What It's Like Being A Sunflo...

By theojames444

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Mila Tate is at her senior year at Spring Hill High. She's bubbly, funny, and loves to take Polaroid's when s... More

What It's Like Being A Sunflower
Chapter 1- Mr Fredrikson> Delinquent
Chapter 2- Spankingly Wakingly Great
Chapter 3- Paper Cranes
Chapter 4- Paint Fight
Chapter 5- Let's Go Leo
Chapter 6- The Name's Bond, James Bond
Chapter 7- I Look Like A Sunflower
Chapter 8- Hey Kidnapper
Chapter 9- My Marriage Was Planned When I Was A Fetus?
Chapter 10- Meeting The Monster Under My Bed
Chapter 11- Virgins Come From Virginia?
Chapter 12- Jar Of Memories
Chapter 13- Troy And Gabriella Have Nothing On Us
Chapter 14- Like A Flea
Chapter 15- Code Red
Chapter 16- That's What She Said
Chapter 17- The Bet
Chapter 18- Take A Polaroid
Chapter 19- Bow Chicka Bow Wow
Chapter 20- Mouth To Mouth
Chapter 21- Ass Like A Cupcake
Chapter 22- Don't Say Sorry
Chapter 23- Sticks and Stones
Chapter 24- You're Hot
Chapter 26- Panties In A Twist
Chapter 27- When Chico Met Chica
Chapter 28- He's Broken
Chapter 29- Help
Chapter 31- Fat Ass In The Way
Chapter 32- AIDS Awareness
Chapter 33- Sorry
Chapter 34- To Seattle
Chapter 35- Umbrella
Chapter 36- Because I'm A Cop
Chapter 37- My Name Is Poptart
Chapter 38- Hey Mom
Chapter 39- Christmas Gift
Chapter 40- Secrets
Chapter 41- Zack & Cody
Chapter 42- Dancing With A Stranger
Chapter 43- Missed You
Chapter 44- Wedding Wrecker
Chapter 45- Smurfs
Chapter 46- Cling Clang Clur
Chapter 47- I'm A Freak
Chapter 48- Amazon Shipping
Chapter 49- Broken Visage
Chapter 50- I'm Officially A Badass
Chapter 51- Indirectly Kissing
Chapter 52- Answers
Chapter 53- Karmas A B*tch
Chapter 54- In Reality Goldilocks Would Have Died
Chapter 55- Ninja Turtles
Chapter 56- Back To You
Chapter 57- Row Your Boats
Chapter 58- Blood Sucker
Chapter 59- Boys Will Be Boys
Chapter 60- Emery Arden Lewis
Chapter 61- Santa On Steroids
Chapter 62- Mine
Chapter 63- His Weirdo
Chapter 64- My Family Is Immature
Chapter 65- How To Come Up With The Biggest Shit Ever
Chapter 66- Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 67- Cranes In A Bundle
Chapter 68- Danny Uncanny
Chapter 69- Happier
Chapter 70- Big Dick Action
Chapter 71-V Card
Chapter 72- Handcuffed
Chapter 73- Too Much To Accept
Chapter 74- Dinosaur Shorts
Chapter 75- Fireflies
Chapter 76- Move Like Jackie Chan
Chapter 77- To The Future
Chapter 78- Hickeyitis
Chapter 79- Hope

Chapter 25- Lucky Slippers

53 9 4
By theojames444

Chapter 25- Lucky Slippers

"Roses are red, Violets are blue there's only one girl who I am falling for, and that is you," Elliot said to Vivian with adoration. She leaned in to peck him on his lips, bringing a smile to her face.

They had been at it for the past fifteen minutes of lunch. I guess Vivian took my advice and asked him out. She wouldn't stop screaming on call with me last night. I was very happy for them believe me I was, but if I had to watch them eat each other's face off, then I think I'd prefer it before they even dated.

"How about this one." Andre butted in, grabbing their attention. "Roses are red violets are blue THAT'S WHY THEY'RE CALLED VIOLETS YOU FUCKING FOOL!" Andre yelled, grabbing everyone's attention in the cafeteria.

I massaged his shoulders to calm him down. "It's okay Andre, calm down."

He started to fake cry into my shoulder, wailing. "No it's not, these people have been thinking it's blue all this time." I hushed him while the rest stared at us.

"Give the boy some privacy." I snapped at them.

"Drama king and drama queen of the group," Adrian muttered.

Andre pulled away to glance at me. "I mean we would make a good couple." He joked while giving me a high five.

