Will of the Many~ Poe Dameron

By Wonderfullydull

135K 4.7K 1.3K

The night Kylo Ren was born, he destroyed half of the Jedi Knights training under Luke Skywalker. The other h... More

The night Serena died
Through war we find peace
Meet Kylo's Sword
A Chaotic Beauty
Have Hope or Have Nothing
Too cocky, too flirty, too good
Shots not taken saves lives, or so they say
Undeserving Apologies
Let it Be
The Past Never Dies
Part of Something
Ulterior Motives
Deserving Goodbyes
Just as they use to be...
Slipping into old habits
Carving her mark in history
Keeping us apart
Through his eyes
Spilt blood
Calculated Moves
Time to heal and grow
What's the opposite of stuck? Yeah, that
Slipping, fading, losing my mind...
Unparalleled beauty
It's our first date- I mean mission- together
I wanna hold your hand
There's something about drinking cheap wine under the stars
To new memories
How far down do we travel, my dear?
We all have monsters in our heads
It's a Man's Man's Man's World
Complete, Wholehearted Bliss
Going Home
It'll never be like it once was
Something to fill the time
So the stories are true...
Til our blood runs cold
The Sun, The Moon, The Truth
So you want to start a war...
Living, Living, Despite it all I'm Living
The Ally
Waged Wars
Pull of the Siths
Welcome to Kijimi
The night Kylo Ren died
The Resistance
The Final Order
Our Beloved

She's a trap

2K 82 17
By Wonderfullydull

I learned a long time ago the wisest thing I can do is be on my own side...

-Maya Angelou

"I've never been to Jakku before," Serena's voice came clear through the commlink. Though she sat right behind Poe in the double-seated fighter they took, it was far too loud for them to try to talk without the headset. "But... I guess I can't say that for sure, there was a time when I was traveling to so many places at a time... they all began to blur together."

Poe didn't say anything as he began their descent just outside of the small village of Herench. He parked them behind a boulder to conceal their fighter from the village. When they were settled he lifted the cockpit dome and got out first. As he jumped down, he turned to offer a hand to the overly ambitious and deadly Serena.

Serena kicked her feet over the side of the fighter and looked at Poe's extended hand. "So you won't talk to me but you'll help me down?" She asked dryly as she pushed herself off of the side of the fighter without his hand. She bent her knees as she landed just beside him. When she was flat on the ground she retucked her hair behind her ears and gave him an accomplished look.

"I'm not not talking to you," He corrected her as he watched BB-8 lower himself to the ground. "I just think it was stupid of you to offer your services for a simple trade-off." He folded his arms over his chest passive-aggressively.

Serena gave an unconvinced nod as she looked down at his arms. "Sure, a simple trade-off... if that's how you worked it out in your brain then sure, but let's add in the high risk of the First Order finding us and torturing us before they take the map for themselves, find Luke Skywalker, and kill him." She raised an eyebrow and quirked her head to the side as she gave Poe an unimpressed glance. "There is nothing simple about this, Poe."

Poe gave an irritated sigh at her insistence. "It's one thing for me to risk my own life, but you-"

Serena raised her brows for him to finish, but as he closed his mouth she began to think there was no end to what he was saying. "What, Poe? What about me?"

Poe licked his lips, dropped his hands from his chest, and stepped towards her. Her back stiffened as she lifted herself to her full sight. When he was close enough, he looked between her eyes so intently she thought he was looking right through her. "You just started to figure out how to live, you do this..." He shook his head hopelessly.  "You could lose that." His eyes floated between her slowly as he tried to get his message to sink in.

It seemed to do the trick as her amber eyes widened a fraction. "Poe..." She looked down as she lifted her gloved hand just enough for her fingers to graze the knuckles of his right hand. "I only know how to live because of you, so..." She gulped as she felt a lump starting to form in her throat. "It's only fair that I make sure you're around to help me experience it all."

