By happylittletragedies

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Devon Cassidy is a woman that is a well respected homicide detective for the Detroit Police department. She w... More

Mood Boards
Chapter One: New Partner
Chapter Two: The Negotiator
Chapter Three: Choices
Chapter Four: A Chase
Chapter Five: The Job
Chapter Six: Blue-Haired Killer
Chapter Seven: Friend
Chapter Eight: Personal
Chapter Nine: Attraction
Chapter Ten: Rooftop Shootout
Chapter Eleven: Defensive
Chapter Twelve: Family Ties
Chapter Thirteen: Distraction
Chapter Fifteen: Ghost From The Past
Chapter Sixteen: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Seventeen: A Cold
Chapter Eighteen: Seeing Double
Chapter Nineteen: Freedom
Chapter Twenty: Beginning Of A Normal Life
Ending Of Part One/ Disscussion
Chapter Twenty One: Business as Usual
Chapter Twenty-Two: Home
Chapter Twenty-Three: Runaway
Chapter Twenty-Four: Stay
Chapter Twenty-Five: A New Case
Chapter Twenty-Six: Sweet Tooth
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Blue Eyed Machine
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Dead Ends
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Physical
Chapter Thirty: Good VS. Evil
Chapter Thirty-One: Burgers and Coin Tricks
Chapter Thirty-Two: A New Bond
Chapter Thirty-Three: Cut Short
I need a break...
Chapter Thirty-Four: Endless Circles
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Past is Ass
Chapter Thirty-Six: Green Eyes
Not a book update, but a life update
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Yellow Pages
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Blue Blood
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Photographs

Chapter Fourteen: Journey To Jericho

2.2K 115 58
By happylittletragedies

Chapter Fourteen: Journey To Jericho

NOV 9TH, 2038
PM 07:35:34

The city of Detroit is in an uproar. After Markus's protest this afternoon, an order has been sent out to confiscate all androids from peoples homes. There were riots around the city and protest for both android sympathizers and people who wanted them destroyed. The city was split, two clear sides standing their ground in their fight.

Devon has never seen anything like this before. A whole city going crazy over the very machines they took part in creating and using. She hasn't had a chance to watch the news but she could only assume that places all over the world that have androids were also on edge because of the events that are happening currently in Detroit.

Once the female detective finally makes it to her home she quickly unlocks her front door and pushes it open. She kicks her snow covered boots onto the mat outside the door, before shielding herself in her warm home from the frigid cold. The woman pauses when she spots a figure sitting on her couch who turns to look at who just entered. Jessica's tear stained meets Devon's gaze.

"Jess?" The woman was stunned when the little girl quickly gets up from the couch where she sat with Ellie and rushes for the detective, wrapping her arms around her waist. The girl begins to sob into her chest and Devon is quick to wrap her arms around the girl, holding close. "Hey," The blondes voice is calm and soft as she speaks. "What's wrong, Jess?" Devon smooths down some of the girls hair, trying to calm her down as best as she could. "Wilson..." Jessica sniffs, still clutching onto Devon.

"We heard that they wanted to take androids away so he had to run away." She cries and Devon can feel her heart clutch in her chest from hear the little girls cries. "He had to go to Jericho so he could be safe." Jessica's hands stay clutching Devon's jacket as her head lifts, tear filled eyes looking up at the woman that had been nothing but kind to her ever since she moved in next door. "I...I'm going to miss him and I'm so worried, Devon. I...I can't talk to my parents or anyone else about this I j-just needed someone to talk to and I know I can t-talk to you." She speaks between sobs and Devon wraps her arms tighter around her small frame, placing her chin on top of her dark hair.

"Hey," Devon moves Jessica back, her hands resting on top of her shoulders so she could look at her. Jessica's cheeks are red with fresh tear stains. Her bright eyes are glossy with tears and it breaks the detective's heart as she looks at the little girl in front of her. She's worried about her android because she loves him. Cares about him. Has deemed him as family. Devon couldn't help but empathize with her.

"Wilson is going to be okay." Jessica blinks, a rouge tear slipping down her cheek. "How can you be so sure?" Devon presses her lips together in thought as her green eyes filtered over the girls features. How could she be so sure? Sure, she couldn't predict the future or guarantee the safety of an android in a city ready to destroy them. "Because I believe he's smart and he'll find his way to Jericho." She swipes her thumb over where the tear has fallen, brushing them away.

