Is it right to love someone w...

By Death_Bat

6.7K 187 36

Autumn Silence, is a pretty fragile quiet girl, she's only 13 years old, and has 5 best friends, and is prett... More

Getting to know Autumn.
First day of school. Chapter 1.
What are you? Chapter 2.
Catch me if you can. Chapter 3.
Meeting Autumn's friends. Chapter 4.
But I'm tired.. Chapter 5
New love? Chapter 6
Training day. Chapter 7.
Why?! Chapter 8.
Splitting up. Chapter 9
Escaping. Chapter 10.
Your dead! Chapter 12.
Positive? Or no?! Chapter 13.
Make sure she's not dead. Chapter 14.
She lied? Chapter 15.
What do you mean they probably won't make it?! Chapter 16.
He's my dad? Chapter 17.
4 months and girl names. Chapter 18.
Already?! Chapter 19.
Liar and a cheater. Chapter 20.
You can stay here. Chapter 21.
Going back to school. Chapter 22.
Final Chapter. Chapter 23.

Autumn and Jack's date. Chapter 11.

266 6 0
By Death_Bat

AN: I'm sorry! But, I didn't wanna write this, and I know perverts want these kinda stuff, but there's a sex scene, and I'm totally gonna puke while I'm writing it! So the people that are reading this chapter, and won't like it, I prefer you wait for the next chapter, and the perverts... I don't know what you wanna do.. But here's a chapter. >.<

-Autumn's POV.

I woke up seeing Jack next to me, I smiled and kissed his head, he opened his eyes, he smiled and kissed me on the nose, I smiled. "Good morning my love." Jack said, I smiled, we both got out of bed, I grabbed a big baggy sweater and some short shorts, I walked to the bathroom and changed,

I walked out, the big baggy sweater was up to my bottom knee cap. "Damn, look at that sexy thing." Jack said checking me out, I looked down and blushed. "Hey Autumn, wanna play?" Sally asked, I smiled and nodded, we got outside and started playing dolls,

While we were in the middle of playing dolls I decided to ask her. "Hey Sally, when do you think I can change into my human form again?" "You just gotta think about you being a human, and then you'll look like your old self." Sally said, I thought about me being my old human self, I felt some sorta tingly thing, then I felt my hair go a bit shorter, and my skin going a bit darker,

I was now my old self, I smiled. "Thanks Sally." I said, she smiled and nodded, we continued to play dolls, then she got up, and walked further into the woods, I got up, and realized I was bare footed, but I didn't care, I ran towards where Sally was going,

Then we spotted a little lake, she slipped off her dress, I covered my eyes right away so I don't look at her little nude body, she got in the lake, I just looked at the water. "Autumn, why don't you just come in?" Sally asked. "I don't want too, because I don't have a towel." I said, she just nodded and started swimming around,

I decided to dip my feet in the water, and went a bit further in, I just took off my big baggy sweater, Sally covered her eyes, just in case if I had no tank top or bra under. "Sally, I got a tank top on." I said, she moved her hands from her eyes, and started playing around somemore,

I got in further, it was around my mid thigh, I decided to go swimming for a bit, I got out and took off my short shorts and tank top, and, just then, Eyeless Jack, Jacelyn, and Laughing Jack came to the lake, I grabbed the baggy sweater and slipped it on right away. "What the hell you trying to do Autumn?! Trying to show Sally it's okay to be nude?!" Jacelyn said in a joking tone, we all started laughing, Jack's face went 50 shades of red,

"Just joking Autumn, I got a bikini anyways." Jacelyn said, I looked at her all shocked. "BUT! Don't worry! Don't feel embarrassed, I just wanna go swimming so bad! Okay?! And Eyeless, if I catch you looking at my ass, you'll sleep with Masky tonight." Jacelyn said. "And Jack, if I catch you looking at my boobs, I'm taking your candy away." I said, trying not to laugh, he laughed, and nodded,

I took off my big sweater, and I was just in my black and white bra, and my black and white underwear, I blushed 50 shades of red, Jack was really staring at me, I slowly made my way to the water, and decided to play with Sally, Jacelyn jumped in, and started playing with us,

