The Lost Countess (Book 2) (C...

By iggy102

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Vlad & Maria are bisffuly enjoying married life with the family together. However, it doesn't mean that troub... More

Family Feuds
His Yankee Family
The Blood Mirror
Bad Boris (2x04)
Battle of the Renfields
Magda's baby drama pt.1
Magda's baby drama pt.2
Magda's baby drama pt 3
Holding Grudges pt. 1
Holding Grudges pt.2
Holding grudges pt.3
Daymares (2x07)
Valentines day
Museum Heist
Ingrid's Sweet 16th
Ingrid's Ball
Due Date
Eclipse Tomfoolery
Round Table Preparations Pt.2
London is falling
A Hellsing Welcome
Rise of the Draculina
Drac is back
Fall of the Reich
The Grand High Vampire pt.1
The Grand High Vampire pt.2
The New GHV
Embracing Destiny
Leaving Stokely
Sequel in Progress
Sequel Published

Round Table Preparations Pt.1

162 5 0
By iggy102

Follows Hellsing Abridged Episode 4 *video ends at 18:43

Alucard P.O.V

Brazil was a lovely vacation. I was so happy for my few days off. Maria was busy with the twins so Integra was taking over. After controlling some outbreaks at home, I was sent back to brazil. But, Seras & pip were sent to babysit me. Integra wanted to see if we could pick up their traces starting with the dandyman. I found scraps so this turned into a mini-vacation. I was enjoying pulling pranks without them on my ass. But, I still had to report in.

"Say it." I teased

"Fuck you." Integra sneered

"After you say it." I sarcastically replied

"You're really going to force me on this?" She challenged

"I'm at half mast. I need to hear this." I growled

"Fine. You were right!" She crumbled. I could hear the utter frustration & anger in her voice.

"Hmmm, nnnggr hmmmm ngggggggrrrr." I purred, completely satisfied with her reaction

"Jump up your own ass & die!" She yelled before slamming the phone down

"Ahhhhh! Houston...we have no problems." I gloated. I maybe had a second to enjoy that before Anderson bust in the door.

"Ok, dude. I just-I just finished. Imma need like 5 mins over here to recharge." I grinned before getting rifled butted in the face

"Nevermind, we're back in business." I smiled as I tasted my blood. I drew my guns as we prepared to face off

"I've got him." Seras shouted as she tried to charge him. But, He stopped her with one blade & stabbed an order into the wall next to her.

"Ah great & now she's triggered. Could be all day with it." I sighed as Seras crumpled to the floor in a daze

"The good Lord has handed down a blessing to ya filthy heathens as a sign of goodwill. A private Vatican jet. Now, if you would be so very Christian-like to ship your sorry pale ass out! And take your trigger happy harlot with ya. And the woman." He ordered

"Dunc quoi?" Pip eyed him

"Man, I don't know what's funnier. The Catholic strong-arming you into helping us. Or that you obviously haven't seen what I did to big J." I chuckled

"What in Satan's piss did you do?!" He glared

"You'll see when we fly out. Pip grab Seras." I ignored him

I followed him outside to a Vatican car. Pip & Seras came soon after. Pip loaded all of our bags in before Anderson drove us to the airstrip. We quickly boarded but went into our coffins. Today's prank took a lot of energy. I was sleeping well & laughed my head off when I heard Anderson's screams over my little banner. This was going to be a great flight home.

Maria P.O.V

After the police, my stress levels got raised to new heights. Ingrid had accidentally turned her boyfriend during a movie date. I was furious with her carelessness. But, I put in arrangements for someone to watch him. I didn't need a vampire draining the town while we were gone.

The round table meeting had finally been decided. It was tomorrow night. We left for London the next morning & settled into the London coven. I got to work reading the meeting notes to prepare. I had my weapons cleaned since I might need them shortly.

"You should get some rest." Vlad worried as he rocked Eclipsa asleep

"I'm on the last page." I muttered

"How serious is it?" He asked

"Enough to bring the Queen, the whole table & Vatican together in one room." I replied, closing my computer

"I wish you didn't have to do this." He sighed, settling Eclipsa into his crib

"Part of the job." I said, embracing him form behind

"Please be careful. You have a lot of people waiting for you." He reminded me

"Of course. Come on, let's get to bed." I said, pulling him to bed for a short nap

Alucard P.O.V

We arrived in London the following night. The meeting was a few minutes away so we rushed to get ready. I used the scant time to plan out an amazing entrance. We were driven to the meeting. I made my way through the guards outside the chamber. But, I stopped right at it to get the song ready.

