
By BacktrackSoCasually

53.7K 1.2K 943

Marina Duck is many things. She's the eldest of the Duck siblings and the only niece to Donald Duck. She's fa... More

Escape To/From Atlantis
Beagle Birthday Massacre
The House of the Lucky Gander
The Impossible Summit of Mount Neverrest
McMystery at McDuck McManor
Our Own Version of Normal
The Secrets of Castle McDuck
Who is Gizmoduck?
Grandma's House
Last Crash of the Sunchaser
Shadow War
A Small Interlude
Incorrect Quotes
The Depths of Cousin Fethry
The Ballad of Duke Baloney
Lab Day!
The Town Where Everyone Was Nice
Last Christmas
The Irresistible Attraction of Cecilia Cygue
Nothing Can Stop Della Duck! (Except the Rejection of Her Teenaged Daughter)
The Bad Days
The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee
The Duck Night Returns!
The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot
We Will Be Okay

Unwelcome Visitors

2.3K 60 32
By BacktrackSoCasually

TW: Panic Attacks, Illegal Distribution, Implied Sexual Harassment, Exploitation. Read at your own risk. 

These first few nights in the mansion were a bit rough for everyone, if I'm being honest.

Mrs. Beakley had been overwhelmed with all the new faces in the house. Not to mention, the children were... well, children. I made sure the boys cleaned up after themselves, and I tried to avoid making a mess altogether.

Uncle Donald had a bit of an issue with not being the voice of authority, and he and Mrs. Beakley got into an argument. The conclusion was that he would stay on the houseboat in order not to "be a burden," so he and 22 hooked up the boat to the mansion through a generator. From then on, he lived on the houseboat, business as usual.

Uncle Scrooge seemed to be okay as long as no one bothered him or invaded his space. "Ahm happy tah have yew here as long as it in nooo waaay inconveniences me," and all of that jazz. Which was understandable. He's lived by himself for 10 years or so, with only the company of 22 and Webbigail, who I'm sure actually never interacted much with Scrooge.

Webby seemed very happy to have us there, but I noticed she felt a bit...excluded from the boys sometimes. Which made sense, I suppose. You live with no children for your life, and are homeschooled, you can have trouble connecting with other kids. Especially the boys, being triplets and all. I'll definitely see if I can talk to the boys about that. Or maybe I can try to set her up with some other kids.

The boys seem pretty okay. They still share a room with each other. Huey has made a tent-like structure on his bunk, as he normally does. He still goes to Junior Woodchuck meets, and is adamant on getting his badges, so good for him.

Dewey is still his Dewey self... although I think something has been up with him recently. He's been a little... quieter than usual. It's probably nothing, I just have the feeling he's not saying all he wants to say. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

I think Louie has adjusted a bit too well, at least on the outside. He's lovably lazy and might take a bit too much advantage of Scrooge's money. At the end of the day though, he always ends up on the houseboat.

Sometimes he'll sleep with Donald, sometimes with me. Sometimes we'll both sleep with Donald. Louie's always been an insomniac, hence why he's always tired. He tends to sleep better when he isn't in bed alone. Over time, it became quite comforting, it's something I've just gotten used to at this point.

And I... am still adjusting. I can't sleep in the mansion, not in that room. It's overwhelming. I think Uncle Donald has noticed it, but he doesn't say much about it. Just a hug and a kiss on the forehead every morning, and a small reminder.

"It's okay to go to therapy, you know. There's nothing wrong with you if you need it."

I appreciated it. The effort. I've never been able to afford it before... I'm not too worried about it. It'll be fine. I'll be fine.


Today Huey decided to tag along to work with me. Something about a barista badge I think...? Which meant getting up early. Although, Huey was always up by 7am at most, so it didn't make too much of a difference for either of us.

I had planned on taking the bus, after all it was just 7am now, and it was still kind of dark. Wouldn't want to wake Launchpad up too early, and I wasn't entirely faithful in his driving skills. Especially not in the dark.

But as we left the house, we ran into one Scrooge McDuck, getting into his limo. Huh. It was still pretty early. Oh! That's right, Scrooge is always up at 6am.

