Late One Night

744 18 16
By CelloSoul

You found yourself laying on your stomach beside Abigail, who was beside Sam, who was beside Sebastian, and you were all hiding in a bush on the forest floor, just south of your farm. You were out of sight— at least that was the intention— and you and your group got a good visual angle of the Wizard's tower.

"Normally this is when he shuts all of his lights off," Abigail assured.

"How do you know so much about his schedule?" you curiously inquired.

"Well, I kinda like to hang out around here in the evening," she admitted "I don't know why, but I feel kind of drawn to the place".

"Enough small talk," Sebastian cut in "we need to focus; when the lights go out and the coast is clear, then we make our move".

As soon as Sebastian gave that instruction, the lights in the tower window did go out, and your gang was on alert.

"Go go go!" Sebastian ordered, and you all got up and quickly, sneaking to the front steps to the tower door.

"Got the lock pick?" Sebastian looked at Sam expectantly.

"Oh yeah!" Sam dug through his pockets before pulling out two, needle-like tools. He then got to one knee and began fondling the lock with them, his tongue sticking out out of sheer concentration.

You looked on at Sam— who was just trying his best— but his tedious work was making you impatient.

"Alright, we don't have time for this," you forcefully grabbed Sam by the shoulder and pulled him away from the door. You mustered up your focused, vampire strength, you gripped the door knob tightly, turning it so hard that the lock mechanism inside the door itself shattered, letting the door gently swing open with ease.

Your toes stopped at the edge of the door frame base plate as your team of three were impatiently waiting behind you.

"Uhm, Y/N? What's the hold up?" Abigail asked.

"I can't go in unless I'm invited...," you muttered in embarrassment.

"Oh yeah," Sebastian sighed "Well, you wait out here then".

You step out of the way and let them inside, leaving you out in the dead of night.

"I was worried about this," you moped to yourself, leaning on the wall beside the door.

Sam, Sebastian and Abigail were met with a large room filled with unfamiliar mystics and walls of packed bookshelves. There were many sparkling, colorful objects placed on tables and shelves, and even a cauldron full of green, bubbling goo in the back left corner. Each of them split up the room, searching for anything that can potentially help a vampire. Anything vampire related, really.

Sam, quickly getting distracted by all the cool new gizmos, spotted a broom in the corner beside a bookshelf "Ooh".

He excitedly walked towards it, picking it up carefully in his hands, analyzing it, before stradling it inbetween his legs.

"Sam, what do you think you're doing?" Abigail looked at him with concern.

"I want to see if this is a regular broom, or a magic broom," Sam gave a cheeky grin as he tried hopping in the air to try and ride a potentially magical broomstick.

"If it is magic, that is still not what we're looking for," Sebastian said in a monotone voice.

"Hey Seb, you've really been such a party pooper lately. Did you ever think that maybe a magic broom could be useful?" Sam nagged "Y/N, can you fly?"

With a jerk of his body with a broom between his legs, Sam whipped the brush part of the broom to the side as he turned to speak to you through the doorway, carelessly swatting mysterious glass viles off of a table near by, creating a horribly loud crash.

The four of you tense up, eyes falling on the colorful, liquidy mess on the floor. Your ears also catch the sound of rustling on the floor above, followed by a muffled voice.

"We got to go!" you whispered with purpose, ushering your friends to come to you quickly with your hands.

They immediately  dropped everything and started dashing your way, but an invisible force slammed the one and only exit shut right infront of them.

"No!" you cry out, banging your fists on the door desperately. But, to your dismay, the broken door was somehow locked from the inside.

In the tower, Sebastian, Sam and Abigail turned to the sound of an angry wizard.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" The Wizard scolded with glowing, magical eyes. He rushed down the spiral staircase in his yellow bedtime robes, squinting his eyes at the intruders.

The three remained silent out of sheer fear, looking on at the agitated wizard before them.

"Wait a minute" His purple eyebrows furrowed as he held his crossed arms tightly against his chest "you guys are just a bunch of punk kids!"

"Young adults, actually," Sam corrected.

Abigail elbowed him in the ribs "Shut. Up".

"Ow!" Sam winced.

The wizard's glowing eyes ceased as he continued staring them down. He took a few steps forward "What's the big idea? Why'd you break into my home? For kicks? For thievery? What's going to stop me from putting a horrid curse on you all for trespassing?"

Sam immediately turned into a blubbering mess, and Abigail was right behind him nearly on the verge of tears as well.

