Blind Date Gone Wrong (WayHau...

By loggiepj

130K 4.2K 592

[HIGHEST RANK #1 - wayhaught - August 2020 #13 - #rainbow - May 2020 #1 - #waverly - June 2020 #1 - #nicoleh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 27

3.8K 117 4
By loggiepj

Same day, late afternoon
Arcadia, Edmonton Mall

The redhead had her earphones on as she mopped the floor of Arcadia's break room. She was singing along the tunes of British Bombs by Declan McKenna under her breath as she swayed her hips and shoulders in accordance with the song.

Nicole was really in love. She's in love with Waverly and there's no denying that. Her face couldn't hide that anymore. Nicole thought she'd never have too much dopamine inside of her. Boy, she was wrong.

The redhead couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night. She had never missed anyone like this even when they've just been together hours ago.

Nicole had no idea how to last a week without Waverly. Both of them didn't have any social media accounts that they could messaged each other through or even just their email addresses. It was going to be a week full of misery and longing for the brunette. Just as when the redhead's happiness filled to its brim, a shred of fear started to leak in. Nicole quickly shrugged the thought away.

The break room must have been sparkling clean already. Nicole smiled on what she had accomplished then she suddenly noticed she wasn't alone. A smirking Rosita was leaning by the door, her eyes eyeing her suspiciously.

"Well, at least someone's so happy," Rosita said.

Next day, nighttime
Island bar

Nicole had never been to the famed bar near the university for two years now. It was usually filled with a lot of students going about their weekend parties. The redhead finally succumbed to Rosita's persistence to enjoy the night, knowing she'd probably spend her nights only missing a certain brunette.

Chrissy was seated beside Rosita and she was glaring at Nicole like crazy ever since she stepped foot inside the bar. The place was playing electronic dance music at the moment, with a sweaty crowd gathered around the dance floor. They managed to get a small table on the second floor near the balcony. Once Chrissy was out of earshot to replenish their drinks, Nicole leaned forward to Rosita and mumbled. "I think your girlfriend hates me."

Rosita laughed hoarsely. Her best friend was slightly drunk, the redhead could tell. "Maybe because you're dating her best friend."

"What?" Nicole's eyes widened. "Wait, she knew about Waverly and me?"

Then as if perfect timing, Chrissy returned with a couple of drinks. "So, Nicole...."

Nicole glanced at the blonde girl in fear of what she might say. "You and Waverly..."

"Did you tell her?" Nicole immediately turned to Rosita. Rosita quickly shook her head as her hand grabbed a shot of drink.

"I didn't need telling, Nic, Waves is my best friend," Chrissy said as she offered Nicole a shot of Whiskey. Nicole took the shot and it immediately warmed her throat. She was not a Whiskey kind of girl but if she needed Waverly's best friend's blessing, then she might have to do anything to please the blondie.

When Chrissy shoved another shot unto her way, Nicole immediately swigged the contents into her mouth.

Shit, I think I'm getting drunk tonight, Nicole thought.

"So...," the blonde girl began, eyeing Nicole like a vulture. "Are you serious with Waverly?"

The redhead licked her lips nervously. "Is this an interrogation?"

"Why? Do you feel interrogated?"

Rosita chuckled as she went to drink, enjoying herself as she watched the two have a heated conversation.

"I.. I love her, Chrissy-" Shit, did Nicole just say that out loud? Maybe, the alcohol was not helping her at all. Rosita and Chrissy were both bewildered by the bold answer.

The blonde girl seemed to be enjoying as well as she went on, shoving another drink to Nicole. "Mmmm, funny how you both seem to say the same thing."

Nicole hesitated then drank the shot. Now, her sight was blurry. "Waverly really loves me?"

Chrissy laughed, maybe because Nicole sounded like a child. "Tell me why you love Waverly, Nicole."


"I mean, last time I remember, Waverly admitted she was crazily in love with you, yet you chose to be with Aster, rejecting and hurting my best friend all the time-"

Nicole quickly cut her off. "I didn't mean to hurt her... I thought she's still with Perry. I don't wanna make her someone she's not..."

"And what is that?"

"A cheater.. I mean, she could have just told me-"

"She was scared, you idiot, mmm, well, makes sense too. Because Waverly is also scared of you."

"I scare Waverly?" The redhead's voice slurred like gibberish.

"Yep," Chrissy answered, the 'p' popping out. "Nicole... she's never been in love before..."