"Good morning Uncle Scrooge," Huey chirped, chipper as ever.

"Ah, Good morning kids. Where are ye headed?" He asked.

"Huey's coming to work with me today. I've got a double shift and everything, so..." I responded.

"Ah, I see... Do ye want a ride?"

I looked at Huey and he looked at me, and we both shrugged.

"Sure, why not."

"And it saves on bus fare," Huey added. I nodded.

We got in the limo with Scrooge and I gave Launchpad the address. I buckled up and Huey did the same.

"So where are you headed, Mr. McDuck?" I asked.

"I'm headed to my office downtown before heading home for a bit and then going to the money bin around 2," He responded. "Ye really dinnae have to call me that."

"Just a formality. Sounds like you have a busy day," I commented. He nodded. He picked up his newspaper and started reading, and so I left him to do that. He didn't like to be disturbed, and I hated to be a bother.

Launchpad slammed on the brakes in front of the cafe, and I felt the air get knocked out of me from the seatbelt. Of course, Scrooge fell on the floor. This is why we wear seatbelts. Safety first. Huey would agree.

Huey and I unbuckled, and headed out of the car. I finished getting my stuff and closed the door. I hesitated before saying goodbye.

"Bye.. Uncle Scrooge, bye Launchpad! Thanks for the ride! Have a good day at work!" We waved, and Launchpad sped off, heading towards downtown Duckburg. I checked my watch. 7:25. Perfect. I took out my key to the café, heading into the side door.

"Hey Bianca! I'm here!" I shouted into the cafe.

"It's about time!" she responded. I rolled my eyes. I wasn't due until 8am and she knows it.

I brought Huey out to the front of the café and got him set up at a table. Sure, he was here for a badge and everything, but he also had extra credit work he wanted to get a headstart on. And we definitely wouldn't be able to get any of his badge work done with the morning rush. Besides, Huey craved knowledge, and it was no surprise that he was overachieving in school. I sat my stuff next to him for when I went on break later. Hopefully I could catch up on school work during my break, as well.

"Ah, what's this? I think you have a stowaway, Mari," Bianca teased.

I lightly laughed. "Huey's gonna be here with me till closing," I explained, "He actually volunteered. He's with the Junior Woodchucks program. There's some sort of barista badge that he wants to get," I paused, "If that's okay with you," I added.

Bianca nodded. "Ah, that sounds great. Luckily for you, once you've completed your requirements for the badge, I can just sign off on your forms and add your volunteer time on it as well."

Huey smiled at her. "Thank you so much."

Bianca only nodded before headed into the back of the café.

I gave Huey a kiss on the forehead. "I'm gonna go ahead and start setting up the café and clock in. I'll be here if you need me, just let me know."

"I'll be fine, Marina. Thanks for letting me come with you."

I smiled at him before getting started on setting up the café. It was going to be a long day, but it made me feel better knowing I had Huey with me.


It was barely 11am, and I was burnt out. Another customer screamed at me about the price of her soy milk vanilla latte, because she didn't read the sign that said soy milk was extra. I tried to explain to her that all substitutions are extra, and that she couldn't "return" a half-drank latte. So she asked to speak to my manager. I let Bianca handle it, letting her know I was taking my 5-minute-break. Legally required, anyone under 18 years old has to take a 5 minute break every two hours. Thank the gods.

I sat with Huey, laying my head on the table, softly groaning. He patted my head in response. I was just so exhausted. I would take a day off, but I had to make up for the absences. I need this job.


I looked up to see none other than a Mr. Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera standing in front of me. I smiled and stood up, giving him a hug.

"Cabrera, haven't seen you in forever!"

"It's literally been 3 days," he responded.

"Eh, same difference. Oh! By the way, this is my brother!" I motioned toward Huey.

Huey stuck out his hand and Fenton shook it.

"Huey Duck."

"Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera, at your service."

I smiled. "So Fenton, what brings you here? Coffee run for your new boss? Typical intern things?" I asked excitedly. Fenton had left here a few weeks ago for a job under the best scientist in the state of Calisota, Dr. Gyro Gearloose! It was super huge! If anyone was gonna make it out, it would be him.

