
By GothNebula

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Sonic the ghost hunter that hunts for restless ghosts in haunted places but when he finds a black diamond con... More

Body Host
Amy knows
Hunting Ghosts
EXE World
EXE vs Mephiles
Back to Normal

Black Diamond

924 18 7
By GothNebula

Inspiration from the movie Venom. And SirSpooks' videos of ghosts captured on tape on Youtube and the old Ghost Adventures show. This is another EXE story but it may be a little gory and scary. If you guys can handle reading it.

Sonic characters belongs to (c) SEGA.

EXE belongs to (c) Creepypasta.


(Sonic's POV)

I'm Sonic the paranormal investigator that goes to haunted places around the world to find ghosts and other scary and restless ghosts. Usually some people call me the ghost hunter and I don't mind that. But I have dealt with evil spirits that don't like to Rest In Peace. But I learned to be fearless and don't show hesitation.


I'm on my way home from my one week vacation in Mexico. Día de los Muertos was a fascinating holiday to see people with painted faces like skulls and going to the cemetery to hang out with the dead ancestors.

My ex is Amy and I haven't seen her in a couple months. I was the one that said we should take a break on our relationship but that was a bad mistake I made. She found a guy named Dexter and he's not an honest and trustful guy to tell the truth to Amy. I wanted to tell Amy that he's been seeing other women behind her back but I can't interfere. One day she'll find out but it will break her heart very badly. But I do want to beat the hell out of this guy for violating her trust, lying to her, and toying with her feelings. But if I did, Amy won't believe me and we would never be friends again.

I should check on her to make sure she's okay. I walked past the city block and on the way to the house. I spoke too soon. I see them having like an argument or something outside.

"Babe, it was just a hangout. Honestly" Dexter said with so much dishonesty.

He's such a bad liar and always comes up with excuses to make excuses but Amy is not falling for that.

"Really? Are you trying to make me stupid or are you horrible at being sincere?" Amy was very disappointed at Dexter's dishonesty.

"Babe, it was a mistake. I promise to be a sincere guy" Dexter said.

"No, what you did was no mistake. You made a choice for yourself. You never spend time with me for weeks. All you do is lie and make me stupid so that I would not find out. One of my friends found this when you said you were 'busy' with appointments. Explain this, Dexter? Does this look like an appointment to me?" Amy showed the pictures on her phone of Dexter making out with another girl. A few pictures of him having sex with her was enough proof to show what the real Dexter is. I guess Amy's friends did spy on this loser. But I didn't because I did not want to get involved.

"Babe, I can explain. Those were fake. You friend photoshopped it" Dexter lied.

Amy laughed in disbelief and shook her head, "No, I don't think so. Late last night they showed me this. Find a dumb excuse for this" Amy showed a video of Dexter making out with the girl with lust and hunger. Yup, that is the real evidence.

This made Dexter feel defeated that he was exposed and he ran out of ideas to come up with another excuse.

"Yeah, that's real. You never think of things. You don't even think of me or make plans to spend time with me. If you want to be with that girl you want, be with her!" Amy went in the house for a few seconds and threw gifts that Dexter gave to her months ago, "And take your gifts to her! Get out of my life! Don't ever come back! WE ARE DONE!" She yelled and walked up to him to give him a painful slap in the face.

"OW!" Dexter winced.

Yeah, Amy! That guy deserves it! He's nothing but a douchebag! He doesn't deserve you!

"Amy! Give me a chance!" Dexter begged but she slammed the door, "Fine! Be like that! At least she gives me pleasure better than you!" Dexter grabbed his gifts and walks away.

What a dumbass. He doesn't know to treat a woman right.

I should see Amy now. She's probably crying in agony, emotionally I meant. But does she really want to see me? I gotta try. I can't stand to see her like this. I just hope she's not angry and depressed with two combo emotions. I went to her door knocking.

"Amy, It's Sonic" I said to her.

"Go away!" I heard her cry.

No way am I leaving her like this, "Ames, I saw the whole thing. I can't bear to leave you like this. Please let me comfort you"

I heard her sigh and she open the door, she ran and hugged me, crying on my chest, "Oh Sonic! I've been through hell!" Amy cried.

"Shh....shh....breathe Amy" I calm her down from her crying. She's really emotionally in pain.

"I'm so sorry for this Sonikku" Amy said, looking at me, her eyes were all puffy from all crying.

"No, I should be the one sorry. Ever since that day that I said we should take a break from each other, it lead you to another heartbreak from someone else that toyed you like a puppet" I held her close, snuggling my face in her strawberry scented quills.