Poe watched as her eyelashes fluttered against her pale cheek. He could barely see the tiny pale blonde hairs against her porcelain cheeks, but still, he could watch them all day. "Okay," he gave in to her impulsively, or maybe it had something to do with her fingers brushing against his knuckles. "But we stay together, and if things go south- we leave as fast as we can."

Serena nodded feverishly in compliance. "Whatever you say, I'm just here to make sure you get back to base... hopefully before the storm." She gave Poe the smallest smirk. "I kind of want to feel the mist right before..." Her eyes fluttered as she imagined the sensation.

"Okay, let's go then. BB-8-" Poe and Serena looked down at the white and orange droid who sat contently at their sides. "You stay here and keep watch, if you see anything heading our way, you come to tell us."

BB-8 gave an affirming nod before he turned and wheeled to the edge of the fighter to look out into the distance.

Serena took in a long breath as she turned towards the village and looked at the curious people. "They don't know who I am..." She whispered to herself. "They don't know who I am...."

"Come on," Poe stepped in front of her to lead the way.

She kept behind him as they walked towards the edge of the village. People and aliens alike met them before they stepped a foot past their homes and campfires.

"Who are you?"

"What do you want?"

"Why have you come here?"

"Please," Poe held up a hand to stop the questions. "We have come to talk to someone who lives here, Lor San Tekka. We were sent by the Resistance." Poe motioned between him and Serena.

Serena gulped as she looked at the wary faces. They don't know who I am... they don't know who I am...

"I am Lor San Tekka," A man stopped out among the crowd.

Serena looked the man over closely. He was older than she imagined, with completely white hair that was beginning to thin at the peak of his head, saggy cheeks, and bags under his light blue eyes. But those very same eyes held wisdom that accompanied the sagging skin and white hair. He had lived to see things and know things.

"I think we should talk... alone." Lor San Tekka motioned towards a small tent off at the edge of the village.

Poe nodded and moved his hand to hover at the small of Serena's back. She took the hint and followed after the old man. She made sure to watch the villagers as she walked just to ensure they didn't try to attack when she had her back turned.

Lor San Tekka held the flap of his tent open for Serena. As she ducked under it she surveyed the homey look of the tent. There was a carpet over the hard dirt floor and scrolls littered over almost every surface. Though Tekka was old, he didn't stop his craft.

"I was waiting for the Resistance to find me." He told them as he walked over to a single chair. He lifted his hand to a small bench across from him.

Serena looked down at it to see it was barely big enough to fit both her and Poe, but with nothing else she accepted his offer. As she sat, she scooted over to the very edge to allow room for Poe. Her efforts were futile as Poe took up the rest of the bench as he sat. His left thigh ran flush against her right one. She gulped and looked away as she felt his body heat through the fabric of her pants. To distract herself she looked over at the old man. "If you were waiting for the Resistance to find you, why didn't you reach out?"

Lor San Tekka gave a guilty smile as he placed his hands on his bent knees. "I feared my message would be intercepted. What I have... a lot of people desire."

Serena raised an eyebrow. "That's true, but-"

"Serena," Poe cut her off.

She craned her neck to look at him. He was so close she went slightly cross-eyed to look into his soft brown eyes. She saw the varying shades of brown melting together to create his beautiful eyes.

"Right..." She realized she had overstepped. She looked back at Lor San Tekka and bowed her head respectfully. "I understand that times are hard... more so for some."

"You would understand that... Serena?"

She stiffened as she realized Poe gave her identity away. She opened her mouth to try and think of a lie, but she was caught red-handed. She looked to Poe for help but saw his eyes closed as his brow knitted together in guilt.

"The last time I heard the name Serena, it was the night she died. The galaxy rejoiced as one of the most vicious Dark Forces perished..."

She closed her eyes as she took in a long breath. It hollowed her cheeks and filled her lungs with undeserving air. She waited for Tekka to deal her his hand, to call her for what she was and throw her to the villagers outside to be pummeled with stone.