Yeah that would most definitely never happen.

"So I was thinking sleep over at my house?" I asked randomly.

I had been dreading for a sleep over. Staying home all alone after school was pure boring. I had Reese and we'd have fun, he was my best friend. But I needed a human company, and I didn't have dad because of work. Vivian and I have had sleepovers multiple of times, enjoying ourselves and giggling to silly things. But I had met the boys now, and I've grown close to them to the point I classified them as my best friends. And we needed to do something other than sit together at lunch.

"A sleepover?" Elliot asked. "That's kinda random and out of the blue."

"I guess it is, but it will be fun. My dads not home so we have the entire house to ourselves."

Andre grinned, arching his brow seductively. "I'm calling dibs on a six some."

Vivian slapped him on the back of the head, doing all of us a favour. "Get your dirty mind out of the gutter. The only sleepover you've had is probably a one night stand."

Andre gasped. "How did you know?"

I rolled my eyes at their behaviour and exhaled loudly. "So is everyone free or what?"

I glanced at all of them and saw the smiles appearing on the faces, informing me that they were allowed. But when I looked over at Adrian he had an unsure face. Oh that's just craptastic.

"No," Adrian stated firmly.

I looked at him confused. "Why not? It'll be fun."

"We're basically eighteen and you guys want to do sleepovers?"

"You're such a party pooper," Elliot called out.

"Yeah so what, we're still young," Vivian tried to explain.

"And I've never-" Andre coughed. "- gone to an actual sleepover before," he said embarrassingly.

"Erm yeah you have," Adrian stated. "We had one when we were like twelve."

"That doesn't classify as a sleepover. It was more like babysitting Logan and Callie because they were babies. You put me off from wanting to have kids after that day." Elliot leaned back in his seat.

Adrian rolled his eyes. "You guys still stayed the night."

"Because we were forced to," Andre said sternly. "You said you were going to cut our balls off if we didn't help you to change their diapers."

Vivian and I shared a look since we were caught up in the middle of this. These dudes were twelve and already they were acting like silly dads.

I turned towards Adrian who grunted. "Please come," I pleaded. "It'll be fun, just see how it goes."

He sighed when he glanced at me. "Fine." We all started grinning widely with Elliot cheering. "But just this once."

"Perfect," Vivian gleamed.

I took a seat besides Vivian in Art class before Elliot arrived. "So how'd you ask him out?" I decided to ask.

Last night she rang me, but didn't give me any details of what happened. I had to listen to her scream, "OH MY GOD! HE'S MY BOYFRIEND. I'M HIS GIRLFRIEND! WE ARE ACTUALLY DATING! I'M GOING TO MARRY THIS DUDE! WE'RE GOING TO HAVE CHILDREN! EW, THAT MEANS HE HAS TO SEE MY COUCHIE AND I HAVE TO SEE HIS HOO HA! WHO CARES! OMG THIS IS A DREAM, PLEASE DON'T WAKE ME UP!" for thirty minutes straight with me eating popcorn, used to this kind of behaviour until I declined the call.

She glanced at her canvas filled with random Sunflowers in different shapes and sizes. "I just asked him out on Videochat." She shrugged.

Stupid bitch say what?!

"Hold the ketchup." I held a finger up for her to pause. "You're telling me, you Vivian Miller ... asked Elliot Gilbert out ... over Videochat?"

"Yeah that is pretty much what I said. I'm glad that you're not deaf."

I jumped up out of my seat as I started to fly my hands around. "That is not how I raised you!" I exclaimed. "Did you not take any sort of notes from all the Kdramas we watched? All those romance movies we've watched? Who the hell does it over Videochat, that's some kindergarten crap! It would've been better in real life. You know, face to face." I pointed out.

She rolled her eyes at me being dramatic. "Oh please, reality is no where close to the movies. I mean in movies for the first date they take you out to a fancy restaurant, or I don't know, show up at your doorstep with a boom box. And in reality all you get is a first date at Wendy's."

I contemplated, I mean she did have a fair point. Although I wouldn't complain over a date at Wendy's. I'd be surrounded by food.

"Then why did you force me to watch all those movies with you?" I folded my arms over my chest.

She let out an audible sigh. "That's because I like to fantasise over the Hollywood world, where everything is perfect and filled with romance. Whilst watching it I was aware that it would never happen in real life."