"What if they don't win? What's going to happen to them?" Jessica looks to Devon as if she has all the answers, like she knew everything she didn't but in reality, Devon had no clue what was going to happen. Had no idea what would happen if androids lost or if they won. As Devon looks at the young girl, she can feel something stirring inside her chest. The female detective knew she didn't want androids to lose and be destroyed. She'd hate that. She knows she would. Would hate to see Connor taken away from her and Hank, destroyed because he was "faulty". Because he didn't accomplish CyberLife's mission but in the other hand, what if he did succeed? What if he killed Markus? What would happen then?

What have androids done wrong exactly? They were created with no choice but were made to be intelligent creatures with the ability of complex thought. This ending was set from the beginning when her uncle decided to make a machine that resembled humans. How can you make a being so human like and expect it not to be human? To remain a machine to simply serve its creator? If her people could just see that androids aren't a threat, that they aren't much different from them. Could just see they only want to live freely along side their creators.

A burning feeling set inside her chest as she thought about Evelyn, the beautiful and loving android that showed her at an early age what it was like to care for androids. How they weren't much different from them. Evelyn showed her love when she needed and helped her grow into the woman she is today; the hard working detective that had seen the worst in the world, that still somehow clutches onto her humanity. To her mother who also cared for everyone and taught her to never hate someone because they are different.

Now, she has a choice. Has a choice to be devoted to her job like she always has been and enforce the laws that are set against androids, or, she can do what is right in her heart. Stand up for android rights and risk losing everything she worked so hard to obtain in the past couple of years of her life. Risk becoming a criminal herself for standing alongside what the country is calling the enemy. She already done damage by punching Perkins in the face in order to give Connor some time to find evidence.

"That won't happen because I won't let it." Devon speaks finally, determination in her voice and eyes. That feeling in her chest has been lit into the size of a bonfire, passion settling into her bones. She was going to fight but fight alongside the androids. She didn't care what she had to do to do it, but she was going to make sure by the end of the day, all this would be over and androids will be seen for what they truly are; living beings.

Devon's thoughts wonder to Connor, an android she has come to care for during the time she has gotten to work with him. She knows that he was still trying to accomplish his mission. Well, CyberLife's mission. Having to try and stop the deviants at all cost so he could be successful and wouldn't be destroyed. She couldn't let that happen, couldn't let him. Realization set over her. He was going to find Jericho and try and kill Markus.

"I have to stop him." Devon whispers causing Jessica to frown slightly as she looked at the woman in front of her. "What?" Devon's eyes focus on Jessica, her hands moving to grip her shoulders. "Did Wilson mention where Jericho is?" Jessica could see the desperation swimming in her green eyes. "Uh, yeah, sorta. Said Jericho is a ship in..."She furrows her brows trying to remember what Wilson recited to her. "Ferdale." She finishes, remembering.

Devon lets go over the girl, quickly moving around her. "Why?" Jessica asks, spinning on her heels to watch the detective that opens a drawer in her kitchen and comes back out with a tablet in hand. The dark haired girl moves to stand beside her, watching as her fingers quickly moves across the screen. She was researching docked freighters in the area, trying to pinpoint a specific place.

"Are you planning on going to Jericho?" Devon looks to the girl for a moment before looking back at the table. "Yes, I have to protect them." Jessica turns her head to the side in confusion. "Protect them from what exactly?" Devon narrows down an area and quickly places the tablet on her table. "My partner." Devon grabs her gun from her waits and checks to see if it's loaded fully. "Whoa! Are you going to shoot him?" Devon places her gun back into her holster. "No, but I'm bringing it in case I have no choice." She didn't want to shoot Connor, it would kill apart of her if she did, but she also couldn't let him kill Markus either.

"You're not going to be able to get into Jericho." Jessica shakes her head. "Wilson said only androids can get in because it would be too dangerous for a human to even try." Devon tucks a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. "Well, they don't know because a human hasn't tried." Devon moves across the room to kneel before her pet, running her fingers thought Ellie's fur. "You can't do this, Devon! You'll get hurt!"

