𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 #2 : �...

By solitaryas

105K 6.1K 924

❝I would not wish any companion in the world but you❞ He was not supposed to remember anything once he was re... More

Ep 1
Ep 2
Ep 3
Ep 4
Ep 5
Ep 6
Ep 7
Ep 8
Ep 9
Ep 10
Ep 11
Ep 12
Ep 13
Ep 14
Ep 15
Ep 16
Ep 17
Ep 18
Ep 19
Ep 20
Ep 21
Ep 22
Ep 23
Ep 24
Ep 25
Ep 26
Ep 27
Ep 29
Ep 30
Ep 31 - END
Special Episode
Q&A Session

Ep 28

2.5K 174 30
By solitaryas

Standing facing each other, Jin's eyes filled with hatred and anger though the one standing in front of him was Jimin but he had to stay strong to knock down his enemy who went inside Jimin's body. He don't know who, but he surely will get rid of him.

On his feet, Jin close his eyes. He knew he will regret doing this afterwards since it's Jimin. 

He remembered how Jimin used to cheer him up despite he was younger than him. The memories of him came rushing from the time Jin was feeling insecure about himself but Jimin was there for everyone, but he, sometimes, wasn't even there when Jimin cries for help.

So now, he needed to be strong to help Jimin get rid of the one who controlled his mind. Jimin must be awakened.

The moment Jin open his eyes, he avoid staring into Jimin's eyes cause it will only make him weakened. Jin run towards Jimin speedily, his fist was ready to throw a punch on Jimin's face but Jimin seems to be aware that he manage to dodged.

Jin gritted his teeth seeing Jimin with a smirk.

"Ooh, too fast", without Jin notice, Jimin's eyes formed into electric lazer and it almost hit on Jin's body. 

Fortunately, Jin managed to get away from the attack. When Jimin didn't use his eye lazer, it was a chance for Jin to make his second attack. He jumped from where he was and slow the time. The surroundings went slow motion, Jin made his way towards Jimin who seems to be frozen in time.

"Jimin, can you hear me? You have to fight this guy off, I can't help you. Please, take your time", Jin said. He don't have the intention to hurt Jimin from the start since he knew he just couldn't do it since Jimin was being kind to him all the time and there's a slight feeling of love that he secretly hides from him. He wasn't that gentle to showed it.

"Peek-a-boo!", Jimin suddenly said causing Jin to raised his eyebrows. Jimin was supposed to froze with the time but this seems to have no effect.

"Nice try, but that won't work", Jimin stated and gave Jin a powerful punch on his tummy causing Jin to be thrown on the ground. The pain he felt was so unreal, it hurts so much that he couldn't stand up.

The time started to become normal and Jimin went closer to Jin who were still laying down on the ground. "If you want me to get out of this man's body, make me", he said. 

Jin coughed, he tries to catch his breathe cause the punch almost leave him breathless.

"I really want to be alive for the second time. This body was so amazing, i feel light and his power aren't so bad either though he lack of something", Jimin said, talking too much.

"His heart were too kind for people who don't even give a shit about him, I want to end this right here. Don't you know how much his heart in pain whenever I see you? I'm sure you have some guilt on him, yeah? Since he lend me his body, I will take this chance to kill you, you don't deserve his kindness, Jin", Jimin's eyes flashed into his color indicates he was in anger, no one ever saw him like this whenever he turned into darkness.

His eyes was empty. And Jin knew, he deserved all this.


Before Jimin took action, he was being grabbed by the shoulder to the side. It was sound of a female. The women slapped hard on Jimin's cheeks and kicked him on his side waist, that was his sensitive spot too. Jimin knelt down on the ground due to the goosebumps feeling. He knew who it was.

"You have no right to take somebody's body, honey", Jimin looked up and his expectation was right. It was Claudia.

"Oh, what you gonna do about it?", he replied. Somehow, his voice seems much more softer now as if he was joining into being flirtatious.

"I knew better than you. Time for cards, honey!", Claudia seems feminine now, her voice went high-pitched and hotter. She took out a black card that has a print of a dragon with curly antennae and a long spiky tails. She slap it onto Jimin's forehead and soon, he screamed.

Claudia enjoyed hearing his screamed. When the voice stop, she knew the connection has been cut off. Jimin then passed out for a moment.

Seeing this, Jin slowly sat up. "Claudia, how did you know we are here?"

"Actually, I have set a tracker on Jimin's shoes, he won't know it", she replied with a slight confident smile on her face.

Jin looked shocked, "Since when?"

Claudia started to smile suspiciously, "Oh, it's a secret~"

It's true though, since when does Jimin and Claudia met each other and she can even put a tracker on Jimin's shoes? Oh by the way, Jin's mind started to think about Jhope. He quickly stand up and was about to go when Claudia stops him.

