
5.9K 160 225
By SunnyCoolKid

Week one of sitting in the hospital.


You've made two discovery's whilst sitting in here.

1. Hospitals are extremely boring.

2. You never get used to the smell of medicine and plastic.

Dylan, Will and Ki have spent every spare moment in here with you and Thomas. You think they're worried about you. They watch you like Edward Cullen watches Bella Swan. So, it's only a really creepy.

Thomas still hasn't woken up. The doctors tell you it could be any time now, but a couple days ago, you heard one say to another, that this could be a long time coma, due to the shock or whatever. On the plus side, his leg is healing well. They think that with some physical therapy, he could be walking like he used to after a month.

You've had quiet a few visitors. Kaya has only come once more this past week. Dispite her growing hatred of you. Rosa has come twice. The guys - like you said, every spare moment. Occasionally, you'll see some depressed looking fan moping around outside the hospital and you'll bring them in with you to visit him for a bit. They're thrilled to see him and you have some company. The fans give you some reason to hope. It's like they see him how he used to be and they can see him waking up again and things being the way they were. It's nice to have people like that around.

It's the good thing The Scorch Trials were almost finished shooting. They had already gotten at least a few shoots of every scence Thomas is in, now they just have to compromise and use what they have. You hope that Thomas will wake up in time for the premier. You know it would hurt his feelings to find out he missed it.

Speaking of which, the guys are leaving town for a few days soon, to go do interviews and Comic Con's, so you'll have a few days to yourself. Maybe. You kind of get the feeling they're looking for a baby sitter for you for while they're gone. Because, you're TOTALLY incapable of taking care of yourself.

Now, this is where you roll your eyes with sarcasm.

You sit at Toms bedside. Your eyes are closed, your hands folded in your lap. You've actually found that the beeping of the moniter is peaceful and comforting. Every time that moniter beeps, it means that Thomas heart beats one more time. It means he's still alive.

Your thoughts are interrupted by the opening of the door.

Will, Dylan and Ki swagger in. They offer you small genuine smiles. It's been easier to joke around nowadays. I guess you've all gotten used to the stress level. Plus the fact that Thomas has been doing better.

Ki is the first to speak, "Hey, Iris. How's he doing?"

You raise an eyebrow and look at Thomas, "Same as always."

Dylan sits in a chair on the opposite side of the bed, "And how are YOU doing?"

You sigh, "Fine, I guess."

Dylan give you a disbelieveing look, "Are you?"

You shrug, "I'm doing better than Thomas anyway."

Ki rolls his eyes, "No dip."

Suddenly, Dylan's phone starts ringing. He pulls it out of his pocket and looks at the caller ID. He looks a little....embarrassed?

He answers the phone, "Hey, Willa."

You frown and look at the guys, "He's talking to WILLA?"

Will grins, "He was talking to her before. But ever since Thomas got in the accident he's been talking to her a lot. They're both 'concerned' about you. Seeing as Willa is your best friend, and Dylan is Toms best friend, they've been....collaberateing."

You frown and listen to they're conversation. You know that Willa has been concerned about you. She's been texting you everyday, along with Vanessa and Kelsie and Kit and so on. But you didn't realize your friends were talking to each other.

Dylan says, "Yeah! That'd be great! I'm sure Iris would love it. I think Sidney and Juliette were planning on coming the day after."

Wait, what?


Are they coming?

Why are you out of the loop?

"Well, Ki Will and I will be out of town for a few days, so that should give Iris some company. Girl company, which is even better for her. She hangs around us men too often." Dylan chuckles.

"Okay, hold up!" You say, standing, "What's going on?"

Dylan looks up, his mouth twitching up, "Willa and Vanessa are coming for a few days. They get here the day after we leave."

Ki grins at you, sharing a look with Will.

"Dylan just hired you a babysitter!" Ki sings, teasingly.

You plop down in your chair as the guys laugh. You scowl at them, silently plotting their deaths.

That's just grand.

Several full days of your best friend driving you crazy.

Hip-hip- hooray.

- - - -

You take a deep breath before you step out of the blue double doors and into the waiting area.

Here we go.

You search the chairs for the farmillar faces of your friends.

Suddenly you hear a high pitched screech that could scare of a Kracken.

You see a blur of red hair running to you and you quickly stiffen, closing your eyes and flinching. You're slammed into and scooped off your feet by the much stronger force, we all know as Willa.

"Iris! How are you my beautiful best friend!?" She says, happily.

You squint, grunting, "I'd be a lot better if you put me down."

