Beyond (Jotaro x Kakyoin)

By reereetrom

97.3K 3.9K 4.9K

It's been 7 months since the defeat of Dio. 7 months since Avdol, Iggy... and Kakyoin's death. Jotaro hasn't... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32 ★
Part 33

Part 20

2.3K 96 61
By reereetrom

"Holy shit are you heavy," Groaned Joseph. He was slowly walking towards the barrier of the fog as he had Caesar in his arms, his body pressed against his own as he tried to get a better grip of him. With each and every step that Joseph took, a shock of pain would emit and go throughout his entire body. A few more droplets of blood trickles down his legs as he continued marching forward and through the fog.

As both of them were halfway to the other side, Aramis' gnarly stand snuck behind both of them and aimed to strike Joseph's legs once again, except this time, Joseph covered himself with his Hermit Purple vines and fueled them with hamon.

As soon as Metal Upbringing made contact with Hermit Purple's hamon, it slowly started to obliterate the whole stand, eating it whole as it lunged toward him. Joseph took notice and fueled his stand once again with even more hamon and started kicking Metal Upbringing to the floor, harder with each kick. The stand underneath Joseph started to throw very weak attacks and with one final blow to the head, the stand disappeared, leaving misty remains.

Once the stand was defeated, the entire fog around them started to spread out and slowly fade away. Joseph looked at his surroundings and his eyes landed on Iggy who was tucked inside Avdol's coat. Kakyoin was also there, his unconscious body laying on the floor by his feet. A women was lying beside all three of them too. He thought to himself and figured it could be one of Ahe's mothers. Joseph finally turned all of his attention to the man in his arms. He slowly and carefully laid Caesar down and examined his face. He didn't seem a day older than last time he saw him. He was still as young as ever.

"Hey old man, you doing alright? Do we have everyone? And would you mind telling me who this guy you have in your arms is?" Asked a voice from behind Joseph. He quickly turned around and met eyes with his grandson.

"We have Avdol, Iggy, Ahe's mother, Kakyoin, and uh... my old friend Caesar here... I'll tell you about him later, right now we have to focus on where Polnareff and Ahe could be. You have any clue?" Asked Joseph while hiding his small blushing face. They looked around cluelessly, until they noticed that one more circle of fog was still active far away. But who could it be, they both wondered as they walked towards it.


Polnareff groggily opened his eyes and looked around. He was still inside of the circle. He took one look at his legs and they were basically almost all mauled apart. He was still able to stand up however, so he did just that. Polnareff struggled to get up on his feet, but once he did so, he took out Silver Chariot and released his armor, making him way faster than how he previously was. He walked around the circle and waited, just waited for any movement that may occur while he was inside. He felt a tap on his shoulder and quickly turned around and thrashed at whatever it was, but instead of slashing up Aramis or his stand, a bleeding Avdol fell back in surprise as sword holes filled his body.

"Oh mon Dieu Avdol, I-I thought you were an enemy, I apologize!" He frantically squealed in an apologetic tone. Avdol quickly got up and acted as if nothing had at all happened.

"What do you mean Polnareff, it's alright. Come here, give me a hug," Avdol giddily said. Polnareff automatically took this as a red flag, since Avdol was almost never like this. Other than that one time at the island. Polnareff slowly made his way towards him and Avdol pulled him into a big bear hug. Avdol's coat made its way around Polnareff's body and only pushed their bodies together. "It's good to have you back old pal..." Polnareff squeezed out. Avdol laughed and agreed. Suddenly, the coat that was around Polnareff started to move around a bit.

"Uh... Avdol, what do you exactly have in her- OW!" He yelled as he felt something bite down on his arm. The creature started to bite down harder and managed to tear a large chunk of Polnareff's arms skin off. The creature hopped down on the floor and started to furiously growl at the frenchman. The creature turned out to be Iggy. Except this version of Iggy seemed to have red eyes. So a fake. Polnareff turned to look at Avdol and the closer he looked, his eyes were also a dark bright red.

Polnareff tried getting up but only struggled even more with the pain on his arm and his fleshed out legs. Once he got on his feet, he sent out Silver Chariot and attacked Iggy in sight. Iggy, now being a regular dog with no stand, was only able to run around and cluelessly bite down on random things since he had no ability to spot his stand. Silver Chariot drew his sword against Iggy's body and he limped on the floor with pain passing through his small body.

He then turned to look at Avdol who was already lunging at Polnareff with a tremendous amount of speed. Silver Chariot, now being faster without its armor, attacked Avdol with such speed. The other man fell back in surprise and took the strikes Silver Chariot inflicted on him.

The fog around them started to break down and the surroundings and air were now as clear as ever.

"Polnareff! It was you, where's Ahe? Are you okay? You seem to be badly hurt." Joseph spewed out question after question as he ran towards the frenchman. Polnareff fell on the ground from how drained out he was and turned to look at his arm and legs. He noticed how stiff they both were from the dry blood.

"I- no. I don't know where she is. Why? Is she not here?" Questioned Polnareff. They all frantically turned around until they saw a circle of fog growing smaller and smaller, until nothing was left inside. All that was seen was a pool of blood, and a women near it. Jotaro and Joseph raced towards the circle and looked at the female. It wasn't Ahe. They figured it was her other mother she has mentioned before.

"Is she... gone?" Joseph asked in silence.

Jotaro didn't say a word and looked at the small pool of blood near the women. The female didn't seem to have any bruises or open wounds so the blood couldn't be from her.

"I think... She's gone. This seems to be her blood." He quietly let out. They both stayed in silence as they picked up the women and laid her next to her wife.

As Jotaro and Joseph were walking towards Polnareff to tell him the news, a hand made out of fog picked all three of them up and held them in its grasp.

"I took one of you out yet the three others made it out alive..." The same annoyingly cold voice spoke up. Aramis  came out of hiding and stood in front of them now as he examined each of them one final time.

"You're not gonna get away with this," Jotaro yelled as Star Platinum started punching the fog that grabbed all three of them by their necks, only for his attacks to do little to no major damage.

"Believe me when I say that I won this battle. I claimed victory at the very beginning. I'm not gonna let you three ruin my plans. Ahe's gone. Isn't it funny how at first she needed her parents and now her parents are the ones who'll eventually need her. Now to finish you all off... once in for all night I add, Metal Upringing, use your final move... Hou-" Was all Aramis was able to muster out before a blade was shown going through his body. It went right through his heart.

Everyone looked in amazement at the person behind Aramis.

"When I said I was gonna kill you... I meant that..." A determined-filled female voice said, before taking the blade out and throwing it on the floor.

Aramis fell to the ground and turned around to meet eye contact with his attacker. It was none other than Ahe Kekoa.

"B-but how-" Were his final words before he eventually lost consciousness and bled out.


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