I sat back down, paying full attention to her. "I kind of thought, you know just fuck it. It didn't have to be romantic as hell. Plus I didn't know if he'd agree to dating or reject me. So I just called him and asked him out. We both freaked out when we admitted our feelings for each other and agreed to date. We're together at the end of the day, and that's what matters."

I placed a hand on her shoulder. "Vee," I said and she smiled at me thinking I was going to agree. "You still messed up with the idea of video chatting," I teased as she swatted my arm. "I'm kidding." I laughed. "But I guess you're right, I'm proud of you. But next time try something a little more romantic. Which means please do not propose over videochat."

"Oh please, you haven't even admitted the fact you like Adrian yet." She glanced over at him, watching as he chuckled with Andre.

I still couldn't believe I liked this dude.

But I'd never be able to admit it, because in reality I was forced to be with someone else who would never let me go. Adrian and I were in the friend zone now.

The thing I couldn't stop thinking about was, what if I don't ever admit my feelings to him and I'd regret it? Instead he'd end up with someone else while I watched in the corner. He would be at least happy with the person he liked, right? That was all I wanted for him. After watching him grow as a person and coming out of his shell over the past three months, made me realise how he cared for people. There would be one hell of a lucky girl that would end up with him. And unfortunately it would never be me.

"I don't like Adrian," I said more to myself. "Besides, I've been with Nolan for two years, I'm not going to ruin that."

I didn't care about the two years. It was more of two years of wasting my life on a stranger. If I could've broken up with him right now I would've. But the prick wouldn't let me go. I was a prisoner inside his cell and he was slowly torturing me to the point I was sent to death penalty.

"I don't care if you're with that douche. At least admit the fact you have feeling for that boy over there." She pushed while we both stared at Adrian. "C'mon Mila, I can tell by the look on your face you've lost feelings for Nolan. He's a shit boyfriend from what I can make out."

Oh believe me, he's more than shit.

"And from the way you smile and act around Adrian. Or the way he's more happier around you just shows that he might actually like you back."

No way in hell did he like me back.

"So tell me you're not falling for him." She tried to persuade me.

I shook my head not wanting to admit my feelings to anyone right now, not even to my best friend. "I'm not falling for him."

"I doubt that and you keep trying to convince yourself with that. You two always seemed to have clicked. Even when he was moody you two always clicked. And I'll bet you guys would have some beautiful babies." She chuckled.

I swatted her on the arm with my eyes bulging out of their sockets. "Too far."

"How's Jack and this new 'waitress?' I decided to change the subject, wanting to forget about my feelings for a moment.

"Thank god you mentioned that." She groaned. "He won't stop speaking about her. Everlyn said this Everlyn said that, like shut the fuck up. Do you see the bags under my eyes? She pointed to her under eyes, but all I saw was perfection and freckles. I shook my head at her, causing her to moan. "Well I can, and I'm starting to go crazy. He's constantly on his phone texting her or even on call with her. I can hear him from my room making his cheesy jokes." She cleared her throat, impersonating him with a deep voice. "I know why you work as a waitress. It's because you want to make money. It all makes 'cents.' I had to practically shove my head into my pillow!" She exclaimed.

Looked like the two exchanged numbers. Gosh, what was Jack getting himself into? I need to meet this girl. If she's another Nancy then she'll be expecting a fist up her butthole.

"That bad, huh?"

"Just wait until you see it for yourself," she warned.

"I'm looking forward to it," I said sarcastically.

"Mila, you're are in my seat." I heard Elliot complain behind me.

"No Idiot, if it weren't for me you wouldn't be sitting here or dating my best friend right now." I looked up at his tall figure.

He scratched the back of his head. "I think Cupid put us together rather than you."

This boy is unbelievable.

I scoffed at him. "I'm basically am Cupid!"

He stared at me whether he was trying figure it out, but then chuckled. "Nice try." He nodded pushing me out of my seat to take a seat besides Vivian. Asshole!

"Hey babe." He planted a kiss on her cheek, making her blush.

"You two might aswell get married tomorrow." I rolled my eyes.

"I wouldn't mind." He shrugged, causing me to gag. "Nice moustache." He pointed to my upper lip, giggling.

My hands landed onto my Cupid's bow. I hadn't had time to wax it lately. It's just been growing like a hairy caterpillar. "Just because you can't grow one," I deadpanned.

"Heyyy I actually do," he whined. "'My hair is blonde, it's harder for me," he stated. "And why are you pmsing?"

As much as I'd liked to had disagreed with him, my due date for my period would arrive any day.

