The broken ones

By jorhnieyh

7.5K 1K 167

Isrealla morenike Jones..... An introverted, intelligent and lovable girl who wants nothing more than to be a... More

Authors note
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
Authors note
chapter eight
chapter nine
Chapter ten
chapter eleven
Authors note
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four
chapter forty five
chapter forty six
chapter forty seven
chapter forty eight
chapter forty nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
chapter fifty three
chapter fifty four
chapter fifty five
chapter fifty six
chapter fifty seven

chapter twelve

142 27 4
By jorhnieyh

So,it's been a week since I've been to Marilyn high and I must say I have learned a lot about the students, teachers and non-academic staff.

Although Rolake and I are not as close as I thought we would be,she still wakes me up every morning to take a shower and eat breakfast. She was a loving sister and I adored her. I knew she knew i wouldn't like her circle of friends so am guessing that's why she doesn't complain when I don't hang out with her. She understands me and am grateful for that.

Medina on the other hand has become my wingman. Always having my back and helping me in every way she can. Both academically and socially. Although I've not really started talking to most of the students I still pull through because the teachers love me. Especially the English teacher. Not that am complaining though.

Medina and I on the other hand have formed a solid friendship within the span of one week and I couldn't ask for more. She was supportive,caring,sweet and carefree.A total contrast to my quiet, brooding and over thinking self.she was just a ball of sunshine.

During the first week of our resumption our form teacher Mr Isaac assigned us to seats of his choice and luckily for me I ended up with Medina. We talked,ate,did homework and went for school activities together. I was really starting to get comfortable in this school thanks to her and Rolake.

Sometimes it could get annoying though,the piles of homework and classworks and upcoming projects. It's not like I can't do them no that's  far from it. The truth is that here in Nigeria their syllabus is far back and to me it's just like repeating junior year all over again.

"Did you do your English assignment?". Medina asked as we both walked to class,I Hitched my bag higher on my right shoulder.

"Yes I did,why?".

"Thank God,can I borrow it." She asked I could hear the uncertainty in her voice. Did she think I was so stuck up I wouldn't give it to her. Well what do i expect,she's only known me a week.

"Of course,let's get to class I'll give it too you". I smiled brightly at her.

She sighed and followed after me into our class.

As always,we were the first to be in the  classroom so I quickly pulled out my homework and handed it to Medina as I got to arranging my locker.
Medina pulled open hers and as always it was tidy and arranged. Not a single thing out of place.

Her note books were on one section arranged alphabetically,textbooks on the other ranging from big to small.
Her pens were also arranged from the darkest shade to the lightest. That is black,red,blue then green.
I laughed internally as I finished arranging my own locker and stuffing it with my sweets and junks. The girl clearly had OCD and she didn't know it.

I poured out a new packet of eclairs in my locker,scrunching up the wrapper I tossed it at the back of the class. I knew this would annoy Medina. She was a clean freak and she didn't even know it.

"Ella why do you eat so much sweets abeg,and do you really have to throw the leather on the floor. There's a waste bin over there." I looked over to were she pointed and shrugged. She looked annoyed.

"It's not like there won't be junior students swarming the class soon to clean it up,so why bother." I grinned. I knew she was trying to control her temper. She was just about a second away from blowing up.
But she reigned it in,sighed and got to finishing her homework.

I almost burst out laughing,but I controlled myself. I didn't want her to get more mad. But she was so cute when she was angry.

I turned towards my bag and pulled out a bottle of coke and downed it halfway dropping it on top of my desk as I went over my physics note from our last class.

Soon enough students started piling in. I looked up and my eyes met with Anna's. she waved at me and I waved back. Although we weren't sitting together anymore. We were cool and I talk to her once in a while. She was really a fun person to be with. She have a really good vibe and I liked her.

"Thanks". Medina spoke,snapping me out of my thoughts as she handed me my homework.
I grabbed it and tossed it in my locker.

"Let's go out before they kill us with dust in this class". I looked up again to find our class captain Ola yelling at some junior students to sweep the class quickly.

I walked out with Medina and leaned on one of the poles. I flicked my wrist to check the time. It was 7:49 and classes start at 8:00. I looked down at Medina who was at the foot of the pavement staring up at me.

"What?" I asked attempting to kick her as she dodged out of the way.

"Kaii !" She scolded and I pouted at her making her laugh.

"See your mouth". She mumbled disgust marring her features but I knew it was her way of playing.

"It's sexy right?" I chirped raising my eyebrows suggestively.

" Ewww,I don't do girls". She spat and I rolled my eyes. Making her giggle.

