Merlin's sister the seamstres...

By Almandra95Swe

122K 2.9K 185

Book 1 Season 1-3 A sigh escaped her lips as she looked at the raven haired boy in the stocks. "Really Merl... More

#1 Madelyn - introduction
#2 Reunited
#3 The poisoned chalice
#4 The beginning of something wonderful
#5 The beginning of something wonderful- part 2
#6 the beginning of something wonderful- part 3
#7 the beginning of something wonderful - part 4
#8 the end of the beginning of something wonderful
#9 The moment of truth
# 10 Le Morte d'Arthur - part 1
#11 Le Morte d'Arthur-part 2
#12 Dangerous reunion - part 1
sorry I'll post soon
#13 dangerous reunion - part 2
#14 Dangerous reunion- part 3
Suggestions and requests
Thank you
#15 Letter to Lancelot
#16 The last Dragonlord - part 1
#17 the last Dragonlord part 2
#18 The last Dragonlord- part 3
#19 The last Dragonlord - part 4
#20 The last Dragonlord - part 5
Thank you - please take moment
#21 The events of a year
#22 The tears of Uther Pendragon
new cover
# 23 Goblin's Gold
#24 Gwaine
suggestions and requests - please read - update
#26 the coming of Arthur- part 1
#27 The coming of Arthur- part 2
# 28 The coming of Arthur-part 3
End of this book! But don't worry!
Sequel is out!

#25 Queen of hearts

1.9K 44 4
By Almandra95Swe

Here we go! I hope everyone is okay that this is the next written chapter, also I'm sorry for taking forever to update. Read and enjoy!

Smiling wide and with a blush covering her cheeks Madelyn put away the letter she received from Lancelot. She had a small chest that was half full with his letters and the ribbons he bound them with. Madelyn couldn't write as many letters as she received since he was sometimes traveling around, but it didn't matter to any of them. Madelyn longed for him, to see him again and she hoped the days until they met were few.

Since Gwaine had left alot had happend in Camelot and of course Merlin had been in the middle of most things. First Merlin had tried to stop what he thought was Morgana trying to assassinate Uther, but instead she was injured severely and it ended with Merlin saving her. During her time of sickness Gaius had been informed by the king that Morgana was actually his daughter, and Merlin had been told and he had told Madelyn.

After that event there were almost a wedding between Arthur and a princess called Elena. Apparently Elena had been under a spell for a long time from her nanny who was a Sidhe but Merlin saved her. Gwen had been devastated during that time and Madelyn had comforted her, thankfully Arthur didn't go through with the wedding. Not many weeks after that Gwen had been captured by Cendred's men and was forced to bring Arthur to Cendred if she didn't want her brother Elyan to die. Arthur and Merlin went with her to save Elyan and after they returned Merlin told Madelyn how Morgana tried to ruin everything and how she got them all captured. Thank God for Arthur and Merlin managing to get them all away and now Elyan had settled in Camelot and was now working at his and Gwen's father's forge.

The next adventure Merlin had been to was to save Arthur from dying when he went to a quest to retrieve a golden trident from a fisher king, thankfully he had help from Gwaine and Merlin managed to help Arthur and the fisher king who apparently wasn't dead yet.

There had been something going on after that between Merlin, Gaius and a woman called Alice but Madelyn had not been involved or told about that. It seemed as if it was a sensitive topic and she didn't need to know, she simply helped Merlin when he needed advice or something mended and she supplied Gaius with thread for sewing patients.

Taking a deep breath and feeling the warm sun through the window Madelyn smiled before opening the shop. She was slightly thankfull that Morgana didn't ask for many dresses these days and Madelyn received work from others, both nobles and commoners so she wasn't in any loss of work. Her reputation at court had helped her tremendously  and the line of costumers had no end so far.


Madelyn smiled wide as she watched Gwen walk through the streets of Camelot in her pink dress, that dress had been a gift from Madelyn and she was so proud of it when she helped Gwen dress in it this morning. She loved making dresses for Gwen, it was as if Gwen was perfect in everything. Gwen always tried to tell Madelyn how she wanted to pay for the dresses but Madelyn wouldn't accept any money from her best friend. Madelyn watched as Merlin led Gwen to where she knew Arthur was waiting, the servant girl and the prince deserved a day together away from prying eyes and blabbing mouths.


Of course Morgana would ruin it all. Madelyn wasn't surprised or angry but Morgana's actions made Madelyn sad and disappointed. The lady who had been her friend for some time, who had been so caring and loving now seemed so full of hate and darkness that it almost scared Madelyn. And how could she do this to Gwen? The lady and her servant girl had been friends for so many years and now it was of those years didn't matter. And when she got Gwen banished from Camelot, why couldn't she be happy with that? Placing a poultice under Arthur's pillow so it looked as if Arthur was enchanted to get Gwen exicuted? Why was Morgana so angry and afraid of Gwen?

"Morgana?" Gaius words made Madelyn look at the old physician. "Uther'll never believe that Morgan's responsible." Madelyn sat in the chambers of the physician, Merlin had dragged her with him after he had spoken to Gwen in the dungeons.