Now Nicole started to feel dizzy yet words from the blonde sunk in. "She hasn't?"

Chrissy laughed this time. "No, she thought that she didn't deserve to be loved anymore, that's why, I swear to God, Nicole, if you ever hurt Waverly-"

"I promise, I won't, Chrissy," Nicole interjected, raising her right hand before her. "I've waited so long for this chance to be with her. And I don't want to mess this up. Well, if she still wants me, of course..."

Nicole kept on shoving the shots that Chrissy gave into her mouth, and only stopped when Rosita noticed she had had enough. Then Chrissy asked, "Now, tell me honestly, why do you love Waverly?"

"Because she's Waverly, there's something about her that I can't explain, maybe because the way her eyes smile when she's happy or how her voice sounds so cute when she's nervous and rambling, or the way she looks like a badass but still so caring and sincere," the redhead slurred on, a smile creeping across her face. "Even just her presence lifts my mood up.... Hey, I can talk random and sad things with her without feeling sad, knowing she's there for me if I break down. When she touches me, I feel this warmth spreading throughout my body that I still can't figure out what. I just know it's good. I love her so much, Chrissy. And it's not just because of what she made me feel towards myself, but also because Waverly deserves so much more in her life. I want to erase all this sadness and maybe trust issues inside her... I just want to let her know that she's worth more than anything... I want to let her know that I care. That I want to make her happy all the time... and... I also love her for some reasons I cannot explain like-... Wait are you recording this?" Nicole stopped when she saw Chrissy's phone on record mode, discreetly positioned as if the blonde was just texting.

Chrissy instantly slipped down her phone when Nicole immediately belched out unto the floor, all the drinks she thought she could contain inside were now on the ground before them. Rosita was laughing so hard beside her as she rubbed the redhead's back.

"Don't worry, Haught," Chrissy said as she gave her a glass of water. "Your secret's safe with me."

Nicole could already tell it would be her last visit to the bar.

Days later, afternoon
Professor Dolls' classroom, Advanced Creative Writing

"We will be having a lunch meeting with my colleague Clootie tomorrow," Professor Dolls suddenly said as Nicole passed by his table after class. There were still a few students left inside the classroom but they had gotten used to the special connection the redhead had with the professor. The last thing Nicole wanted was to be her teacher's pet.

Clootie was Nicole's literary agent. Although she hadn't met the guy, the redhead could tell he resembled another version of Professor Dolls. But it didn't really mean she wasn't scared anymore. It took her a long time to gain the confidence to talk to her professor casually.

"Oh, okay, um, where?"

"Don't worry, she'll be meeting us here in school," he replied, noticing the face Nicole was making. "Are you nervous?"

The redhead must be nervous because she was shaking. "It's totally normal, right?"

The professor laughed and advised her that it will be okay. "No bad news, just that her editing staff had finished the editing process and your manuscript is now ready for endorsement and production in about a month or two from now."

The redhead eventually calmed down, but her hands were still shaking. Luck was definitely on Nicole's side.

Days later, morning
Wynonna's apartment

Nicole was sipping her cup of coffee as she glanced around the silent apartment. She couldn't deny still feeling a bit sleepy. She hadn't had a proper sleep last night.

To be honest, she had waited for Waverly to arrive home. She thought she was hearing things in the living room but it was all just in her imagination. Nicole noted what day and time the brunette would be coming home. She finally settled on the thought that maybe she just miscounted or maybe the flight just got delayed.

Nicole missed Waverly terribly. And as time went by, doubts and insecurities filled the redhead.

What if Waverly has forgotten about her? What if Waverly's feelings has changed the entire week? What if she has developed something for someone else? And what if it's no longer the same when she comes back?

But the only thing the redhead could really do at the moment was wait.

Same day, nighttime
Wynonna's apartment

Nicole immediately locked the door of their apartment, rubbing her hands after to warm her up. It was still freezing cold outside.

Unexpected warmth inside the room went through the redhead's body, which puzzled her. She remembered turning off the heater this morning.

Then Nicole heard a noise coming from the kitchen. She slowly walked towards the sound and found Waverly standing in her pajamas, still looking more perfect than ever. Nicole had missed her so terribly, she thought she was seeing things.

"Hey," Nicole managed to say, dropping her backpack on the floor. She stared at Waverly as if she's the only thing present in the world. She stared at her like a painting. Like a beautiful painting. Everything else seemed to no longer matter. The love of her life was just standing mere meters away.

Waverly's eyes brightened at her direction. "Hey."

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