"Hobi is fine, I leave him down there until he wakes up, he should've awake by now actually"

Jin never been so relief before knowing Jhope still alive. It was good news but the fact that Claudia leave him down there alone made him want to go to him immediately to check up on him.

Once Jin was gone to Jhope, Jimin suddenly awake. 

"Where am I?", his vision were still blurred. He felt as if he was drunk yesterday.


Upon hearing Claudia's voice, Jimin widened his eyes. Claudia were right in front of him and her face somehow seems reddened. 

"What happen? Why are you here?", he backed off.

"You should thanked me since I save your life. You have been control by Haemon's mind but don't worry, he won't be able to get inside you again", Claudia explained.

Jimin just nodded in understanding and slowly stands up. His body feel ache a little but he still managed to move around. "Where's Jin hyung?"

"Out there, let's go"

Jin reached Jhope and luckily he was still breathing. Jin tries to wakes him up by shaking his body a little. Jhope then groans, "Ouch, my head"

His head were hitting the ground but he wasn't dead, probably because Claudia helped him before he even touch the ground.

"Jhope!", Jimin's voice awakened Jhope even more.

"Jimin? Jin? Claud?", he looked around and started to fixed his vision.


"I'm alive!", Jhope cheerfully stated.

"Yes, you are alive", Jin stated.

"I mean, how come?", Jhope asked.

"I do some ritual to get your soul back into your body, this means you won't be dead for the third time next time", Claudia respond.

"Thanks Claud! I really owe you this time", Jhope replied.

Claudia nodded and feeling proud of herself. By then, Jin spoke, "We have to find Yujin now, who knows what might happen to her", Jin worriedly utter. 

"I know where she is, Jungkook was there too and.. Haemon", Claudia said.

Upon hearing Haemon's name being said, Jin knew who they have to deal with. 

"Lead the way"


Jungkook groaned. His knee was on the ground and his hand supporting himself to stop going backwards after Haemon lashed out his power towards him. Luckily, Jungkook managed to defend himself and Yujin.

"I see that you don't want to fight me back and that's a good thing. Keep going on like that and made it easier for me to crush you", Haemon stated. He grabs Jungkook collar and smashed his body to the wall. To satisfied himself, he increases his skill in punches Jungkook's stomach for more than 10 times of punch yet Jungkook didn't even bother to fight back.

Yujin watched Jungkook who's blood slowly made it's way out of his mouth. Yujin cries, "Jungkook! What are you doing?!"

Even if she want to help, she couldn't do anything. She has no power to fight against them.

Jungkook went silence as the punches continue. When Haemon stops, Jungkook fall down on his knees. 

"This is boring. Come and fight me like how you did towards both of my parents! Why did you act such a weakling towards me? Huh, Jungkook?", Haemon grabbed his hair to raised his head to look at him.

"Damn!", he let go of Jungkook's hair since he wasn't strong enough to look into Jungkook's eyes. Jungkook's eyes seems innocent in his eyes, but the horrible memory made his view turned negative on Jungkook.

Turning to Yujin, Haemon started to have idea. He smirked while approaching Yujin. 

Yujin was aware with his action that she slowly goes backwards. No words came out of her mouth, only a sobbed.

"Let's see if he care about you so much", he grabbed Yujin's hair and made her stand. A screams be heard by Jungkook that he lift his head weakly.

"Since you don't want to speak, what if I let her to make you do so?", Haemon said grabbing tightly into Yujin's hair. 

This was the first time Jungkook does not feel anything to lend her a hand of help. He just watched her in pain while tears streaming down her face on how scared she was with what will come to her.

Haemon sadly stated, "Seems that he don't care about you. Shall we just begin our show, Annie?"

Yujin wailed, there's a feeling of disappointment in her heart after looking into how Jungkook react. It hurt her.

"Oh, don't be disappointed. I know that he is such a bastard, he even kill my parents without feeling anything. I'm not surprised if he ended up dumping you", Haemon smiles looking into Yujin's eyes.

There was a flame lit up inside of her. Yujin's disappointment seems to make something turn on inside of her. She could feel her blood vessels tightened and her blood circulation went faster. Her tears has stopped and she started to feel something grow stronger inside of her.

Red smoke started to came out of her small body. Yujin close her eyes and her body seems to be flying that she couldn't feel her feet touching the ground. She doesn't know what was happening but it made her feels changed.

Haemon watched her as she floats. Her hair turns red, a golden bracelet were wrapped around her shoulder and her shirt went all red. It wasn't her style at all.

Jungkook smiles, he knew this method will work on her.

Haemon started to froze looking at her changes. He couldn't even moved.

The moment Yujin open her eyes, she extended her hand in front of Haemon's face and her power started to act up. Haemon felt himself being strangled on his neck, unaware by her sudden action. Yujin moved her hand and threw him harder to the wall.

Her eyes were purple and tears still visible on her cheeks.

She felt as if she was a different person, but now, she felt much more stronger and capable.

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