"She isn't..." Poe tried to defend her. "She's not that Serena anymore. She's helped the Resistance, it's because of her that we've stopped the First Order from breaking families up, she has worked to put an end to the First Order just like the rest of us-"

Serena opened her eyes to see Lor San Tekka watching her closely. Her frown deepened as she couldn't discern the look in his eyes.

"Saving a few children... does it make up for the thousands that you've slaughtered?"

"No," her voice overflowed with grief.

"She isn't like that anymore," Poe said it with more force so he would understand. "She's changed."

Lor San Tekka stood up and turned his back to them as he rummaged through some drawers.

While he looked away, Poe turned towards Serena. "I am so sorry, Serena." He whispered to her.

She looked down as his knee dug into the outside of her thigh. "I told you that you'd be my downfall." She lifted her gaze to his as she gave a smile. "I hate being right sometimes..."

Poe shook his head as he tried to think of something to say to make it all right.

"Did either of you know that I served in the Rebel Alliance?" Lor San Tekka pulled their attention back to him. He still had his back to them, so they looked at his shoulders. "I knew the Solos well, and the Skywalkers. When Luke told me of his dreams to start a Jedi Temple I encouraged it. We kept in touch over the years, he told me of the promise he saw among his students. A few stood out to him, even at such a young age he was sure they were destined for great things-" He turned back towards him with a small leather pouch in his hand. "That was the first time I heard the name Serena."

The young girl sat up straight as her eyes pleaded with him to go on.

"I was disheartened to hear of your death, I was waiting to see what greatness came from you."

"Me too." Her voice cracked softly.

He walked towards them and handed the leather pouch to Poe. Serena and Poe looked at the small patch of leather. Inside was information that could change the course of the war. It was a much-needed advantage, and it was theirs.

"This will begin to make things rights. I've traveled too far and seen too much to ignore the despair in the galaxy. Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the force." He told the both of them.

"Well, because of you now we have a chance." Poe held up the bag and waved it lightly. "The General's been after this for a long time."

Lor San Tekka gave an aged smile. "The General... To me, she's royalty."

Serena gave a soft smile at the old term for Leia.

Poe chuckled as he thought of his General. "Well, she certainly is that."

Serena hummed as she agreed. While she may not like Leia's decisions, her strength and persistence were two traits she could never argue with.

BB-8 rolled dramatically into the tent as he whistled at Poe and Serena.

Serena's stomach dropped at his warning. Her hand inched towards her lightsaber, but she knew the moment she drew it her cover would be blown.

Poe looked quickly at Serena's ghostly face before Lor San Tekka. "We've got company."

"Go-" Serena pushed Poe up from his seat before she stood up. She chased after him as he left the tent. BB-8 zoomed around their ankles as he motioned up towards the skyline.

Poe pulled out his pair of quadonuculars and looked through them.

Serena watched him closely as she waited for his assessment. "Well?" She asked impatiently after a few seconds of silence.

Poe dropped his quadonuculars and looked at her. He didn't have to say a single word for her to know what he saw. It was all in his eyes, his terror. "It's time to go." He told her stiffly.

She gave a numb nod as she turned back to Lor San Tekka. "You have to hide, the First Order will try to use you... it won't be pretty." She promised darkly.

"You two have to leave... they can't have you either." He looked directly at Serena as he said it. "Go."

Serena nodded and backtracked towards the edge of the village. Poe hesitated and Serena knew his hero complex was kicking in as he thought of staying to fight.

"Poe-" She grabbed his wrist and tugged him unpleasantly behind her. She began to sprint through the village with him on her heels. "You said if we saw the First Order we leave." She pulled him by her side but didn't let go of his arm. Her heart raced dangerously fast in her chest as she sprinted. She was used to danger and fighting, but there was something different about this that made her want to leave. Her grip on Poe tightened as she caught sight of their fighter. She picked up the pace and looked over her shoulder just as the transport touched down. The ramp lowered as the first fleet of Storm Troopers unloaded with their blasters already raised. The green and red lasers lit up the night sky in a horrible array of colors.