"Perhaps Arthur will talk him 'round." Merlin's words made Madelyn sigh and speak up in a sad voice.

"Uther thinks Arthur is enchanted." Gaius nodded as Madelyn spoke and continued, thinking the same thing as her.

"Yes, and anything that Arthur does is going to strengthen that belief. I fear that's not going to save Gwen." Gaius words made Madelyn tighten her hands in her lap as she felt her heart sting with pain for her friend. A few second of pacing was all Merlin needed to get an idea, Madelyn saw it on her brother's face before he even could speak up.

"Merlin, what is it?" Merlin bit his lip, contemplating his words before he spoke up.

"If we can't expose the true sorcerer, then we must invent one." Madelyn and Gaius changed a confused look, their minds could rarely translate and understand Merlin.

"What do you mean?" Merlin had that spark his eyes that Madelyn recognised, she wasn't going to love this solution.

"What if a sorcerer was caught planting an identical poultice in Arthur's chambers? Uther would've no choice but to release Gwen." Merlin's grin worried Madelyn but she couldn't find words to speak against his idea. It was a good idea, if it worked. Madelyn's feet followed Merlin as he ran for his room.

"And do you know of a sorcerer who's stupid enough to get caught doing such a thing?" Madelyn shook her head before Merlin could even answer Gaius.

"Me!" Madleyn looked between Merlin's grinning face and Gaius' worried and surprised face, quickly both she and Gaius followed Merlin into his room as Merlin started to look through his book of magic. "So, if I disguise myself, it won't matter if I'm caught. I can use magic to escape, and then just change back into myself. They'll that the sorcerer has just vanished into thin air."

Madelyn tilted her head, her brothernever seized to surprise her. Here he was planning to save their friend, risking his own life and also with a risk of exposing his biggest secret. Madelyn had never felt more proud of him.

"Well, no matter how you disguise yourself, I fear Arthur will recognise you." Gaius had a point.

"Not if I'm eighty years old." Merlin's grinning face made Madelyn smile aswell. Sure he looked a little like a mad man but still, his smile was the same as when he was ten. Also him imitating an old man's voice was hard to not laugh at.

"An aging spell? Merlin, aging spells are notoriously difficult and unpredictable. If the spell doesn't hold, you'll be exposed." Merlin looked up as Gaius spoke, and Madelyn saw in his eyes and knew Merlin had already thought about this.

"If I don't do something, Gwen is going to die, and I'm not going to let that happen." Merlin's eyes met Madelyn's, and she knew those last words was to ensure her. Smiling Madelyn nodded, they both would do whatever they could. Merlin looked back at Gaius. "Can you make a poultice identical to the one found in Arthur's chambers? "

"Well, I believe so." Gaius answered making Madelyn exhale in relief.

"I'll fix some clothes for you Merlin, you can't be seen walking around in clothes identical to Gaius'." With that Madelyn walked out from Merlin's room, to work on some old robes that used to belong to Gaius.


Madelyn was biting her lip, she didn't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for Merlin. He had turned into a very old version of himself, Madelyn would have guessed he was closer to a hundred than eighty years old.

"Maddy-..." hearing "old" Merlin talk was the think that broke it Madelyn and she laughed so a tear slipped down her cheek. Merlin just shook his head like a disappointed grandfather and walked out to show Gaius.

Calming down Madelyn walked out of Merlin's chamber and watched as Gaius inspected the old Merlin, his face showing a mixture of being astonished and horrified making Madelyn laugh a little.

"I have to be going, Merlin please try and be careful." Madelyn walked up and kissed Merlin on his cheek as she normally did but right after she did she froze and looked at Merlin. "That was... weird. Let's hope you don't stay like this." Merlin agreed with a nod and Madelyn left.


Why did all bad things happen to Merlin? Madelyn stood by the huge pile of wood where this "Dragoon" would be burned to the stake for enchanting the prince. Her hands sweating and fidgeting with her sleeves as she looked for Gaius. The physician had been up all night to brew an antidote for Merlin's aging spell, Madelyn had kept him company a while until he sent her home go sleep but Madelyn couldn't even close her eyes that night.

The sound of a beating drum startled Madelyn and she felt her heart beat faster and faster. She watched as a familiar head made it's way through the crowd towards the prisoner but she couldn't see all that happend. A sudden yell was heard, a shout and suddenly the wood pile bursted into flames scaring the crowd, creating chaos and confusion. In the corner of her eyes Madelyn thought she saw a man in a red cloak disappear and soon the Prince ran after with guards. Run, Merlin. For goodness sake, don't stop running.


Madelyn had cried, laughed, hugged and scolded Merlin when she saw next saw the normal him, he had barely made it and was almost exposed but had managed in the last second to turn back. Now she sat in her house, old Merlin's robes all gone. Taking a deep breath Madelyn calmed herself, Merlin was safe and Gwen was safe. The only worry right now was Morgana, if beeing a lifelong friend with her didn't stop her, what would? What would be next?

Not edited.

Sorry for a horrible ending, I hope I did justice to this chapter. Next chapter will be the second to last one in the season - The coming of Arthur part 1

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