Throne of The Black Swan (Min...

By xxlenepnguin

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"You Change me to be Someone I don't recognize" More

Dessert Sand
Slate Gray


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By xxlenepnguin

Third Person's POV

Momo who already get in the class sitting on her table.. she usually look out the windows and ignore everyone around her.. admiring the cloud on the sky.. but not.. thats not happening.. her finger keeps knocking on her table..the tap sounds heard over the room.. she could break the table that time.. while everyone look at her.. and she just stare at the classroom door.. while she knocked on the table faster and faster.. until Mina take a step into the classroom.. she stops.. and her eyes just locked on the girl who walks towards her table..

Mina in the other hand.. know how Momo looks at her annoyed her and make her scared for some reason..Mina take a seat beside Momo again.. while Momo's eyes still on her.. but Mina just try to ignore that..
Until the bell ring.. signaling the class will begin.. Mina take out the book and try to distract her mind with something except the girl beside her who can't stop looking at her..

Momo smirk a light smile to Mina.. and felt how can she have really hot body temperature like the sun.. while the moon is dying sitting beside her..
Thats make Momo put a courage to tall to the girl..
"Hey" Momo let it out and Mina turn to look at her..
"Hey" Mina said as her voice is so soft making Momo hipnotize and got blank.. she just look at Mina while Mina is waiting for what she gonna say after that.. Momo clench her hand being nervous for suddenly..
"Umm.. ehhh... I am Momo" she said as Mina nodded
"I know... and I am Mina" Mina said as again Momo felt how she can't control herself when Mina say something.. her voice make her going crazy..

"So.. you are new one... hmm why you move here?" Momo asked
"My dad placed to work here" Mina answer her but looking at the teacher while Momo can't even turn her head away not looking at Mina..
"I see.. I hope you.. hmm.. enjoy to be here" Momo said as Mina Looks at her and smile..
And at that time.. Momo felt like she can't breath.. because of Mina's smile.. she felt she is dying.. while the other hand.. Jihyo who can read her mind..looking at Momo..

'I know you hear me Jihyo.. but.. thats.. I can't control it.. and you can keep this secret.. you know me well' Momo said that inside her head as she look towards Jihyo.. Jihyo just rolled her eyes and continue to hear the teacher..


The class ended, nothing of the lesson stick to Momo's Mind, cause her mind full of the mysterious girl beside her, its weird for Momo.. its her first time to felt that someone attract her so much, just like her magnet.. she can't stop controlling herself, wanted to know the girl more.. wanted to talk to the girl, wanted to hear her voice and being beside her for every second, but Momo never believe in love things, she still think this is not love.. no matter how hard she endure it, she just can't.

Mina put all her stuff inside her bag, while Momo still staring at her like she can't get enough of her.. Mina felt really annoyed about that stare, but she ignores it.. she just think that Momo is weird.. Mina get up from her seat without even looking at Momo.. even a glinch.. she walk straight to the classroom door.. but In a flash Momo followed her.. and walk beside her..

"So, do you enjoy your first day here?" Momo ask Mina as she keeps walking straight to the school gate..

"so far so good" Mina coldly answer her.. but thats just Making Momo more curious..

"where do you live?" Momo continue to ask Mina

"Near Here" Mina said as Momo keep thinking why Mina never ask her back..

"I see.. hmm.. me too" Momo said as Mina didn't gave any word back to her..

"so.... you take a bus.. back home?" Momo asked again to break the silences

"yeah" Mina said

"Anyway, do you mind if I ask you something?" Momo ask her.

"no, go ahead" Mina answer her

"Are you okay? you are having a fever?" Momo let out that question making Mina stop walking at look at Momo.

"Fever? No I am fine" Mina said as Momo shakes her head

"Your body temperature is not normal , its too hot" Momo said as Mina look at Momo, getting annoyed

"I am fine, I am not having fever" Mina said

"You should check yourself.. seriously" Momo insist as Mina get pissed

"You are such a weirdo, I said I am not having a fever.. and just Mind you own business" Mina said and stromed off walking out the gate and wait for the bus..

Momo just stay still on her spot still watching how the girl walks away from her..
"Thats not a good way to get a girl attention" Tzuyu come and hold Momo's shoulder
"Don't teach me.." Momo said
"You are mad.. after you are messing with her by yourself" Jihyo come to them
"Stop teasing her guys" Sana tag along and run to her girlfriend and hugs her
"Lets go home" Momo said as they go back home..


At the cold night.. Momo can't sleep.. she look out the glass of her window and look at the star above in the dark sky.. but what she saw is Mina.. she capture Mina's smile and coldness.. she keeps smiling like she is crazy.. even she knows that Jihyo will know what she is thinking about..
"You know.. I can't really tell what I see in the future to the people inside that vision" Jihyo came to Momo and stand beside her

"But I think I should say it..I should told you.. cause I see myself too there.. beside Mina and you" Jihyo said as Momo look into the girl who is explaining what is in her future vision..
"I am not sure.. and I don't know what she has that she can be standing with us.. like kinda in a war.. and she just smile cause our enemy is lose.. and who are our enemy.. we don't know.. I can't see it" Jihyo said

Momo hold Jihyo Shoulder and look into her eyes..
"So are you telling me.. Mina is one of us?" Momo asked
"I don't know.. maybe she is.. I can't read her mind.. as you know" Jihyo said
"Then we need to tell our friends about this.."Momo said
"Especially Sana.. she can hide and see what is Mina doing.. everysecond without getting caught" Jihyo said
"And don't forget Tzuyu.. if Mina has something.. that Sana can't face.. we have Tzuyu to protect her" Momo said
"So.. we should held a meeting" Jihyo said

To be continued..

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