Serena turned back around and pushed herself harder than before.

As soon as they reached the side of the fighter, Poe grabbed Serena's hips and forced her up towards the cockpit. Serena caught the edge with her toe and jumped over into the back seat.

"Come on, BB-8, hurry!" Poe called for his droid. As soon as the little astromech lined up under his port Poe loaded him up into his spot.

"Poe, come on!" Serena shouted as she buckled herself in and put her helmet on.

Poe climbed into his seat and turned the fighter on as he closed the dome over them. "Are you buckled?" He looked over his shoulder at Serena. "This is gonna get real bumpy real fast."

"I know, just go-" She urged him.

Poe nodded as he turned back forward. He turned the engines on and waited for the hum to rise to a loud roar before he grabbed his controls to push them off the ground. He barely pressed the controls forward before something hit the back of their fighter.

Serena screamed as their X-Wing rocked to the side. She turned in her seat to see two Storm Troopers sprinting towards them.

"We got company!" Serena warned Poe as she unclipped her seatbelt. "We've been shot, you look at the damage... I'll deal with these guys-"

"Wait-" Poe stopped her as he flipped a switch in front of him.

Serena paused as she felt something shift under the fighter. She turned in her seat to see one of Poe's table reads light up with red. There were two yellow dots in the middle that slowly grew larger. When the dots lined up with the middle of the target, Poe pressed a button on top of the table read.

There was a slight recoil under their seats. Serena whipped around right as a large laser blasted the two Storm Troopers back. Her eyes widened as they flung lifelessly through the air.

Poe didn't waste a breath as he pushed the dome open and jumped out.

Serena looked back around at him but found his seat empty. She peaked over the edge of the X-Wing to see him run around to the back of their vessel.

She jumped down and watched the flaming village as she joined Poe at the back of their ship. "Well?" She asked as she watched a giant ball of flame latch onto a house and light it up in half a second.

"It's done..." Poe gave up on the ship as he turned back to Serena. He saw the flames reflect in her amber eyes and give them a malicious tint. "we're stuck here." He shook his head as Serena finally looked back at him. "I'm... I'm sorry."

Serena's eyebrows furrowed as she looked over every inch of his face. "Sorry? For what? I wanted to come with you, Poe. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into-"

A loud scream made Serena look back to the village. Her heart yearned to be able to stop the destruction. She finally understood Poe's constant need to intervene. She had a single taste for making a positive change and now she craved it.

Poe ran a hand over his face as he looked at the destruction along the village. The Storm Troopers were making their way quickly through it. It wouldn't be long before they were discovered. He moved around Serena and dropped to his knees as he took the pouch from Lor San Tekka and pulled the small artifact from inside of it. He held it up to BB-8. "You take this," He told his small droid. BB-8 opened up a small compartment and accepted the device. "It's safer with you than it is with me." Poe nodded as BB-8 closed the small drawer. "You get as far away from here as you can. Do you hear me?"

BB-8's dome turned from side to side as he refused to leave Poe.

"I'll come back for you. It will be alright!" Poe stood up as BB-8 wheeled over into the sandy abyss. As the darkness enveloped him, Poe stood and turned towards Serena. He grabbed her upper arms roughly in his hands and looked feverishly between her lively eyes. "You have to go with him!"

"No!" Serena tried to pull her arms from his grasp his he didn't waver. "I'm not leaving you, Poe!" Her voice cracked as she saw the true fear in his eyes.

"I don't want the First Order to find you! Please," He pleaded with her. "Go."

A darkness fell over her. It clung to her bones and slowly slithered around every muscle until it was hard for her to discern what was her and what was the dark. All color drained from her face as she felt the tiny hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. There was no denying it... it was the same dread she felt whenever he was near. Her heart somehow simultaneously somersaulted and clenched.

Poe's hands on her arm faltered at the utter horror that sprayed across her soft features. "Serena, what is it?" His hands slowly fell along her arms until they dropped by his sides. Her eyes stared at something beyond him, but he had a feeling she wasn't seeing something so much as she was sensing something.

