brutal love || outerbanks, jj

By lexsmisek

570K 9.4K 3.8K

"you can never cross the ocean until you have courage to lose sight of the shore." -> all before season on... More

outerbanks / prologue
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
forty three
forty four
forty five
it's not the end.


12K 241 89
By lexsmisek

coop's pov
8:30 pm ; stolen car

i have been driving for maybe 15 minutes and i was already bored. it's not like jj isn't going to come back.

i drove onto a gravel road and turned my head lights onto bright. i saw an animal run passed my car and it freaked me out. i slammed on my breaks and i jolted forward.

i sat in the middle of the road, putting my head back on the seat in annoyance.

jj has been through this stuff before. he gets upset easily, but it wasn't like him for running away from his friends. or hitting john b.

i grabbed out my phone and dialed jj's number. with a few rings it brought me to voice mail.

i shut my phone off and threw it on the passenger seat.

"where are you jj." i said as i put the car in drive, continuing the search.


it was about 9:34 pm now and i wanted to give up. it's been an hour. if anything jj went back to john b's and i was just waisting time.

i called jj again, praying he would pick up, but it was no use. i was over by the cemetery, driving through it. i could't see shit other than what was in front of the car due to how dark it was.

i drove passed a few head stones before coming to a hult, seeing the one and only, blonde mop of a boy, sitting in front of a head stone.

i parked the car and got out, leaving it run so the head lights would stay on.

"jj, what are you doing?" i asked as i ran up to him.

he was sitting in the grass in front of a head stone that read, james anderson.

"who is that?" i said softly, sitting down next to him.

"no clue." he let out a weak laugh.

"why are you in front of it?" i looked at him.

he didn't respond.

"jj." i paused. i looked over at the car and then back at him. "why did you run and not just work things out with john b?"

he stayed silent again.

"i told kie this was pointless." i ran my hands through my hair.

it was silent between us for a while. he was just pulling at the grass next to him. he looked like he had a few tear stains on his left cheek, but i wasn't going to bring that up.

"hey, guess what i bought?" i started, pulling a new juul out of my pocket. "well rafe bought it for me, but no one is supposed to know that."

he looked at it and stood up. i looked up at the now standing boy.

i stood up, getting to his level. "jj what's wrong?" i asked, being soft again.

"coop," he started but stopped, walking away.

i stopped him, grabbing his arm.

"talk to me jj." i stated.

he pulled away from me but stayed in his spot. "john b and i were fighting about my dad." he looked down at the juul that was still in my hand.

i held it up for him to grab, which he gladly did. "john b cares about you."

"yeah, but he knows not to go there."

"jj," i watched him hit the juul, "why did he bring it up anyway?"

"he just asked about my lip. me being me, i got angry. i don't want to talk about it. it doesn't matter anyway."

"it does matter jj. this stuff matters." i pointed to a bruise on his jaw line.

he just looked at me.

"john b is worried about you. so is kie and pope."

"you're not?"

"i never said that."

"you care about me?" he asked, wanting the truth.

"more than you will ever know." i said, being as truthful as possible.

he shook his head and took his hat off, tugging at his hair and putting it back on.

"john b got you in the eye pretty bad huh?" i laughed as i noticed a purple mark on his right eye.

"yeah, i got his left eye." he let a chuckle out.

"you guys seriously act like brothers. it's so annoying." i said as jj wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

we headed back to the car.

"here." he handed me my juul once we were in the car.

"so why did they send you to find me?" jj asked as i put the car in drive.

"something about you being able to talk to me." i shrugged, slowly moving the car to the left as there was a pot hole.

"i just feel like we have been through some of the same things. it's easier with you." he stated, i looked over at the boy as he looked out the window.

i guess i never thought of it like that. we both have dad problems. pretty similar situations actually.

i hit my juul and pulled out of the cemetery, stopping.

"so where do i take you? do you want to go to john b's? maybe talk?" i suggested.

"maybe tomorrow."

"so you want me to take you home?" i questioned, but i knew the answer.

