By courtney-saraii

256K 4.6K 2.4K

"i seriously don't deserve you, hannah yche." "you deserve the world, j." {jjxpoc} szn 1 of the netfix orig... More

𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭 + 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫.


6.2K 118 12
By courtney-saraii


[movie night]


there's a moment in every kid's life when you feel like anything's possible.

when you feel like you've got the total mojo.

you could, i don't know, free-climb el capitan, land on mars, or, uh... get elected president.

the whole world's there for the taking it you've got the sack to go for it.

and then, when you least expect it, some kook shows up and tells you there's no eternal mystery.

and then all that talk about free-climbing and mars and the president... bullshit.

magic gets cancer and dies.


john b sighs deeply raking his hands through his long brown locks, "it's not there. look, just- just pull the drone up."

hannah felt her heart sink into her feet at his words as her and the rest of her friends sigh in defeat.

pope pursed his lips trying to remain optimistic, "look, we can do another pass. recharge the battery. we can..we can go back down."

jj chimes in shaking his head, "we've done it three times. there's nothing there." he spat angrily as hannah narrows her eyes at him.

"shut up!" kiara yells sending him a dirty look.

"what? it's true!" the blonde throws his hands up in defense.

"the gold could be buried. we don't know!" hannah spoke with a hopeful tone.

"if it was there, it would've been found on the metal detector, okay? someone beat us to it!" john b shouts at her.

routledge never raises his voice at hannah but she knew that he was upset so she tried not to take it personally.

his facial expression softens once he realizes what he's done and he walks over to his best friend pulling her in for a hug, "look, i'm sorry hannah b. i didn't mean to yell at you."

the girl sighs as she nodded her head against his chest knowing that he's under a lot of stress right now, "it's fine, jb. i get it." she consoles rubbing his back.


the five pogues had decided to split up and do their own thing.

hannah was currently watching her boyfriend do target practice on a teddy bear as she vented to him about what has been happening the last couple of days.

"i mean...you think the gold could be somewhere else too...right?" she asks him as the blonde sighs setting the gun down on a tree stump.

"you know something i've always admired about you, banana? how you can have such a positive outlook on life. no matter how shitty it actually is." jj compliments making hannah smile for a moment before shaking her head.

"that's not answering my question but...okay." yche pursed her lips and looks away as jj kneels down to her level.

"hey," he places his finger under his girlfriend's chin making her look him in the eyes, "you know i'm always on your side, baby. no matter what, okay? i just...don't wanna lie to you. john b's probably right. somebody else beat us to it."

hannah nods her head, still not fully convinced and they both lean in and share a sweet kiss.

"jj, hannah!" pope pants running up to them.

"pope? what happened? w-whats going on?" the girl asks furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"they know." is all pope has to say before they both understand what he's talking about.

"what?" jj questions playing dumb.

"they know." the boy repeats more sternly this time.

the blonde shakes his head in disbelief, "all right, chill, bro. all right? they don't know shit."

pope begins to panic pacing around the backyard, "topper knows i sunk his boat."

hannah rubs her temples stressfully placing a hand on her hip, "wait, wait, wait! pope, calm down! how do you know they know?"

"because rafe and topper posted outside of heyward's and mad dogged me!" pope yells letting out a groan.

jj sat down on a pile of logs throwing his head back and rolling his eyes, "will you calm down and get a grip, man? they don't know shit."

"they have cameras. they could've seen me." pope adds nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"look, pope. relax! there was no power. there's no way they could've seen you." hannah spoke trying to calm the anxious boy down.

"hannah, you're a frikkin kook, dude! it's figure eight. they got generators." he snaps kicking dirt up with his foot before rambling on, "they don't give scholarships to kids who vengefully sink boats! it's not a good look on my transcript—"

jj cut him off standing up and getting in his face, "enough with the regret, bro!" the blonde shouts pointing to a bruise that was settled under pope's eye.

"they caved your face in. they hit us, we hit them. it's the law of the jungle. now, if any kooks come up to you and ask if you had anything to do with it, you walk up to 'em, look 'em right in the eye..and?"

"deny the living shit out of it." pope finishes making him nod his head in agreement, "that's right. deny, deny, deny!"