And meanwhile, the boys had boners, then, Sally wanted to get out now, so we decided to get out as well, and I walked out and grabbed my sweater and short shorts, and walked into a little bushy place, it looked beautiful, a little clearing, and a nice view, I took off my bra and underwear, just then, Jack popped out of nowhere, and snaked his arms around my waist,

I gasped and covered myself with my sweater, he laughed. "Jack! I was gonna put on my sweater and shorts!" I said, he laughed again, I sighed and slipped on my short shorts, and my sweater, since he was facing the other way,

He gave me my flipflops, I slid them on, and I picked up my bra and underwear, and put them in my big pocket, and we walked back to the mansion, along with me knowing Jack looking at my ass,

We got inside, and Jill was talking to Jane, Dying Scar walked up to me. "Hey Autumn can I speak to you for a minute?" She asked me, I nodded and followed her, I walked to a room with her. "Jack's taking you on a date, and I just wanted to tell you that, so dress your best, since your last date got canceled because you got put into the insane asylum." Scar said, my eyes went wide, she smiled, I had a big smile on my face, and I tried to calm down, soon, I lost my smile, and walked out of the room,

Jack walked up to me. "Hey, wanna go for a walk later on?" He asked me. "Sure, what time?" I asked, he said 6:00, it was already 5:15, I nodded and went to go change,

I went to my room, and changed, I grabbed a colourful underwear, and colourful bra, I grabbed a Pantera t-shirt, and grabbed black short shorts, and flip flops, and decided to leave my hair wetish or what ever,

I was excited, I checked the time, it was already 5:55, I got out of me and Jack's room, and walked downstairs, I checked the time again, it was 5:58, Jack walked in the living room. "Autumn wanna go now?" He asked, I nodded and smiled, he grabbed my hand and walked out to the back,

We walked to where we went swimming, we were talking along the way, and he took off his clothes, and got in, I couldn't help but stare at his body. "Like the view?" He said smiling, I blushed hard, and looked away, quickly, he chuckled and started swimming around,

"Autumn, why don't you get in too?" He asked me. "Because I already went swimming." I said. "Please? It's just gonna be me and you.." He said in a pouty voice, and a cute face, I can't refuse that face! No one can't! Ugh! "Ughhh, fine, only for you though because it's just me and you." I said, I took off my Pantera t-shirt and my flip flops, and short shorts,

I was already around my mid knee cap. "Nope! Jack doesn't approve!" He said. "What did I need to do? Put on my t-shirt?" I said. "No.." He said. "Then what?" I asked, he looked down and blushed hard. "I-I want you to come in... Without your... U-under... Underwear... A-and b-bra.." He said, damn it! He hangs out with the perverts to much! I groaned, and got out and slowly took off my bra, and my underwear, I got in, again,

He swam to me and snaked his arms around my naked body, I kissed him on the lips softly, and of course, he didn't approve, he kissed back hard, I decided to do the same, he carried me out of the lake, and he carried me to the little bushy area where I went to go change, and there was a towel there, Jack placed me on the towel, and I realized, he had his boxers on, and I felt something really hard there..

He licked my lips, as a signal for me to open my mouth, I opened my mouth, and he snaked his tongue in, and his tongue started to explore my mouth, he pulled back, and started kissing my jawline and went lower to my neck area, and he started sucking it on my sweet spot, I moaned loud, and soon, he started rubbing one of my breast, I moaned louder, as he was sucking my sweet spot and rubbing my breast, soon, he stopped rubbing my breast, instead, he trailed his finger around my private area, I wanted him to stop, but it felt as if I couldn't make him stop,

Jack almost rammed his finger in me, until I stopped him, I pushed him on the ground softly, and got on top of him, and started grinding on him, he bit his lip, and I stopped grinding. "Autumn.. Why'd you stop?!" He said in a whiny voice. "Because, something better will come soon." I said, I winked at him, I went to his neck area, and went on a quest to search for his sweet spot, about 20 seconds later, I found it, I started sucking there,

His friend started getting harder, I smirked, and I went on another quest to see if he had another sweet spot, I found his other sweet spot, and started sucking on it, he let out a soft moan, he grabbed my ass, I gasped, he smiled, I smirked at him, and got up closer, trying to make myself grind on his hips, and I went to his lips and started kissing his soft lips hard, he kissed back, I opened my mouth to see if he would stick his tongue inside my mouth again, and of course, he did, he explored my mouth again, and I let go,