He nodded. "Yeah, it was a bit out of my way, but I wanted to see you guys again. And it wouldn't hurt to get away from Dr. Gearloose a bit..."

I nodded in understanding. "Boy, do I know the feeling," I heard the beeping of my timer, signaling my break was over. I sighed. "It was nice seeing you again, Fenton, I've gotta get back to work. Good luck with the internship!"

We exchanged goodbyes and I headed back up to the register in resignation. 1 more hour till lunch. One more hour...


Lunch break! Everyday, the café closed for an hour, from 12pm to 1pm, for lunch. So I sat at the table with Huey, and we ate our lunch.

"So...Marina, can we talk?" He asked.

I looked up at him. "Yeah, what's up?"

"..How come you didn't tell us about Scrooge and the mansion? I mean, you knew, didn't you?"

Ah. I knew at some point he'd ask.

"Well... Okay..." I began, trying to think of a proper way to explain things. "So, from what I can tell, I grew up at the mansion for the first 7 years of my life with Donald, and Scrooge and Beakley and Duckworth..." I started.

"And mom?" He asked.

I nodded. "..Yeah. And mom. But... I didn't remember any of it until I saw my old room... the photos and everything. Parts of it came back. The little things, really. Like the weird way Scrooge drank his tea, and loopholes in some of Beakley's rules. She was stricter back then..." I sighed. "I didn't mean to keep it from you guys... I try not to keep most things from you all, but it's hard to talk about sometimes."

"...Like what happened with mom?" He hesitantly asked. I nodded. "You know, I've read in my guidebook about repressed memories. Memories that repress due to traumatic experiences, until your brain can properly deal with them. Maybe what you're experiencing has something to do with-"

"Hey!" Bianca interrupted Huey by yelling at someone. I looked up to see her talking to two hawks at the door, with black suits on, that I immediately recognized. I felt my stomach drop. Crap, what day was it? Oh no...

Oh no, oh no, oh no.

"Marina? You know these two?" Bianca asked, "They're asking for you."

I nodded, taking a shaky breath. Huey looked at me, and held my hand, sencing my anxiety. His hand was just as clammy as mine.

"Sorry," he whispered.

"Same here," I replied.

Bianca let them in, and the two men walked over to our table and sat across from us.

"Gentlemen..." I greeted, visibly nervous. "You're quite far from St. Canard." I turned to Huey, squeezing his hand. "Go back with Bianca in the employee's quarters."

"But-" He began.

"Now," I emphasized, gritting my teeth.

"Why so tense, Marina?" One of them, Matthew, teased, his glare icy. "Let him stay, I'm sure he'd love to see how things work around here. Or at least, how they work for you..." His gaze met mine.

Huey looked between the two men, but decided not to budge. I felt my stomach drop once more, and I could tell I would start shaking. Oh gods, I'm gonna be sick.

"You know why we're here, Duck. You're late on your payment," the serious one of the two, Maddox began.

I sucked in a breath. I knew I was. I had forgotten about my debt, I got careless. But after having to replace some of my stuff in the houseboat that was damaged from the explosion, I was low on funds.

"Please... just give me more time. The houseboat's engine overran and-"

Matthew leaned onto the table, trying to intimidate me. It was working, and I could see the gun in his suit jacket.

"You know, Marina, we've been lenient with you. Your circumstances are quite unfortunate, and we've taken pity upon you. But you've run our patience...dry," He told me, reaching up to place a hand on my cheek. I looked at him, helplessly, searching for any sort of pity, but all I saw was malice. I lightly moved my head, enough to get out of his grasp. He smirked, and I felt sick to my stomach.

I felt Huey's hand squeeze mine in reassurance, effectively grounding me.

"The rest of it's due by the end of the month. No exceptions," The hawks got up from their seats. I let out a small sigh of relief.

"Wait! You can't change the terms of an agreement," Huey began, looking the hawks in the eye, "Especially if there's a legal contract. It's illegal and-" I cut him off.