"but just for safety, we don't go anywhere without protection." the maybank boy declares referring to the gun that was resting on the tree stump.

hannah's cellphone began to buzz as she saw kiara's name and contact picture appear on the screen.

"hello?" she answers before hearing her best friend's voice through the line.

"you wanna go see a movie?"


somehow the girls had convinced jj and pope to tag along with them to see a flick on the field.

hannah had no idea what movie they were going to see but she was excited to do something that felt normal for the first time in what feels like forever.

the four pogues search for an empty spot on the grass as kiara smiled happily, "i'm so glad that they're still doing this. keep calm. carry on. back to obx life. you know?" the girl turns around to face her friends, "aren't you glad i made you come?" she asks the boys.

pope clears his throat before speaking, "ecstatic." he says sarcastically.

jj shrugs his shoulders setting the cooler down once they found a spot to sit, "my couch was pretty comfy, i'll be honest."

hannah rolls her eyes playfully nudging the boy with her elbow as she began talking, "well, i for one am glad that you invited me, kie. even though i have absolutely no clue what movie is even playing tonight."

the girls share a laugh as hannah hears pope whispering to jj, "we're out of the green zone, man."

"dude, tranquilo, okay?" jj responds trying to subtly calm the boy down. "we're in the middle of kooklandia. this is the last place i wanted to be."

"okay, pope? i seriously need you to relax, alright? stop drawing attention to yourself! you're gonna be fine!" hannah whispers before turning to the curly haired girl who was oblivious to the conversation they were having.

"wanna go get drinks and stuff?" carrera asks her best friend as she nods and they walk to the snack bar.

"hey, uh... can i get three pepsi's, please?" kiara smiles sweetly at the cashier handing him a five dollar bill.

"hey, kie, hannah!" a voice shouts just as they saw rafe walking towards them, "hey, what's up? how are you guys?"

hannah cuts her off before she can even answer, "we're lovely. thanks so much for asking. now what do you want, rafe?"

"good, good. um..." he leans in closely to her face before muttering, "tell your boy that we know what he did."

kiara raised an eyebrow, "sorry, what boy are you talking about?"

the blonde chuckles lightly, "uh, he'll know." is all he says.

hannah narrows her eyes at him while kiara grabs the sodas off of the counter, linking arms with her best friend as they walk away yelling, "douche!"

once the two of them made it back to the boys kie immediately addresses what just happened.

"just saw rafe, and he said, and i quote, 'tell your boy that we know what he did'. what is that?" she quotes handing them their drinks.

jj and pope exchange looks of concern and slight fear at the mentioning of rafe cameron's name.

"um," the blonde clears his throat before speaking, "where is he?"

kiara sat down in her seat along with hannah as they both point to where the kooks were standing, "right there."

pope gulps looking back at the boys who were smirking evilly at him, "great, the whole death squad."

the maybank boy slaps his friend upside the head making him let out a yelp, "don't stare, bro! just warning you, bro. if they corner me, i'm coming out swinging, okay? slice and dicin'. i'm on edge right now." he does hand gestures to further make his point.

hannah hit his bicep lightly before speaking, "jj, shut up!" she hissed.

if that doesn't work, i got this right here." he replies picking up his backpack and patting it gently.

"yeah, yeah. so, we just gotta stay in the group. they can't get us in the group." pope nervously says chewing on his fingernails.

jj nods his head before mumbling back, "like a school of fish."

kiara's eyes widen once she realizes why he mentioned his backpack, "i'm sorry, jj. please tell me that you did not bring a gun here."

hannah gasps softly coming to the same realization as her best friend. "jj, are you out of your freaking mind? there are kids!"

"no! kie, babe, i didn't bring the gun. everything's fine, okay?" he reassures them as kie threw her head back letting out a loud groan, "wow, thank you. that's really convincing. i love that, jj."

the maybank boy was about to speak once more when he gets cut off by the movie starting.

kiara turns to face the two of them before continuing, "founding principle, you guys. no secrets amongst pogues. what is rafe talking about?" she asks them as pope spoke with a shaky voice.

"kie, it might go down tonight."

the curly-haired girl furrows her eyebrows, clearly confused, "what does that mean? 'might go down tonight.' what did y'all do? banana, do you know what they're talking about?"

