Devi Cute

By Saitama-29

17.4K 554 552

Iruma is sold to a demon and is made to got to the demon school, Babylus! Humans are a delicacy to Demons, so... More

Ch. 2
Ch. 3

Ch. 1

7.7K 199 272
By Saitama-29

This is going to be based on the manga and maybe some bits of the anime.

This is also my first attempt at writing any sort of fanfiction, so I don't really know what I'm doing :/ but I'm giving it a shot!

I hope you enjoy~!

Oh, right. Disclaimer: I don't own Mairimashita! Iruma kun or any of its characters.

The human being is a greedy creature.
Money, power, lovers . . . A humans desire is no different than a bottomless pit.
"Desire" is human nature, they can't live without it.
This so called "unsightly desire" referred to "People who sold their soul to the demon".

Yes, so in other words . . . because of money, some parents sold their child to a demon!


Suzuki Iruma (14 years old) is a kind-hearted boy. Whether he is asked for help, or nobody asks for help, or even an unreasonable request; he can willingly do anything without a single complaint, and with a cute smile to boot. He himself is also amazed at what he's willing to do if someone needs help.

'But . . .'


The point of view switches and we finally see Iruma. He's a cute little thing with big blue eyes and perky blue hair. He is seen to be bound with rope, on his knees, with a SOLD sign on his front. He looks terrified. In front of him, a demon sits on a throne holding a phone. His parents are on the speaker.
"Wow, I was suddenly interested in summoning a demon and I didn't expect it to work! This demon said, 'Bring a human to me and I'll give you money'. And so I signed a contract with him right away~!"
Their voices begin to fade and they murmur lies of protecting him. The demon suddenly speaks up.
"I am this demon."
He is bald, with horns and a long nose. He has a white mustache and wears glasses. This demons name was Lord Sullivan. Iruma looks like his soul was sucked away.

His parents are truly mean people. They have a general lack of common sense. As soon as Iruma was able to walk, his parents thought that from then on he can strike it out all on his own. So, his fathers brilliant idea, now that Iruma can walk, was to immediately go fishing. And so Iruma, only 1 year old, made his way in the world. During his 14 years of life, Iruma traveled around and got into quite a few sticky situations. He was used as bate to catch tuna, as a toddler he had to survive a bear attack and he did a few shady, under the table deals.

The result of all of this was a cute and charm boy who couldn't say no to anyone!

'No matter what happens, I can accept and overcome one by one . . .'

'But I can't accept this demon!!!'

"Hey,", Sullivan said "you must be really irritated with your parents."

"Well, yes." Iruma murmured. "But i'm not gonna lie; I'm not too surprised. This totally sounds like something they'd do."

Iruma sniffed and looked to the ground, still upset despite knowing the truth. His eyes glistened with un-shed tears as the area around him began to sparkle and twinkle. He looked pitifully cute and vulnerable in that moment, it was enough to make any creature weak in the knees.

Sullivan felt a tug at his heart and felt the need to comfort Iruma.

Iruma snapped out of it when a poof surrounded him and then he wasn't bound anymore. Instead, Iruma sat in a luxurious chair with frilly bib around his neck. A tea set sat on a little table next to him. The sudden weirdness of it forced Iruma into a deadpan, quick to wonder what was going on.

"What . . . What is this . . ."

"This is my ultimate tea set and sweet cakes." Sullivan hummed warmly.

"To tell you the truth, I'm single, but I've always dreamed of having a grandson." Sullivan took Irumas small hand into his own and knelt before Iruma.

"And so, Iruma-kun! Can you become my grandson?"

Iruma quickly became flushed and squeaked out a "Huh?"

"Wait! Hold on . . ."

"My friends always boast about their grandchildren; it makes me jealous! I will buy anything you want! I'll take good care of you! So, do you agree?!" Sullivan pleaded as he hugged Irumas mid-section.

"Do I even have the right to refuse?" Iruma questioned. The demon did buy him after all.

"I'll respect your wishes." Sullivan answered.

'What should I do . . . ?'

'I don't have any experience refusing any sort of requests. Then should I refuse his offer . . . ?'

'Can I refuse his offer . . . or not . . ?'

"BUT!" The demon jumped up; interrupting Irumas train of thought.

Sullivan began to sob and beg to Iruma; clutching onto Irumas bib.

"Thats the reason why I chose you! I want to have a grandson! I really want a grandson! Please be my grandson!"

Iruma became flustered, struggling to keep his goal in mind"

'I must refuse him . . .'