"i'll just sleep in the cemetery." he said, going for the door handle.

"or my house." i pulled him back, "just sneak through the balcony."

"but-" i cut him off.

"you aren't sleeping in a cemetery, and if you don't want to go to john b's you have no other choice."

jj sat back, defeated and i moved the car again.

i got onto a regular road and jj turned the radio on, not wanting to sit in silence.

"you know, when i first heard about you, i thought you were this kook princess, high end, money wanting girl. i hated your guts. but when you cracked that joke about taking a shower with sarah, i realized that you weren't too bad. i decided then and there you weren't as bad as i thought." jj stated.

i smiled watching the road. "i just thought of you as a blonde headed mop." i shrugged, earning a chuckle.

"you really learn more about someone after talking to them." he continued to chuckle.

"yeah, that's kind of what happens." i joked, jj rolling his eyes at me.

it was silent for a while. jj was just sitting in his seat, watching the trees pass by as we drove along.

after some time i pulled into the driveway of my house. i grabbed my phone, looking at the time. 11:45 pm.

"alright, just go around back, i'll meet you at my balcony. but get ready to climb up a tree." i looked over at jj and he nodded.

i watched as jj got out and ran around the house. i couldn't help but smile. this boy could be getting me into major trouble with rose but in all honesty, i didn't mind.

i got out, leaving the keys in the car, remembering if i get asked to blame it of rafe. i opened the door as quiet as i could, taking my shoes off and tiptoeing to the stairs.

"sneek out with a boy?" sarah asked, standing above me.

"more like sneaking in a boy." i smirked, walking up the stairs.

"who is it." she seemed intrigued.

"jj maybank." i smiled, remembering his lastname thanks to john b.

she smiled at me and nodded, walking to her bedroom. i walked into my room and looked over at my balcony. jj was standing there hitting his juul.

i laughed at the boy, going to open the door. "sorry, sarah stopped me."

"oh shit, what did you tell her?" he asked, slipping into my room as i shut the door again.

"that i was sneaking jj maybank into my room."

"you know my lastname."

"no." i joked, gaining a head shake from him.

i walked over to my closet and grabbed some shorts and a tank top.

"turn." i told him as he sat on my bed.

"i'm okay." he shrugged, laying down.

i looked at the boy and smirked, "don't test me."

he shrugged yet again and i shook my head. i slowly pulled my left strap down from my shirt, gaining a confused look from jj but i just held eye contact with him.

i watched the boy as i then removed my right strap, his eyes following my every move. then the whole shirt, standing in my bra.

"stop." he covered his eyes.

"hey, two can play your game." i mocked, turing around and removing my bra, putting my tank top on quickly.

i looked back over at jj and he was looking at me again, but not my eyes. i turned myself around, watching him watch me take my shorts off. jj licked his bottom lip, still not making eye contact. i pulled on my new shorts and threw my dirty clothes in my hamper.

"why did you do that?" he shook his head stuffing it into the bed.

"you started it." i got into the bed next to him after turning the light off.

jj hopped out of bed, "yeah well," he started taking his shirt off, "it made me way to happy." he then took his jeans off, not realizing that i was starring. "plus, that was painful, watching a girl strip and not being able to do anything about it, it hurts."

i mean..

he got into the bed next to me and laid down, me as well. we both laid on our backs, looking at the ceiling. it was still pretty light in my room from the light house shinning into my window.

"jj, you have to promise me that tomorrow, when i take you to talk to john b, you don't fight with him."

jj stayed silent. not this again.

"just give him a hug, or knuckles or whatever boys do after a fight. say thank you maybe since he was just trying to care about you."

jj chuckled and looked at me, "boys are different from girls coop, it's a little weird to say thank you to another boy for caring."

i looked over at him as well, "it shouldn't be."

"i know." he said before rolling over to his side, opposite of me.

"good night, jj." i rolled over as well.

"good night, princess." he said whispering the last part, but i heard him.

i let a smile fall to my lips. why did that effect me so much? it was just one nickname.

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