BTS Jikook ff -Broke Thieves-

By Catch-up

364 8 0

Basically two cheeky male bitches falling in love. The boys are big city thieves, trying to stay alive in the... More

Chapter ~1~
Chapter ~2~
Chapter ~3~
Chapter ~4~
Chapter ~5~
Chapter ~6~
Chapter ~7~
Chapter ~9~
Chapter ~10~
Chapter ~11~

Chapter ~8~

19 0 0
By Catch-up

*Jungkook POV*

I observed Jimin slowly stepping forward into my direction.
Once not even a fly could part us, he reached out, and I thought he would hit me.I still remember his hands hitting me from old times.His cold hands.

But I didn't close my eyes.
Whichever move Jimin would make, I would wait for it willingly.
For years I hadn't felt his presence.
It was suffocating.
So every action he took was a blessing to me.

His fingers brushed my shoulder..then pushed against my collarbone ,making me fall onto the wall.
It was like he stared into my soul when he said
"Don't you dare try me bitch"
"Did I upset you?How so?"
"Your filthy mouth"
"You don't really like flirting, do you?"
He snorted "What I don't like is you looking down on me-"
"Well I can't help it considering your height-"
And that was when he actually reached out to slap me.

Last moment, I grabbed his wrist and tucked him into my embrace, kissed him.
He felt so tender, his lips were, contradictory to his character, amazingly soft.
Even though his attitude from a few moments ago would have never let me dream about it, he kissed me back.
But then he pulled away, gasping.
"Stay here" I growled, surprised at my own voice, and pulled him back into my arms.

His tiny fingers dug into my blouse.
I rested my hand on his neck, while my other hand pulled him closer.
But I just had to test him, licked his lips hungrily.Though, not reluctant at all, a moan escaped his mouth.
"Hyung~ You're so tempting." I teased him between kisses.

"Stop" he said, jumping back.
It was so sudden, but his attitude had changed completely.
His hand brushed through his messy hair, which pained me.
"...Anything beyond that requires payment, mister rich bitch" he stated, I could almost hear my heart breaking.
His expression was cold, something totally different from what he had shown me just now.
But I knew he was dead serious.
"Something like that wasn't my intention..." I answered truthfully.

He chuckled "Yeah sure, whatever you say.".
Then he put his hands into his pockets and looked at me hostilely
" Robbery is not my only talent, if you try me you will witness how skillful I am with a knife."

Yoongi, who had stepped out of the infarmary had heard those words and looked at me with sharp eyes.
"I don't like you but..I don't wish Jimins anger upon you." His words confused me quite the bit.
"Taehyung is sleeping, so please refrain from entering the room" he added, and pulled Jimin with him.

Was Jimin the same as before after all?
The Jimin who would threaten me with a knife was still there, it gave me some hope and at the same time made me worry for him.

*Yoongi POV*

"What happened?" I asked, trying to sound uninterested.
"It doesn't concern you"
" don't really want to hurt that man, I know that better than you do.
But once you snap... I'll be the only one who can stop you, do you remember?"
I tried to talk into his mind.

"'re right.." He said after a few moments of thought
"You're the only one I can trust".
That was when we ran into Jung Hoseok.

" what is it?" I asked.
"We will arrive soon." He stated.

*Taehyung POV*

"Hyung! Stop!" I cried out.
"What?Why? No one's here.You sent them all out."
"Please no."
"What do you mean 'no'? You love this."
I tried to escape him the best I could but hyung was too strong.
His masculine build was at fault.

I couldn't escape so I told myself the same thing over and over "I love this", " I love this".
I did that until I believed it myself.
That feeling swept over me.
I wasn't sure anymore, which were my actual thoughts and which were those produced by Jin hyungs manipulation.

I lied still as he entered me with his fingers.
I could watch him unbuckle his belt through the tears I held back.
Hiccup escaped me.

"Taehyung?I'm sorry I have to wake you but we'll arrive soo-"
Yoongi opened the door.
"Oh, Jin, you're here too."

In a matter of seconds Jin had retreated.
Only small evidence was left, that could just be shrugged off.
My own evidence tho, was the adrenaline pumping through my body.
I had to ignore it.
"Thanks for telling me, hyung...I mean us"
I smiled.

Just about an hour ago Yoongi had been sitting here next to me, stroking my hair and telling me to be more careful.
He looked extremely concerned.
At times like this I felt so guilty for lying to him.

Everything that me and hyung had went through would be for nothing if I told Yoongi..
But in the end it'd be worth it.

"What are you doing?!" Yoongis voice sounded irritated.
He stepped into the room.
"Hyung..what's wrong? It's fine you can just leave, Jin hyung is here with me." I gulped.
"Like hell I'm gonna do that."

"Jin.." He said, approaching my step brother.

That was right.Jin was my step brother with whom I had spend the last few years living with.
His twisted taste though, endangered me.

"Cat got your tongue? You know I know way more about you than what's good for you."

What did he say just now?
Jin hyung let information spill?
That was impossible.

"Hyung, I mean it, you should really leave."
I said again, but more firmly this time.

"You little cockroach, what are you smiling for?Did you think I wouldn't notice what you did in here?You're not the only one who can see the details."
"You're a fool, just as always, little kitten, but that's fine, since this one likes you."
Jin pointed at me, calmly.

"If it all goes well, you have nothing to fear from me, why don't you leave it that way?"
His cocky smile was deeply embedded in his face.

"Because I'm anticipating the day on which I can cut your fucking balls off."
He sounded dead serious, my eyes widened.
But I collected myself right after and stood up.Squeezing Yoongis arm I said "Hyung, with all respect I'd like you to leave.Now."

He shouted and slapped my hand away.
"hyung please-"
I took a deep breath before telling a lie that I knew I would deeply regret
"I'm in a relationship with him, please stop bothering us."

*A/N: Poor Yoongi, just trying to help but getting rejected this harshly..
It's not like Taehyung doesn't have a plausible motive though.*

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