By _JKpopboOiii_

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Y/N flew all the way to South Korea to study in her dream school, Minseo High school and Seoul Art College. S... More



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By _JKpopboOiii_

All students were all ready for the field trip in the amusement park, as they were busy chit chatting with their friends. Everyone was excited, especially Seungkwan here who couldn't stop moving around from excitement.

"Can you please cool down for a few minutes? You being hyper is making me exhausted." Jihoon complains with a huff.

"How can you not be excited hyung? We're going to the amusement park!" Seungkwan asked.

"I gotta admit, it is pretty exciting." Hansol agreed.

"Plus, didn't Mingyu say yesterday that they'll also be going on a field trip to the amusement park as well?" Seokmin questioned.

"Oh right! It's the same amusement park we're going to!" Seungkwan answered.

"You mean, we'll be meeting your other cousins there?" Yoonji asked you.

"Yup." Y/n nod.

"So that's why Seungkwan here is all hyped up." Yoonji said.

"Of course!" Seungkwan replied. The bus arrived to pick the students up. All formed in a line before entering the bus.

--In Bus--

Seungkwan suddenly faced Y/n and Seokmin who were sitting at the back of him and Hansol, kneeling on the seat he was sitting on.

"So, what ride should we go first?" He asked you.

"We should first go meet with the others before riding a ride." Y/n suggested.

"They'll be waiting for us at the entrance gate." Hansol answered, facing them as well.

"Oh, Okay. Then let's go to the roller coasters first." Y/n said.

"R-roller coasters..." Seokmin looked at Y/n nervously.

"Yeah...are you afraid of roller coasters?" She asked.

"N-No! Of course not! I'm a brave man!"

"Who still sleeps with his big unicorn plush beside him." Jihoon added.

"Hey! I feel most comfortable when Mr. Unicorn is with me, and he's not just a big plushy! He's a warrior, thank you very much!" He defended, then fed himself some grapes.

"I still can't believe this hyung is older than me." Seungkwan said as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Same here." Hansol said as they both sat back down properly on their seats.


Once they arrived, the teacher gave all of them the tickets and gave simple rules to follow before dismissing them into the Place of fun! As Hansol said, Soonyoung, Minghao, Mingyu and Wonwoo were waiting for them at the entrance gate. Even Chan was there with them.

"Oh, Chan you're here!" Hansol yelled in surprise.

"Yeah... They drag me into coming here."

"You had nothing to do at home right? It would be boring to stay at home." Soonyoung said.

"It's a Saturday hyung, I always stay home every weekend."

"C'mon, why not change your everyday Schedule to something different for a change." Wonwoo said.

"Fine, I'll only be changing it today." He said as Soonyoung kept poking on Chan's sides playfully.

"Anyway, where is Minghao?" Y/n asked them.

"Oh, he's over there paying for Chan's ticket." Mingyu said as he pointed over to Minghao who was busy with paying the ticket at the cashier. He thanked the lady and headed towards them.

"Here's your ticket, Chan." Minghao said as he gave him the ticket.

"Thanks hyung, I'll pay you back." He said as he grabbed the ticket from him.

"Nah, it's fine." The fact that Minghao had money to buy another ticket, which costs a lot, made Seungkwan jealous.

"I wish I had money." Seungkwan sighed.

"Save and stop wasting money." Hansol told him.

"Yeah, all you ever do is waste them on those cards." Jihoon added.

"Says the one who spends a lot of money on those action figures." Y/n said.

"I buy those for a purpose, they look good on display." Jihoon defended.

"Mhmm, sure." Y/n said.

"Anyway let's not waste our time here, let's go!" Yoonji pulled Y/n to the gate as the others followed them.

"This. Is. Paradise!" Seungkwan yelled as he looked around the place in excitement when they entered.

"So, what do you guys want to ride first?" Mingyu asked.

"Roller coaster~!" Y/n yelled excitedly.

"Okay, there is one near us." Wonwoo said as he pointed to the place on the map he is holding. "Let's go!" Wonwoo said as he led them towards the ride.


"I can't believe we'll be riding on this ride..." Seokmin said nervously as he sighed.

"Why, you want to chicken out?" Seungkwan asked as he tapped his feet impatiently.