I winked at him, and started grinding again, he let out a loud moan, he grabbed both of my breasts, and started rubbing them as I was grinding on him,

Soon, he put me on the towel again, and started sucking on my breast, I moaned loud, I wanted him to stop, but it felt as if I had no power to make him get off me, he started licking my nips, I grabbed his friend, and slid my hand through his boxers, and started going up and down,

He stopped licking, and moaned, after awhile, he went lower,

He trailed his hand lower to my kitty, and stuck out his middle finger in me, lucky he changed into his human form, I think? He was going in and out, I moaned. "Jack... Keep going... Don't stop.." I said moaning, he looked at me and smiled, he stuck out his second finger, and started going in and out again, I moaned louder. "Jack... Go faster.." I said, he was teasing me, he was going slow. "Jack.. Go faster.. Please.." I whined, he chuckled a bit, and stuck his third finger in me and started going in and out faster,

I moaned loud, soon, he took out his finger, and started licking my kitty, I gasped, and he opened my kitty wide and jammed his tongue in, I gasped and screamed. "JACK!!" He took out his tongue,

We made eye contact for awhile, until I went lower to his friend, and took off his boxers, my turn to tease, I licked the tip slowly, and slowly put his long length in my mouth slowly, until he pushed my head down a bit lower for me to put a full length in my mouth faster, I put my tongue on his friend, he moaned, and I went up and down with my head, he started moaning, and I went faster, he moaned louder, I lifted up my head and put my hand on his friend, and started going up and down,

He was moaning again, I smirked at him, and I put it around my temple, and went around my neck, Jack grabbed both of my breasts with both of his hands, and squished them together, and inserted his friend in between my breasts, and started going in and out, I was moaning with pleasure,

Soon, Jack stopped, I whined, and he started sucking on my breasts again, I let out a soft moan this time,

After 5 minutes, he stopped, and pulled out the condom. "Are you ready?" He asked, I nodded, and ripped off the wrapper, and slid on the condom,

"This is gonna hurt.. Okay? Just let me know if it hurts.." He said, I nodded, I bit my lip, and I felt him open up my kitty and slid in his friend slowly, I gasped, and closed my eyes, he was fully in, and waited for me to get used to the size, then he started going in and out,

Jack started going in and out faster, I bit my lip, trying hard not to let out a moan, instead, I failed. "Your so cute when you bite your lips Autumn." Jack said smirking at me,

After a few minutes, Jack stopped, and did one last thrust, and got off me, he layed down next to me, I put my head on his chest and my hand around his chest as well,

"Autumn.. I'm having the best day of my life, I wouldn't wanna be here with anyone else, I love you so much Autumn." Jack said, and kissed my head. "I love you too Jack, and I'm having the best day of my life too Jack, and for sure I wouldn't be here with anyone else." I said,

I checked the time, it was 8:50, I jumped up. "What's wrong Autumn?!" Jack asked. "It's 8:50! We gotta go back now!" I said, he jumped up as well, Jack grabbed his boxers and ran off, to the lake area, and.. Oh my god..

Eyeless, Ben, Jeff, Masky, and Hoodie was there, I stopped dead in my tracks, Jack put me behind him, the guys screamed, and covered there eyes, as they were covering there eyes, Jack ran to where our clothes was, and threw mine at me, I slid on my bra and underwear, and my t-shirt and my short shorts, and then slid on my flip flops,

"Okay! You guys can stop screaming your heads off and you can remove your hands!" I shouted, they stopped screaming and they removed their hands from their eyes,

"D-d-d-d-did..... Y-y-you g-g-guys h-h-have... s-s-sex?!" Eyeless said, I blushed 50 shades of red, and looked down. "N-no! W-e didn't have s-sex!" Jack said blushing and stuttering,

"Well, Slender sent us to go look for you guys, and we have found your guys clothes, but anywhoo, let's just go and never speak of this again." Masky said, we all nodded and walked off,

I was still shocked the boys found us like this...

AN: Hope the perverts liked this chapter, and the people who didn't like this chapter, I'm not sure, well, at least I updated a chapter... A chapter I didn't like writing anyways. >.< and sorry for my updating in a while, I've been busy, with school, counselling, and family, so yeah, but! I promise I'll update more chapters!

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