"deny, deny, deny." jj whispers to pope who was shaking a little.

hannah bit down on her lip before responding, "no clue, kie." she quickly lies shoving her hands in the pocket of her jean jacket.

judging by the look on kiara's face, she wasn't convinced at all that her best friend didn't know what the boy's were talking about but she decided to let it go for now as they all tuned into the movie.


hannah snuggled deeper into jj's chest as she dozed in and out of sleep.

she yawns tiredly as she heard pope whispering, "jj!"

the blonde looked over at the boy trying not to wake the sleeping girl in his lap, "what?"

"gotta take a piss." pope tells him as hannah immediately wakes up at his words.

jj says what his girlfriend was thinking, "hold it."

"i can't hold it. i drank too much soda!" pope whispers holding his junk in his hand.

hannah sat up, clearly disgusted at where his hands were placed, "it's too exposed. they'll totally see you!" she whispers back glancing over at her best friend who was too focused on the movie to notice what they were talking about.

"i gotta go." pope whines tapping his leg to try and fight the urge to pee.

jj groans throwing his head back in annoyance before standing up, "come here. i know where." pope follows his friend just as kiara looks over at them.

"hey, where y'all going?" she asks them.

the maybank boy stares at her blankly before speaking, "we gotta wring it out." and with that they both ran off.

carrera watched them and rolls her eyes, "you gonna hold it for each other?" she sarcastically remarked making her best friend laugh.

a few minutes passed and hannah grew more concerned once she noticed the boys had yet to return from their little bathroom break.

hannah nudged kiara with her elbow, "kie, i think they're in trouble."

kie looks back and noticed that the three kooks were also gone from their seats and her eyes widen. "shit, let's go!"

the girls quickly ran behind the projection screen, gasping as they see rafe, topper, and kelce jumping jj and pope.

"what the hell?" they both shout in unison as all eyes fell on them.

"well, look who we have here? the two pogue princesses." rafe laughs as hannah saw kelce holding jj in an armlock while punching him hard in the gut and face.

kiara ran to pope's aid who was currently getting the shit beat out of him by topper, "let go of him, topper! you fascist asshole!" she jumps onto his back choking him from behind.

hannah ran to her boyfriend's defense punching rafe in the face, hard.

rafe stops what he was doing to spit blood on the ground as he began to walk towards the young girl.

jj's eyes grew dark with rage as he struggles to get out of the hold he was in, "touch her and i will fucking kill you, man!" he growls elbowing kelce in the stomach.

hannah may be small but growing up with john b and jj taught her two things: how to fight and how to throw a punch.

jj had somehow found a way to get out of the headlock running over to his girlfriend using his body to block rafe's incoming blows.

the brawl continues, getting bloodier and bloodier by the minute as the girls ran over to jj's bag searching through his things.

kiara pulled out the gun while hannah grabbed her boyfriend's lighter.

they both glance at each other for a moment before kie nods her head, "do it."

that's all that it takes before hannah sprints to the projection screen setting it ablaze.

rafe punched jj in the face once more before noticing the flames that were quickly engulfing the screen, "guys, fire!" he yells to his friends who pause what they're doing for a moment.

"get off of him!" kie yells to topper who reluctantly let's go of pope, pushing him to the ground as he gasps for air trying to recollect himself.

hannah ran over to kelce trying to pry his hands off of jj's neck, "kelce, let go of jj!"

"let's get out of here!" rafe hollers to the two boys as all three of them run off.

hannah quickly ran to the maybank boy who was hunched over coughing and wheezing while blood oozed out of his mouth as kiara helped pope to his feet.

"oh my god, jj! are you okay?" she cries immediately pulling him into a tight embrace.

he winced a little at the pain in his rib cage before nodding his head, "i'm alright, princess. don't worry. did he hit you? did he hurt you?" jj pulls away cupping her face in his hands.

hannah shakes her head 'no' before turning to kiara, "we're good! he's okay!" she tells her.

pope coughs holding his stomach in pain as he managed to smile at the girls, "you two are freakin' idiots."

yche slings the blonde's arm over her shoulders assisting him in walking as kie does the same with pope, "we saved your life, dumbasses. come on!"

the four friends jog away from the growing flames laughing at the events that just occurred.

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