"N-no. Why? Do YOU want to chicken out?" Seokmin asked Boo.

"Yes, that's why I was asking you so we can chicken out together."

"Oh come on you guys, I'm sure this will be fun!" Wonwoo reassured them.

"Yeah, this is one of the most famous rides in this amusement park." Hansol added.

"It's famous because of its speed and its height, and knowing me I have a fear of heights!" Seokmin said.

"Just close your eyes bro, you can do it. Be positive~!" Mingyu said.


"Yeah, like you always do. Be positive! Isn't that one of your mottoes? Always be positive whatever situation I may be in." Soonyoung said.

"Yeah~. You're right~! Always be positive~!" Seokmin nodded as the line queue then started moving until it was their turn to ride on the roller coaster

"I HAVE TO STAY CALM AND BE POSITIVE!" Seokmin yelled to himself as the staff put the seat belt down when they got to their seat on the ride.

"Are you sure this ride is safe?" Seokmin asked them, scared of what would happen later.

"Of course! If it wouldn't be safe then we wouldn't be riding it." Jihoon answered as he chuckled.

"Why do we have to be sitting on the very front of the ride?!" Seungkwan asked in annoyance.

"THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO KNOW!" Seokmin whined.

"You want to switch with me?" Y/n asked Seungkwan.

"That's a little too late now noona!"

Seungkwan and Seokmin were placed at the front. Then Y/n and Jihoon were behind them. For the second seats, Yoonji and Hansol were placed in front. Mingyu and Minghao were behind them and the last seats, Chan and Wonwoo were in front and Soonyoung was behind them.


When you guys got out of the ride, Seokmin and Seungkwan were down on their knees, out of breath.

"That *huffs* was horrible!" Seokmin cried.

"I thought I was going to die!" Seungkwan cried as well.

"Oh stop overreacting, it wasn't that bad!" Y/n said as she shrugged, feeling fine.

"You say that because you're a roller coaster maniac!" Seungkwan said.

"Wha-- am not!"

"You can't deny it couz, you've loved riding these kinds of rides ever since you were little." Wonwoo said.

"Okay fine... let's just go for a ride where everyone would like to go." Y/n suggested.

"I want to ride that one!" Yoonji said as she pointed at the free fall ride, and the look on Seungkwan and Seokmin's face said it all.

"Y-you're kidding right...?" Seungkwan asked in disbelief.

"Please tell me you're kidding..." Seokmin added.

"No, I'm not. It looks fun so why not give it a try?" Yoonji said as she shrugged.

"I like what you're thinking there Yoonji-ah~. Let's go~!" Y/N yelled excitedly as she linked arms with Yoonji as they walked towards the ride she picked. Hansol snickered as he pats Seungkwan's back.

"C'mon, let's go." Hansol said.

"I sometimes hate going to the amusement park." Seungkwan said.

"I know, me too." Hansol agreed just to make Seungkwan feel better.


They were in line for the free fall ride as the girls were excited for their turn. The other boys were calm and relaxed, except for the other 2. Y/N noticed them and smiled.

"This will be the last ride we'll get on then after, let's do what you boys like to do." She told them.

"What we would like is to play some sports in the arena area." Seokmin said.

"Sure~! Let's go there after this."

"Oh wow, you sure?" Seokmin asked, a bit surprised that you agreed.

"Yeah, I don't mind playing some sports. I do need some exercise."

"Yeah, you sure do need that." Jihoon sarcastically agreed.

"Shush, I don't want to hear that from you." Jihoon then mocked her way of speaking, irritating the heck out of Y/n. She was about to punch his shoulder when Mingyu stopped the two.

"Calm down you two, we don't want to create a scene here." He said.

"Tss... just wait until we get home." Y/n threatened.

"Ahh, I'm so scared~. Tsss, like I am." Jihoon sarcastically said as he snickered.


"Ah Y/n! The line is moving, come on." Yoonji interrupted her as she pushed her softly to move.


As they got out of the ride, all the boys, and not just Seungkwan and Seokmin, but all the boys were beaten up.

"Ugh, I don't feel so good." Soonyoung said as his hand was placed on his chest trying to breathe.

