A Rose Between Thorns

By MarimbaGirl1313

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Book #1 of the Flower Shop Series- Taylor Lee was an ordinary girl who was on her way to college when she was... More

Chapter 1: The First Page
Chapter 2: Touching All The Things
Chapter 3: A Maknae's Gift
Chapter 4: Bangtan's Rose
Chapter 5: Soulmates
Chapter 6: The Eldest's Gift
Chapter 7: Suga Winfrey
Chapter 8: Trust
Chapter 9: RIP Yoongi's Shirt
Chapter 11: The Second
Chapter 12: Jangmi
Chapter 13: Expectations
Chapter 14: Magic
A Date To Remember: Stories
A Date To Remember: Dreams
A Date To Remember: Stars
Chapter 15: Saviour
Chapter 16: Mark of the King
Chapter 17: Enigma
Chapter 18: Cracked
Chapter 19: Presents
Chapter 20: All The Gucci In The World
Chapter 21: A New Friend
Chapter 22: Don't Worry
Chapter 23: Piggy Noises
Chapter 24: Show and Tell
Chapter 25: Snapped
Chapter 26: Truth
Chapter 27: Sentiment
Chapter 28: Nostalgic Chicken
Celebration: Youth
Celebration: Growth
Celebration: Ego
Chapter 29: A Bright Morning
Chapter 30: Passive
Chapter 31: Storytime
Chapter 32: Devils Wrath
Chapter 33: Nightmare
Chapter 34: Compromise
Chapter 35: Sunshine
Chapter 36: Preparation
Chapter 37: A Seoul Declaration
Chapter 38: Introducing Jangmi
Chapter 39: Hot Damn!
Chapter 40: Red Sea
Chapter 41: Trigger
Chapter 42: Insecure
Chapter 43: Sweater Weather
Chapter 44: A Mochi's Concern
Chapter 45: Some Bitter Ass Coffee
Chapter 46: Huening Kai
Chapter 47: I'm Not A Damsel In Distress
Chapter 48: A Hectic Schedule
Chapter 49: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Carnival Nights: Run
Carnival Nights: Fortune
Carnival Nights: Sparks
Chapter 50: Almost Complete
Chapter 51: Rookie Model
Chapter 52: Not Everyone is a Fan
Chapter 53: Come Be My Teacher
Chapter 54: Bon Voyage!
Chapter 55: Lost In Norway
Chapter 56: Coming of Age Surprise!
Chapter 57: No Worries!
Chapter 58: She Took The Midnight Train Going Anywhere...
Chapter 59: An Unexpected Adventure!
Chapter 60: Fuck the Ocean
Chapter 61: The Show Must Go On
Chapter 62: The Truth Untold
Chapter 63: Heartfelt Messages from Loved Ones
Chapter 64: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 65: Double Date?
Chapter 66: Some Mistakes Get Made
Chapter 67: Bad Habits Die Hard
Dance The Night Away: Revelation
Dance The Night Away: Connection
Dance The Night Away: Euphoria
Chapter 68: This Time For Africa!
Chapter 69: Summer in Dubai
Chapter 70: Dangerous Waters
Chapter 71: Complete
Chapter 72: Shattered
Chapter 73: Autumn Leaves
Chapter 74: Would You Stay?
Chapter 75: Healing Little By Little
Question and Answer!
Chapter 76: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
Chapter 77: Stressed Out
Chapter 78: We'll Get Through This Together
Chapter 79: Would You Still Love Me?
Chapter 80: A New Discovery
Game On: Bunny
Game On: Ticket
Game On: Gold
QnA For Three Month Celebration!
Chapter 81: Doorway To My Heart
Chapter 82: A Brave Soul
Chapter 83: Tomcat
Chapter 84: Sacrifice
Chapter 85: Our Courage Saved Us
Chapter 86: Your Benefactor
Chapter 87: Our New Home
Chapter 88: Faith In Us
Chapter 89: Smoke and Flames
Chapter 90: Betrayal From My Butterfly
Chapter 91: A Sister's Pain
Chapter 92: Frost In Fall
Chapter 93: In Our Nature
Chapter 94: Crazy Beautiful!
Chapter 95: Another Chance
Chapter 96: Keep Holding On
Chapter 97: A Call That's Long Overdue
Chapter 98: I'll Show You
Chapter 99: Yoongi the Iron Dragon Slayer!
Chapter 100: A Little Wholesome Fun!
Chapter 101: Our Sleepless Rose
Chapter 102: Not Quite Alright
Chapter 103: A Trip Down Memory Lane
Wishing For Better Days: Love
Wishing For Better Days: Princess
Wishing For Better Days: Hope
Chapter 104: Tell Me, Am I Wrong?
Chapter 105: All My Ladies, Put Your Hands Up!
Chapter 106: Eye Of The Hurricane
Chapter 107: The Moment Of Truth
Chapter 108: Behind The Mask
Chapter 109: The World Turned Upside Down
Chapter 110: Aftermath
Winter Blossom Is Here!

