Hyunlix OneShots

By mindlessmeans

706K 15.3K 19.3K

one shots for HyunLix because they deserve more stories here๐Ÿ˜ More

Bad Habits
One Night Stand
First Time
An art gallery could never be as unique as you
Colored Drinks
Your Eyes, They Lie
Your Eyes They Lie pt. 2
Love is...
Make It With You
I'll be there
My Little
til my last breath
Start of something new
Into You
Hey!!! Not an Update
They turned me on, we're next
Halloween pt. 2
Make It Hurt
Not Going Anywhere
Sunshine Felix Vlog
Your Love Got Me Lookin So Crazy Right Now
Sin City
Sunshine Felix Vlog pt. 2
Hi there!!
I'm A Little Monster
I'm A Little Monster pt. 2
I'm A Little Monster pt. 3
3 + 1 + + 1
Hey hey hey hey, There's A Camera
Its You
My Own Demon
My Own Demon pt. 2
Officer! pt. 2
Damn, He's hot.
Until we meet again
Be Mine

Treat You Better

13.9K 367 439
By mindlessmeans

A/n: random thoughts✊ enjoy reading!💕

Hyunjin's POV

"Meet me at 7/11 later, I'm so hungry." Felix said on the phone.

"Why should I meet you there? Where are you, even?" I asked.

"I'm at Changbin's." He answered.

Oh, the boyfriend.

"why don't you eat with him then? Can't he cook or shit?" I asked, Lighting my cigarette.

Jisung looked at me.

"No, he can't so, can we go to the groceries now?" he asked.

"Lixie, 7/11 ain't a grocery." I teased

"Just go there, hwang, or I'll wet your cigarettes, I swear." He threatened.

"Okay okay, I'm on my way" I said.

"dude we're in the middle of a movie?" Jisung said.

"You and Minho hyung can think of this as a.. Date. You heard lixie."  I said and sighed.

"whipped" Minho hyung yelled

I shrugged and closed the door behind me.

I walked in 7/11 and went to get myself a banana milk. Someone reached for the strawberry milk.

"Hyunjin?" The guy said.


"Hey, how are you?" he asked.

"I'm good, you?" I asked back.

"fine, I'm actually here with Soobinnie" He said.

"New guy?" I teased.

"the only guy. Forever. How about you? Fixed it with your bestfriend already?" He nudged my shoulder.

"Shut up Yeon" I laughed.

"Babe, you got the milk?" Soobin asked. "Oh hey dude"

"hey, stay strong guys" I said.

"Shit I forgot the pasta, Ryujin's gonna kick my ass again" Soobin said.

"Date night?" I asked.

"Yeah, double date with RyEji couple" he smiled. "Imma get the pasta first love"

Soobin then kissed Yeonjun's forehead.

"You know you can come with us, with your boyfriend or special someone" Yeonjun suggested.

"I would love to." I said.

"But, he doesn't have a boyfriend nor a special someone yet." Felix said out of nowhere.

"Oh, hey Felix" Yeonjun said.

"Hello, Hyunjin's Ex." he sarcastically said.

"Calm down lix. Lets go to the supermarket to get what we need then I'll cook for you, okay?" I said then pulled him.

I sent an apologetic smile to Yeonjun and he sent one back.

"I don't get why you still talk to him? He's your ex for fuck's sake." He said while I opened the door of the store for him.

"What do you wanna eat?" I asked. While getting the cart.

"Spaghetti Aglio de Olio" He said with puppy eyes.

I deadpanned looked at him

"Seriously?" I said.

"please?" He pouted.


"Okay fine" I rolled my eyes.

He smiled.
I'll do anything for that smile.

"I still have extra virgin olive oil in your apartment. Ooh I also have pepper flakes too. We need dry spag pasta, 6 cloves of garlic, parsley and parmesan. I'll also bake you some crinkles. Lets go" Then he hopped on the way to the respective isles of what we need.

After getting everything, we went to 7/11 again to pick up his car.

"you brought your car? He didn't pick you up?" I asked.

"Oh wow, you walked here without an umbrella again. I'm gonna snitch you to your parents. Jinyoung samcheon is gonna kill you." he said. "Let's get soju first"

"You argued again didn't you?" I asked.

"Thats a story for later. Now I want peach flavored soju" He said.

If felix cries later I'm gonna kill that Changbin.

"Here. Please?" He asked as he gave me the key to his car.

"Get inside now." I said.

"what?" he asked.

"I'm gonna punch the shit out of this asshole" I said as I look at the guy walking to us as he was holding another guy's hands. "Don't look Felix. Get inside the car."

But I was too late. He was already looking at the guy infront of us. I shoved Felix inside the car.

I see red.

I met Changbin halfway and punched him square in the face. The guy with him was startled.

"You shithead" I gave him another punch in his jaw.