"That drop was freaking high, I think I left my soul up there." Chan added as he looked up.

"Same, I don't ever want to ride that again." Hansol added as he huffed and shook his head.


As Seokmin requested, they went inside the sports play arena in the amusement park and played some sports. First sport they decided to play is indoor dodgeball. Yoonji, Chan and Y/n sat down to watch as the boys played.

"You really don't want to play Chan?" Soonyoung asked him.

"Yeah, I'll rest. I'll play in the next game."

"Okay, then."

"So, how do we split the team?" Hansol asked.

"By schools, Minseo vs Pledis. What do you guys think?" Wonwoo suggested.

"I'm fine with that." Minghao said with a nod. Everyone else nodded their heads, agreeing.

"Great, let's start then!" Soonyoung excitedly said as he placed the balls in the middle. The Minseo team is at the left side whilst the Pledis team is at the right side.

"Alright let's do this!" Mingyu yelled, and everyone put their game faces on as they were in their ready positions.

"Ready~..." You began. "START~!" They all raced in the middle to get the 4 balls that were placed before them. Soonyoung, Minghao, Mingyu were able to get the ball in their team while Hansol was the only one who was able to get a ball for his team. Soonyoung quickly threw the ball at Seokmin who was in front of him but he quickly dodged it.

"HA! TRY HITTING ME IF YOU CAN~!" He shouted. Minghao threw the ball at Hansol but missed making this Hansol's chance to throw the ball back at Minghao but he caught it, then threw it to Seokmin who let his guard down and eventually got hit.

"Seokmin, out~!" Y/n yelled.


"YAH, DON'T LET YOUR GUARD DOWN!" Jihoon shouted.

"Sorry..." Seokmin apologized as he rubbed the nape of his neck.

"Isn't he taking this too seriously?" Y/n asked Seokmin softly.

"Yeah, I know... it's just a game..." He replied.

"I guess Jihoon here is competitive at games." Yoonji said.

Back to the game, Mingyu threw the ball to Seungkwan but he quickly dodged it which made everyone laugh, but it made Boo impressed that he was able to dodge.

"You see that, you see that?" Seungkwan said as he did it again, making everyone laugh again. Jihoon suddenly threw the ball while he was laughing but surprisingly it hit the laughing Mingyu. He didn't even care he lost and kept on laughing his way out, towards Y/n and the others.

"3 vs 3~!" Yoonji yelled.

"LEZ GO MINSEO TEAM!" Seokmin cheered.

"FIGHT PLEDIS TEAM~!" Mingyu cheered. Seungkwan pretended to throw the ball to Minghao but smartly and quickly threw it towards Soonyoung who didn't see his plan coming and got hit.

"Aww damn~, you're becoming smarter at this~!" Soonyoung said to Boo.

"You know what they say~. I'm the wisest at playing sports games~!"

"No one even said that once." Seokmin protested.

"Just let me pretend that I am bro." Seungkwan said.

"Well okay then~!"

Wonwoo suddenly threw the ball to Hansol but since he was caught off guard, he was accidentally hit on his groin. The others were shocked but Hansol just smiled it off as he walked towards Seokmin, embarrassed and in pain. Wonwoo walked to him as he patted Hansol's back to make the lad feel better.

"I'M SO SORRY!" He apologized.

"WOOOH It's fine, I can handle this..." Hansol said as he got to his other teammate beside Y/n.

"Sit down here." She said as she lent him the chair she was sitting on.


"Next time don't hit below, and hit above." Minghao advised the people still playing as he chuckled.

"Roger that." Wonwoo said as he gave out a nervous chuckle.


Next game they decided to play was indoor baseball, and this time Y/n, Chan and Yoonji decided to join in. You were all at the counter resting a bit.

"Boys vs girls?" Jihoon asked.

"Uhm no." You protested as you furrowed your eyebrows.

"Jihoon, that isn't fair bro." Soonyoung said.

"How about we versus each other, then the last 5 people with the lowest score will receive a punishment." Yoonji suggested and you slowly smiled.

"I like what you think~." She said.

"Me too~!" Seungkwan agreed.

"What will be the punishment then?" Chan asked as all thought hard about what the punishment could be, then suddenly Yoonji's face lit up.

