The Scent Of Vampires (Book 1)

By stacielt

4.2K 316 28

"Hello, dove." A deep familiar voice said. Zephora felt her palms go sweaty and her heart beat faster. Only o... More

Chapter 1:The Smell of Vampires
Chapter 2: The Outers
Chapter 3: Friends and Misfits
Chapter 4: Helping a Neck Biter
Chapter 5: From the Shadows
Chapter 6: The Outers Market
Chapter 7: Unexpected Help
Chapter 8: The Neck Biter District
Chapter 9: You Call him Rafi?
Chapter 10: An Interrupted Meal
Chapter 11: Don't You Just Love Magic?
Chapter 12: Spell Caster's Brew
Chapter 13: Fight In The Graveyard
Chapter 14: A Grave Situation
Chapter 15: A Stone Prison
Chapter 16: Preparing for a Meeting
Chapter 17: A Matter of Trust
Chapter 18: Chocolate Ice Cream
Chapter 19: The Wandering Warlock
Chapter 20: Going Off Road
Chapter 21: Running Home
Chapter 22: Message In A Bottle
Chapter 23: Tracking Zephora
Chapter 24: The River Pack
Chapter 26: The Secret Lair Of Robert Flanagan
Chapter 27: Spying From The Roof Top
Chapter 28: The Secret Entrance
Chapter 29: A Dark Angel
Chapter 30: In Disguise
Chapter 31: The Nova Bliss
Chapter 32: The Gala
Chapter 33: Dancing With The Enemy
Chapter 34: Investigating
Chapter 35: Vampire Hunters
Chapter 36: Tied Up And Bound
Chapter 37: Appearances Can Be Deceiving
Chapter 38: To Fight Another Day
Final Notes

Chapter 25: A Dream Or A Memory

69 8 0
By stacielt

A loud repetitive knock sounded at the front door, waking Amelie with a start. Sitting up in her bed she pulled the covers close to her body. She was awake instantly. Not them! It couldn't be them! Maybe it was one of the neighbors? Maybe it was only a coincidence that someone was here at midnight, on the same night of The Donating? But in her heart she knew this to be a foolish hope.

She heard the sound of her grandfather's footsteps make their way down the hall. There was a moment of silence as if he was hesitant to open the door. Another knock sounded. "We know you're home Mr. Landry. It is mandatory that you open the door." A gruff sounding male voice called through the door. There was another pause and then Amelie heard the creak of the front door as it opened and then her grandfather voice, "What can I do for you gentlemen?" 

"As in agreement with, the accords of humans and vampires, a member of your household has been randomly selected for donation." Amelie sucked in her breath in surprise. Her grandfather had already given a donation within the last five years. A person was not required to give a blood donation more than once every ten years. And they had to be eighteen years of age or older. 

Amelie felt the sting of salty tears slide down her cheeks. She had turned eighteen two months ago. She began to tremble in fear. Even though most came back from The Donating unharmed and without memory of what happened, there were on occasion, those who did not return. No one ever knew what became of them, and their families were too afraid to question the mayor or his officials. Mostly because everyone knew who was really calling the shots. The Donating had become humans only way of appeasing vampire kind. Those that dared speak out against the accords often went missing or found dead.

"It hasn't been ten years since my last donation." Her grandfather replied. "We are aware of that fact, Mr. Landry. It is not you who has been selected." The official informed her grandfather. Amelie didn't hear what they said next.  She didn't need to. After all, it was only her and her grandfather now.

She climbed out of bed onto wobbly legs. Part of her wanted to run and hide, but she knew in her heart it would only delay the inevitable. She had no where to go. Quickly pulling herself together, Amelie dressed. if she was going to be taken for The Donating, she wasn't about to go in her pajamas.

A few moments later her grandfather knocked on her door and then entered. She was sitting on the edge of her bed. Her grandfather didn't speak for a moment. She could see he was having an internal battle. "I'm so sorry, my dear. I begged them to take me instead; they wouldn't budge."