"Look," Devon stands, turning so she could face the girl. There is fear in her bright eyes but Devon couldn't focus on that right now. "If I don't try, Connor could make a huge mistake and all the things Markus has worked so hard to achieve would be for nothing." Evelyn would have died for nothing. Devon moves forward, placing her hands gently on Jessica's shoulders, looking into her wide eyes. "I have to try." She speaks softly as if the girl was made of glass and if she'd speak any louder she'd break her. Jessica stands there a moment, processing what could happen. Devon could get hurt, but then again, all of androids could be destroyed if Connor try to hurt them in anyway. Devon is willing to risk her life for androids when no one else is.

"Just be careful." It comes out as a whisper and Devon immediately wraps the young girl in her arms. She wasn't sure how this was going to play out but she was willing to risk it all in order to stop Connor from killing Markus. "Go home." Devon says softly, placing a light kiss to the top of her head. "Does your parents mind dogs?" The detective asks, pulling away from her. "No, they like dogs." Jessica shakes her head. "Good, take Ellie with you." The dog's ears perk up at her name. "You can bring her food, toys, treats, bed, whatever you want." Devon wasn't sure how long she'd be gone or if she'd even come back.

"Okay," Jessica nods slowly, looking around the room for Ellie's stuff. "Stay home, keep your doors locked. I don't know what's going to happen tonight." She was trying to be safe and and thorough and cautious. A war was sure to break out and she didn't want Jessica to get caught up in it. "I have to go." Devon places her hand on the side of her cheek. "Don't get into any trouble." Devon tries to joke, trying to lift the slightly somber mood. Jessica smiles sadly at the detective. "I should be telling you that." The blonde smiles her own sad smile before pulling away from her. Devon moves towards her front door, getting ready to leave.

"Devon, wait!" The detective turns to see Jessica running for Devon's book shelf, grabbing loan journal and brining it to the table. The woman moves forward, watching as Jessica hastily begins writing something down. Once Devon was by her side Jessica turns the journal towards her so she could take a look a what she wrote. "He said there is this symbol hidden in some art in the train station. And where you find this symbol it will lead you to Jericho." Devon takes a closer look at the symbol she drew. It was a square where the lines on the ends intersect. It was simple.

"Thanks, kid." Devon rips the page out of the journal and folds it, sticking in her coat pocket. "Good luck." Jessica smiles and Devon nods with a small smile of her own before leaving her home, beginning her journey to find Jericho.

"Androids all around the world are being taken from peoples homes to be deactivated due to the deviant uprising." Devon glances at the small screen that was placed in the train from where she stood. She's one of the only people in the train except for a couple that huddle together in the far corner. She lets out a deep breath as she closes her eyes. She really hopes she can find this place without having to be an android. She knows she doesn't have the ability to scan her surroundings and see hidden objects with scanners that are built into her eyes but one thing she does have is years of experience. Her job has giving her the skills of problem solving and spotting things normal people in the streets wouldn't see.

"Training don't fail me now." The blonde mumbles as the train comes to a hault, the doors sliding open. The automated voice thanks passengers and wishes them a good day as she steps foot outside of the train. Her green eyes scan around the area around her, her eyes falling on the sigh that says 'FERDALE' in bold letters. The walls of the station were covered in bright colorful art works. Her eyes shift to the wall to her left, spotting the symbol in the midst of the mural. Devon reaches inside her tan coat pocket and fishes out the folded paper. Her eyes flicker between Jessica's drawing to the symbol on the wall. They were pretty much identical.

This is definitely the right place. Devon puts the paper back into her pocket and keeps her hands inside her pockets to shield them from the cold air. She walks along the tracks, eyes searching every square inch of the walls, trying to find her symbols. A set of stairs come into her sight and she can only hope she didn't over look any symbols as she walks down the stairs. The odd thing was that there wasn't any androids on the streets. No flashing LED's, no bright blue armbands. No, just regular people but even then, there wasn't that many people around. They are all probably too scared to be even out while all this is going on and Devon heard of a rumor about them starting a curfew but she couldn't be bothered with that right now, she had a job to do.

A set of waist height glass doors open once she reaches the end of the escalator allowing her to pass though it. The streets of Ferdale were just as bare as the station. She could only spot a few people walking around the streets but they all seemed to be in a rush. On a wall across from her she notices another painted mural on the wall and she quickly walks towards it. Her eyes take over the paining of a finger and a lion, seeing the symbol mixed into the red background and another on one of the boxers shorts.