"I have an idea!"

"Spit it~." Y/n said.

"There is this famous haunted house in this amusement park. The loser has to go into that attraction until the end~!"

"I hate that idea." Seokmin said in fear.

"I LOVE THAT IDEA!" Y/n yelled excitedly.

"You two must be crazy." Seungkwan said.

"Nah, we both just like seeing others in pain." Yoonji replied.

"Especially the ones we hate." Y/n added as the both of them smiled at each other. The other boys stared at the two nervously.

"Anyway, shall we start?" Y/n asked. The two head towards the room where they will use as the other boys just stare at the direction they went.

"Devil!" Mingyu softly said in horror.

"When Joshua said Y/n has a sadistic side, I never believed it until now." Minghao said.

"She's a devil." Seungkwan said in fear.

"Come on, let's go. We can't keep them waiting." Jihoon said.

"How are you so calm hyung?!" Seokmin asked.

"Cause, I know I won't lose. That's why." He confidently said as he walked towards the room.

"How is he so confident?!" Seokmin asked the others in shock.

"Who knows." Minghao shrugged.

"Are you boys ready to lose?" You asked them. Jihoon snickered then looked at you.

"The real question is, are YOU ready to lose?" Jihoon smirked after. You both stared at each other intensely, you could almost see the statistics in between them. The game started and each of them played the baseball game seriously. No one doesn't want to lose, cause the punishment isn't something they would want to end up with.


A few hours of playing, there is finally a winner and a loser. The 5 winners of this game are, Yoonji, Minghao, Soonyoung, Hansol and Chan.

"GAHD DAMMIT! I CAN'T BELIEVE I LOST!" Mingyu yelled in frustration.

"Both of you were saying all those a while ago but ended up losing." Minghao said to Y/n and Jihoon who were keeping silent.

"Shut up." Jihoon said.

"Today is just not my lucky day." Y/n replied.

"Well you said it~!" Hansol chuckled.

"I can't lose! Please you guys, I really don't want to go inside that haunted house!" Seungkwan begged.

"SAME, HAVE MERCY ON US!" Seokmin joined in.

"HAVE MERCY ON UUUUS!" Soonyoung pleaded. The 3 kneel down in front of the winners as they try not to laugh at them.

"Sorry boys, you lost. You gotta do what you gotta do, it's the rules~."Yoonji said.


They were in front of the haunted house attraction as they were staring at it in horror, except for Yoonji who was excited. She faces them with a smile.

"So, who will go first?" Yoonji asked them.

"N-noona... c-c-can w-we go b-by g-groups?" Seungkwan asked nervously.

"Y-yeah! C-can we?" Seokmin asked.

"Ehh~?! That is no fun~!" Yoonji pouted.

"Oh come on noona! My heart can't take it if I go by myself! I might die of a heart attack!" Seungkwan yelled in fear.

"P-plus... I don't think we can survive if we go alone. S-some of us can't handle horror stuff." Soonyoung explained nervously.

"And by some, you mean?" Yoonji asked.


"Hey don't include me! I'm not scared at all!" Jihoon yelled back.

"Wow, acting all tough there ey Jihoon!" Y/n said in amazement but it was obvious she was teasing him.

"You shush." He replied, making Y/n snicker as she shook her head.

"Fine, then I'll allow you to go in pairs!" Yoonji finally agreed.

"Not groups?!" Seungkwan asked.

"Nope, you guys will be fine. There will be no real ghosts or monsters, it's just people in terrifying make-up and ripped costumes. There is nothing to be afraid of~!" Yoonji re-assured them.

"Easy for you to say, since you're not going to the attraction." Mingyu pouted. Yoonji pats his back with a smile as he pouts more.

"How do we team ourselves then?" Jihoon asked.


The door closes on Mingyu and Seokmin who were the first pair to enter the haunted house attraction. Both were very nervous as they slowly looked at each other and gulped.

"A-after you."  Seokmin said as he pointed --with his hand-- at the darkness to the tall puppy to go first.

"No, after you."  Mingyu said.

"You're the older one here, so after you."  Seokmin protested.

"Well you're the younger one here so you've got to take care of your older one, so after you." Mingyu protested.