"Poe-" Serena reached out for him blindly and clung onto his forearm with all of her might. She blinked as the looming presence became suffocating. There was no time. She couldn't run. If she could feel him, he could feel her.

"What?" Poe switched between her pale face to the scene in front of them. But there was something odd about her face, it was too white. Even her lips lost their rosy tone. "What is it?" He pleaded with her to answer.

She blinked before she met his gaze. She looked between his soft eyes, the very same eyes she had grown to appreciate, to associate with freedom and living. "Do you trust me?" She asked as she latched on to the feeling of life in his eyes.

Poe stalled. "On a good day." He decided.

Serena nodded as she knew that would have to do. "Let's hope it's a good day." Her nails dug into his forearm as she ripped him up from their hiding spot. She stood and began to drag him over towards the ship. Just as she exposed them, the ramp lowered and he walked off. He was cladded in all black with a cape that flowed behind him beautifully. He had his mask on, but that didn't stop her from imagining the features that were underneath them.

It had been so long since she laid her eyes on him that just seeing him in all his black clothes and harsh mask made her heart clench inside of her.

"Serena-" Poe pulled against her arm but she just dug her nails in deeper. She didn't answer him, she didn't even look back at him in fear that Kylo Ren would see it.

"TRAITOR!" Two Storm Troopers spotted her with Poe and raised their guns. Serena didn't stop advancing, even as they prepared to fire.

"Stop!" Kylo Ren's hand raised in the air, as it did every single gun pointed at Serena lifted to the sky right as the lasers blasted from it. The lasers shot straight up, painting the black sky over the village with malicious, vibrant hues of red.

Serena stopped stiffly and looked directly at Kylo Ren. Her breaths turned shallow as Kylo Ren's hand slowly lowered by his side. The single movement was all she needed to know he was surprised by her presence.

She tugged Poe to her side harshly as she kept her eyes on Kylo.

Kylo Ren moved between the guards that almost opened fire on Serena. "Serena..." His voice was as soft as it could possibly get with the mask. "I thought-"

"I have been spying on the Resistance." Serena cut his sentiment off. Poe tugged on her grip as he looked up at her. She could feel his eyes glaring holes in her jaw. "I made them believe I turned against the First Order. I infiltrated their base, learned their secrets-" Serena shook her head as a sly smirk pulled on her rosy lips. "I have more information than you will know what to do with-"

"Serena!" Poe's voice expressed his utter betrayal at her. He didn't know whether she was lying... or if she had lied to him this whole time- to all of them.

"Bring me the pilot," Kylo ordered his guards.

Serena tossed Poe on the ground in front of her and watched with disgust as two Trooper plucked him and dragged him on his knees to Kylo Ren's front. They set him by Lor San Tekka, who was accompanied by several Storm Troopers.

"Come..." Kylo lifted his hand to Serena. "Stand by me."

Serena's eyelashes fluttered at the familiar phrase. It made her heart skip, and her feet moved on their own. She used to crave those words, and it seemed part of her still did.

"We trusted you!" Poe shouted as she took Ren's side. He fought against the guards' hold to try and get to her. His obvious betrayal twisted his features with heated malice. "We brought you in... we-we-"

"It was quite easy," Serena blinked several times as she looked down at Poe on his knees. Her voice lost all of the emotion he had come to expect from her. Somehow in the span of a single minute, she had reverted to the woman he met a year ago. "There's something about a weak man that falls for a pretty face." She tilted her head as she looked him over. "I barely had to do anything."

Poe's face fell at the insult. He stopped resisting the guards as his shoulder sagged. He fell back until his butt rested against his heels. His mind ran wild with every second he had spent with Serena.

Serena held her chin high as she looked up at Kylo Ren expectantly. He was already watching her, but with the mask, she had no idea what he was thinking or feeling.

