too much coffee // nomin, jae...

By jichugii

5.4K 97 80

"how could you say that youre not cute? your smile is just like a puppys and you are the most adorable boy i... More

Thank You For Reading hahahahlol


180 2 3
By jichugii

Jenos POV:

These few day Byuli and I have been texting each other, of course i had to tell Renjun about her. He said that i sound like i have a crush on her with all the compliments i said about Byul, but shes just a great person who wouldnt shower her with compliments?

Anyways, wasnt it so miraculous how we met. A random girl came up to me just to hang out. Shes such a nice person, she could be my next best friend! I mean obviously I wouldnt replace Renjun, but i feel like Byul and him would be great friends too. We could be the greatest trio to exist!

3rd person:

That movie is so weird

Like who wouldve came up with
that idea

Ikr, a bee with a human

That shit is wild

Yea u can say that again


Once a the conversation has ended and they had nothing to talk about. Unlike the other time, which was in real life, it was less consuming if you know what i mean. Maybe its because theyre not face to face.

Well i gtg, cya!

In reality, Moonbyul didnt actually had to go, she just wanted to escape the akward moment, so she lied.

Well cya too!

As soon as Moonbyul read the text, he turned off his phone amd hoped out of his bed.

He still had his school work to complete so for the next few hours, he focused on that.

In the middle of his korean work, he heard his phone ringing.

" Peekabooo, 설렐 때만 사랑이니까" his phone rang.

He quickly saw the name of the caller and felt his lips tugging for a smile, it was his beloved Jaemin.

" hi Jaemin ahh"

" hi Nono~"

" so why did you call?"

" idk, i just wanted to tbh"

" ok... what were you doinh before you called"

" o i was hanging out with my best friends, and when i came back i was still feeling a lil bored so i decided to call you"

" o i see, hey, while in the topic of friends. Guess what i met someone new!"

Though Jeno said friends, Jaemin still felt a little heartbroken. Jeno has told him about Renjun before and he was perfectly fine, but with this 'new friend' he couldnt help but feel like theres a huge rock on his chest, weighing him down to the deep pit called heartbreak and disappointment.

" o-oh, how did you meet this new person?" Jaemin asked trying not to let the sadness show in his voice.

" well it was all based on luck, i was taking a walk when she came up to me and asked if we could hang out!"

" thats great, is she nice?"

" nice is an understatement, shes amazing. Shes has a cute gummy smile, purple hair and a surprisingly deep voice. Not to mention she has a great personality, very caring and always looking out for people. Who wouldnt like her!"

" she seems great" Jaemins voice craked a little at the last word. He was trying his best not to let the tears get the best of him.

" o shit im getting side tracked, sorry i still have to complete my school work gotta go. Bye Jaeminiee!"

" bye Nono"

Jaemin was expecting to have a good time talking to Jeno, but what just happened was far from good.

But what could Jaemin do? He couldnt just force Jeno to feel the same way. Jaemin felt like he was crushed into tiny small pieces, like glass shards. No glue or tape could fix him back up, well not for now.....


눈부셨던 미래 에 에 에
잠시만 멈춘 채 에 에 will glow oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Glow oh oh oh oh hey hey
- Dream Glow, BTS ft. Charli XCX

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