"The olders should protect the younger ones, so after you." Seokmin protested again, he really didn't want to be the brave one again.

"No--" In the midst of their mini argument, there was a sudden loud bang on the door which caused the both to flinch and scream in horror.

"L-let's just go..." Seokmin said as he tried holding Mingyu's hand.

"Yeah I agree." They both lock their arms together as they proceed in the house of horror.


The door closes on Jihoon and Soonyoung who were the second pair to enter the haunted house attraction. Soonyoung was very nervous while Jihoon, well he is nervous but he's just not showing it.

"Jihoon-ah, a-aren't you n-nervous?" Soonyoung asked him.

"N-no, of course not. Why would I be, these aren't even real ghosts." Jihoon replied as his heart couldn't stop beating fastly.

"I-I know, b-but... still... the vibe in here is just c-creepy."

"Tss, ridiculous. Let's go, imma leave you behind." Jihoon started walking first, making Soonyoung panic a bit.

"W-wait for me! Let's go together!"


The door closes on Seungkwan and Y/n who were the last pair to enter the haunted house attraction. Both were very nervous, while Seungkwan was shaking in fear as Y/n took deep breaths as she looked around the place which sent shivers down her spine.

"This is creepy." Y/n commented.

"Yeah, no kidding." They both look in front of them which is all swallowed in darkness. They both gulped, and as soon as they were about to take a step, there was a sudden giggle of a woman that caused them to freeze in the spot they were in.

"No way Jose, I'm outta here!" Seungkwan yelled as he took a step towards the door, but Y/n stopped him and pulled his arm back to his place.

"Nuh uh, you're going with me." Y/n said.

"In that darkness? Nuh uh!" Seungkwan refused.

"Yuh uh, you're a man aren't you!?"

"W-well, y-yeah but--." Seungkwan reluctantly replied.

"No buts! If you say you're a man, YOU ARE A MAN!" Y/n pulled him further into the house of horror, receiving a whine from the boy. "SHUT UP, YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO WANTS TO ESCAPE HERE!" She yelled while Seungkwan still whined as he was getting pulled into the abyss.


Mingyu and Seokmin came upon 5 doors surrounding them. They both were panicking all of a sudden.

"W-where should we go now?!" Seokmin asked his partner.

"I-I don't know but, it looks like we have to choose a door we like to be able to get to the end." Mingyu said.

"What? How the heck do you know?"

"It's written on that paper over here." Mingyu pointed at the stand with the paper stuck on it.

"W-which one should we even choose?" Seokmin asked worriedly.

"Say, what's your favorite number?" Mingyu asked him all of a sudden.

"17 of course." Seokmin replied.

"1 plus 7 is?" Mingyu asked.

"8!" He answered, "wait, why the sudden math?" Seokmin asked him while Mingyu counted each door up to number 8.

"Let's go there then." Mingyu said as he proceeded to enter the room he pointed at.

"Wait, don't leave me!" Seokmin yelled.


Jihoon and Soonyoung arrived at the 5 doors, making them both confused, and making Soonyoung shiver in fear.

"W-where should we go now?" Soonyoung asked.

"I don't know." Jihoon said.

"D-don't tell me... w-we're trapped here?!" Soonyoung asked in fear.

"What? No! This is just part of the attraction." Jihoon said, calming his partner.

"T-then what should we do now?" There was a sudden giggle of a woman which sent shivers down Soonyoung's spine and made Jihoon gulp nervously. Soonyoung turned around fast as a lightning and saw no one but darkness.

"JIHOOOOON!" He cried as he hugged his cousin's arm, annoying the fudge out of him.

"Wait-- Soonyoung! Let go of my arm!" Jihoon yelled as he struggled to remove his hand from Soonyoung's grip.

"I don't want to! I'm never going to let go until we get out of here!" The boy said.

"Bruh! You're hurting my arm!" Jihoon yelled again.

"I'm sorry but deal with it!"

"What?! How am I supposed to deal with this?! I can't concentrate on this problem we have now!" Jihoon successfully pushed Soonyoung away from him then rubs his arm that Soonyoung hugged.

"I'm outta here." Jihoon said as he went into a random door, having Soonyoung running towards him in fear.