Amelie nodded.  She stood and walked over to her grandfather, who looked defeated. "Everything is going to be alright." She said, and then gave him a hug. Mostly so he wouldn't see how afraid she really was. Unfortunately, she couldn't control her shaking entirely. Her grandfather pulled back from her hug, a frantic look on his face. "Maybe if you sneak out the back, you could get away...." he trailed off, while
Amelie shook her head. "You know that would never work. They'd find me and they would arrest you . Who knows what would happen to you after that. Maybe it's better for this to happen now. I can get this over with and not have to live in fear for the next ten years. By morning I'll be back and it will all be like a bad dream. You'll see." She tried to reassure her aging grandfather. She could feel tears gather in her eyes and she tried to blink them away. She noticed her grandfather's eyes were also shining with tears. 

"We must go. If we delay any longer, they're going to grow impatient and force their way in." Amelie said, trying to summon even a shred of courage, If only for her grandfathers sake.

Amelie made her way to the front door. When she saw three officials standing in the entry way, she stopped. They wore dark uniforms with sabers at their waists. Their faces were emotionless and unfeeling. Amelie wondered if they hated their job, being the ones to drag people from their homes in the middle of the night. Maybe they reached a point were they were numb to it. Amelie resisted the urge to give her grandfather another hug. She knew she wouldn't be able to walk through the door and leave to an unknown fate if she looked at him.

She followed the men out into the night and the door was closed behind her. In front of her was a dark vehicle. She was surprised. Not many people drove cars anymore. She couldn't even remember the last time she had ridden in one. One of the officials opened the door to the backseat and another instructed her with hand motions to get in. They closed the door behind her leaving her alone in the backseat, in darkness.  At least, she thought she was alone. Amelie suddenly became aware of another presence. Someone was sitting across from her. Not until the vehicle started to drive away, did the person say anything.  

"You are afraid." A smooth voice, obviously male said. Now that Amelie's eyes had adjusted to the dark, she could make out the outline of a man. He was mostly in shadow, it was not until she looked at his face that she felt truly afraid. Red glowing eyes stared back at her. "Though, you hide it well. The only reason I know is because I can hear the rapid beating of your heart."

Amelie was beginning to feel light headed so she rested her head back against the seat. Closing her eyes for a moment, she tried to calm her frazzled nerves. "Wh...who are you?" Amelie asked in a shaky voice, her throat feeling dry. "What are you going to do with me?"

"Were you not informed by your human leaders what happens, what you are donating?" The mysterious man asked.

"I...I understand...vampires need human blood—they need my blood. I just don't know what your going...that is... how that works."  Amelie stammered. Clasping her hands in her lap, her nails began to dig into her skin, drawing a little blood. The man sucked in his breath sharply.

"You've made yourself bleed. You really must not injure yourself, we can't having you wasting such a rare commodity." He cautioned darkly.

"Are you a...vam..." Amelie began to ask, then trailed off as a shiver ran down her spine.

"A vampire? Yes. Does that frighten you?" he asked curiously.

Amelie didn't answer. What was she supposed to say. Of course she was frightened. She turned her head away, not able to look the vampire in the eyes. She felt tears slide down her cheek. What would happen to her now?

"Do not cry little one. You should feel flattered. Most humans that are collected for donation are not done so by myself, but are hauled away like cattle. I have selected you personally. I am very important in my world and I will be able to ensure your safety." The vampire tried to reassure her, though his words were hardly reassuring.

Suddenly, Amelie became angry. "Why should I feel flattered! You think I should want to give you my blood. If you were unaware, I need it to live." Part of Amelie was afraid of what the vampire would do next.

She was surprised when he started to laugh. "You have some fight in you, I see. Don't worry. Soon you will realize this is inevitable. You have no choice, but I promise you; that if you are a good girl and cooperate this will go much better for you."

"Why me? What's so special about me? Can't you find someone else?" Amelie begged, then felt a stab of guilt. How could she wish what was happening to her upon someone else? "You have a rare blood type, you are also young and might I add, rather pretty. You are something of a unicorn my dear."

"After you get my blood, will you let me go? Let me go home?" Amelie inquired.

The vampire said nothing for a minute, but in the darkness she could just make out the movement of him shaking his head. "No, Amelie. Your home is with me now."

It took several moments for Amelie to realize she had been dreaming.  Or was it a memory? She felt disoriented for a moment. Slowly she remembered where she was. Laying there in the darkened room, on a unfamiliar matress, she remembered coming to the inn with Leo and Hudson.