Devon felt a little lost as she looked around her, trying to find where her next clue would be. She didn't get information back like androids probably did when they found these symbols. She was only relying on her sight and the idea theses symbols were only on painted murals and not just randomly painted about. Green eyes spots a building down the street with brightly colored walls and she hopes that's where the next one will be.

Black boots echo on the concrete as she rushes towards the building, the snow crushing under her feet turning into a muddy slush. Devon stops, looking up at the building. It had a rainbow painted across  it with stars inside of it. Amongst the stars were a few of the symbols. Devon quickly checks her watch, seeing that time is passing her by more quickly then she would like. "Connor will beat me there for sure." She huffs under her breath as she hugs her coat closer to her as she walks down the side wall, looking for the next symbol. It would be easy for Connor to find Jericho if he knew what he was looking for. Devon wasn't even sure this was even leading her to Jericho, she could easily be running herself in circles but she has to at least try.

She glances over, stopping immediately when she spots another symbol. It was behind A chain-link fence, right above a painting of robots on the wall. There were four robots in a row and the last two also had the symbols on them. Devon looks down the alley way with wonder. We're they pointing in that direction? Is this where she's supposed to go? Her eyes catch an opening at the bottom of the fence and she sighs. The detective quickly looks around to make sure there was no one around to whiteness what she's about to do.

Once's she's deemed it clear, the blonde quickly crouches down at the opening and pushed the fence open further so she could get inside. She paces down the alley coming to an opening where a few old cars were stashed, all of them junk. One the side of the building there was a painting of a great white shark and then one of a woman. Devon narrows her eyes noticing the symbol and then glancing down, seeing a blue dumpster pushed agains a short wall.

"Okay, someone definitely pushed that there to get over that wall."

Devon walks over and places her hands on top of the dumpers, the medal cold from the weather, causing her to shiver. She pushes herself up, hooking her knee on top of it before pushing herself to a standing position. It was a pretty big jump to reach the top of the wall but it wasn't nothing she couldn't do. Devon runs forward, placing her foot onto the wall to give herself some leverage before wrapping her arms over the lip of the wall, pushing herself up with her feet.

Once she's on top of the wall she lets out a heavy breath, looking around. She felt like it was only going to get more difficult from here and once she sees the large, gapping hole, that theory was proven. "Oh, fuck me..." She huffs, her breath fogging up around her. The trained detective tried to map out a possible way to get to the other side. She notices a bar on the wall but she have to jump, push against the wall, jump, grab onto the bar and swing herself to the other side. She knew for sure there was no way she herself would be able to do that. Next best option? Get a running start and hope like hell she can get far enough to catch the ledge.

Devon takes a few steps back until her feet hit the edge of where she just climbed up, her eyes focusing on the small piece of the ceiling that was pushed out a little further then the rest. That was her best chance and she just hoped it was stable enough to where when she lands on it, it won't collapse under her sudden weight.

Letting out a breath, Devon runs forward as fast as she can and once her feet hit the edge of the hole she leaps forward, already feeling herself falling. Devon reaches her hands out, grabbing onto the piece of protruding concert, just barley missing it. She glances down where she dangling then back to where her hand held on, hearing the cracking of concrete. "Shit!" She hurriedly pulles herself up and pushes herself away from the hole, breathing heavily as she looked at the piece of concrete as it breaks off, falling into the hole with wide eyes. "I'm going to kill myself doing this." Adrenaline was pumping through her veins, being filed by both excitement and fear.

The blonde pushes herself to her feet, shakily brushing the snow off of her pants. She glances over the edge where she stood, seeing a pile of dirt and bricks below. If she lands on that, it wouldn't be too far of a jump and she was pretty sure she wouldn't break anything. She decided to crouch down and throw her legs over the edge, her hands gripping the lip of the wall, lowering herself as low as she could before she has to let go. Once she does, her feet land with a thump but that wasn't so bad. She gets off of the rubbish pile and finds even ground, trying to find where she needs to go next.