"It's okay, I'll just sing you a song to make you feel better." He grinned mischievously. Vivian and I looked at eachother as we prepared ourselves for the tantrum.


"MY NECK MY BACK MASSAGE OUT MY CRAMPS! MY NECK MY BACK MASSAGE OUT MY CRAMPS!" He began to sing loudly grabbing the all the classmates attention.

"Mr Gilbert, what are you playing at? I don't want to hear such things like that or else you will be heading towards the principals office." Mrs Meyer threatened.

"Sorry Mrs Meyer." He winked at her. Charming.

I groaned leaving the two at their little fairy tale world, and walked towards my seat. When I saw Trisha with her fake ass right besides Adrian, I halted to a stop. Andre found it amusing from the way he recording Adrian get harassed by a tampon on his iPhone. I was going to walk up to her and kick her out of my seat but changed my decision when Mrs Meyer called out for me.

"Mila, is it okay if I speak to you for a second?" She asked.

I nodded at her and strode towards her desk. "Sure." I formed a small smile.

"I was wondering if I could display your artwork for the school art gallery that'll be taking place on Friday after school. Lots of young artists are coming over to check out the students work, and I thought it'd be nice to use yours since there's soo much inspiration in it," she said, holding up the canvas of the Polaroid I painted.

"There is?"

She nodded at me enthusiastically. "Yeah there really is. After all you came up with the whole idea of using a sunflower for an inspiration. And I love the painting you created it's unique. It's as if you captured a moment of a person having the slightest hope in their eyes. I love the whole meaning behind it."

Back then I didn't realise what I was painting but then it struck me. All this time I had been painting Adrian.

I've taken Polaroid's of him whenever he had been in a good mood just to remind myself he was still in there. But now I came to the conclusion that my whole painting was about him, and I didn't even realise it.

"Thanks Mrs Meyer." I sent her a toothy grin. "Feel free to use it as much as you'd like."

"No thank you dear, for bringing that boy back to life."

I was startled when I saw the slightest gleam in her eyes. How did she ... why did everybody assume this? She didn't say anything further as she carried on walking around the classroom to inspect everyone's masterpiece. She lectured Andre for trying to paint McDonald's with sunflowers surrounding it, because of his love for food.

But all I could think about was I really that obvious in terms of liking Adrian?

I skipped excitedly towards my locker already urging to find another crane. And to my satisfaction another crane fell out, this time it was covered in black and white stripes.

I prepared myself to recieve it but it was snatched by different pair of hands. When I looked at the culprit I saw the devil who loved haunting me.

My pulse quickened at the sight of him. I hated that we went to the same school, and I was forced to see him five time's a week. Which meant five beatings a week. I only had two days to recover.

"Give it back." He could abuse me all her wanted but he couldn't take my paper cranes away.

I tried snatching it away from him but he held it up even higher. "I'm your boyfriend remember? And you shouldn't be hiding anything from me," he warned.

I wasn't hiding anything from him. I just felt like there was no need to tell him these things.

"What the hell is this stupid thing." He held the crane up to his eyes, inspecting it. "Someone puts these in you locker." He chuckled. "They're stupid."

"They're not stupid." I snapped at him.

Shit! Keep your mouth shut Mila!

He glared at me, making me turn mute again. "They're stupid," he repeated through gritted teeth. His eyes caught onto the quote on the wing, and I didn't even have the chance to read it. "Everything we do is either an act of love, or a cry for help." He laughed again. "That's the dumbest quote I've read in my life."

Maybe it's because you haven't read any other quotes you dibshit.

"Please, just give it back." I pleaded.

He sighed and extended his hand out for me to recieve it. "Here." He snarled. "Take it."

I went ahead and tried to recieve it, but before my fingers could even skim the crane, he shredded it up into tiny pieces before piling it up into my hand like sand.

He walked closer to my ear and whispered,
"You really think I'll allow you to keep these secretive bulshit away from me?" I stood there staring into my palms. "You got that?"

I didn't speak.

All I did was zone out. He had taken away all my happiness. Now, he'd taken the drug that kept me on my feet helping me recover. If he took all these cranes away I'd shatter like the thin papers in my palms.

A burning sting escalated through my skin, realisation hit me that he had slapped me. I didn't have time to recover caught when he gripped me by my hair. "I said you got that?" he urged.

"Ye...yeah." I winced.

If he held my hair any tighter I was sure that he'd rip it right off.

"I don't want you to keep any of those bullshit you get in your locker anymore. If I find out you've even kept one, I will kill you." He aggressively let go of my hair and stormed down the isolated halls.