He didn't say anything, but instead raised a hand and sat it heavily on her shoulder.

Serena flinched unintentionally under his touch. She feared he had noticed, but instead his fingers curled around the front of her shoulder to rest against her clavicle. "I missed you." His words broke through her. She crumbled under his touch until she was nothing but what he had built her to be.

"I missed you too." She confessed with ease. The words fell from her without a thought. They startled her, but even more, was that she meant them.

Her confession seemed enough for Kylo Ren as he turned his attention back to the pilot she had brought him. Poe Dameron might as well be wrapped in a pretty bow as he was placed on his doorstep. He took two strides to stand closer to Poe and Lor San Tekka. He looked between the two as he decided which to antagonize first.

Serena stayed back as she watched with distaste as the men stood so close to one another. The unease built up in her stomach and threatened to rise like bile up her throat if she wasn't careful.

Kylo Ren shifted until he stood in front of Lor San Tekka. He looked the elder over slowly. "Look how old you've become." His voice was nothing but a string of mechanics. It was void of all emotion and the one thing Serena didn't miss about him.

She looked slowly from Kylo Ren to Lor San Tekka. She didn't dare lower her gaze to Poe, no matter how hard he glared up at her.

Lor San Tekka stood tall in front of Kylo's impressive height. "Something far worse has happened to you." He insulted the infamous budding Sith Lord.

Serena took in a breath as she waited for Kylo Ren to strikeout.

Instead, Kylo kept his cool. "You know what I've come for."

"I know where you come from." The old man ignored the request. "Before you called yourself Kylo Ren."

Serena took a step towards Kylo Ren and Tekka. She knew more than anyone how sensitive Kylo Ren was about his past.

"The map to Skywalker," Ren went on, though his fists slowly clenched by his sides. "We know you've found it. You're going to give it to the First Order."

Serena sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and began to chew on it. She dug her teeth until she tasted blood, then she kept the pressure as she watched the two standoff.

"The First Order rose from the Dark Side... you did not... neither of you-" Tekka looked over Ren's shoulder at Serena.

"Do not look at her!" Kylo Ren's voice raised for the first time since he landed on Jakku. "I'll show you the Dark Side."

His threat made Lor San Tekka look back at him. "You may try," He gave permission. "But you cannot deny the truth that is your family."

Ren's hand inched up towards his belt inside his cape. He clasped his lightsaber and unclipped it before he ignited it. The wavering red beam light up the space between him and Lor San Tekka. It gave off a hum as it vibrated in the still air.

"You're so right," Ren's tone was mocking as he looked Lor San Tekka over one last time.

Serena held her breath as Kylo Ren brought his lightsaber up and struck it down across Lor San Tekka's chest. The old man let out a single groan as he fell forward to his knees.

"NO!" Poe shouted as he stood to his feet. He barely got a step towards Kylo Ren before Serena lifted her hand and Forced him back to his knees. She kept her steady hold on him so he didn't try to attack Ren again.

"Poe, stop!" Serena urged him as he tried to fight against her restraint.

"No!" Poe snarled as he looked back at her. "How can you just stand there and let this happen!? You PROMISED ME!"

Goosebumps rose on her arm at the pain in his voice. She clenched her jaw so hard the muscle ached for relief. "Don't be so naïve," she spat as she pushed down on his shoulders even more. She watched as his knees dug further into the sand. "You used me, you wanted me for what the galaxy saw me as: a weapon. You expected me to kill for you, to clean up your messes-" Serena shook her head as she stepped up to stand equal to Kylo Ren. She felt his eyes on her but she kept her attention trained on Poe's hurt eyes. "You wanted Kylo Ren's sword... that's what you got."

She released her hold on him. As she did his shoulders suddenly lifted without her heavy pressure. He barely had a taste of freedom before the guards grabbed his shoulders to keep him in place.

Kylo Ren stepped in front of Serena and crouched down to look Poe in his eyes. Serena stayed just behind him as she watched the two closely.