"Huey, please, it's fine," I pleaded with him, before looking back up at the hawks.

They looked at each other and smirked. Maddox leaned all the way over the table, close to us. I pulled Huey closer to me, as an attempt to shield him. It didn't do much, and it only made him angrier.

"You wanna talk illegal, little duckling?" He began, every syllable dripping with poison. "Why don't you ask your sister what she used to do in her free time, hm?" Huey looked at me in shock, and I looked up at the hawk, pleading with him. He gave me an almost cheeky look. "I'm sure you'll see that legality is the least of our concerns."

"It'd be a shame if what lovely little Marina used to do got out among the public," Matthew stated, enunciating every syllable. He looked at me like a piece of meat. I hated how he looked at me.

After allowing the weight of their words to sink in, they both straightened up their suits, standing up to their full height.

"End of the month, Duck," and with that they left. I let out a sob of relief, my shoulders shaking. Thank god Bianca went into the break room. I would be done for if she didn't.

"So... are we going back to you saying you 'try' not to lie to us, or are we going to pretend that you weren't just borderline blackmailed!?" Huey asked, duck temper showing through and through. I shook my head, trying not to throw up. I took a shaky breath, before shushing him.

"Quiet down, w-will you? We don't want Bianca to hear," I told him, trying to stop the tears running down my face. Gods, I can't breathe.

"Marina, what was all that? Who were those guys?" Huey asked, still clearly angry.

I shook my head once more. He stayed silent as I did my best to calm down. Gods, of all the times to have a panic attack, I really didn't need one now. I took deep breaths until I was no longer shaking. I owed this to him to at least be honest.

He looked at me expectantly, and I wiped at my face.

"You remember when we docked the houseboat in St. Canard for a while?" He nodded. "Well, I knew Uncle Donald had issues paying the bills, and it's always been hard for him to keep a job. So, my naive 15-year-old self decided to try and make some money to help out. I started off by selling things I no longer needed, then it became selling things for other people, then it became selling...illegal things." I took a second to gather myself.

"I dug myself into a hole. Couldn't sell that stuff anymore. I couldn't do that to myself. But I still needed money to get the people I used to sell off my back... I knew if I just up and left, they'd come for me, and I couldn't risk you all getting hurt or Uncle Donald finding out. So I took out a loan from the hawks. Just enough money to pay my... clients, I guess, off and enough to get us back to Duckburg. They told me all kinds of things, about how I'll be under their protection and that they wanted to help me..."

"So when Uncle Donald decided to come back to Duckburg, it was perfect timing. But of course, loans mean debt, and debt acquires interest. And once I slip up on my payments..."

Huey just looked at me in disappointment, pity even. "Does... Uncle Donald know?"

"No! And it'll stay that way, Hubert!" I looked at him, begging frantically. "You can't tell him, please! He'll only blame himself, and... he's not the one at fault." I looked down into my lap. She was at fault. I met his gaze again.

"Look, I'm not proud of what I did... But I did what I had to do, so I could help us back on our feet after a rough time..."

"But I thought we did things together. As a family," Huey added. I looked at him, really looked at him. I pulled him in for a small hug. He grasped onto me in response.

"I didn't want us to suffer as a family because of a stupid mistake I made... I'm sorry, honey...You don't deserve to have this kind of pressure on you."

Huey just looked at me, and shook his head. "Neither do you, Marina. You work so hard for us, that you even did illegal work to keep us afloat. I don't... support it. But I understand your logic, and-"

"It's 1pm, Mari!" Bianca called from the back.

I sighed and hugged Huey, real tight, and he hugged back with his equally clammy hands.

"We'll get through this," I told him, "together." And with that, I got up. "Come on, Hue. How about we go earn that barista badge?" He got up, enthusiastically, and we headed to get back to work.


It was a long day, but we made it through. 8am to 10pm. A 14-hour-shift. I could tell that Huey was pretty tired. I know I was. My eyelids felt like they were made out of lead.

Uncle Donald pulled up as soon as I clocked out, and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Heard you were working till closing today. Didn't want you kids to walk home in the dark," he explained.