I sighed in relief when he was gone and stared back at my palm filled with a million tiny pieces of paper.

I was scared of him. That was what surprised me the most. After mom died, I wasn't scared of anything. I wasn't even scared of death. But t everyone had to at least fear one thing, that was what made us all humans at the end of the day. And my fear just so happened to be him.

He had ruined everything for me.

Let's just say Vivians idea of Pajamas was a red carpet look for me. I allowed her to change in the bathroom and set up her toothbrush. She walked in with a Pajama set that was overly maroon made out of the finest satin material with some fine floral patterns scattered everywhere. The matching shorts casted how golden and smooth her legs were. I gawked at how Elliot was indeed one lucky man. She left her hair up into an messy updo making it look sexy on her.

However I sat on my bed with my usual satin blue pajamas that revealed no legs. I also decided to leave my hair up into an updo but mine was little more messier, since my hair was a lot more shorter than hers.

I saw her expression go wild when she fixed her eyes on the cranes hung up around my room. Her mouth stayed in a shape of an 'O'as she softly brushed her fingers against the flying birds that were dangling off of the ceiling.

"Wow, you hung them up?" She looked around in complete awe. "I feel like I'm in a museum."

I chuckled at her. "Well, I have to thank for whoever keeps putting them inside my locker."

It broke my heart that I couldn't hang the one I got today just because some psycho ripped it up.

Vivian continued to stare at the ceiling in fascination. "Impressive," she commented.

"Yeah. I didn't know where to put all of them so I just decorate my room." I informed her. "It was about time. My room was plain boring before."

We both looked at each other when we heard engines turn off and car doors slamming.

"They're here." She jumped up happily.

"Right I forgot I invited them." I groaned.

The door bell rang and we both scurried down the stairs. I ran out of breathe when I reached the door. I opened it and saw the three idiots standing on my door step.

Elliot was dressed in a ... was that ... a ninja turtle outfit? I had to stifle back a laugh when I took a look at how he still acted like a five year old.

Andre however wore something that I'd call pajamas. He looked like a cute young grandpa in his blue and white checkered set.

And then I looked to Adrian. All I could say was, boy did he look like like a midnight snack. His hair flopped a little to the side just how I liked it. And his black plain top clung onto each muscle on his body. His loose grey sweatpants created his booty to look soo adorably cute. I couldn't help myself but to think how it would be nice to spread Nutella on those abs.

They all walked in without me even inviting them, carrying their bags filled with clothes over their broad shoulders.

"Nice place," Andre commented while they looked around.


"Man am I hungry." Elliot grumbled while rubbing his stomach. His eyes widened when he took notice on how sexy Vivian looked. "I am really hungry in fact," he repeated, walking towards her.

She laughed at him and slapped his chest softly as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Yeah and I'm not, after just seeing that," Andre added sarcastically.

I grimaced watching my best friend and this douche each other's face off again, burning our eyes. Alright Mila, it's time to dive in.

I separated the two by squeezing my arms between the chest and pushing them back. "Alright suction cups, give it a rest. No sex is allowed in my house, that's a major rule and I expect both of you to follow it," I warned. "And as happy as I am for the two of you, I can't be tortured another minute by you guys locking lips. Give us all a break!"

"Sorry." Vivian chuckled before combing a hand through Elliots hair. "We kinda got carried away."

"Well just try and control your hormones, please," I whined.

"Yes ma'am." Elliot winked at me.

We walked into the kitchen as Elliot wouldn't stop whining about wanting real food with Andre joining in with him.

All of a sudden something caught onto my eyes as I turned my head. I looked down at Adrians feet and discovered he was wearing Joker slippers. I let out a loud snort before clasping a hand over my mouth, feeling tears stream down my face.

Mr grumpy over here, just so happened to be wearing a pair of Joker slippers. Tell me things get better!

He arched a brow in amusement. "And what's soo funny?"

I clutched onto my stomach, hiccuping. I pointed in the direction of his feet. "Where ... the hell ... did ... you ... get ... those ... from?"

"Ah, those are his most famous lucky slippers," Andre said while grabbing popcorn out of the cupboards, helping himself.

How the hell did he know his way around in my kitchen? Was it some food addiction magic?

"Yeah, his nana bought them for him." Elliot tried to steal popcorn off of Andre but failed.

"No, she didn't," Adrian defended quickly looking guilty. "Okay fine she did." He sighed. "But hey they're comfy and look nice on my feet." He shuffled around making me laugh even more.