On the building ahead was a painted red sexton with orange letters. At the very bottom she notices her symbol painted in white. She walks closer, noticing two more that were all more hidden. It's was leading up to an opening to a building. There was a medal latter but it, of course, is broken out of reach to the bottom. Meaning, she was going to have to try and find another way up. As she scans the area, there were two possible ways but only one seemed to be doable even if only barely.

Devon moves under a medal structure that was falling apart. There was a crest underneath it and then a opening above. Devon lets out a breath before running forward and jumping onto the crest before jumping up to grab onto the ledge and pulling herself up. Once her feet were stable she looks for her next move. Once she finds it she rushes forward, throwing herself onto a thick ledge on the wall then walking down it, being careful not to lose her footing so she doesn't fall. There was a ledge above her that will lead to the latter but she'd have to getting a running start and push her feet against the opposite wall.

The blonde charges forward and jumps, her foot pushing against the brick wall and her fingers just barely managing to grip the edge of the landing. Devon hoists herself up then runs forward, grabbing on to the ladder then climbs up into the opening in the wall. It's dark in the small hall but once she gets into an opening, the broken pieces of the walls allow the withering sun to filter though, giving her some light. She had to pick up the passe or she was going to be trying to do these stunts without any light.

The woman moves further into the room, spotting an android leaned against one of the concrete pillars. It looks like he's been here for a while, his LED no longer glowing. She sighs sadly. This will be all of their fait if she doesn't make it to Jericho. Devon spots a marking on the wall but it wasn't the completed one. She moves until she can see the full symbol. It being partially painted on the pillar and from where she stood it aligned together. She moves past it to an opening where it was beside, ducking under some two by fours of wood. The walls were covers in graffiti and rubble litters the floors.

Sunlight catches her eyes and she looks up a set of concrete stairs to see a square opening that leads outside. Her boots echoes against the walls as she climbs the stairs. Her boots hit the snow cover ground outside and her eyes widen at what's in front of her. "Holy shit..." She whispers to herself. "I actually found it." The sun was begging to set behind a blue friehter with a word, 'JERICO' painted on the side. It looked as if that ship has been sitting there for years, completely untouched. Now, the big question is, how was she going to get inside?

There is a bridge that was once a way to get to it but it was broken in half, definitely wasn't a feasible way to get to the ship now. Her eyes glances up at a old crane and bites her lip in thought. That maybe could be a way. She climbs the crane until she reaches a bridge. The metal creeks under her feet as she walks along it, glancing over the edge. The was a large hole and she could see the shine of water. If she was to jump from this height, she could risk breaking a few bones if the water isn't deep enough. There definitely wasn't any other way so she was going to have to take that risk.

Devon screws her eyes shut, moving one of her feet over the edge before feeling herself falling. Through her brief panic she tightens her legs together and pushes her arms to her sides. It felt as if she was moving in slow motion as her hair whipped around in the wind. Then, she was engulfed by cold. It was a sock at first but then she was able to swim upwards until she breaks the surface.

Devon gasped for breath, looking around quickly. She didn't die or break any bones so that was good. She sweeps her arms across the surface and kicks her feet, pushing to a nearby latter. She climbs up it, standing on a ledge with a yellow door. Her now wet clothes were sticking to her skin. She was trying to ignore the chills that were washing over her body but she's human, she couldn't help but shake a little due to the cold that clings to her skin.

Once past the yellow door Devon wanders down the halls, following the sounds of chattering and talking. Eventually she comes to a clearing of a room that was filled with android. They were all huddled in different areas, some in front of projected screen that was playing the news and others stood along the railing upstairs. She spots the two Traci standing together in the railing. Devon stuffs her hands in her pockets with her head tilted down. If she was spotted she'd probably be beaten down by these Deviants.

Devon moves to the center of the room noticing a few square blocks that have 'stand by' on them. The fighter is rigged with bombs? This couldn't getting any better huh? Amongst all the androids she hasn't yet spotted Markus so she could only assume she had to go up. As she's walking towards the stairs she spots Kara and Alice in the corner wrapped in each other arms and a large male android stood by them. A smile tugs at her lips, happy to see they made it to a safe place. Devon turns to climb the stairs but a hand grabs her arm and she stiffens. She was caught. This was it. This is the end.