I smiled, "Thanks Uncle Donald." I got in the front seat, and Huey got in the back, buckling himself in. I followed suit, and Donald drove off towards the mansion.

I leaned back in my seat and looked up at the rear view mirror. I saw Huey looking back at me, and we shared a knowing smile. I turned to look out the window, before promptly falling asleep.


I had gotten ready for bed. Everything is gonna turn out okay. I'd make sure it would be okay. For them. My family.

Tonight, it wasn't just Louie who climbed into bed with me. It was all of the boys. The bed was definitely not going to be big enough for all of us. They gave me a look, and I knew.

"Huey told you guys, didn't he?" I deadpanned, sighing.

They all nodded and Huey looked away. I rolled my eyes, but there was no real annoyance behind it. I expected this.

Louie had a look of slight amusement on his face. "You know, I'm surprised I didn't see this coming. But don't worry. No one blackmails my family except me."

Dewey hopped up onto my bed. "Yeah! We can take 'em!"

I lightly laughed, before shushing him. "Careful now, you don't wanna wake the 'Megabeast'." Donald was not a morning person, that's for sure. This also includes being woken up for no real reason.

The other two climbed into bed with me and we all cuddled together. I began humming a lullaby, and they all joined in.

Look to the stars my darling baby boys

Life is strange and vast

Filled with wonders and joys

Face each new sun with eyes clear and true

Unafraid of the unknown

Because I'll face it all with you


I woke up that morning with a phone call from an unknown number. I stepped out of the bedroom, careful not to wake the sleeping ducklings. I shut the door behind me, and entered the bathroom, locking it.

"Hello?" I quietly answered. I could feel my breath quickening, but I tried to keep my voice steady.

"I don't know how you did it, Duck, but you paid it all off." I could tell this was the handsy one. "We'll leave you, for now. Don't double cross us again, lovely," I grimaced at the nickname, but with that, he hung up.

I was free. I was finally free. Oh gods. I slumped against the bathroom door, head in my hands. I let the tears fall free, as I gathered my breath. It felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I could finally breathe again.


I ran into Scrooge on my way to the kitchen and he gave me a knowing look. Did he... He knew, didn't he?

"How did you-" I began, before he cut me off.

"We handle everything as a family, lass, even our struggles," He began. I could tell he was about to start monologuing. He sat his cup of tea on the counter, before looking back at me. "...Ah've ignored ye all for 10 years, but that ends now. Consider it as a... repayment for all those years I've missed," He took a drink of his tea, before looking into it, "A way to clear my guilty conscience," He murmured.

I wiped at my face, doing my best not to break down. "Thank you, Uncle Scrooge."

He paused, hearing the wavering of my voice. I was doing my very best not to cry, but I could feel some tears roll down my cheek. He turned to leave, before my voice rang out once more.

"It-It's not your fault, you know."

He froze in place for a moment, before shaking himself off. He nodded in response, and left me with that.


That night, despite everything else, I decided I needed to sleep in the mansion. I had to do it. I needed to get past this... whatever it was. I stood outside my old bedroom door before lightly pushing it open.

It was different, cleaner. The children's toys and books were put up in boxes, as were my old drawings and stickers. A larger desk replaced the child's desk, and it had a lamp, a pencil holder and a chair. The sheets were changed, and so were the blankets. Come to think of it, the bed was definitely bigger. Mrs. Beakley had definitely cleaned up the place. But the pictures were left untouched.

I examined the pictures again, finding the one of mom, Uncle Donald and Uncle Scrooge, plus the eggs. I took the picture off the wall, and headed across the hall to the boy's room. None of them were in there, so I set the picture on their desk. I figure they deserved to see the full photo.

I returned back into... my room... hm, that was going to be weird, calling it mine. I sat on the bed, pausing for a moment. I then laid back onto it, slowly... I should move my stuff into here tomorrow. It's actually... not as bad as I thought. I wouldn't mind sleeping in a bed like this every night.

Somehow, despite everything else, in the late hours of the night, Louie still crawled into bed with me. And I finally got a full night's sleep. 

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