"Plus you look cute in your PJs." He flicked my nose causing me to blush extremely.

I looked cute? Of course I looked cute, I'm always looking cute.

Andre wolf whistled from the corner causing me to turn red as everyone watched in entertainment. Vivian sent me a smug smile, thinking it was more than what he had meant.

"Mila, are you sure your dad doesn't mind us staying here?" Vivian asked.

I leaned against the sink, reaching out and grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bowl Andre was holding, and plopping it in my mouth. "Yeah, he's doing a night shift today, so we have the house to ourselves."

"However." I caught their attentions again. "Sorry boys, but I'll have to hide you somewhere if he comes home early. After all, he is a cop." I pretended to admire my nails, watching their faces go into shock.

"That's erm- that's cool." Elliot gulped.

"Yeah, we're your friends and would never hurt you," Andre emphasised.

Andrian seemed fine since he had met dad already. "I'll be fine." He shrugged.

Vivian and I shared a look at, bursting out laughing yet again. They're expression turned annoyed.

"Guys she's only kidding." She swatted the air. "He's a friendly cop. He'd love you guys."

"Really?" I asked her. "Don't you remember that time when I dated that one guy and brought him over and my dad decided to taser him?"

I was teasing them. Dad would never taser someone, unless it was necessary. But the reaction I received from the boys had me going wild. They all looked speechless, not knowing whether to stay and risk their life, or leave and save themselves.

Andre got up. "Okay that's it." He placed the bowl of popcorn on the counter and chased after me.

I ran away and tried hiding behind Elliot but he was too interested in finding the more sugared coated popcorn.

I grabbed Adrian but he pulled away. "You're on your own Weirdo." I squinted eyes at him in disbelief.

Before I know it Andre lifted me up in the air with me giggling at how far I was off the ground. Adrian did the same with Vivian as she seemed to find this all amusing catching her off guard.

"Ah man." Elliot whined. "Can we rest? I'm tired after all of that."

"Erm babe, you didn't even run," Vivian informed him.

He turned around and looked at her in disbelief. "So you're going to take their side. You want to break up? Oh my God you want to break up!"

Vivian laughed walking over to him to plant a peck on his lips. "Yeah, you wouldn't have the balls to break up with me."

"I know." He chuckled rubbing their noses together.

I rolled my eyes at the two. This was their first stage of dating so they would obviously be all over each other. Give it three months and they'll be clawing their claws.

"Right, so I'm going to go watch Friends, feel free to join. But I'm not bothered if you want to stay and put up with that." I said to Andre and Adrian.

They both didn't take time to think as they ran into the living room before me. That's what I thought.

We all squeezed onto the couch with as much snacks as possible. I sat in between Vivian and Adrian, with Andre and Elliot at each end of the couch.

I was soo engaged with the TV to the point I almost screamed when Adrian whispered in my ear, "You okay?" I felt his soft breath send goosebumps around my neck.

Why was he asking if I was okay? Of course I was okay. Did he catch onto anything? Was he suspicious about something?

"Cou-could be better," I stammered. Smooth like butter you douche.

I felt a pinch on my leg and yelped when I saw Vivian pretending like she didn't do anything. But that grin told me otherwise. Oh that evil wrench. Yikes she didn't want to know what happened in his car last night, she would lose her mind.

Throughout the show Elliot wouldn't stop cackling at the sarcastic humour rather than laughing at the real jokes. Andre wished their was more of a variety of races in the show. Vivian, well she wouldn't stop sending me and Adrian glances every few seconds. And Adrians arm just so happened to be resting around my shoulder with me stiffening, not wanting to move.

We all agreed that Andre was similar to Joey because of his love for food, and being the ladies man. Elliot was Chandler because of his humour, but he had some of Joeys cluelessness. Adrian was given Rachel. Yeah he didn't really match with Ross, so he was forced to have Rachel because it was safe to say he was obviously the hottest here, and his daddy was apparently rich too. He wasn't too happy with the idea. Vivian was Monica because of her sassiness and her being competitive, wanting to fight anyone who got the wrong side of her. And I was left with Pheobe, because of my funky clothes and because I'm a 'Weirdo' like Adrian said. Oh, and because I thought I was good at singing but I really wasn't.

Later, we all headed upstairs, wanting to do something else than watch TV. When we walked into my room, the boys looked more shocked than Vivian did when they saw the amount of cranes distributed around my room.