Felix was suddenly in front of me and held my wrists.

"Please, please hyunjin stop please" He pleaded. He was crying.

"F-felix" I heard Changbin say.

"shut the fuck up!" I screamed.

"No, please Jin, I got this." He said.

"I saw this guy at the elevator when I went to your apartment. And now I see him with you. I also saw him at the drag race when you told me you don't want me to come. But I still came cuz Hyujin was playing too. I knew my eyes weren't hallucinating and shit when I saw you and him in your car. You w-were so cold changbin. 3 years?. 3 fucking years. How long have you been seeing him?" Felix asked.

"t-two years" Changbin looked down.


I shoved Felix to the side and punched Changbin endless

"Sung- sungie please come here. Hy-hyunjin. Oh my god please jisung. Yes. At 7/11. Okay. Hurry" I heard Felix say.

Changbin was now punching me back. I used all of my strength to punch him  everywhere.

"No one." i punched his stomach. "No one hurts felix like that. You understand?!" i yelled.

Moments after, Minho tried to get me out of Changbin

"Dude! Dude dude. Stop come on let go" Minho said.

"Hwang Hyunjin, Felix is crying let go of Changbin NOW!" Jisung said.

I stopped what I'm doing.

I looked at Felix and quickly got off of Changbin.

"Hyun" He ran to me. "Y-your lips and cheeks are bleeding"

"I'm okay" I said and hugged him. He hugged me back.

"Y-you still need to cook me that dish. And crinckles" he said.

I smiled and kissed his forehead.

At home.

I just finished cooking the dish and we're now preparing to eat.

"Hyun, thank you for doing this for me" He said.

"What'd I do?" I asked.

"For this, doing everything Changbin can't do as a boyfriend" He said.

"I do this because I love you lixie. You kNow that right?" I asked.

"i love you too hyung. Now lets taste what you made" he said.

After eating, we settled in his couch.

He was looking at me.

"Hyunnie" He said.


"Does it hurt?" He asked.

"don't mind me. I'm fine. You?" I asked.

"It hurts. So bad" Tears were now flowing through his eyes.

I reached him and cuddled him to my chest.

"Shh, i'm not gonna say any sugar coated words and shit. But what I'm gonna tell you is that, I'll be with you while you heal. Even after. I'll just be here. I'll do what you want to do. I always tell you I love you, right?" I asked.

"I love you too" He said. "Please wait for me Hyungie"

"I'll wait for you til my last breath  Lix." He nuzzled his nose to my neck. "Now do you want that crinkles?"

"Yes please, I'll help you make them" He said.

"Please ready the things we need. I'll ready the ingredients" I said.

"Yes chef" He giggled.

"There I mixed them. Now do you wanna help me make them round? This size only" I showed him.

"Okay chef!"

"okay now, we need to roll them her--" I didn't finish cuz he put some confectioners sugar on my nose.

"You little--" I threw some at him and then he threw more at me.

"Lee Felix!! Hwang Hyunjin!!" Someone screamed.

Oh shit.

"Dad!" Felix said.

"Hello uncle Yoongi!" I greeted.

"What the hell?" Uncle Jin said.

"Its Saturday, Lix, we always visit you on Saturdays to help you clean your unit and now we see this?" Uncle Jin sermoned.

"Sorry dad/Sorry uncle" we both said.

"Clean up so we can bake crinkles for real." Uncle Yoongi said. "Wait-- why did you cry?"

Ah fuck, here we go again.

"don't you both dare lie to us" Uncle Jin said.

"C-changbin has someone else" Felix said.

"HE WHAT?!" Uncle Jin's voice yelled.

"N-no uhm, its good now." Lix stuttered.

"I'm gonna punch his ass til he needs to go to the hospital" Uncle Jin said.

"No need uncle, I already did" I said.

"Holy shit you really are Jaebom aren't you?" Uncle Yoongi said.

"Got that from dad yes" I answered.

"Hyunjin, lets talk outside" Uncle Jin said.

I looked at felix and gave him a reassuring smile.


"Uncle." I said.

"so it really is your job to look after my felix huh" He smirked.

"I've been on that job ever since I saw him being pushed around on 2nd grade." I smiled.

"You really love him don't you?"

"ever since he shared his lunch box because I saved him on 2nd grade" I sadly smiled.

"I have a feeling that he likes you. Dad instinct you know? He won't stick with you this long if he doesn't feel a thing for you." he said.

"I'm with him until the day he doesn't want me anymore." I said.

"I'll always want you" Felix said behind me.

My eyes widened.

"L-lixie" I stuttered.

"I just told you to wait for me, because I needed to be sure on what I feel." he said. "Why didn't you tell me?

"Because I was scared? But now I'm not. I'm ready to wait for you lix." I Smiled at him.

"I'm ready to heal for you." He said and hugged me.

I hugged him back.

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