The Fire in my Heart {Demon X...

By StarLioness101

38.7K 710 78

The Scooby Gang go to KISS World for some fun; but, of course, like everywhere they go, there's a mystery to... More

OC- Ember Jackson
Chapter 1: KISS World
Chapter 2: Meeting KISS
Chapter 3: She-Demon
Chapter 4: Witch Attack and Love Moment
Chapter 5: The Plan....... That Goes Wrong
Chapter 6: KISSteria
Chapter 8: Detroit Rock City and Witch's Capture
Chapter 9: True Feelings Revealed
Chapter 10: Farewells
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Chapter 7: The Destroyer Awakens

2.5K 57 12
By StarLioness101

3rd Person: 

“Soulmate?!” Starchild asks, completely shocked that Demon has a soulmate. Even more so that it’s Ember.

“Keep it down!” Demon growls.

“You and Ember are soulmates? You barely know her.”  Spaceman says.

“Yeah I know that already! The Elder said it though so it must be true” Demon says to the three.

“Heck yeah! I am definitely helping plan the wedding” Catman says excitedly.

Demon growls at him.

A throat clears from behind the boys.

They all quickly turn to see Ember standing behind them with a nervous looking Shaggy and Scooby hiding behind her.

“What’s up with them?” Catman asks, pointing at the two.

“Oh nothing much, Wildcat.
They were wondering how Demon is able to breath fire. They are using me as a human shield.” Ember says while rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

“She’s a REEAAALLLLL keeper, Demon.” Spaceman whispers.

Demon punches him in the arm.

“You might as well tell them, Demon, before we get another grocery list.” Catman says with some annoyance.

Demon sighs and crosses his arms.

“The secret to breathing fire is to swallow your fears.” Demon says proudly.

“Fears?” Scooby asks.

“Like, I didn’t know you could eat those.” Shaggy says.

Ember just rolls her eyes at the two.

“Swallow them up, hold them inside, and force them out as Demon-fire.”  Demon says then he blows a giant stream of fire.

Ember just stares in awe.

‘Beautiful’ She thinks to herself.

“Talk about your acid reflux.” Velma says.

“Fears, huh?” Ember says.

She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. She then breaths out a stream of fire.

This shocks everyone around her.

She opens her eyes and just smiles widely as some smoke seeps through her teeth.

“Wicked cool” She says.

“She’s Demon’s girl alright.” Catman says to Starchild and Spaceman. Demon walks next to Ember.

“How are you feeling?” Demon asks her.

“Better than when it first hit.” Ember says as she looks at him.

Demon then smiles, a genuine real smile.

This causes Ember to blush slightly and look away from him and straight ahead. 

Ember POV:

“There it is! The Tomb of the Destroyer.” Starchild says.

“And there’s the witch!” Velma says pointing to the witch as she breaks through the barrier surrounding the volcano tomb.

KISS then takes off after the witch while we wait for them on the ship.

‘This place…. Feels familiar to me…’ I think to myself as I look around.

I then see some weird creepy red bird ladies flying at us.

“Oh crap..” I say out loud.

I run away from the creatures as they come after us.

One grabs me by my arms and flies off.

I growl and pull one of my arms free and my hand glows golden as I punch the creature in the face and it turns to stone and breaks.

The glowing stops and I start to fall when another one grabs me.

“Oh come on!” I yell angrily.

The creature then turns to stone and crumbles.

I feel an arm go around my waist.

I see a red aura and I knew it was Demon before I even look at his face.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he tightens his arm’s grip around my waist, but is still gentle because of my injury.

He flies down and lands on the ground but keeps his grip on me so I keep my arms around his neck since my feet aren’t touching the ground.

‘Gezz, he’s really tall.’ I look and see a giant steaming chicken on the ground.

“What’s with the chicken?” I ask, looking at Scooby and Shaggy.

“Like, we swallowed our fears!” Shaggy says and high-fives Scooby.

“Well done, pathetic scum” Demon says with a smile as he sets me gently on the ground.

“I’ll be back” He says to me then takes off after the other guys.

“So you and Mr. Demon?” Shaggy asks looking at me.

I blush and look at him.

“No we aren’t a thing, Shaggy” I look away from him. “But I do kinda like him….” I mumble.

Shaggy puts an arm around my shoulders and laughs.

“I figured that much! I mean I am your best friend after all!” Shaggy says.

“Yeah, yeah. Shut up and let's go.” I say and run off in the direction Demon went.

I see the volcano erupt.

“They were too late…” I say as I watch the witch fly into the sky as I run.

The rest of the gang run up to KISS.

Starchild holds his arm but other than that he looks alright.

“Nice job stopping the witch” Demon says as he crosses his arms.

“I couldn’t beat her on my own.” Starchild says.

“You know, the Elder said that the only way to stop whatever’s happening here is with teamwork, right?” Velma says.

“Right.” Demon says.

Everyone looks at him in shock except me.

“Really?!” Velma asks.

“Yeah, as much as I hate to admit it, we need to work together.” He says which causes all the band members and me to smile.

“Hey, Starchild said that rock and roll powers everything here.” Fred says.

“And it was music that created the Rock of KISSteria in the first place.” Daphne continues.

“So if we create massive music…” Spaceman starts.

“Our kind of music!” Demon says making the rock and roll sign.

“We’ll overload the Destroyer.” Starchild says, making a fist.

“Yeah, you guys just need to make too much rock and roll.” Shaggy says.

“Too much rock and roll? Ain’t no such thing!” Catman says, shaking his head.

“Look, you’re KISS..” Velma starts.

“If anyone can make too much rock and roll, it’s definitely you guys!” I say making a fist while smiling.

“Then we’ll head back to KISS World and start the concert while you guys distract the Destroyer.” Starchild says.

“How will we do that?” Daphne asks.

“With this.” Starchild says as he pulls out a key and pushes a button.

A smaller craft comes down from the giant guitar ship.

“Wow, neat.” Fred says.

“We call it the KISS craft.” Starchild says as he hands Fred the keys.

“We have a van that we call the Mystery Machine.” Fred says proudly.

“That’s cool, Frank, but we’re running out of time.” Starchild says and starts to fly.

“Hey wait!” Shaggy says and everyone looks at him.
“Ember should go with KISS.” he says.

“What? Why?” I ask.

“You’re injured, Em. It would be safer and better for you to go with them.” Daphne says.

I just pout slightly and sigh.

“Okay…” I grumble. Demon gently wraps his arm around my waist.

“Man I always miss out on the action…” I cross my arms.

Demon chuckles and I glare at him.

“Watch it mister before I go she-demon on you.”

“Okay, okay” He says as he lands on the ship and sets me down.

“But I ain’t afraid you or your she-demon” he says with a cocky smirk before walking to the others.

I blush.

‘God damn it…’ The ship then goes through a portal back to KISS world. 

A/N-(Hey Rockers! Sorry for not posting for awhile! I'm on vacation in Florida and a lot has been happening. That and I'm in so much pain due to the fact I got sunburned practically everywhere.
Curse you Florida sun! *shakes fist at sun*☀️
Anyway..... hope you enjoyed another chapter! See ya soon!)

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