"You're on a journey," The slightly distorted voice speaks in a soft tone, urging the detective to turn to face the voice. A pair of pitch black eyes staring at her. Devon feels take aback by the android and a little frightened. The whole back of her head was gone and wires were poking out of it. "A journey to find yourself." A smile forms on her lip as she tugs Devon's hands out of her pocket so she could hold it between both of hers. "You've help our kind. You're already half way there." She lets go of Devon's hand. "Up the stairs to the right and up another set of stairs that will take you to the Captains corders. That's where you'll find him." With that, she leaves, almost looking as if she was floating across the ground with the grace she held.

Him? Did she mean Markus or Connor? There was only one way to find out. Devon follows her directions, making sure to avoid contact with any deviants, especially the ones she's had personal run ins with. Devon pushes a door open and the night air nips at her sink, causing her to shiver when it blows against her damp clothes.

Snow flakes clings to her damp hair as she walks toward the open door, hearing talking coming from inside. "You're nothing to them. You're just a tool they use to do their dirty work, but you're more then that." That was definitely Markus's voice. Without hesitation Devon moves into the room, her eyes immediately falling onto the deviant leader. They then shift to the back of a familiar android but what he wore was so different. His legs were glad with a pair of jeans that were a little baggy on him but still fit him, wore some tan work boots and a large, dark leather jacket a grey shirt. A black beanie sat snuck on his head, covering his perfectly styled hair and the light that circles on his right temple. In his hands, a gun pointed straight at Markus.

"Connor," She speaks calmly, seeing him stiffen. He glances over at her as she moves further in the room. "Devon?" He narrows his eyes at her. "How did you get here?" Markus was also curious. He knew she was a human, remembers her from when they first met. "Was told by a friend if I came to Ferdale then followed a certain symbol, it would lead me here." Markus's brows furrowed. "It's impossible for a human to follow those trails." She turns her green gaze onto him.

"Obviously not," She motions to herself. "It was difficult, and I could've died a few times but I didn't." Her eyes turn back onto her android partner. "Why are you here?" He asks and she smiles softly at him. "I knew you'd come here and try and stop Markus. I couldn't let you do it." Devon steps forward, placing herself between Connor and Markus, using her body as a shield for the deviant leader.

"This isn't you, Con." He shakes his head, his hands tightening on the gun in his hands. "Please, just move out of my way. I have to accomplish my mission." Devon licks her cold lips, stepping towards him with a cautious step. "Your mission?" She takes another step. "Or theirs?" Devon stops directly in front of him, the gun close enough where if she moved an inch further it would poke her chest. "I'm not going to let you kill him, Connor." Devon brings her hand up and places on the gun, shifting it up so it was now pointed directly between her eyes.

Ş̴͚͇̼͎̇͛͑͘ͅo̶̧͔̠̼̪̰̜̮͈͑͋̈́̊͛͆̿̀͋͊̚ͅf̶̡̡̳̪̦̌ț̵͍͇̱̫͋̔̋͗̎͊́͝w̷̨̬̝͚̯̦̅̔̈́̈́̄̈̕a̴̫̤̋̿̿͐͑̓̑͂͘͠r̷̛̛̻̹̤̳̤̺̤̩̞̄̿͋̍̐ẻ̵̥͉̭͈̼͎̖͇̻̩̀ ̷̮͈̣̌̿͐̌͒̽̄̏̊ͅͅÎ̸̢̛͍͚̜̲͙͓͇̜͉̀̈́͑n̴̡͍̟̭̝͍̝͔͙̬͊̚s̶̨͔̻̱̩̤̣̥̼͌̂̏͋̔́̽̌t̷̟͇͖͈̙͚̹̐̈́̒͆̍̔̆͜a̸̡̳̮͈̯͐ͅb̶̝͕͖̦̭͉͗ͅḭ̷̡͓̞̼͙̋̄̽l̷̛͎̥̱͋͂͐͛̚̚͝ị̷̛̒̊͆͛́͆̓t̴̛̲̙̰̮̑̿͒̋̅͝ý̷͇̺͚͖͂ͅ

Markus watches with curiously and wide eyes. He knew when he first met her she was different. A female human detective that protected him, an android. She didn't have to do so but she did and here she was again, placing herself in harms way for him. "If you want to get to Markus so badly," She steps forward, the barrel of the gun now pressed tightly to her skin. "Then you have to shoot me." Connor's brow eyes were wide as he stares at her, warnings popping up in his vision.