"Yah! Don't leave me here! I promise I won't annoy you anymore! YAH!"


Y/N and Seungkwan arrived where the others had been to, surrounded by those 5 doors. The both gulped seeing the doors, thinking they are both stuck and have nowhere to go.

"What the heck is this?" Seungkwan asked, confused and scared.

"Doors, Obviously..."

"Well I know that, but where do we go now?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know." Y/n said.

"Well I don't know either!" There was a sudden giggle which caught both of their attention, looking behind them.

"Y-you heard that?" Y/n asked Boo.

"T-that g-g-giggle? Y-yeah I h-heard it." Seungkwan managed to reply as he shivered in fear.

"Oh god, I hate haunted houses so badly." Y/n said.

"You think we both wanted to go here?!" Seungkwan yelled, and there it goes again the giggle of women that shut them both up.

"H-hello?" Y/n called out nervously.

"I had enough of this..." Seungkwan said.

"What--"  Seungkwan then let go of Y/n's hand and went forward a bit then started yelling.


'Has he gone crazy?'  Y/n thought.


'Wow, that is the biggest lie I have heard from him.'  Y/n snickered. Another giggle played, it made the both gulp but Seungkwan didn't want it to affect him.

"WHAT'S WITH THAT GIGGLE HUH?! TELL ME! IS THAT ALL YOU GOT HUH--" The small giggle suddenly turned into a scream, making Seungkwan running towards Y/n as he hug her arm in fear.

"What the heck have you done?!" Y/n asked Boo who was as scared as she was.

"I-I think I made it mad...?" Seungkwan nervously said.

"What--?"  The woman screamed again, making the two lose their sanity a bit.

"EOMMAAAAAA!" They both yelled as they ran inside a random door.

The 3 pairs went inside a room separately, giving them different courses and puzzles to solve. To get to the exit, they have to solve a puzzle that awaits them in the door they went to. Can they handle the scare and vibe of the place? People say, it's not easy to get out of this house of horror without crying, some even faints. That is how scary this haunted house attraction is.


Mingyu and Seokmin came upon a room which was decorated with foods on the shelves. They are inside a market, but the room is all messy. Can of foods are on the ground, some shelves have been tossed over, and there was this man sitting on the wall unconscious.

"Hyung, do you see what I'm seeing?" Seokmin asked him when he saw the man as Mingyu gulped before answering.

"I-if it's the man sitting unconscious on the ground over there, then yes. I can see him clearly."

"W-what should we do?" The boy asked as they both looked around the room to find any hidden instructions to what they were supposed to be doing. Seconds later, Mingyu found a note stuck on the wall.

"In order to get out of this course and be set free, all you need to do is find the key. It's hidden where the people wouldn't dare to go, it's a matter of life and death situation where you'll be saying yes or no." Mingyu read.

"Life and death!? Does that mean we're going to die!?" Seokmin yelled at Mingyu who was starting to panic.

"Calm down, we're not going to die! We're just going to find the key and get out of here, simple as that!"

"But where is the key located?" Seokmin asked.

"It's said here it's hidden where the people wouldn't dare to go, it's a matter of life and death situation where you'll be saying yes or no." Mingyu read again, but Seokmin was still confused.

"Which means what? I'm stupid here hyung I have no clue what that even means!" He said.

"Just think! Use your stupid brain and think!" Mingyu advices him. Seokmin places his index fingers at the side of his head as he closes his eyes shut, using his brain to think of any possible place that the key may be hidden at. His eyes suddenly jolted wide open as he gasped when he thought of an idea.

"Don't tell me... it's located near the zombie?" Seokmin asked.

"The riddle does fit with your answer. It really is a matter of life and death situation."

"You go!" Seokmin told his partner.

"What!? Why me!?"

"I don't know, because you're tall enough!?"

"What's my height gotta do with this situation?!" Mingyu asked.

"I'm just scared okay!!" Seokmin confessed.

"Well same here!"

"Why don't we just do Rock Paper Scissors?" Seokmin suggested.

"Wha— no! I don't want to!" Mingyu refused.

"Why not!? So we can end this argument, get the key and get the hell out of here!"

"Because I suck at that game and we both know you'll end up winning and I have to go get the key from that zombie!"