"Say, I'm a rueful old man, am I not?! Can you hold my hand?"

"Please make my dreams come true . . . please fulfill my wishes!"

"I beg of you, Iruma-kun!"

Iruma froze. Those were the top three sentences that were Irumas weakness.

1. I beg you

2. Please help me

3. I leave it up to you

Iruma was defeated when the demon uttered those words. Sullivan was quick to pull up the adoption papers that made this all official. Iruma crouched in defeat as the demon danced in victory.

'I had a chance to refuse, but because of my habit . . . I'm so useless.'

The demon was flushed with happiness as he composed himself.

"So . . . We shouldn't delay any longer." He said, and with a snap of his finger Iruma was in a school uniform.

"What . . . what is this?" Iruma muttered, confused.

"It suits you perfectly ~" The demon said happily.

"You are my first beloved grandchild. I will take care of everything! Not only food and clothing, but also . . . " He paused for dramatic effect.

"Education! You will attend the demon school!" He finished pleasantly. Iruma appeared frozen with shock. This was moving way too fast for him!

"You've been dragged around by your parents, right? So, you weren't able to get a proper education, yeah? Don't worry! All of the paper work has been done . . . Ah! I forgot. From today on, I will be you're grandpa! Aaah~! The word grandpa sounds nice~! Before the entrance ceremony, lets take a picture together at the school entrance!"

Sullivan rambled happily as Iruma struggled to keep up.

"You are the first human to attend this school, but as long as we keep it a secret, you probably won't be eaten!" The demon shot Iruma thumbs up, as though that would re-assure him.

"What?! If it's figured out that I'm a human, I'll be eaten?!" Iruma didn't want to go to this demon school! Can't he be home schooled? It'd be more preferable if he wasn't in this situation to begin with.

"Oh my, I'm so lucky to have a grandson like you, Iruma-kun . . ." The demon hummed as he packed Irumas school supplies.

"If you had refused to be my grandson, then I would have made you my dinner . . ." The demon said ominously. Iruma froze as he turned to stare at his new grandpa; the demon looked terrifying.

Sullivan reverted back to looking normal.

"You wanted to ask something?" The demon questioned pleasantly.

"No . . ." Iruma replied shakily.


They've arrived to the demon school, Bablylus.

"Whoa~!" Iruma gaped at the huge castle like school.

"C'mon, Iruma! Photograph! Photograph!"

Iruma shot a shaky, but undeniably cute smile as they took a quick picture with Iruma holding a peace sign and Sullivan holding a 666 sign.

"The freshman go that way, good luck!"

And so this is what lead up to how we currently find Iruma, in the middle of a bunch of demons. Cute little Iruma between hulking demons, trying not to cry and pass out at the same time.

"Hey . . . I smell something delicious . . ." A demon to his left said, sniffing around.

'They can still smell me, even after grandpa doused me in that perfume?' Iruma was so done with this, he was ready to admit defeat.

'I thought this place would be scarier, but it just looks like a normal school' Iruma thought as he looked around. Yep, looks normal.

"And now for our school song!"

Iruma spoke too soon. The song was anything but normal. All the young demons around him sang as though it were normal (which it probably was for them).

"All human souls are for us to devour~! Their blood and meat must be completely devoured~! " And so the song continued with Iruma chanting in his head 'I'm not here. I'll just blend in with the air. I am the air . . .'

"And next is the principal with his speech!"

'Principal? I wonder who it is . . .' Iruma thought as he looked up curiously.

"Oi, Iruma-kun! Your grandpa is here!" Iruma froze as he saw that, yes, his grandpa was indeed up on the podium waving his arms around excitedly.

'What the . . .but . . . so this is his occupation ?!'

The principal carried on as though his grandson wasn't having a panic attack in the middle of the audience.

"To tell you the truth, my grandson just entered the school. He's a very cute boy. So, if any of you dare touch him, you'll have to deal with me! Oh! Also, my grandson and I took a picture together earlier." The demon said as he pulled out a massive poster of said picture.

"That is all I want to say, bye." The demon said as he left the stage.

'You just wanted boast about your grandson! And don't just show that poster!' Iruma cried, as all he could do was just watch, lest he draws more attention to himself.

The crowd around him began to mutter about Iruma, about how much his grandpa loved him and about how cute he looked in the poster.

"And next the freshman representative will make his speech."

Iruma watched as a pink haired demon made his way to the front, relieved that the attention was shifted off of him.