"We're so sorry, Mister Wizard!" Sam managed to babble.

"Yeah, we had no idea someone was living here!" Abigail lied.

The powerful wizard continued glaring at them; Sebastian letting a drop of sweat drip from his brow. The wizard made his way over to them, tracing his eyes over each of them one at a time.

He sighed "You guys seem like good kids, I'll let you-"

The wizard suddenly felt a chill go up his spine the longer he stood closer to the door. His head jerked forward, and he stormed straight for the exit. He swung open the door with fear in his eyes. But alas, nothing was revealed to be on the otherside but the dead of night. He quickly slammed the door, wondering why the lock wasn't working without his magic.

"Tell me," the wizard's tone was panicked "were you guys being chased? Is that why you're here?"

The three glance at one another, mouths agape without a sound.

"Y-yes?" Sam nodded hesitantly.

"What was it? Could you tell?" The wizard grabbed onto Sam's shoulders dramatically.

Sam, equally terrified but for a different reason, stammered "A v-vampire?"

They witnessed the wizard turning pale in the face, his arms falling to his sides. Only a few seconds went by until he rushed to a drawer in a curio cabinet nearby, pulling out garlands of garlic and old looking crosses.

"Wait, hold on-" Sebastian spoke up.

"Prepared, aren't we?" a fifth voice filled the room from a high, opened window.

Everyone looked up, shocked to see you sitting on the sill up so high.

The wizard faced a cross up toward you "Begone, creature!"

You hissed "HEY, I can't even get inside! Stop waving that thing at me!"

"We weren't being chased!" Sebastian ran to the wizard's side "She is our friend, and she's in need of your help".

"Wha-" the wizard blinked at him in surprise, then back to you "You must have him mind controlled, Monster!"

Sam spoke up with a question "You can do that?!"

"N-no! ... Well, kind of-" you aggravatedly replied.

"Kind of?" Sam looked a bit worried.

"Vampires cannot be trusted," the wizard continued "We must get rid of her at once!"

"Now that you mention it, there is actually a vampire hunter that is residing in the valley looking for me," you added "and all I want to do is drive him out of town".

"Why don't you just fly away then, Miss Vampire? And the hunter will lose your scent in no time," The wizard gripped his garlic garland while still holding the cross up toward you "This town is so very small; you'd be better off in a more populated city to feed off of anyway!"

"She's a resident here, not just a traveling parasite," Sebastian defended "She's the one who moved here last month and has been living in her grandpa's old farm house just North of here".

"Your grandpa?" The wizard laughed "That can't be right".

"Uhm," you cleared your throat.

"How old are you? 400? 500?" the wizard questioned you.

"Three-hundred, you ass!" you glared down at him, crossing your arms

Do I look like I'm 500?
You worried.

"I see," the wizard had caught you in a lie "then your supposed 'grandpa' would have been a vampire too, but I know for a fact that he wasn't. Infact, he died of old age, and he wasn't even 100 years old".

"Wait a minute, but you said-" Sebastian looked up at you with big, defeated eyes.

You couldn't say a word in reply. The look you saw on, not just Sebastian's face, but Sam and Abigail's faces too, were the looks of betrayal and dissapointment.

"See?" the wizard piped up "vampires can never be trusted! They are experts at manipulation".

"But Y/N," Sebastian couldn't look at you straight on "why stay here then? You have no family connection, so why are you staying here?"

"Because-" you stopped yourself, eyes locking on Sebastian as you blushed and looked away.

The wizard analyzed your body language, and gave a hearty chuckle "Oh, I see".

The wizard turned to the three beside him, a relaxed looking smile on his face. They were very confused and surprised at his sudden change of mood and demeanor.

"You see, vampires are also very romantic creatures," the wizard began explaining "they believe in mating for life, aka: forever. A vampire knows right when they meet the person they were meant to be with. And by uh- Y/N's reaction and behavior, I would say she has that bond with you, young man".

Sebastian saw the wizard point in his direction, and he suddenly felt his heart drop into his stomach "W-what?"

Without a moment of hesitation, you jumped off the window ledge and onto the grass outside. Your eyes filled with tears, and your face beet red. You quickly sprinted off in the darkness.

Why did he have to explain it like that?

You wanted to hide somewhere where no one would find you. Despite what the wizard said being true, you couldn't bare to accept it as such. Sure, you were certain that your fate was to be with Sebastian forever and always, but you were also realistic: Sebastian wouldn't be alive forever and always.

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