"Oh Sonic" Amy said.

We got to the couch and we continued our talk there.

"I know we're not together but I still love you Sonic" Amy said.

"Me too, Ames. Don't ever give up on me. And don't ever let that asshole Dexter come running back to you. And if he does, I'll send his ass to Hell for breaking your heart" I said with a low growl.

"He was just an uncaring jerk. All gifts for nothing" Amy said, gesturing to some cracked pictures on the wall of him and her.

"He doesn't deserve you, Ames. You're an innocent girl. I hate to see your innocence get take away. All he does is violate your trust by lying to you" I held her chin up to look at me, "And you have your animal sidekick to protect you"

When I said that, Amy's golden retriever Rosa walks into the living room to see us.

"I've seen her so many times at how overprotective she is to you. Like an animal sidekick protecting their princess friend" I said.

"Mmmmmhmm..... Can't stay mad at her" Amy smiled a little petting Rosa.

"Are you protecting my girl like I told you to do, Rosa? Yes you are" I petted Rosa.

"Raff!" Rosa barked happily.

"Oh Sonic. I feel better when I see you" Amy said.

"I missed you Amy" I hugged her.

"I missed you too Sonic" Amy said.


At least she's finally better and soon I helped her throw anything related to Dexter in the trash so that she can forget about him. But if he ever comes back, I'll be there to get him away from her. But we have to wait to fix our relationship since I just came back for her.

It's hard when things in life get in the way that I'm a ghost hunter and I get calls from anyone to investigate abandon places that are haunted.

"All done" I said once throwing the last picture.

"Thanks. By the way, how was your one-week vacation in Mexico?" Amy asked.

"It was great. Investigated about spirits ancestors among people" I said.

"Day of the Dead. It's a popular holiday for Mexicans to bring the family together" Amy said, dumping the last trash out.

"Yeah, and I've seen scarier" I chuckled.

"Heh, that's why everyone in this town knows that you don't get scared of ghosts" Amy chuckled.

"That's what I learn to not show hesitation or fear" I said.

"Even against vampires?" Amy guessed.

"Yup" I nodded.

"Sometimes you always think that nothing scares you, except drowning" Amy said.

"I need swimming lessons" I sighed.

"But you will find a way to get through that fear. And thanks for coming to cheer me up, Sonic" Amy said.

"You're welcome Ames" I replied.

"I miss that pet name" Amy said.

"I miss you calling me Sonikku" I said.

"I guess we are very close to be in love. But we have to work our relationship which really takes days or months to start over" Amy said.

"Yeah, but if I retire of being a ghost hunter, someday we will work things out. Restless spirits need a living therapist like a ghost hunter to communicate" I teased.

Amy giggled at this and gave me a tender kiss on the cheek.

"Gee....Thanks Ames" I blushed.

"Sorry, I'm too happy. You should head back with ghost hunting" Amy said.

"I'll see you later Amy" I headed out the door, but not before taking one more look at her and winked.


I head to the headquarters of ghost investigation to see my pals. I hope there's another investigation of haunted places that I can go to.

A yellow fox saw me and smiled. It was my best friend Miles Prower but he likes being called Tails due to his twin-tails.

"Oh hi Sonic. How are you doing?" Tails brofists with me.

"I'm doing great. I came back from the airport hours ago. Mexico was amazing" I said.

I felt a tingling in my fur; damn it, Shadow always being a sneaky hedgehog lurking out of nowhere, "Shadow, stop lurking like a real shadow in the darkness" I said without looking, knowing that he's behind me.

"Still not scared of evil spirits?" Shadow scoffed.

"Not a bit. But I visited my ex Amy, she needed comfort after her new guy Dexter cheated on her. I never liked him anyway" I said.

"Yeah, her friends were spying on him so that one day she sees the real Dexter. He hasn't even spent some time with her for weeks and he always lies to her that he's been busy with work. I love Amy like my little sister and I wanted to warn her but I knew for sure she would think that I'm trying to separate her from Dexter" Shadow explained.

"Yeah. Now she and I need to work things out. I missed her cute smile and warm hugs" I said.

"You should have been there for her before going to Mexico" Shadow blamed me.

"I was going to but I couldn't interfere. If I did, she would not want to see me ever again" I glared at him.

"You know Amy is not like that!" Shadow shouted.

"But she would've! At least I waited for the right time to comfort her today. She needed that. If I didn't, she would be in so much pain, emotionally" I said, sitting down at my desk and typed on my laptop to search for haunted places.

"Good" Shadow said before leaving me to search.