"We have no choice! What do you expect us to do—!?" Seokmin suddenly was interrupted by a key that hit him on his leg. They both look at it then at the zombie who threw it at them, speechless.

"You both are hella noisy, it's hurting my hearing. There's the key, now get the hell out of here." The both stared at each other dumbfounded, then Seokmin quickly got the key and dashed to the door, unlocked it then ran out of the room heading towards the exit.


Jihoon stopped on his track when he saw where he entered, Soonyoung bumped on his back confused as to why he was standing there.

"Why did you stop?" Soonyoung asked. Once he looked at Jihoon, he saw his expression. You could see the fear in the little fella's eyes. Soonyoung looks at where Jihoon was staring at and his eyes widen from fear. There stood a woman in her 40's carrying a baby in her arms as she hummed a creepy lullaby .

"W-what should we do?" Soonyoung whispered softly.

"I-i d-don't know..." Jihoon hesitated a bit to turn his head away and as he did, there he saw a note which he quietly headed towards to read it. Soonyoung followed along, tiptoeing towards it. They both read it in silence, 'A key is what you need to get out from here, although be quiet or else you'll be shaking in fear. It's hidden behind where we all used to sleep, safely hidden under a pile of floof.'

"What the heck is floof?" Soonyoung asked as he whispered.

"Maybe soft? Puffy? Fluffy? Anyway, we have to find the key quietly without her noticing us."  Jihoon whispered as he glanced at the woman who was still focused on the baby.

"It says it's hidden behind where we all used to sleep on... a bed?" Soonyoung guessed.

"The only bed here is that crib." Jihoon said as he pointed at the empty crib with his chin, then gulped as he felt shivers down his spine. He bravely tiptoed towards the crib, slowly and carefully, not making any noise. All you could hear is the mother humming a tune for her baby. He kept an eye on the woman as he tiptoed towards the mother then when he was in front of the crib, he took a glance at the pillow then back at the woman. He carefully moved the pillow aside, seeing the key under it. He quickly grabbed it and slowly backed away from the woman heading towards the exit door as Soonyoung did the same. But then his back hit something, creating a loud thud sound which froze the two and the woman. They both gulped, keeping an eye on the woman who was now slowly turning around to face them.

"F**k." Jihoon cursed as the woman screamed when she saw the two boys near the exit. Jihoon quickly unlocked the door with the key and they both ran out of the room as the mother chased after them.

Once they get out of the haunted house, they both breathe heavily trying to catch their breath.

"Good job bro, that was a close call." Soonyoung said as he huffed in relief.

"Yeah, thanks for not doing anything." Jihoon said, a bit bitter.

"H-hey! At least we escaped!" Soonyoung said as they headed back to where the others were at.


Y/n and Seungkwan stopped running as they breathed heavily, not noticing the room course they were in, facing the door.

"Bro, If that woman comes after us I'm yeeting out of here." Y/n said.

"Take me with you, I ain't yeeting out alone!" Seungkwan said while Y/n gave out her last sigh as she stood up.

"Anyways, let's keep on going before we--" As she turned around, she saw the room all decorated as if they were inside a circus. There were mirrors surrounding them and the lights were a little dim, and the middle was like the remake of the ghost house in Super Mario 64.

"W-where the heck are we?" Y/n asked nervously.

"I don't know but I don't like it here." Seungkwan said as he hugged Y/n's arm then they walked further inside the room towards the middle. When all of a sudden the lights brighten, circus music starts playing and the floor starts moving in a circular motion surprising the both.

"What kind of haunted house is this?!" You questioned shockingly. They crouch down so they won't fall. The floor is moving them with it going round and round making them both dizzy.

"What the heck are we supposed to do?" Y/n asked as she was on her knees.

"I have no idea, but all I know is that I'm getting sick and dizzy. MAKE THIS STOOOOOOP!"  You look around the room to see if there are any instructions you should be doing. There you saw a note in front of you.

"Seungkwan, stay here." You said as you slowly and carefully stood up, waiting for the ground to pull you to it and once you're near it you started jogging a bit to stay where the note is.