"So... who talks first?" Poe's arrogance and anger got the best of him as he looked at Kylo Ren's mask. He wanted, desperately, to see what was under it so he could understand what had Serena so thoroughly attached to him. "You talk first?" He guessed.

Serena gritted her teeth at Poe's big mouth. She clenched her fists by her side as she thought of a way to get him out of there before he got himself hurt.

"The old man gave it to you." Kylo Ren guessed.

Serena's heart picked up as she realized she would have to come up with a lie to explain why she didn't have the map.

"It's just very hard to understand you with all the-"

"Search him-" Ren ordered his guards as he stood up.

"Apparatus-" Poe finished lamely as he was pulled roughly to his feet.

As he was looked over, Ren turned back to Serena. He was so close Serena could see her reflection in the small glossy surfaces of his eyes.

"The map... where is it?" His voice softened in a way it only did around her.

"I'm not sure, Lor San Tekka gave it to Poe. When the first of the troops landed we ran back to the fighter- he might have stashed it in there." Serena thought on her feet, but she knew it would only give them a few minutes.

"Why did you run?" There was more to Ren's question and Serena knew it. He didn't mean just now, he meant a year ago when he sent her to kill that family.

"I was trying to maintain my cover." She told him. "I thought that if I could find Luke Skywalker's location then I could return to you. The map was only the first step, I had to get back to base and look at it to make sure it was the complete map." Serena was very convincing when she needed to be. Her power of manipulation worked wonders for her over the years, but it had just started to make her feel sick to her stomach.

"Nothing, sir." One of the guards that searched Poe told Kylo Ren.

"Search the fighter," Serena told him.

Ren kept his sights on her. Even through the mask, she could feel his heavy gaze. "Search his fighter, then destroy it." Kylo Ren instructed as he turned back towards Poe. "And put him on board."

Serena's stomach dropped as she watched the guards push Poe towards the vessel. She took in a long breath as she turned on her heels to make sure they didn't rough him up too bad.

As she watched, Captain Phasma, one of the Head Storm Troopers, walked up to her and Ren. She gave Serena a long look before she turned her attention to Ren. "Sir, the villagers?"

"Kill them all," Kylo said without a second of thought. "Serena." He looked down at her.

Serena tilted her chin up towards him but her eyes lagged behind as she looked over all the innocent villagers. When she finally looked up at him he lifted his hand towards the vessel. "Let's go."

Serena nodded and turned away from the impending slaughter.

As they turned their backs, Phasma gave the order. "On my Command... Fire!"

An array of lasers sounded in the silence. They quickly mixed with screams and crashing bodies as the entire village was massacred.

Serena paused and turned just enough to watch the bodies fall to the dirt. Despair and guilt swam uncomfortably in her stomach. Bile rose up her throat. She tried to swallow the acidic taste but it seemed lodged in her throat as the firefight continued.

Slowly, the Storm Troopers stopped firing. When the last laser connected with a child, the massacre was over, and the village of Herench was no more.

Serena was disgusted, but her own wallows were slowly replaced with a feeling of discontent. It was just strong enough for her to push all other thoughts away. "Do you feel that?" She asked Ren as she turned on her heels to survey the Troopers. It was coming from their direction, and since the village was destroyed, it had to be one of their people.

"I do..." Ren said as he looked at one distinct Trooper with a smear of blood across his white mask. "Come on, there is so much to do." He placed his hand between her shoulder blades to lead her towards the vessel.

Serena walked with Kylo Ren's hand on her. As she entered the vessel she couldn't help but feel herself slowly start to revert back into what she was: a ruthless killer who didn't care for anything or anyone but herself- and Kylo Ren.

Being back with him felt like coming home, sure it was a disturbing home that she had tried to run away from, but it was familiar, and it had him.

A.N.// So, what did you guys think about this chapter? Serena betrayed Poe which was always part of the plan. You get just a taste of Serena and Kylo Ren. I have so much planned for them so I'm excited to be at this part. Let me know what you guys think!//

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