"Wait, change of plans . . . Asmodeus-kun, leave the speech to Iruma-kun."

'WHAT THE-' Iruma jolted and his head shot up to spot his grandpa. Yep, there he was with a camera, looking pleased with himself.

'Ah! I knew it!' The demon must have been too excited about his grandson to think that this was in anyway a good idea.

Iruma somehow made his way to the podium. The crowd before him muttered about him, some debating on his cuteness, or if he was weak or strong.

Iruma was screaming internally and glanced at his grandpa, who was filming.

'What do I do? I've got to end this quickly . . . wait, the back on the poster!'

On the back of the poster was a note that told him to read what was on the paper.

'I don't really know what these words mean, but I've got to give it a shot . . .'

"Aberukauke . . . Tarutodari . . . Iusabebe . . . Risutoru Aburuze . . . Sutomanu Aberuge Uru . . ."

Iruma felt the air around him shift and could hear the crowd begin to stir up and rushed to say the last words.

"Mahoraba . . . Tsurezaza!"

The crowd went crazy as Iruma looked down at them, wondering what the hell has them so worked up. This was also when several teachers stormed towards him.

"Hey! Why'd you chant those forbidden spells! If you had even stuttered or pronounced a word wrong then all of your limbs would have been blown up! Tha'ts basic knowledge!" One teacher scolded him

'This is the first I've heard about it.' Iruma choked as he realized he was just one stutter away from dying.

"Yeah, you did something dangerous, but . . . that really impressed me." The teacher said as he shot Iruma a thumbs-up.

Iruma weakly stood as demons began to praise him.

As the ceremony was declared over, Iruma asked the teacher what sort of effect the spell had.

"Oh, you won't fall no matter what today."

'So simple!'

As students began to leave, they continued to talk about Iruma. A good portion of it was about how cool and brave he was and how attractive they found him to be. The total package. One student, though, was not at all happy with Iruma right now.


Iruma walked along the halls of Babylus, extremely conscious of the stares and whispers around him. He was a cute boy and some students wanted to go up and talk to him, but his usual bubbly aura was replaced with a troubled one that kept them at bay.

One student did go up to him, but with entirely different intentions. It was the freshman representative.

"Hey." They called out.

"Yes?" Iruma replied, a bit confused.

Next thing Iruma knew he was standing off with the boy in the middle of the school yard

'Don't know why he called me out here . . . Maybe he found out that I'm a human and wants to eat me?' Iruma thought, waiting for the other to speak.

He let out a squeal as he dodged a fireball that the other boy threw out of nowhere.


It was now that his attacker decided to introduce himself.

"My name is Asmodeus. I was supposed to be the one to make that speech." He said, holding out yet another fireball.

"Asmodeus Alice". Good at using fire magic. Asmodeus comes from a family which is famous for its destructive power and virtues. The members of this family attach importance to ceremonies. If they are insulted, they will attack.

Asmodeus continued.

"Back then . . . you relied on the principal and stole my position!" He was pissed.

Irumas head shot up as he remembered who Asmodeus was and realized what he was talking about.

"The spells must have also been prepared by the principal. I feel . . . very disappointed!"

Iruma began to feel bad , as he realized how important that speech was to Asmodeus. Asmodeus got closer to Irumas place on the ground.

"To prepare for today . . . I even put on a new uniform . . .!"

'Maybe I should apologize . . . ?'

"My beautiful stage has been tainted by you. So can I confirm is you are an excellent demon or not . . .? So, are you ready?" Asmodeus shot Iruma a glare.

There was a sudden roar as a crowd of students revealed themselves.

"When did all of these students get here?!" Iruma gasped as he gazed up at the levels of students.

"Its me. I called them." Asmodeus replied, looking smug.

"Now, before everyone's eyes . . . prove that you are better than me! Show me what you've got!"

The following explosion could be heard throughout the school.

Word of Irumas and Asmodeus' fight spread like wild fire. Students were making bets on who would win. Some students were praising Asmodeus for setting this whole thing up to publicly humiliate Iruma. Some were upset that he would try to hurt innocent little Iruma.

One student pointed something out in the fight.

"Hey, Asmodeus can't land a single hit on him."

Both Iruma and Asmodeus were on the ground in panting in exhaustion.

"How . . . how can you evade all of my attacks?!" Asmodeus's neat form was gone, replaced with a rather frazzled look.

"Hah . . . hah . . . I'm so sorry. . ." Iruma panted out weakly.