Chapter 10: Chopsticks

5.3K 217 125
By MarimbaGirl1313

Jin wasn't kidding when he said Yoongi would be more clingy. A few minutes after I went into my room I heard a knock at my door, finding Yoongi standing there expectantly. He offered to help me unpack, to which I gratefully accepted while keeping him away from my undergarments in the process.

It didn't take long, seeing as most of what I packed was only clothes and essentials save for a few posters. I decided to put those to the side to be put up later, so it only took about half an hour with the two of us.

I had sat down to take a break after changing into new clothes, but it wasn't long before Yoongi decided to cuddle me to death. In the sense that once we were done he decided to wrap his arms around me and refused to let go, pulling me down and falling asleep shortly after.

So here we are, it's almost dinnertime and I still haven't been able to move a muscle. The man was practically dead to the world as he slept, and any time I tried to move his arms simply tightened more around me.

I curse to myself and my inability to nap as I look around the room. No one had come in at all to save me even as it passed lunch so they probably assumed I wanted space. I mean yeah, now I want space because I've been TRAPPED UNDER THIS HULKING PIECE OF DEAD WEIGHT!

An idea pops into my head, though I wonder if it will work since we haven't bonded yet. I curse myself again for not thinking of it sooner. "Jimin.." I say softly, hoping that he might hear me. "Jimin, I need help," I repeat, and a few moments later I hear the door swing open.

"You called, princess?" Jimin says as he enters with a devilish grin.

"Jimin-oppa, I've been stuck here for hours, please help me," I whisper, doing my best not to wake Yoongi up. The mochi looks over and his smile falls, nodding seriously. He reaches over to grab one of my pillows from the other side.

"I'll move his arms and as soon as you wiggle free I'll put this pillow here, otherwise he'd wake up," he says softly, and I nod. Jimin reaches over and moves Yoongi's arm that is draped over me, allowing me some freedom so I quickly roll out of the way.

As soon as I'm out Jimin places the pillow in my place, and I look back to see Yoongi cuddling the shit out of that pillow just a few moments later. We both let out sighs of relief as I roll my neck, feeling sore from lying there for so long.

"Jin is going to be making dinner soon, so we shouldn't have to wake him until it's done," Jimin whispers, and I nod as we head out of my room, closing the door softly behind me.

"How did you hear me? I mean, we haven't bonded yet so I didn't think it would work," I say once we are in the safety of the hallway.

"Well, the difference is that when we are bonded, I can tell your exact location when you call. I couldn't tell where you were now though because we haven't bonded, I could only hear your voice. Thankfully I knew you must still have been in your room since none of us saw you leave." he explains, rubbing the back of his neck.

"But I'm glad to hear my princess call for me! Here I am, your knight in shining armor!" Jimin adds with a grin.

I merely give him a dirty look. "I don't intend to be a damsel, sir. Also what's with everyone calling me princess? Isn't that a little informal to you, we only just met yesterday and JUST found out we are soulmates," I say, placing my hands on my hips.

Jimin's smile falls as he looks at me worriedly. "Aish, I'm sorry. I guess we are all happy to see that our final soulmate is a girl, you know? Even though we aren't really close yet, we all want to be. But if it makes you uncomfortable.." he says, causing me to sigh and hold a finger to his lips.

"Jimin, it's alright. I don't mind, but this is still a lot to take in. Even though I had already got out all of my fangirling before my flight," I tell him, making him brightly smile again.