"Either way, I enjoyed being your partner." A smile tugs at the corner of her lips. "It doesn't have to stop here. We can win this thing and you can continue to be mine and Hank's partner." She swallows hard as she stares into his beautiful brown eyes. "You can continue to live with me, I'll even let you start taking Ellie on walks." A tear slides down her cheek and Connor has the urge to reach for it.

Ş̴͚͇̼͎̇͛͑͘ͅo̶̧͔̠̼̪̰̜̮͈͑͋̈́̊͛͆̿̀͋͊̚ͅf̶̡̡̳̪̦̌ț̵͍͇̱̫͋̔̋͗̎͊́͝w̷̨̬̝͚̯̦̅̔̈́̈́̄̈̕a̴̫̤̋̿̿͐͑̓̑͂͘͠r̷̛̛̻̹̤̳̤̺̤̩̞̄̿͋̍̐ẻ̵̥͉̭͈̼͎̖͇̻̩̀ ̷̮͈̣̌̿͐̌͒̽̄̏̊ͅͅÎ̸̢̛͍͚̜̲͙͓͇̜͉̀̈́͑n̴̡͍̟̭̝͍̝͔͙̬͊̚s̶̨͔̻̱̩̤̣̥̼͌̂̏͋̔́̽̌t̷̟͇͖͈̙͚̹̐̈́̒͆̍̔̆͜a̸̡̳̮͈̯͐ͅb̶̝͕͖̦̭͉͗ͅḭ̷̡͓̞̼͙̋̄̽l̷̛͎̥̱͋͂͐͛̚̚͝ị̷̛̒̊͆͛́͆̓t̴̛̲̙̰̮̑̿͒̋̅͝ý̷͇̺͚͖͂ͅ

"You're my friend." She whispers out, her chest heaving up and down as she tried to controls her breathing. When Connor first arrived here at Jericho, he only had one objective;


But now that the female detective he has found himself found of was standing before him, his gun pressed to her forehead, there was another option that was behind a solid red wall.


Devon watches a Connor stares at her, his brows furrowing slightly. It looked like he was almost in pain. "He's breaking free." Markus speaks up from behind her, causing her to turn slightly to look at the tall android. "It's nice to see you again, detective." He smiles kindly at her, that same kind smile she remembers him giving her a few days ago in the square. "Nice to see you too, Markus." She smiles at him before turning her attention back onto Connor.

Connor bashes his body against the wall, ripping it apart so he could get to Devon. It was thick and hard to break through. Every time he hit against it, he'd feel a surge of pain filter through him but he didn't let that stop him. He had to get to her. Connor makes it to the last layer, Devon directly on the other side.

The gun lowers from her head and Connor immediately wraps the blonde in a tight embrace, his arms locked around her shoulders.