Adrian scratched the back of his head, looking suspicious. What's up with him? I watched Andre and Elliot share a look.

"Nice room." Andre grinned at me cheekily.

"Yeah, I wonder who gave you all this." Elliot looked around, biting his lip.


We all sat on my king size bed with our legs crossed in a circle, and Reese running around my room, playing with his chew toy.

"Ouch! Did you just put hands on me?" Elliot randomly yelped, glaring at Adrian

"I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't touch you," Adrian defended.

"Oh yeah, because Mr Perfect over here never does anything wrong," Andre mumbled under his breath, but Adrian caught onto.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Mr Sperm Donner," Adrian deadpanned causing Andre to narrow his eyes at him while Elliot laughed in the background.

"Sperm donner." Elliot wheezed. "Good one."

"Don't know why you're laughing?" Andre flipped to him. "You'll later find out that me and your mom are expecting a child, and I'll be your new daddy."

Oh crap. Wrong move.

"Oh so you want to play like that?" Elliot threatend. "Okay, okay I'm beating both of you bitches."

With that said Elliot tackled them both on the floor, following with a loud thud. I scooped Reese off the ground so he didn't get caught up in this girls match they were having, placing him on my lap. Vivian and I blinked at the chaos, not knowing how to react.

"Remind me to never suggest a sleepover with these boys ever again," I said.

"Noted." She nodded.

"Her phone started to buzz and I watched Vivian shift around pulling her iPhone out. "Jacks calling me." She sighed, swiping her finger against the screen to answer.

"What do you want cow?" She answered, putting him on speaker for the both of us to listen.

"That is no way to speak to your older brother young lady, I demand for some respect. And why is that I'm not invited to this sleepover?" I could sense that he was pouting on the other side.

"That's because you're like twenty three," I explained to him.

"And?" He whined. "I'm still young in the inside. And Mila you're supposed to back me up."

"Not today." I laughed.

"As I am the older brother, and I'm forced to have the duty of 'protecting you.' Is there any boys there?" He asked cautiously.

"Erm ..." Vivian trailed off, squinting her eyes at them fighting. "Girls, but they just so happen to have tiny dicks. So I guess that counts for something."

I watched bordley as the three boys fought with each other like little girls. Andre tugging on Elliots hair while Adrian sat on top of him, squeezing him to death.

"Nice," Jack said amused. "I want to speak to Elliot."

Elliot eyes snapped towards us as he tried to push both Adrian and Andre off of him, stumbling. He made his way towards us with a grin on his face, taking the phone out of Vivians grasp.

"Hello, this is Elliot Gilbert speaking," he said with a slanted grin. "At your service."

"Are you going to fuck my sister or what?" Jack blurted out.

This dirty scumbag.

"JACK!" Vivian and I exclaimed in unison.

"What? I'm just asking a simple question. I know you two are dating. Next thing you know you'll be moving onto the next step called fuckety fuckety."

Again pure disgusting! But how the hell did he find out?

"How'd you find out?" Elliot asked.

"I read her diary again," Jack said casually. Did this boy not learn from what happened last time? And Vivian needed to hide her diary somewhere else because she sure weren't doing a good job from keeping it a secret.

"YOU READ MY DIARY! AGAIN?!" Vivian screamed through the phone.

"I want to read it." Elliot cried but shut up when Vivian sent him a deathly glare.

"Don't worry, turn to page seventy two, it's soo interesting. I had no idea women have different sized breasts. One breast is bigger than the other," he informed us. Neither did I Jack, neither did I.

"JACK SHE'S YOUR SISTER!" I ejaculated.

"I'm not just talking about her, I'm talking about women in general."

Yeah because that makes it better.

"That's kinda hot,"Elliot admitted, trailing his eyes up to her breast, allowing it to linger there.

She slapped him on the back of his head. "STOP STARING AT MY BREASTS!"

"It's getting a bit too steamy, I should probably go. Evelyn is trying to call," Jack announced.

"You're dead when I come home," Vivian threatened.

Before Jack could reply, she declined the call and flopped back onto my mastress, groaning at the cielling. I ruffled Reeses fur understanding her pain.

"Who was that?" Adrian walked over finally stopping Andre from pulling his hair.

"Jack," I said bluntly.

"What did he say?" Andre asked.

"Nothing spec-"

"Did you know women's breasts are not equal. Ones bigger than the other." Elliot cut me off and informed them with this useless piece of information.

They both seemed fascinated by the information. Oh for the love of God.


"That's hot."

