Volume II: To See More, To Kn...

By katesadventuresbook

503 6 0

Katelyn Strange, daughter of the famous Dr. Stephen Strange. Follow her as she gets into mischief, and develo... More

Fire and Rescue
Date Night
Party Pooper: Part 1
Party Pooper: Part 3
A Day with Tony
The Foreign Exchange: Part 1
The Foreign Exchange: Part 2
The Foreign Exchange: Part 3
Saved: Part 1
Saved: Part 2
The Letter

Party Pooper: Part 2

34 1 0
By katesadventuresbook

After we were finished filling out the police report, Officer Mercado allowed us to go home. I got into the passenger side of my father's car, then sighed deeply after buckling my seatbelt.

"Kate, you did the right thing," my father reassured, setting a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it would be that way. I should've stayed home."

"Katelyn, listen to me. You may have saved lives tonight. Not just lives of these kids, but lives of others. If any of them decided to drive impaired, they could've killed innocent people. You did the right thing. I'm not disappointed in you. I'm proud of you."

I reached over and hugged him and he hugged me back, then started driving us home.

When we arrived, Wong greeted us as we walked into the sanctum doors. "Katelyn, are you alright?"

"Yes, Wong. Thank you," I said as I dragged myself upstairs.

"She's had a long night," I heard my father say to Wong before I shut my door. I collapsed on my bed, plugging my phone in and setting my alarm before falling asleep.


Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep

My alarm cried out, waking me up. I sighed and got up for school, grabbing my phone as I exited my room. I walked downstairs to breakfast, my father setting a plate of eggs and toast in front of me. I ate with him, then said bye as I walked to school.

I walked down the street and around the corner, soon arriving at school just as Miranda did. She wouldn't look at me. We weren't too good of friends, but sometimes we talked when Peter wasn't around. I sighed a bit, but brushed it off as I walked into school.

I walked to my locker, but before I could open it, somebody shoved me from behind. My face bounced off the locker, earning a cry and groan as I tried to figure out what happened. Turning around and holding my head, I saw three boys towering over me. As they pinned me against the locker, I recognized them as Brad, Theo, and Jim. "Hey baby girl," Brad said. I stayed silent, looking up at them. "Guess what happened after you left the party."

"What?" I asked.

"Somebody called the cops on us."

"Well, the party was awful loud. Maybe a neighbor got fed up."

"Doubt it," he growled. "Miranda's birthday was crashed by the cops. I wonder who called them."

"I don't know," I replied. "Now, I have to get ready for class."

"You got time. Why don't you stay with us?"

The other two boys pinned my hands to my side just as the bell rang, students dissipating to their classes. Brad pulled his arm back, landing a punch on my cheekbone. It made my head bang against the lockers again, then I felt another punch come down on my nose. Blood began to drip out of it.

I was a bit dazed, but wiggled myself lose from Jim's arms, landing a hard punch on Brad's neck. It made him fall backwards, allowing me to turn and knee Theo in the soft spot. He let go of me, so I turned to Jim and went for his stomach, allowing him to back up just enough for a gap to open. I sprinted away, though unsteady, toward my classroom. I made it just in time before it began.

I sat in the back, grabbing the tissue box on the way to stop the blood from my nose. I kept as quiet as possible as the teacher taught, though I wasn't paying much attention. When it was silent work time, I walked to the trash and threw away my tissues. Then, I pulled out my phone and texted Peter.

Meet me by the bathrooms on the third floor after the period is over

Something wrong?

You could say that

I'll see you there
Love you

Love you too

I sighed, watching the clock until the bell rang. I rushed to the bathroom, avoiding everybody. I knew it would take Peter a minute because he was a floor below me. I walked into the girls bathroom, cleaning up the rest of the blood with a wet paper towel. I gently touched my eye as it was starting to swell up. I was surprised I could still see out of it. I winced as I examined my nose and eye where they were swelling.

I threw cold water onto my face, then dabbed it off. Walking out of the bathroom, I saw Peter. His eyes widened when he saw me. "Oh my gosh, Katelyn, what happened?" He put his hands gently on my face, examining me.

"I'll explain the whole thing at lunch, but this is because of Brad, Theo, and-"

"Katelyn Strange, report to the main office immediately. Katelyn Strange, report to the main office immediately," the PA rang out.

I sighed. "They must've told on me. I got away after... making myself an opening."

Peter chuckled a bit. "That's my girl." He kissed my uninjured cheek gently. "You'd better get going."

"Love you. Meet you on the roof at lunch?"

"Yep," He said, walking off as the bell rang.

I walked downstairs and to the main office, where the principal was waiting for me. "Miss Strange, my office." I sighed, following him into his office and sat in front of his desk.

"You beat up three boys this morning?"

"Brad, Theo, and Jim, sir. I was only defending myself," I said, my head still pounding.

"Brad has bruises on his neck, Jim on his stomach, and Theo on his genitalia. How did that happen, Miss Strange?"

"Sir, I understand that they're hurt, but I am too. They pushed me into the locker, bouncing my head hard off it, then Theo and Jim held my arms to my sides while Brad punched my face. Once on my cheekbone, then again square on my nose."

"And that constitutes punching them back?"

"I wanted to escape before they killed me, sir!" I said, trying to stay calm. My head was really pounding now.

"Three high school boys aren't going to kill you."

"Are you sure? Because I was afraid for my life."

"You're still not justified for what you did."

"But they are?"

"No, but they're hurt."

"I'm sorry, have you looked at my face?! Would you like me to call a doctor to check me out?! I'm pretty sure a few bruises is better than a black eye and broken nose!"

"Your nose looks fine."

"Fine, I'll call a doctor," I said, pulling out my phone.

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