"Um, Alucard. Which song?" Pip gulped

"What do you men you forgot the song?!" I complained while Pip stuttered

"Okay, screw-screw it. No screw it! Screw it! Just hit my phone & play random. No, just hit random." I improvised

I counted down so the song would play as I busted the doors open. The music blared as we all stood in front. Integra & Maria were at the head of the table with the council & Vatican alongside them. Maria was in her tactical catsuit & coat, in case the Vatican tried something. My brother & the kids were seated off the side. I gave them a smirk and got the typical brotherly scowl.

"No, okay. Turn it off. Turn it off. It didn't work. It did not work." I sighed as I removed my glasses

"Following your example." Integra joked

"ooh, catty." I smiled before noticing the Queen behind them

"Oh, shit is that Betty?!" I noticed & made a bee line to her

"Get out of my way!" I mumbled to the guards blocking me. Their necks quickly snapped & they fell down.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Allie." She smiled as I knelt

"Your skin is still as smooth as the day I felt it on my own." She reminisced while cupping my face

"You know it. Reminds me of the days I'd keep your bed warm during the Blitz." I smiled

"Ahh, those were better days. I was younger, more beautiful." She sighed

"Oh shut up you old hag. I'd still wreck you like Diana." I interrupted

"Ahh, you still know exactly what to say to moisten me up." She laughed

"Arrgh, now I can never have sex again." Penwood shouted

"Alucard, if you would please." Maria warned

"You're right, enough focusing on the past. Instead let's focus on the past." I sighed standing up to face the room

"Back in WW2, Walter & I were part of a top secret mission called 'Operation Crowd Control.' Walter was 15 & if I'm remembering correctly- I'm pretty sure that I was a girl." I remembered

"Wait, a moment. Then that would imply the Queen..." reggie rudely cut in

"Interrupt my story again, Reggie. See what happens!" I snapped. He quickly shut up

"But yeah, we were ordered to stick it sideways to a group of Nazi scientist whackjobs interested in creating a vampire army. And did we." I finished

"Seems you missed a spot." Integra pointed out, ruining my story & moment

"Seriously, you're gonna do this right now. In front of everybody?" I groaned

"The point is enough members have survived & they plan on completing their mission. They've established a base in Brazil & are using the name..." Integra continued but got interrupted by a nazi busting in

"Millenium." The cat thing finished. Everyone gasped & drew out their guns. Even Maria raised hers & flashed her fangs.

"Warten Sie! How do you say...'Do not shoot ze messenger.'" he laughed, walking slowly with his hands up

"Ahh, the return of the why boner...with a vengeance." I theatrically growled

"How did he get in here?" Maria angrily muttered

"We had over a dozen guards." Walter replied

"Those were ours?" I asked, remembering all the people outside that I ate. Maria glared at me for this.

"I mean oh my God how did he get through the guardsss-ss-kss." I feigned innocence. Meanwhile, the boy was setting up a TV on the table.

"My commanding officer, the Major, would like to personally introduce himself along with our vonderful organisation." He explained

He fumbled with the remote to get the video right so we had to listen to their bickering for a bit. Eventually, he got it on the right screen. The Major hadn't changed a bit. The pudgy fool tried to look intimidating with German music blaring. But, my laughs were louder & more distracting.

"Haahaaaaahaaaa. He's still so fucking fat! He's like a Nazi Louis CK, haaaahaaaaa. Wait, wait! No, no; Jim Gaffigan, jim gaffigan!" I chackled, heaving in from my deep laughs

"Ah, if it isn't ze memorable Alucard. His providers Sir Integra & Lady Maria. Ze bean counters. Und of course, very interesting to see, by the vay- ze Vatican. How does it feel to vork vith your svorn enemies, Father Maxwell?" He greeted us as my laughing started to die down

"Not as painful as your obnoxious voice." Maxwell glared

"Ah, come on! Ve used to be friends with ve Vatican. Remember how you aided us vith our escape from germany." Major revealed

"Uh-oh, I guess they veren't supposed to know zat." He whispered as Maxwell shat his pants

"Of course. How else would you know so much. God, you're still as deceiving as the day I left." Maria stated

"Arrtsh!" He sighed before deciding to own it, "Yes."