Iruma has been evading all of Asmodeus's attacks for 20 minutes straight. How can he do such a feat? Simple. He is an unlucky person. If it had a name it would be the Ability to Escape from a Very Dangerous Situation. His stupid parents threw him into many crazy and bloody situations and so he had to overcome them all one by one. Danger. Terrorism. Pain. He's very good at avoiding all of these things, whether he uses his skill or looks.

Attack : 0
Defense : Infinite

Asmodeus' ears twitched as he heard muttered praise for Iruma. Each muttered praise acting like a stab at this pride.

"He's so good."

"Pretty and strong? S'hot"

"He hasn't even launched an attack of his own!"

"Really?! Is he not taking this seriously?"

Asmodeus had heard enough. He sat on the ground, trembling with fury.

"You think . . . I'm not worth a damn . . . and feel sorry for me, huh?!"

"No no no no, that's not it! I'm just an insignificant bug!"

"Hey, did you hear that? Asmodeus, he thinks your just a bug!"

"He thinks you should run away with your tail between your legs!"

The demons above them laughed as they continued to tease Asmodeus and speak for Iruma.

'Way to beat someone when they're down . . .' Iruma thought.

"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!" Iruma cried. His poor little heart couldn't take much more of this.

"How dare you Insult me that much!" Asmodeus roared as he summoned a sword made out of flames.

"If magic doesn't work, then I will use martial arts to defeat you!" Asmodeus gave a cry as he dashed towards Irumas.

'That's not even martial arts . . .'

"I'll slice you into eight pieces!"


Iruma deflected the attack. He could not only dodge but redirect an attack using his opponents strength. The problem now was that Asmodeus couldn't control himself. Iruma managed to save himself, but now a random girl was about to get hit by the attack. Iruma couldn't let that happen, so without giving it much thought, he lunged towards Asmodeus and grabbed him by the waist.

'We're going to fall . . . eh?'

Iruma forgot about the spell he chanted earlier, it wasn't going to let him fall. It forced him into making a move that would prevent a fall. The people who watched the match would say it was a nice finishing move.

A perfect German Suplex.

Yeah, Irumas first day at school didn't go smoothly.


Apparently, Irumas first day of school was interesting enough to put in the school newspaper.

"Oh~! Thats my grandson! A great future awaits you!" His grandpa crowed proudly as danced around with said newspaper.

"Oh my god, everythings is spinning out of control, I need to apologize to Asmodeus-kun . . ." Iruma muttered as he had a quiet breakdown in the middle of his grandpas office.

It was then that Asmoseus stormed into the office and made his way to Iruma.

"A-Asmodeus . . ." Iruma murmured. He flinched when Asmodeus abruptly came to a sharp kneel in front of him.

"In our match earlier . . . I was at an advantage, but still lost. I humbly accept my defeat!"

Iruma grew flushed as Asmodeus continued.

"On top of all that, you took me to the infirmary , I was deeply moved! According to demon law, the loser belongs to the winner, so I submit myself to you, Iruma-sama!"

Iruma was NOT prepared for that and was even less prepared for what came after.

Asmodeus began to fidget and grew flushed as he struggled to find the right words.

He gently took Irumas hands into own. "There was a also a spark I felt when we fought . . . I've never felt in in any other fight. The way you swiftly evaded my attacks and the way you looked made by heart beat like crazy. Yes! It was love at first fight! Please, become by soulmate!"

Irumas jaw dropped and could only stare as he shifted Irumas hands so that they caressed Asmodeus' face.

"Together we will rule this school, Iruma-sama! Let's make all the freshmen kneel and bend their will under our command!" Asmodeus smiled warmly as he stared into Irumas eyes.

Iruma managed to snap out of it and pulled his hands away.

"HOLD UP!" Iruma cried.

"We just met, we literally just fought! How can you possibly say that?!" Iruma was starting to get creeped out.

"You're strong, like any good demon should be! I also find you extremely attractive! You're kindness struck me! And your eyes . . . Oh, if you weren't taking that fight seriously, then I wonder how you'd look when you are serious . . ." Asmodeus shuddered and grew more flushed.

Iruma covered his face this his hands, trying to hide his mortification and red cheeks. He peeked out between his fingers and said "How. . . how about we try this slowly, before we go head first into this . . ."

"Of course, anything for you Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus shot up with hearts in his eyes.

"Iruma-kun! I'm going to upload this onto the school website!" Sullivan cried.

"Please! Don't do that!"

Suzuki Iruma (14 years old) attended Demon school for the first time and got his first underling (boyfriend).

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