She grins, "Right."

You feel your feet touch the floor and you carefully take a step, trying to find your center of gravity.

Behind Willa, you notice a small blonde approaching. She looks at Willa and playfully smirks, "Sorry about that. She was dropped on her head as a child."

You raise an eyebrow, managing a lop sided smile, "I'm pretty sure we were the ones who dropped her on her head."

Willa shadows her eyebrows, "Ha, ha. You're both so very funny. Seriously, I might have to get stiches in my sides."

You grin, "Well, shall we go back to Toms room?"

Vanessa nods, "Sure."

"M'kay." You say, turning on your heel and leading them, "I forwarn you, it smells like mother nature died in there. And it looks like a stock place for sympathy cards. Try not to gag at the mushy ones."

Willa teases, "Your little hubby is loved by all."

You roll your eyes and walk by the front desk, "Yeah, yeah. Let's just hope he doesn't have such a big head about it when he wakes up."

You walk into the room and are greeted by the sickly sweet aroma of flowers.

Willa and Vanessa start coughing, their faces contorting.

"Oh, gosh. You're right! It smells like one of those perfume samples they put in magazines. Except multiplied by a thousand." Willa gags.

You shrug, "Feel free to take some."

Vanessa scruches up her nose, "No thanks. I'm officially not a huge fan of flowers."

You make big pouty eyes, "But dont you want to releive me of some of my burden? By taking flowers?"

Willa walks over to a bouquet and picks it up, "I have a solution, my friend." She walks over to the corner of the room where a gray garbage can sits and tosses them in.

Then she turns around, beaming, "See? Problem solved!"

"No!" You say, furrowing your eyebrows, "What a waste of flowers!"

"Well, you don't want them. Thomas isn't even awake to enjoy them. What do you suggest?" Willa says, with sass.

Vanessa shrugs, "Why don't you give them to the other patients?"

You blink.

Oh, hey.


You nod, "That's a good idea!"

Vanessa smiles, "Aren't you glad we came to visit?"

You roll your eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Now, shut up and help me move these flowers."

- - - -

The next day you sit in your room, alone. Willa and Vanessa got a hotel room for while they're here. Juliette and Sidney will be staying with you. Usually, Willa sleeps in really late. She isn't exactly a morning person. So they either meet you at your place or at the hospital, around nine or ten in the morning. It suits you fine. You have a little time to yourself.

But you won't for much longer- Juliette and Sidney should be getting here soon. Of course they're on fall break now. Or, Sidney's on fall break, Juli is just ditching classes. You can't just ditch classes at Harvard. BYU is a little more slacking. Since they're a private Christian school, Juliette told them her sisters husband was shot and that she needed her emotional support. And since the school is all about service and family, they're cutting her a little slack.

You hear your front door open.

Oh, speak of the devil.

You hear Juliette, "She should be here. I saw her car. Hang on - IRIS!"

You stand up and head towards the hall, "Jeez, woman! You act like I have no ears! I'm right here. Take a chill pill."

You step in the doorway and find your family members smiling.

"Still as testy as ever I see!" Juliette grins.

Sidney smiles at you and then glares at Juliette, "Iris, I'd like to tell you, that out of you two sisters you are my favorite."

"What-" Juliette starts.

"Why is that?" You cut her off.

"Because youre funnier and Juliette is mean." Sidney pouts.

"Why is Julitte-"

"We're not having this conversation right now!" Juliette nods, "Or ever, more like."

Sidney whispers loudly, "She's on her period."

You roll your eyes and chuckle as Juli whacks Sidney in the stomache.

"Anyway," Juliette starts, "This week has been hard for you and you've been stressed and worried so over the next few days, we're going to have so much fun you aren't going to know what to do with yourself."

You shrug, "Fine. But the fun will be spent right by my husbands side."

Juliette sighs, "Iris, we can't DO a lot in a-"

"I DON'T CARE!" You shout, but then feel slightly bad, seeing the hurt on their faces. You quiet your voice, "I'm not leaving my husband alone in that crummy hospital room."

Juliette sighs, stepping toward you, awkwardly, "Look, this just sucks. I wish is had a better way of saying it, preferably more poetic and nicer sounding, but I don't. And even if I did, my brain is just telling me that 'totally suck' fits this category. I want you to know that....even though I don't always say things exactly perfect, that I'm here for you, Iris. I'm your sister and your best friend - weather you like it or not. You'll always have me. So, I hope you're cool with that because I'm not going anywhere. Because I love you."