"Well, I'm glad that our soulmate was also one of our fans," Jimin says softly before taking my hand in his, leading me towards the living room.

"Yah, Taylor you're alive!" Jungkook says upon seeing us, hopping over the couch and running up to hug me. "You didn't come by for lunch so we thought Yoongi had kidnapped you!"

I laugh as he gently releases me, and realize that Jimin hadn't let go of my hand. I gently pull away to pat Jungkook on the head. "Don't worry, I'm very much alive. I wasn't really hungry earlier anyways," I tell him softly. Jimin pouts a little when my hand leaves his, so as soon as I'm done patting Jungkook he takes it in his own again.

"We were about to pick a movie to watch before dinner when you called. We can't decide between the two though, and since Yoongi is asleep it's a tie," Jimin says with a grin, leading me a bit forcefully to the couch.

"Jimin-oppa, don't pull so hard," I mention with a wince, and he quickly lets go of my hand.

"Oops, I'm sorry," Jimin says, a tint of red on his cheeks from embarrassment.

I roll my eyes and rub my sore shoulder, now both that and my neck are hurting. I take a seat beside Taehyung, and Jungkook rushes to get to the seat to my left. However he doesn't get it, and pouts to see Jimin already there.

So he takes the opportunity to sit in Jimin's lap, the older boy wrapping his arms around the maknae. The rest of the boys were seated around the coffee table, except for Jin who was busy in the kitchen.

The two movie choices are on the table. One is titled 'The Conjuring,' which I know is a horror movie and I mentally shudder at the thought.

I love horror movies, don't get me wrong. But the only reason I watch them is to find ones that actually scare me. 'The Visit' was one of many that didn't, and I normally don't re-watch horror movies that don't scare me. I haven't seen 'The Conjuring' but I heard it's really good.

The second movie is Fifty Shades of Gray.


I immediately pick up 'The Conjuring' and held it up. "I haven't seen this one yet, is that okay?" I ask, receiving a mixture of groans and cheers from the boys.

"I didn't think you'd be the type for horror movies," Namjoon says softly, raising a brow as I merely shrug.

"I've already seen the other one, and I don't particularly want to be in the same room as seven men watching that," I reply while looking over to Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok, who are pouting in their seats. I can understand Jimin and Hoseok, but Jungkook?

"Thank god someone agrees!" I hear someone call from the kitchen. Jin stands in the doorway with a tray of steaming food. "The children do NOT need to be watching something so...so.." he stutters, trying to find the right words.

"Inappropriate?" I finish for him, and Jin nods with a smile.

"Now come around, everyone! Dinner's ready!" he says, placing the tray on the table that had been set earlier. The maknae line squeals in excitement and rush towards the table.

"Ah ah ah. You three need to go wake up Yoongi first," Jin says, the men's faces quickly shifting into horrified expressions.

"Wait, why shouldn't Taylor do it? He won't dare attack her!" Jimin protests, along with the agreement of the younger members.

"No, you boys didn't think of your hyung before running over to scarf down the meal I made. Therefore you three must be the ones to wake him." Jin says, waving his spatula at them. All three look at each other worriedly before rushing over to my room to get it over with.

The rest of us sat down at the table, myself in between Namjoon and Hoseok, with Jin at the head of the table. Soon we hear screams as the boys rush to the kitchen with a very angry looking Yoongi hot on their heels.


Time skip brought to you by Jimin's lost jams-

The rest of the men had settled at the table after a good few minutes of running from Yoongi. Taehyung sat across from me with Jungkook at his left and Jimin at his right, followed by Yoongi at the other end of the table. Jin had ended up making shabu shabu, a Japanese dish and one of my personal favorites.

"I could tell you liked this from my bond ability," he explained to me at the time, seeing my eyes light up at the sight. "I can't sense your cravings but I can tell what your preferences are."

Namjoon kindly made a plate for me to which I gratefully thanked him for. I noticed how when they go to get food, they simply reach over and take their portion, which is different than what we did at home.

I had struggled with the chopsticks a bit, it wasn't my first time using them but I'm not very good at it. Thus it took me a bit longer to eat, soon Yoongi and Jimin finished their food before me.