"Where's Knuckles and Silver? I thought they would be here when I got back from my vacation?" I asked.

"They were here an hour ago waiting for you but they got a call from Rouge and Blaze to come hang out" Tails said.

"Heh, those two boys must've been bewitched by them" I chuckled.

"You know Knuckles, not a bright head and Silver being naive and silly" Tails said.

"Those two should get trained to be a man" I said, typing on my laptop until I found an abandoned cemetery that no one goes to. It says that years ago the constructors were gonna clear out the old cemetery but they were cowered by restless spirits. No one has ever gone there but some went in but never came out alive.

"Hmmmm interesting" I said.

"Found something?" Tails came to me.

"Look at this cemetery" I showed the article.

"Oh, that cemetery was built in late 1800s I believe. No one goes there. They think that place is filled with restless spirits" Tails said.

"Looks like another work to do" I said.

"This is dangerous, Sonic" Tails said in concern.

"I like danger and it never scares me" I said and grabbed my equipment to measure an energy spike of ghosts, the EMF.

"You're going in there alone?" Tails guessed.

"Yes. I'm a lone wolf, remember" I said.

"Okay. But you're the closest I got for a brother" Tails said.

"Tails I always make it alive from my missions" I assured him.

"Yeah. Be careful again" Tails said.


It was night now and I hope there's no psychos out there to scare people away. Best not become a victim. I saw several 'Keep Out' and 'Don't Go In There' signs at the cemetery but I got inside regardless.

"Hmmm it's too quiet here" I turned my flashlight on.

My EMF is spiking a little that it's pointing at the mausoleum. Maybe there could a secret passageway that leads to the catacombs. Movies have those. I walked over there and searched for one.

It's just strange that the mausoleum has no door for a dead person to rest inside the crypt. My EMF is spiking on the crypt. Could it be something in there or something underneath? I pushed the crypt with all my might. Indeed, there was a secret passageway that leads down to the catacombs.

"Hmmm.... what could be that made the people vanish here without a trace?" I wondered.

I took the stairs that leads to the catacombs. It smells rotten down there but I gotta get used to it. And no kidding, there are rotten corpses there. Some are recently decayed or longer.

It's like something really killed them down here. Oh god! There are corpses covered with maggots. God that's just nasty. I put a cloth over my nose as I continued searching.

Something really is like a catacombs of death. I don't like this but whatever spirit it is, it definitely does not like the living to come down here.

I reached the end and my EMF is spiking rapidly at the old looking tribe statue with a black diamond. I don't get it. Is the spirit energy in front of the statue or behind it?

I hear voices in that black diamond. Could it be a spirit trapped in that thing? I grabbed the black diamond off the statue's hand. But something went wrong when a black smoke entered my mouth.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed from the strange dark energy entering my body. I collapsed on the floor and breathing too hard from whatever that was. But what I can hear is a voice in my mind and it's not my thoughts.

"Free at last!" The voice said in my mind.

I felt a little drained but this place really is haunted. I gotta get out now! The diamond is evidence, I gotta take it as proof.

I ran out of the catacombs and the cemetery with the diamond still in my hands.

"Okay, calm down Sonic. You just got a black smoke inhaled" I panted.

But then I saw a group of criminals appearing.

"Hey you, hand us that diamond or you'll get nasty cuts" It's obvious they are psychopaths. I held my hands in defense.

"What are you doing?" The voice in my head speaks.

"Uh, I'm putting my hands up so they don't think I have weapons" I spoke quietly to myself but felt my hands go down by force.

"You're making us look bad!" the voice got angry as I kept doing it over again but same result much to the criminals' confusion.

"Uh, I think I should head home" I said nervously to them.

"I take care of this myself!" The voice growled.

"Take him down!" The criminals are about to stab me when I felt my hands push them off hard and somewhat stretches. I looked at my hands in shock and horror. Then I grabbed a brick and threw it at another criminal.

"What the hell is this?" I asked.

"Not what! Who!" The voice spoke again and attacks the other psychos by throwing several hard objects at them.

I don't know what I'm doing but I think my body is possessed! I felt a stab on my back and felt myself turn around to who stabbed me. I felt no pain but whatever is controlling me, my hand turned into claw hands and stabbed the psycho's chest to reach his heart and pulled it out. He screamed but eventually went limp and motionless.

I pulled the knife from my back and it healed instantly, "What the hell?" I looked at the heart in my other hand.

I threw it away! Gross from feeling it in my hand, "I think I'm going crazy! What the hell just happened? I must be hallucinating from the smoke or something" I said.

I ran away from the bloody scene back to my house.

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