S̵̢̼̩̱͖͙͍̃͊͋̊̊͑͐̃̋̎̎͐͌̓̊̋̈̚͝͝͠ǫ̷̰̱̻̫͙̭̠̩̦͕͈̙̪̯̝͖̀̈́̍͆̓̇̊͛͊͠f̵̛̛͓̜̗̲̘̭̲̜͙̩̺͗̒̀̂͐͂̇̍̅̀͐̍̽̋̑̎̽͂̀̉͐̎̂͂͒̽̓͒̚̚̚͘͝͠ͅt̵̡̧̨̢͉̲͉̼̳̝̥̮̺̭͎͕̼͍̹̺̙̮̜̦̹̼̫̰͓̞̲̐̍̀̏͂̔̏̾̿̕ͅͅͅw̶̧̨̧̙̗͍͍̦͈͈̱͔̙̻̭͔̬͉̬̝̖͙̤͉͍̤͎̎͆͐̑͋̉͑̽̀̌̏͋̓̔̄̑͐̃̄̐̆̅̏̿̀̚̕͝͠͝͠ͅå̶̧̨̨̛͍̥̻̟̭̳̘͖̖̮͚̰̖̣̟͉̹̼̜̣̗̱͖̪̝̤̺͍̤͉̯̓́͑̽̓̽̒̎̓̂̌̎̅͜͝r̸̡̨̡̲͍̖̞̩̹̩̣̤͙̰̫̹̮̗͈͖̜̘̣̹̟̯̙͍̦̲̖̺̮̗͉̃̑̅̓̉̄̓͐̀́̎͊̏̏̆͒̅̿̒̏̋͂̿̃͌̆̂͒͋͋͘̚͝ͅę̵̡̬̭͉̼̺͉̱͈̰̬͇̝̼̮̠̦̭̦̣̭͕͍̣̼̩̜̠͓̥̭͍͍͖͕̠̣̈́̋̾̓̈́͛̃͒͋̔̐̾̂̔̄̈́̇̈̇̎̈́̃̈́͗̓͜ ̷̧̡̨̨̦̳͙̣͚͔͎̟̤̝͔̹͍̘̣̻͉̭̬̞̖͉̝̱̩̦͎̬̣͈̮̻̖̓͐̆̄̏͋̅͘͜͜͝Ĭ̵̧̡̡̨͕̻͔͈̠̯̙͙͖̫͍̩̦̲͖͙̱̠͎̫͙̩͕̫̘̀̽̽̿͐͆͗̈́́̌͑̌̀̉̓̆͘͠n̵̛̛̛̹̳͈̠̣̳͓̳̙̟̭̖̭̙͍̹̗̖̰͔̈́̔͋̓̅̓̊̐̋́̓͆̔̈́̓͒̃͒̈́͌̃͊͌̄͂̆̃̂̉̅̌́̆͑͆̈́͘̕͘͘͝͝ͅs̸̯̝̗͎͖̤͕̩̱͇͉̠̟̮̮̤͈̮͉̥̝͆̊͌̾̇̍̉̇̆̔̽͌͜͝t̷̢̨̛̼͍̠̱͍͍͚̙̦͇̳̟͖̩͖̖̻͕̳̞͚͕͕͕̼̬̥̻͓̤̼͍̩͖̀̋̿͆̓͗̆͊̽̚͜ͅͅͅá̶̧̮͖̪̜͎̺̖̦̼̙̦̟̩̞̹̜̘̼͚̗̰̳̳̭͕̜͈̗̠̥͙̫̣͚̥̼̳̥̦̜̀̏̿͋̄͋͒̄̐̈̾͜͜͝͠͝b̴̛̛̖̪̜̪̖͚̈́̉̇̈́̏̌̀̑̋͒̓͌̓͐͂̌͗̄͋̓̽̇̏̉̓͂̊̋̚͘͘̚̕͝͝͝͝i̸͇͖̙̲̖̋̈́͛̔͊͆̉̌̔̈̐͊̉͗̈̎̈́͐͒̄̓̅͊̆̽̂̈́̒̔́͆͗̽͂̄̐̂̊̄̕͘͝͝͝͠l̵̡̡̲̜̰̰̙͉͔͍͙̦̟̺̣͎̯̜̯̱̠̩͚̦̰͕̩̈̽͌̅̓̈̃̃̏̋̌͑̾̀̾̊̊̋̋̂̈̋̉͂͋͋̀́̓͌̉̎͋̋̈̀̔̈́͘̚͜͜͝i̸̙̥̬̫̰͛̾̍͝ͅt̶̨̛̬̜̦̗̹̠̩̱̺͎̗̟̥̀͌͛̿͗̒̌͛̂͋̂͑́͘̕ÿ̴̡̡̨̧̡̥̘͉͙̘̦̱̮͑̒̔́̍̈́̊͆̇̆́͛̇͘̚̕ͅͅ


DEVON //\\

Devon wraps her arms around his waist, burring her head into his shoulder, feeling his familiar warmth. A smile forms on her face as she snuggles into her android friend happily, the warmth of his body causing the chills to leave her. Connor has his face buried into her hair, taking in her familiar sent that he has come to love.

Connor pulls away from her, holding her at arms length so he could take a good look at her. He cups her face in his hands as his brown eyes look her over. Devon notices that his eyes are sparking in a way she hasn't seen them do before. Connor felt as if he was seeing Devon for the first time, feeling her for the first time. Like a film was removed from his eyes and he was now seeing in full color. Seeing her in full color. Realization falls over Connor and his hands drop from Devon's face and falls to his sides.

"They're going to attack Jericho..."

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