You sigh, tears rimming your eyes for the first time in a couple days. You feel the flashbacks from Percy's wedding. The emotions you felt then.

"I know. I love you too." You say, looking at your feet.

Juliette nods, "Okay, I'm going to give you a hug now. Try not to bite my head off...."

You nod, "Okay."

Juliette approaches. She wraps her arms around you for a few seconds and motions to Sidney, "Come on, Sid. Come get a load of this action."

You can tell Sidney's smiling when she speaks, "Okay."

You feel another pair of arms wrap around you after a few seconds. Now it's Sidney's turn to....erm....inspire you, "To be honest with you, I don't have the words to comfort you. But I do have arms to hug you with and hands to help you back up with. I have ears that will listen to you, and a heart that will feel for you and love you no matter what. And, seriously, what my heart wants most right now, is to see you smiling and happy again. More than anything else."

You nod, "Yeah."

Juliette frowns at you, pulling away, "Not much for words these days are you?"

You shrug.

"Maybe she's on her period TOO." Sidney jokes, earning a scowl from Juliette.

"I'm not." You mutter, and then frown.

In fact...

If you recall correctly, your period is late....

What if?


You walk over to the fridge, where your calendar is waiting. Oh, good. It's just on time. You should be getting it today. You nod to yourself.

Juliette and Sidney follow you precariously, "What are you doing?"

You shake your head, choosing to lie, "Nothing. I just thought I had like a dentist appointment or something today that I'd forgotten."

"Oh." Sidney nods.

Then your front door opens.


Willa grumbles, "Someone's on their period."

Vanessa exclaims, horrified, "Willa!"

"No, she isn't! We already established that!" Juliette calls.

Sidney laughs and you can hear Willa chuckle.

Vanessa and Willa walk into the kitchen.

Vanessa scrunches her nose, "TMI."

"Tell more information?" Willa says, with fake excitement, "Okay-"

Vanessa slaps her hand over Willas' mouth, "That's not what I meant, stupid."

Juliette interrupts,Willa and Vanessa's loving sisterly moment, "Anywwwway, we were just saying how we are going to have FUN I've the next few days. Try not to worry about stuff. Get our mojos back."

"Our mojos?" Sidney frowns.

"Moe-joes." Willa says, intentionally pronouncing it weird, making fun of the word.

Juliette rolls her eyes, "Yeah, whatever.

She grins at you, "We're just going to have FUN."

- - - -

"You know, this isn't exactly my idea of fun." You say, staring at the building in front of you.

"It SO isn't mine." Willa says, scrunching up her nose.

"Yeah, this idea kind of sucks." Juliette scowls.

"Oh, quit your complaining." Vanessa says, stepping out of the car, "This'll be good for you."

"Yeah. Besides, it'll be totally fun! Just a few girlfriends, excersising. You'll see, it's not so bad. I do it all the time." Sidney nods.

"Nope. It's going to suck." Willa says, getting out of the car.

"Um, it's not so bad for you, because you both play socver and you HAVE to run and be in shape. And, yeah, Sidney, before you start, I know you only play recreational soccer, but it's more than WE do! And, you do it all the time because it's recreational for you and because that's Vanessas JOB. Or future job. In training kind of thing...." You dwindle.

"Yeah." Willa adds, "I spend my days hunched over books so I can be a DOCTOR, not out in some field frolicking after a ball."

Vanessa rolls her eyes, "You guys don't have to be as good as me. Or Sidney even. I'm a forward after all, so yeah, I do a lot of running. And I have to keep running, so I can stay good at running. So you guys can deal and go to the gym for an hour and a half, kay?"

Juliette huffs and mutters under her breath. Although, it's nothing discernible.

You sigh and grumble, "Fine."

Willa scrunches up her nose, "Really?"

"Yes!" Sidney pumps her fist as Vanessa grins.

The five of you start walking to the front door.

"Gosh, are we running on those runny things? I hate running. Not even runners LIKE running. Seriously, I don't think there is a runner that likes running. Because why do people run? To stay skinny. That's it. Or unless theyre just really weird. Or professional soccer players like Vanessa. Do you two like running?" Willa says.

Vanessa shrugs, "It's not so bad."

"Yeah, it's not terrible." Sidney nods.

"Yes, it is " Willa says.

Vanessa rolls her eyes, "You don't have to run, you know?"

"Well, is everyone else running?" She asks.

You shrug, "I'll probably run a little."

"Same here." Juli says.

Willa groans as you walk into the gym, "Then i feel like I have to run."

