The Bucket List (A Harry Styl...

By Lovley_styles

532 12 6

Grace has always loved to dance. its always been the one constant in her life. struggling to run away from h... More

Dance class
sounds like a plan.
dont mention it
old friends
sleep deprivation
somewhere else
Remain calm
Open the door
Warm regards
follow you

Prologue and chapter 1

114 0 2
By Lovley_styles

Welcome and enjoy! Authors note at the end :)

Part 1 intro:

So I decided to give You's a little back ground Information just so you kind of get a idea on what's going on. The prologues a little boring but it has a point! Wait for the next chapter! so here it goes



Dance. Its one thing that I've always had its something that can't leave that can't fly away it brings me the slightest joy in my life, and in my life iv seen a lot of things and I haven't always been compliant about how my life has played out. Let's just say I had a hard child hood. My dad was an alcoholic, go figure and my mum didn't really know what to do about it or how to raise me without my father.
They fell in love when they we're only 15 and a few years later I was born when I was about 3 is when my father started drinking. He was a young parent and didn't really know how to handle a baby at the time. My parents relationship just wasent holding up. In an act to save there dwindling relationship my mum decided to have another child. In my eyes its one of the worst things you can do to have a child to save your failing relationship and bring a new baby into that kind of drama is just stupidity, but after that my sister came along.

We grew up together in Australia. For my sister and my sake my parents stayed together and tyred to make it work. They fought all the time. They were loud and broke stuff all the time they were constantly at each others throats, they despised one another but didn't know how to live without eachother. They were the others down fall and at the same time the person that they couldn't live without.

When I was 8 my last sister was born. She was so aborable and sweet and innocent. It seems like it was her that brought our family together. Me and my sister were both old enough now to watch her grow up. My dad actually tryed to get better and my mom believed he could.

Me and my sisters were always close growing up. Me and my first sister Chloe danced together all the time. We were always together and always supportive of each other. Especially when my parents would fight we would always stick together. We knew it would be okay if we had each other. Being the big sister I always felt like it was my responsibility to watch out for my sisters and protect them.

One day when me and my sister were walking home from school something happened.

"Gracey look what I made!" Elle had a big smile on her face that day as she held up her art work for me to see. It was a drawing of me Elle and Chloe. We were all standing under a raindow on top of the rainbow was a dark and gloomy sky. But the rainbow provided the three of us shelter and we were all okay.
"Wow its so pretty elle." She made me art all the time and I liked it but it was an everyday thing so I didn't take it as a big deal.
"Its for you gracy!" She yelled as I handed it back to her. Smiling taking the paper I folded the paper up and put it into my pocket.
"Grace can i stay after school for art club? Please!"
Chloe asked me with a puppy dog face. It was my responsibility to bring them both home after school. Noding my head I allowed her to stay. Over joyed she kissed me on the cheek and ran towards the art room agreeing that I would pick her after she was done.

Elle and I left without Chloe. Walking our usually way home me and Elle walked along she skipped happily and keept kicking rocks with her feet as we went.

Suddenly Everything changed from our peaceful walk and turned into a disaster. My life was about to change forever. I heard a loud car engine coming down the road suddenly then screeching from behind me before I got the chance to react or do anything at all the Car came straight for us. The driver tryed to swerve out of the way but they were going to fast, it all happened so fast I couldn't stop it I couldn't push Elle out of the way, I couldn't even save myself. The car hit me and Elle.

I blacked out after that. I didn't remember feeling anything or any pain just dark. I ended up with only a few bruises, a broken hand and a concussion nothing major. I wish I could say the same for Elle. She died in hospital that day.

I stopped talking after that. I stopped communicating with my friends, I blocked out my family. I watched my baby sister get killed in front of my eyes and there was nothing I could do. I wanted to scream and cry and take it all back. To trade places with her. I'd do anything to have her back. I feel into a depression. I stopped feeling I didn't want to feel. And my family wasent doing any better my parents were torn to shreads, they blamed each other for what happened. Chloe missed her little sister as well but she was still young and at the time didn't understand the magnitude of what had actually happened. No one helped me when I was upset. I started to self-harmed to try and make it better. I missed her so much. I blamed myself for her death. I stopped going to school. I was just so sad. I was depressed. I didn't want to live. I didn't want to grieve. I wanted to disappear.