She knew it was still daylight because she could feel the sun's effect on her. She felt completely week and her limbs felt as heavy as lead. She also felt her thirst. She needed blood, but after her dream she felt horrified.

She had hazy memories of her past, occasionally she would picture someone's face but never knew who they were. Ever since she had nearly died at the hands of Severo and then rescued by, her friends? She wasn't sure she could call them that, at least not yet. Her dreams that once we're a blur of images that she could not make sense of, were now becoming more vivid and tangible. This dream, however, had felt very real as if she were actually living it. Was this a memory? If it was, was this the first clue to who she had been? She thought of the old man, the man she had called grandfather in her dream. Yes. She felt all the way to her very core, that he was. She had a grandfather. Was he still alive? In her dream she was human and by her best calculations she had been turned more than fifteen years ago. The chances of him being alive were not good. She felt an unfamiliar emotion, was that sadness? As a vampire she found she till had emotions, although they seemed dulled by other overriding needs such as her need for blood and an almost instinctual force that drove her. Draedyn always referred to that part of them as their beast, some thought of it as an internal demon. Draedyn taught her that one could find balance between these coexisting forces. It was a constant battle, but over time this balance could be achieved. Some vampires chose not to do this, rather they let the beast overtake them.

Her mind drifted from her grandfather to a more terrifying part of her dream, the vampire who came for her. Was he the one that turned her? Whether he was or not, one thing Amelie was certain of; the memory of him, of his voice and the look in his eyes, made her skin crawl. That was a vampire who did not care about controlling his beast. He may have appeared to be in control but she was certain that was only a facade. But who was he? Why did she have no other memory of him?

Amelie didn't know how long she lay there, but gradually she felt the sun descending from the sky, until it dipped beyond the horizon. She felt her strength returning, also her desire for blood grew stronger. Rising from the bed she spotted the magicaly insulated bag that contained the blood pouches. She was glad she had them and wouldn't have to resort to hunting. Unfortunately, there was only three pouches left. That would be enough to hold her off for a day or two, but soon she would have to figure out how to aquire more. With this thought in mind she drank the blood, all the while feeling her strength returning.

With her craving satisfied Amelie set her mind on her current predicament. The haze of her dream settled to the back of her mind, and she focused on the sound of voices coming from down the hall. Without a sound she left the room. Everything was bathed in darkness as she made her way down the hall. Up ahead she saw the soft glow of a light. She walked toward it, all the while hearing familiar voices deep in discussion.
She made her way to the main lobby. From there she could see into the rustic sitting area she remembered seeing when they first arrived.

The huge stone fire place was glowing with a warm fire. Leo stood near it gazing into the flames. The glow of the fire highlighted his strong features. His large wings hung from his shoulder blades in a relaxed way. She couldn't helped but be drawn to him. She remembered how he caught her when she had climbed from the well. His arms had been strong and warm. Sometimes the way he looked at her made her feel flustered, and other times he was aloof. She didn't know what to make of him.

She quickly redirected her thoughts feeling foolish. That's when she noticed who else was there. Zephora was there sitting on a sofa across from Leo. When she saw Amelie she stood quickly. Amelie didn't have time to react before Zephora was hugging her.

"You're alright! I was so worried when we couldn't find you." As if realizing how forward she was being, Zephora took a step back and clasped her hands in front of her. "Although, from what I've heard you never really left did you?"

"Thank you, I'm doing alright. So much has happened in the last twenty-four hours, I hardly no what to make of it all." Amelie admitted. Then she added, "And what of you? How is it you are here, that you found where we are?"

Zephora sighed. "That is a long story. Come sit down, and I'll start at the beginning."

AN: Hope you enjoyed this next part. Now we're learning more about Amelie and her past. I feel like the story is catching it's momentum now. I have to admit, it's taken on a life of its own. I appreciate your patience. I know there are flaws and a lot of editing to be done throughout the story.

I'm happy to announce a bonus chapter. I'd really like to finish the last chapter by the end of June. This is a huge goal, but hopefully I can accomplish it.

Thank you for reading! I know it's not the most noticed story, but for those of you that have been reading, it has made me want to keep writing.

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