"But you don't." Vanessa says, getting exaggerated at her little sister. Twin sister - but little sister all the same.

"But I do!" Willa says.

The two girls continue argrueing as you sign them in.

Finally, you drag them into the workout rooms. There is all kinds of equipment. Most of which you have no clue how to work. You stare at the stuff. A few people work with some of the stuff, but mostly the place is empty.

"Yeah, I'm starting to think the treadmill sounds really great." You say, wide eyed.

"No, no! You have to experiment! Try something new!" Sidney encourages.

You shadow your eyes, "The whole GYM thing is NEW to me."

Sidney opens her mouth like she's going to say somthing but then she furrows her eyebrows. After all these years - you're still the master of the comebacks.

Unluckily, Vanessa still has pleanty of sass, "That's not the point. Just go pick something."

She pushes both you and Willa to the equipment.

Both of youh stare at the object directly in front of you.

You both look back at Vanessa and Sidney, and at the same time say, "I don't know how to use this."

Both of you grin, giving each other a high five as Vanessa rolls her eyes, "Just figure it out. We're going to work out."

She walks off with Sidney, leaving Juliette a few feet away from you and Willa.

You all look at each other.

"Well, what now?" You ask.

"We try to figure out how to use it... " Juliette shrugs.

Willa raises her eyebrows, "Yeah. That'll be super easy. We totally know what all these bars and strings do."

Juliette shakes her head, "Come on. We're smart."

"Ummmm," You start.

Juli cuts you off, "Mostly."

"Right." You nod.

Juliette looks at it, "So these look like weights...." She trys tugging on a lever. It doesn't budge. She frowns, "Or maybe not...."

"Here, let me try." You say. You sit on a stool like thing and try pulling a different one. You sigh.


Willa mumbles bordly, "It's not working."

You roll your eyes, "I noticed that."

"Well, what are you going to do?"

You huff, "I don't know! Why don't you try since you're so smart?"

She shrugs, "Fine."

You get up and she sits down. She examines the machine.

"Looks like this string thingy is attached to this thing so....maybe, you put your head right here and....lay right here."

She lays on the seat thingy and sticks her head under one of the bars.

Juliette frowns, "Ummmm.... I don't think that's how that works."

Willa huffs, "No dip, Sherlock."

Just in time, Sidney and Vanessa come back around, talking as they walk. Sidney sees Willa and frowns, jumping back like Willa is a monster.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She hollars.

"And-" Vanessa looks up, her eyes widening, "WHAT THE HECK, WILLA!?"

She looks up, her head jerking up and hitting the bar, "I'm - OW! Shuck it!" She groans and grunts, sitting up and cursing under her breath. You and Juliette chuckle under your breath.

Willa glares, "I'm trying to figure out how to you this stupid thing!"

"Well, it's not like that." Vanessa says, crossing her arms over her chest.

Willa rolls her eyes, rubbing her head, "Yeah. No kidding."

Vanessa and Sidney share a look.

"This was a stupid idea. Maybe we should leave?"

"Yeah." Juliette encourages.

"And get ice cream." Sidney muses.

You shadow your eyes, "First you wanted to excercise, now you want to get fat. How does that make sense?"

Sidney shrugs, "It just sound good."

Willa jumps up, "Hey, sounds good to me! Let's go."

She walks to the door. You shake your head, "I swear, the people I know...."

"Are awesome." Sidney finishes youhr sentence, following Willa.

You shake your head, "Something like that."

"Hey, so next time, let's just skip to the ice cream part and forget the gym." Juliette's says.


The five of you walk right back out of the gym.

Goodness, what a mess the five of you are.

- - - -

You just wanted to see.

Just to make sure.

And now you wish you hadn't.


Well, you don't know.

It's probably a good thing you know.

But youre as heck weren't ready to find the thing you found in your hands.

It's positive.

The stupid thing reads positive.

You start hyperventilating.

You're gald you're in the bathroom.

And you aren't sure if you're glad that Juliette and Sidney are in the family room, because if they weren't here, you'd be screaming and a neighbor would probably think you were dying. And then they'd send the police over here and things would get real.

But, now, weather you like it or not, you're faced with what you hold in your hands.

The stupid white strip in your hands. With the white circle and the red line in the middle.

You look at it with trembling hands as you try to accept this.

Thomas is in a coma.....

And you're pregnant.





(that was an evil laugh BTW) (because by now you guys know I'm a huge drama queen)


Hee hee


*evil smile*


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