My parents eventually noticed that I had a problem, they saw I wasn't just upset or in denial anymore, I had way deeper issues then that. I spent the remainder of my time in Australia in and out of mental health facilities and seeing specialist to try to help me. No one could. I was broken.

Something one day made me realize that you have to deal with what happens or you just kind of fade away I wasn't going to let myself do that. I started working on getting better and improving myself its not for me for Elle to live for her legacy.
One night while in a treatment clinic for my depression I decided to write a a bucket list. I had experience first hand how fast life can just happen one second you have something realistic and then? Bam everything you ever thought of was gone.

I made a list of 50 things that I want to do before I die. And that's exactly what I plan to do.

Chapter 1:

"Wake up or your going to miss your flight grace!"

Before I can respond to my new found consciousness the blankets are being ripped away from me as well as the warmth they provided.

I open my eyes and groan.

"Whaaat do you want from my life." I half whisper my voice laced with sleep.

"Grace you have a plane to catch remember?! We should be out the door 20 some minutes ago!" I open my eyes in one swift motion. My mum stands with her hands on her hips waiting for me to do so something.


"Oh my god! My plane I'm going to miss it! What time is it!" I frantically search for my alarm clock the times reads 1:30 am. I frown.

"But my flights not till 3:30" I whine and let my head fall back into my pillow.

"You'll have bucket load of time to catch some snooze on the plane grace, now get to pack'n."

I roll my eyes and do as told, but inside I can't seem to hold in my excitement. I'm actually leaving for Australia. I haven't been there in so many years.


I glance at my ticket and look at the fly time

'20 hrs 33 minutes'

That's such a long flight. Iv only done it once before and from what I remember it wasn't bad, taken I was all by myself flying across the world from Australia to New York, but now it's the opposite I leave New York the place iv come to call home for Australia the place I thought I had escaped from.

My mother takes me into a large embrace then holds me by my shoulders, she looks at me with her glossy eyes taking In my face. I give her a smile. I know she's going to miss me.

"You gone and got everything, yeah?"

Her thick accent laces her voice and I smile at the way she forms her sentences she's got such a unique way or speech that iv come to adore about her.

"Yes mum iv got everything." I say taking in a deep breath.

"Have a safe flight my lovely girl and call me when ya get there you know old me will be panicki'n bout her little girl." She smiles at me.

"I will mummy no worries okay I'll be just fine."

"Okay go on go get 'em Gracy!"

She says to me and smiles as a distance between the two of us is formed. I watch her until I can't see her anymore.

I get on the plane and take my seat. Putting on my head phones and preparing myself for the long ride.


I end up falling asleep most of the way and actually play a few rounds of cards with the woman next to me. She has a thick New York accent and it's fun to hear her talk. The rest of the flight is spent listing to music.

When where about 20 minutes away I find my way into the bathroom and put on my shorts accompanied by my tights and navy blue tank top on. I decide to put together the rest of my outfit later just putting my converse back on.

After the plane lands I collect my things and head towards the exit. Searching for my dad. I haven't seen him in ages and I have no idea what kind of car he's driving.

I hear a car horn honk and look up My dad greets me with a warm smile And it's bitter sweet to say the least. He helps me collet my bags and puts them into this car.

"Hey grace girl" he greets me and hugs me tightly. I don't hold any grudges against my dad. What happened is what happened and he's better now and that's what counts.

"Where Chloe?" I ask him.

"She's at school." I forgot about that for a second.

"So grace-" my dad begins but I cut him off.

"Could you drop me off at my new school?"

I'm supposed to start today but the company was informed in the early stages of my transfer that my plane wouldn't get here until today so my start day was undecided.

"School already?" He questions

"But ya just got here my little ballerina." He teases and I shake my head.

"I start today." I inform him and within the next 30 minutes I'm standing out side of my new school.


Voila! We are finished with the 1st chapter!
Sorry it kind sucked but I thought I only appropriate to explain what's going on and where grace is going. :)

I have Awsome plans for this story and I can't wait for you to read them and to share them with you!

I'll update soon! Don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you for reading!

Xoxo -Lexi

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