The Dark Rider (18+) [Complet...

By jwriting1

424K 13.4K 344

**Completed - 18+ Mature Content** Ride or Die Biker Book #1 I gasped as he pulled me out of the fight, his... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2

Chapter 9

19.9K 645 5
By jwriting1


Eva was really getting into the routines at the clubhouse. I love spending my nights with her. She trains with Micky most of the mornings while me, Danny, Tommy, Nate the VP, Stitch our techie, and Hammer, our weapons mover, plan how to take on Ty. We think he won't be coming alone to the city to pick up Eva. And we don't know what place he's picking yet which is a weakness as we won't have time to surveil it beforehand so we're going in a bit blind.

We need a transportable setup that can work with effectively 90% of the spots in the city. We're thinking some warehouses along the west side of manhattan past 9th Avenue is where he will probably choose, considering it's more secluded than the rest of Manhattan.

We think of potential spots, run through various scenarios. Tommy will be driving the getaway car, something light, speedy, but with enough room to let Stitch login to his computer and take over any surveillance. Hammer is working with a few other crew members in NYC to bring weapons and a few other club recruits. It was easy to get men on board, they all hated Ty and his bullshit. We all respect our turf in the city and we all use violence only when necessary.

It was enough to promise them Ty's dead body and to share the news of how he treats women to get the majority of the NYC biker gangs on board with the plan. We didn't tell them too much about Eva, we didn't want anyone to use her as leverage. We kept the details of why he was here relatively vague, just mentioning that we have insider information that he'll be here this week and that we have to act fast.

We take the next few days to finalize the plans while Eva spends hours more with Micky. I want to make sure she's protected and although I don't plan on letting that fucker near her, if anything happens, I want her to be prepared. I don't want her thinking she'll ever have to face that disgusting bastard in a weakened state ever again.

We're at the final stretch. I expect the messenger to contact me tomorrow about time and place to meet Ty and handle the exchange. It's relatively early so I after I run through the plan one more time with my brothers, I go to the gym to look for Eva.

I see her with Micky and my breathing stops. She is in her sports bra and shorts, like I saw her at the fight club and she's ruthless. I can't believe she actually made Micky lose his calm breathing from all the fighting they've been doing.

She has a few busted knuckles from throwing punches, but she doesn't give up. After Micky pinning her down a few times, she actually pins him down once on the floor before he takes the upper hand. She's good. Micky is a killer and had it been for anyone else, she would have tossed his ass out. Hell, she could probably kick my ass now after so much training.

I step in to announce my presence and notice her blush slightly, not realizing I've been watching.

"That was incredible babe" I say. Micky turns around, "Yeah Vick. She'll be leaving me without a job pretty soon" he chuckles as Eva quickly retorts "Not a chance Mick. You're fucking incredible wow. Thank you"

I step into the center of the gym and look at Micky before asking seriously, "have you guys done any training with weapons?"

Micky shakes his head no. "Alright then. Eva, you've done enough combat to take Ty right on his ass. He will expect you to be weak without a weapon. But you'll be ready to show him anything but." I smile. "But now, for the rest of the day, I'm training you with weapons".

She looks at me. I realized when I was first introduced to her, they only told her about me being the extractor. They didn't mention my way around a knife and gun, which I purposefully left out.

I motion for her to follow me to the back of the clubhouse where we use the the room for weapons practice.

"Have you shot a gun before?" I ask her. She shakes her head no.

"We'll start with knives first and then afterwards we'll take my bike up to an empty terrain we use for target practice."

She sees the knife display as I take a few and whip them at the target. Bullseye.

She looks at me in shock. "Babe you ain't seen nothin' yet"

I take the remainder of the knives and throw them at the center at lightning speed. I then walk over to the target to remove them all before setting them back on the table.

I go through each one of the knives with varying lengths, explaining which ones can be used for what technique, which is easier to hide, which gives the biggest cut. I let her grab them all, feel their length, their weight, so she can familiarize herself with all of them.

We take the next two hours to practice until she can land all of them at our near the bullseye, close enough where I know if she were aiming for a man, she'd take them out.

I walk up to her and give her a kiss. I can tell she's exhausted from the training today with Mick, plus the training with knives.

"Pick one you're most comfortable with".

She looks down and snatches one of my favorites. A medium-to-smaller sized blade easy enough for her to maneuver and hide, but with enough sharpness to cut through flesh like a hot knife through butter.

"Good. Have it on you at all times tomorrow".

I then take her on my bike and we go to the shooting range and repeat. We spend another few hours there until I feel comfortable that she's got some sort of handle on the weapons. I know it's not enough time, but I just need her to know enough to take that fucker by surprise if he comes at her.

We drive back to the clubhouse before she heads over to shower. "Coming?" I ask her.

Fuck, I groan. "Babe, I can't. As much as I want to fuck you until you can't walk, you've had a long day and I need you rested for tomorrow. You've had a long training day and I need you at 100%. Nothing can go wrong, you understand?"

She nods at me, briefly approaching me in her towel to kiss me and calm my nerves while I hold onto her waist tighty.

"He will never have you. You know that right?"

She smiles as she kisses me back before she runs to the shower.

I shower quickly after her as we both head to bed and I nestle her body against mine. She falls asleep immediately after the day she's had while I let my eyes rest and for the first time in years, I pray that she will stay safe tomorrow.

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