I caught sight of one of the junior students coming out of the class.
"They are done". Medina and I said in unison. Noticing this we burst out laughing, earning looks from our fellow classmates especially Sarah and her cliq. They glared at us as they headed in,but it was like there was no space for two people to pass through the door so Sarah decided to bump my shoulder getting in before me.

did she seriously just do that?!

"Really!" I growled as I moved to comfront her but got pulled back by my collar.

"Stop jorhh,leave her". Medina reasoned

I frowned slightly,but knew Medina was right,she wasn't worth the trouble. And I didn't really want to drag attention to myself on my second week here. It's a good thing no one noticed what happened.

I took my seat right after Medina did. Quickly opening my locker and digging through it for my caramel goodness. I unwrapped two and threw the wrapper on the ground earning a glare from Medina. I smiled popping the candy in my mouth as I chewed slowly. I loved riling her up.

"What?" I asked innocently and she just shook her head and mumbled something under her breath.

I laughed quietly as I continued to chew,the sweetness of the eclairs spread all over my tongue making me almost moan in delight. I've always loved the candy and when I found out it was been sold in Nigeria I was so happy that I told grandma to get as much as she could. She complained about me having a toothache but finally caved in.

Well it's not my fault I had a sweet tooth.......

As I was taking out my notes for the class the teacher walked in.It was the English teacher.

We all stood up to greet him and he dismissed us with a wave of his hand. At my old school we never did anything like this. You know getting up and greeting a teacher. So it took a while to adjust. And I think am doing pretty well.

Hahhhh scratch that.

I'm doing well really,I mean the teacher was a sight I'd like to see every day so it wasn't that hard to adapt. And today he looked even better with a black shirt,blue jeans and sneakers to finish his look.He dresses casual from what I've seen and the style seems to fit him perfectly.

And damnnn,those jeans just hugged his long slender legs perfectly......

OMG isrealla,really.......
I mentally face palmed myself as he continued to teach us. I needed to get a grip. But hey, it was just a harmful crush right. It's not like I liked the guy,I just found him attractive and interesting to look at.

Nothing more, Nothing less...

We were five minutes into the class before a smooth voice spoke. "Excuse me sir".

I looked towards the door.

Since I was in one of the front rows which was directly close to the door I got a great view of his face.
It was none other than Munir Abdulrahman and as usual he had a very bored look on his face and that careless demaenor  surrounding him. It was like he would rather be anywhere right now instead of this classroom.he walked a little further in,so his back was facing me.

He had on his school uniform. Which was not suprisingly neat.  I noticed since last week that he hardly did anything rough or messed around for his uniform to have a thread out of place. Where as the other boys had tears and patches on their uniforms,Munir had iron pressed lines on his. He had a dirty green camouflage bomber jacket on,his back pack slung over his left shoulder.
His hair as usual was combed and trimmed neatly,the shiny curls like a mop on top of his head.

Mr kola which is the name of the English teacher just completely ignored him. And when everyone noticed he wasn't going to turn from the board and answer Munir they got back to their work. I sighed and decided to go back to minding my business too.

But apparently my body wasn't working along with my brain, because I would look up and steal glances at the boy in front of me. I knew he couldn't see me because his back was to me which made the oggling easier.

"Excuse me sir". He spoke again this time more firm and impatient,as if someone was wasting his time.

Mr kola turned to look at him, a grim look on his face which was a normal look he gave every student when he was annoyed or irritated.

"What!" He spat

"This is my class". Munir answered flatly making the teacher narrow he's eyes.

" And why are you coming now". Mr kola questioned.

I noticed Munir shifting his leg from one to another. He did that anytime he was tired or impatient.

"Was in the guidance and counsellors office". I couldn't see his expression but his voice said it all. Completely uninterested.

"Go". Mr kola mumbled under his breath as he went back to writing on the board.

Munir walked further in,bouncing lightly to the back of the class were his seat was situated.

our class was an even number before,but due to the new addition of a classmate. It turned out to be odd and Munir had to seat alone. And from the way his shoulders sagged in relief the day we were given out designated seats it means he was happy about it. He was happy with been left alone and I couldn't help but wonder why.

He just gets so mysterious everytime I learn something about him. And it just makes me want to learn more.

Is that normal?,cause I feel like am losing my mind.

Okay my lovelies,I am still struggling with this writer's block's like I lack inspiration or something.
It's probably because of the stress of this pandemic hitting our country.

Anyways,I don't want to spoil anybody's mood so please I just.....let me just keep quiet.😁😁
Hope you enjoyed this chapter..and I'd really appreciate it if you vote, comment and voice out your thoughts.because I feel like my readers are ghosts😂😂.

Okay enough of that*clears throat*

I hope I get more inspiration to write more.

In the meantime I love you guys.

So stay safe😷😷

Glitter 🌠🌠

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