Both their heads turned to look at Vivian and I who were wearing scowls. And as if they weren't reading the warning signals in our heads, their eyes trailed down to our breasts while tilting their heads.

"PERVERTS!" I yelled.

"JERKS!" Vivian clutched onto a pillow and started chasing Adrian while I chased Andre around the house.

Reese started to barked, watching us run around the whole house, jumping to his feet.

"Hey kitty kitty." I heard Elliot try to call out for Reese.

I stopped chasing Andre when I was confused on why he was calling my dog a cat. I watched Elliot pat Reese on the head as he lifted him up off the floor.

"He's not a cat," I defended. I wasn't the biggest fan of cats, they were just soo boring.

"Eh yeah he is," he clarified. "He looks just like mine, but he's just nicer and less abusive." He scratched the back of Reeses ear.

"Idiot, he's a freaking dog!"

"Nice try Mila. I know I'm not the smartest person in the world, but I definitely know a cat when I see one. And why does he bark?" He asked as Reese started to bark. Elliot lifted him up to his eyes shaking him like a toy. "Mila, I think your dog is broken."

"Say meow." He tried teaching him, causing Reese to bark even more.

"VEE GET OFF OF ME!" I heard Adrian grunt.

"Not before you both stop being perverts!" She exclaimed by locking each of their heads into a headlock in each arm.

"If it makes you feel better I think one of my balls is bigger than the other." Andre tried to reason and I grimaced at the thought.

"Dude! Why would you just expose yourself like that?" Adrian asked, out of breath.

I strolled closer towards them, biting back a laugh, making all their eyes shoot up to me.

"Oh my God help us!" Andre cried.

"Yeah please help!" Adrian pleaded, getting squished by Vivians butt.

I looked at Vivian. She shook her head at me to not help them. I grin formed on my lips as I carried on walking up to them. "Don't worry guys, I'll help," I said and Vivians face dropped.

"Thank ... God." Andre gasped out.

I shocked them by joining onto the pile and squishing them even more. They all yelled, slamming their fists against the floor in pain. "I'll help by squeezing you with my butt and flushing those dirty thoughts away."

"In an ideal world, anyone would enjoy getting squished by butts. But not this time around," Andre wailed.

"These bitches." Adrian grunted.

"What was that Adrian?" Vivian leaned in, knuckling his head and and messing his hair up.

We both carried on chuckling as they suffocated. Who'd think murdering someone would be fun?

Elliot popped his head out of my room, dropping Reese onto the floor. Reese scurried towards us, licking Adrians and Andres face.

"Ah man. The freaking dog is covering me in saliva." Andre grimaced as he was coated in a thin layer of saliva.

"Elliot please help us," Adrian begged.

I watched Elliot cat walk towards us with mischievous grin on his face. That was until he started jogging towards us.

"No, no, no Idiot don't you da-"

"CANNONBALL!" He sprinted, landing onto our back. I'm pretty sure mine snapped.

"What do you eat?" I exclaimed.

"Jeez Mila I thought you'd be clever, have you never heard of food?" He said obviously. I've never heard of the foods that you'd be consuming.

"Erm ... guys what's that smell?" Vivian pointed out as we all grimaced at the off putting smell that was diffusing around us.

"I think just Reese farted." Adrian commented turning his voice robotic as he pinched his nose. I glanced at Reese who looked innocent as he stuck his tongue out.

"Nope it was me," Elliot confirmed proudly.

"Dude!" We all shrieked in synch.

"Babe, how many times do I have to tell you to use the bathroom." Vivian reminded him.

"Sorry Veenilla, but you guys needed to smell Eau De Toilette." He mastered a french accent. "It's a best seller, and you guys got a free sample, so be a little appreciative."

"Someone please get off of us ... we can't breath." Andre groaned.

This was one hell of a sleepover I wouldn't forget.

H̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶e̶x̶t̶r̶e̶m̶e̶ ̶s̶l̶e̶e̶p̶o̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶

Please don't ask how I came up with the term 'fuckety fuckety'

... okay fine! Idk I just looked at the word fuck and thought it needed some spice. And also when I'm at home I do it a lot with every word that comes out of my mouth. Like there was a time where me and my sister started speaking 'what the heckish,' adding 'ish' at the end of every word. I still do it ;)

I like to glitch sometimes when I'm on 1%

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter and found it funny.

Thank you fo reading and I know it was long so it means a lot x. Please vote to make me smile and do comment, I love reading the comments ⭐️

-Theo James Hoe

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