"I'm sure you're chomping at the bit to find out vat ve have in store for you, nien?" Major teased

"Nazi army." Integra sharply replied

"Wow, just kill all ze fun. Put ze fun in camps why don't you." He insulted

"Yeah, you fun-nazi." I agreed

"Get to the fucking point!" Integra screamed, losing her last bit of patience

"Vell, mind me if it seems a little to american for you. But, at some time m, some place, something vill attack you. Maybe. Probably. Could be happening right now." He happily swore

"Fingers crossed!" I hoped

I tried to pay attention to his speech but got distracted. It was the normal spiel about how he was going to rip us apart. The more interesting part was the cat boy hitting on Seras. I stepped in when she was getting obviously annoyed. When he made a comment about kids, I quickly shot a bullet into his head.

"Was that boy/girl bugging you?" I asked

"Und like zhat, ze war begins." Major clapped

"Whoops! Did I just accidentally a war?" I smiled

"Police girl." Maria ordered. Seras quickly shot the TV to end the meeting

"Alright now; Alucard? Clean that up. O-oh." Maria ordered before noticing the missing body

"Oh wow! Looks like he was self cleaning. And/or magical." I commented

"Integra? Maria? Alucard?" The queen called for us

"Yes, sugarlips?" I replied

"When you find him & when you kill him...I want you to record it so I can fall asleep to it every night." She commanded

"Jesus fucking Christ, I've missed you!" I exclaimed

"Hey!" Maxwell scolded me

"Oh shut up." I glared

With our orders, we had to plan a defence strategy. The queen would be taken out of England tonight as a safety precaution. The best protection was with Maria's people. The rest of the council was given respective military control. We were to subtly beef up our defences. When everything was set, we were dismissed. I quickly went to my crypt for some rest. I called for Walter to being me some blood.

"Walter, if I may confide in you. I am positively throbbing over these guys returning!" I shared

"Well, if it lasts for more than 4 hrs." Walter advised

"Walter, do you know my top 3 favourite things I've killer are? Third are the Turks. Second is Nazis. Can you guess the first?" I asked

"Your father." He answered

"Which one?" I asked

"Human then vampire." He replied

"Nailed it." I applauded him

Walter laughed as he cleared my tray. He took his leave while I listened upstairs. Integra was quiet in her study. But, Maria was arguing with Vlad in their room.

Maria P.O.V

"Vlad, you've got to take this kids home now. I've already called my family. They're expecting you." I glared after an exhausting argument

"Not without you. The twins need their mother. You're not risking you life for breathers!" He argued back

"I'm not giving the Nazis the satisfaction of potentially slaughtering our family." I screamed back

"Look, this is my job. I've got to see it through to the bloody end. But, I'm not dragging my family into this." I glared

"This is crazy. It makes no sense." He sighed

"I'll never expect you to understand. I'm a vampire leading a vampire hunting organisation. Nothing I'll do will make sense." I grinned

"I just worry about your safety. You'll be in the thick of it." He worried

"I have Alucard & Seras. Besides, I was going to call in Selene & some other soldiers. But, hell is coming soon & you all need to get out of dodge." I urged

"Fine." He sighed, knowing we'd just keep arguing

"Can we spend some time as a family before you leave?" I begged

"Yes." He weakly smiled

It was a somber night. We hing out in my room. The kids curled alongside me. They were just as scared for my safety. Renfield got their things ready. An hour later, the heli landed. We walked outside with Integra, Pip, Seras, Walter & Alucard. They watched us exchange our goodbyes.

"Mum, you will come back right?" Vlad asked as his dad & Ingrid held the twins

"I'll try to. But, i'll need you to help out with your siblings. I need my little helper while I'm gone." I replied, ruffling his head

"I love you." He cried, holding me tight

"I love you all. But, you need to go." I replied, hugging him tightly

"Vlad, come now. Your grandparents are eager to see you." Vlad reminded him

"Go on. We'll be together later." I urged him

He kept crying as I walked him to the heli. I kissed Ingrid's head. She just kept smiling & holding back tears. I kissed Sola & eclipsa's foreheads. Vlad gave me a tender kiss before joining the kids. I walked back & watched the heli lift off. I stayed until they were far from the grounds.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" Seras asked

"Perfectly police girl. Get everyone in defensive positions. Pip do what you can to give us an edge. They'll be here soon." I ordered

"Oui." Pip replied as I coldy walked back inside. It was time for ruthless calculus if we had a chance of winning.

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