Looking over I saw Namjoon and Jin trying to keep conversation going as they matched my pace. Eventually I began to get a little frustrated however, struggling to pick up a piece of pork with my chopsticks.

"Fucking hell, just let me do it," I heard Yoongi say, and suddenly my chopsticks were ripped from my hand.

I squeak in surprise and protest as he then proceeded to pick up the pork and shove it into my mouth. I nearly choked on it with the amount of force he used, wincing as it hurt my teeth when the chopsticks made impact.

"YOONGI WHAT THE FUCK!" Jin screeches from beside me. "You can't treat your soulmate like that!"

Jin stands from his seat with such force it startles me, causing me to jump as I hold my hands over my mouth. I look over to see Taehyung also holding his mouth, watching the scene play out with wide eyes.


"NO BUTS! You could have hurt her, for one. And for two, Americans don't normally use chopsticks! How can you expect her to-"

I can feel tears well up in my eyes while they argue. This is all because of me, I thought to myself, failing to notice Namjoon's worried eyes on me. They're fighting each other because of me.

"That's enough," Our leader says suddenly in a stern voice. "You both need to apologize."

Jin looks taken aback, a hand over his heart. "Why me-"

"Because you both are making Taylor uncomfortable. Can't you see that your fighting is stressing her out?" Namjoon says with a serious expression.

Both of the older men turn to look at me, shocked while seeing a couple tears stream down my face. I don't cry when I'm sad or depressed, but I have a bad habit of crying when I'm frustrated or embarrassed, and right now I'm both.

"I'm so sorry, princess, I didn't realize.." Jin starts, now worried as his voice shakes with every word. Yoongi stays quiet as I shake my head, wiping away my tears with a soft smile.

"I'm fine!" I say in as cheerful of a voice I can. "But I don't think I can eat any more, I feel like if I do I'll explode."

This doesn't seem to convince them but it's the best answer I can give. I stand and look over at Taehyung, who had finished his food in record time. I took my remaining pork and placed it on his plate, which he gratefully accepted with a bright smile as he stuffed his face.

I start to collect the empty dishes from the members that are done and take them into the kitchen, leaving them to stare at my back as I leave. I can hear some quiet arguing from the dining area, but quickly block it out as I focus on cleaning dishes.

"Jin went out of his way to make something I'd like... the least I can do is clean up after," I mutter to myself. Suddenly a pair of strong arms snake their way around my waist, causing me to squeak in surprise.

The culprit is none other than Taehyung, who buries his face into my shoulder. "Is your mouth okay?" he asks in a quiet tone, his bond probably caused him to feel part of my pain when my poor mouth was assaulted.

"Don't worry, Taehyung-oppa. I'm okay," I respond, but this doesn't seem to convince him as he squeezes my sides a little more, his arms tensing around me.

"Should I kiss it better?" Taehyung says nonchalantly.

What the fuck??? I turn my head as much as I can since I can't move to face him, feeling my face heat up at his words. "O-oppa, don't say things like that! I'm fine, really!" I say, a bit flustered as he chuckles in amusement.

"Aish, okay okay. I just wanted to try to be like Jimin for a moment," he says, nuzzling into my neck and going quiet. I feel a little awkward as I finish washing dishes, barely able to reach the drying rack with this GROWN ASS MAN AT MY THROAT!

"You're warm..." Taehyung mutters under his breath, causing my own to hitch in my throat.

"Taehyung, can you let go please? The others are probably waiting to start the movie," I say in a soft tone, earning a whine from the man. I'm going to choose to ignore his statement, not that I'd know how to react otherwise.

"But you're so cuddly!" he complains, but loosens his hold enough for me to turn around. Once I do he buries his face into my chest, causing me to turn a hideous shade of red.

I'm so dumbfounded and flustered that I don't really know how to react. Soon, however, I can feel his arms shaking as he holds me tighter. "I'm so glad we found you.." Taehyung says softly, his voice breaking.

I honestly thought he was going to start crying any moment. So instead of freaking out like I wanted to, I gently pulled him into my embrace, gently running my hand through his hair in an attempt to soothe him.

"It's okay," I reply, closing my eyes. "I'm here now."

Daily quote: "Apple?" -ThatGuyBarney


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