"What the heck are you doing?!" He shouted as he tried standing up but failed, ending up falling down on his bum. You were so focused on reading the note that you weren't aware of what Seungkwan was doing. 'To get out of this crazy circus all you need to do is find the button, a button which stops all the trouble. Find it, then escape out of the exit before he comes. Be careful and good luck.'  After reading, you stopped jogging, making you trip and falling on your knees. You grunt as you wipe the sweat off your forehead.

"What is this? You can surprisingly lose weight in this attraction." You said as you catched your breath.

"What the heck were you doing anyway?!" Seungkwan shouted to you. You both were a little far from each other and the music was a bit loud.

"See that note? I was trying to read it!" You said clearly and ended with a huff, still trying to catch your breath from the short workout you just did.

"So, what did it say?!" He shouted.

"It says we have to find a button to stop this ground from moving. But it doesn't say where though!" Seungkwan gulped and started stuttering.

"W-well... if it didn't tell where it is then... shouldn't it be easy to find?!"  All of a sudden, a laugh of a clown played which made both of their hearts race a bit.

"W-w-what was that?!" Seungkwan asked nervously. Then suddenly the lights dimmed and it got darker, the music was still playing but it had a more freakier vibe into it, while the ground was still moving in circular motions.

"SEUNGKWAN, ARE YOU OKAY?!" You shouted, it was a bit hard to see in the dark so, it was a bit hard to see each other. Just then, the lights went back on. You gave a sigh of relief but Seungkwan's eyes widened in fear.

"NOONA, BEHIND YOU!" You quickly look back and see a man dressed up in a clown suit with a knife on his hand up in the air charging down at you. You gasped but quickly dodged it as you rolled to your left where the knife won't hit you. Your eyes widen with what just happened and tried to process everything.

"THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?!" You yelled at the clown but the clown laughed like how a clown should laugh, then stared at you with a terrifying smile. Your heart dropped as it raced in fear. This isn't how a haunted attraction should be isn't it? The actors here are forbidden to hurt the customers, yet why?

"N-noona, are you okay?" You could hear the hint of horror in Seungkwan's voice. He was trembling in fear, his whole body wouldn't move. What in the world was happening?


The others were waiting for Y/n and Seungkwan inside the haunted attraction. Chatting as they laugh and play around, just then the staff from inside came running to the other staff outside.

"MA'AM, MA'AM, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" The young staff's sudden yell captured the others' attention.

"Calm down, you're making a scene. What is it?"

"San cho, san cho he-- he--!" The young staff wept as he kept on shaking in fear and he couldn't speak properly to his boss.

"What? Calm down, and tell me already. What about him?"

"He's dead!" He shouted which caused everyone to gasp in shock.

"What do you mean he's dead? There is no way he's dead? Stop fooling around and get back to wor--"

"I'm telling the truth! I walked inside the place he was supposed to be hiding for the clown course, but I found him dead! I checked his pulse to see if his heart was still beating but nothing!"

"He can't be dead though. If he's dead, then... who is that clown handling our customers?" Asked another staff member who was in charge of the CCTV camera inside the haunted house. Both of the staff were confused, so they both checked out what their comrade was saying. As they checked the tape for the CCTV inside, people were frightened and stepping out of the line to go to another attraction leaving Yoonji and the boys. They were all worried because Seungkwan and Y/n were still inside the attraction and they didn't know what had happened. Once the boss watched the tape, her eyes widened. Even though the clown in charge of the clown course was dead, there was still someone portraying as the clown and what's worse, he's trying to kill the two people in it.

"QUICKLY, GET THE GUARDS AND CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY! This is a serious case and two customers are in danger! QUICKLY!" She shouted and the guy staff dashed to call the guards as the woman staff called for help.

They all looked at each other worryingly. Yoonji gathered some courage to ask what had happened.

"I'm sorry, I can't explain any further." The Boss said.

"But our two friends are still inside, we really want to know if they are safe." Yoonji explained.

"Can you at least check which course they are in please?" Soonyoung added.

"There are only 2 people inside..." The boss answered.

"No..." A shiver went down on Yoonji's spine from her reply.

"Which means..." Chan said as his heart beated nervously.

"They are both at the clown course." Mingyu continued.

"Oh no." Jihoon gulped. All look at each other shocked and worried. They could not believe that something like this was happening.

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