You're My Everything ~ A Niam...

By fanlifeisaroughlife

21.7K 268 89

Niall loves Liam, always has. Ever since they met on the X Factor. Liam, however, loves Danielle. But does Da... More

You're My Everything ~ A Niam Story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15

Chapter 14

697 26 13
By fanlifeisaroughlife

Zayn's POV

I clicked off the tellie, stood up and stretched. Wow I'm lazy, I thought to myself. I had just finished an eighth hour long Glee marathon. I know sad right? But don't tell the other boys. I'd NEVER live it down...anyway, I headed to the kitchen and opened the fridge, pulling out a Coke. Ugh I'm so bored, I thought, and made up my mind to go over one of the other boys' house.

Lets see. Niall is out with Rachel right now, Lou is with El and Harry is....I don't even know. So that leaves Liam. I grabbed my jacket and slipped on some Nike high tops. Now I know you have been listening to most Niall's voice overs, you may be a little confused as to what our house sitch is. Ok we used to be in the sample apartment complex. Then we moved so we were like kinda far apart. then we all moved again. Now Liam has a flat a few houses down to the right of mine, Niall a few houses to the right of that and Harry and Lou sharing a flat across the road. And then Simon says we might have to move again soon.....ugh

Ok as I was saying, I grabbed my jacket and headed out the door towards Liam's flat. I walked up the front path to the door and knocked. But as my fist hit the door, it slowly swung open. Well that's odd.....Liam ALWAYS has his door locked....I pushed the door open and called into the seemly empty house.

"Helloooo? Li?" I called.

At first there was no response, but then I heard a loud bang from upstairs. I sprinted up the steps, the worst possible scenarios running through my head. What if someone broke in? What if they hurt Liam? What if he....oh god. I started to take two steps at a time. I had never let on to Liam or Niall, but I noticed the butterflies. I noticed how Liam started wearing a lot of long sleeved shirts. I noticed how Liam flinched when you touched his stomach. I noticed.

I made my way into the middle of the hallway.

"Liam? LIAM?" I call, becoming panicked when there was no response but then-

"In here." Called Liam's feeble voice. It was coming from his bathroom...

I sprinted into his room and then into the bathroom. On the floor I found Liam with a bloody towel covering his stomach.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD LIAM!" I scream as I run and fall to my knees next to him.

"Liam! LIAM! Stay awake please!" I shout. But it's no use. Liam's eyes begin to flutter shut as he sinks into unconsciousness. I pull my phone from my back pocket and dial 911. By now I'm sobbing. The line rings twice and then a woman picks up.

"Hello, 911. What's your emergency?" She asks calmly.

"Itsmyfriendhecuttodeepandidontkn-" the woman cut me off.

"Sweetie, I know your upset but you need to calm down. I need your name, your friends name and you address so I can help you ok?" She asks calmly.

"M-My names Zayn. Z-Zayn Malik. My friend is Liam Payne." I stutter out. I then began giving her the address, silent tears streaming down my face.

"Ok Zayn, help is on it's way. Now I need you to help my help Liam, ok? Do you think you could do that for me?" She asked gently. I nodded, but remembering she couldn't see me, I quickly responded with a simple "yes".

"Ok Zayn. Now I need you to get a clean towel and wet it. Rub the cuts with the cold water to clean the cuts out. Then get some ice and place it on them, to help try and stop the bleeding. Ok? You think you could do that?" She asked, still very calm and collected.

I told her I could and set out to do as she told me. I cleaned the cuts and got big bags of ice and placed them on Liam's stomach, all the while crying my eyes out.

Once I had finished doing what the woman had asked of me, I said goodbye and hung up. I then curled up next to Liam's shirtless body and slung my arms around his waist, careful of the cuts. It's was nothing, I don't know, intimate I guess you could say. But I was so scared I'd lose him. So scared I'd never see his dark brown eyes open. So scared I'd never see his features light up again. So scared I'd loose my rock. My best mate. My brother.

Next thing I knew, I was being pried away from Liam's now cold body and he was lifted up into a stretcher and carried away. I remember screaming. Crying. Sirens. Someone was restraining me. It was all a blur. Eventually I calmed down enough to come back my senses a little, and everything began to sink in. Liam may die. I may never see him again.

My first thought was to go to the hospital. But then something else popped into my head.


I grabbed my phone for the second time that night. I fumbled a bit with it, but eventually I found Niall's number and dialed it.

Niall's POV

Rachel and I had been having a blast. We got over our awkward "breakup" almost immediately. We began brainstorming ideas on how to get Liam to fall in love with me straight away. We had a right laugh too. If I wasn't you would totally be into her, she's amazing! But anyway, we were laughing about something or other when my phone began buzzing in my back pocket. I pulled it out and the screen read "Zayn my lovvve <33". I rolled my eyes at the ridiculous name Zayn had put into my phone. Rachel looked at me curiously, wondering who was calling.

"It's Zayn," I said, "I wonder what he wants.." I tapped to accept button and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Hullo Zen" I said cheerfully. My happiness soon dissolved however, when I heard Zayn's sobs coming out of the receiver.

"Zayn?? What's wrong mate!?" I asked, becoming distressed. I hear him take a deep breath before speaking.

"It's L-Liam. H-He's cut t-to deep. He's on his way to t-the hospital n-now." He choked out. I immediately stood up, tears already starting to stream down my face. My throat started to close up and I could only make choking noises. I thrust the phone to Rachel, grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the shop.

She hopped in the driver seat still on the phone with Zayn. As soon as I sat in the passenger seat and closed the door, the tears began to flow with body racking sobs. I couldn't control myself. I just kept crying and crying and all I kept thinking was it MY fault. MINE. I thought he was clean. I though he'd stopped. But no. I hadn't kept a close enough eye on him and now he could be dead.

We soon arrived at the hospital. I ran immediately ran inside, Rachel following close behind. I was greeted by a pacing Harry, sobbing Zayn, and blank Louis. And when I say blank I mean BLANK. he was just sitting there, starting into space, doing absolutely nothing. I guess he was taking this pretty hard...

I was torn between comforting Lou or trying to find Liam. Rachel noticed this and sat beside Louis. I nodded gratefully and ran deeper into the building. I was assuming the Liam had been admitted into the ICU, so by following the signs, I eventually made it to the doors that lead into that area of the building. I was about to go through when I was stopped by I'm guessing a doctor?

"Excuse me young man, but where do you think you're going?" He asked h"I-I'm trying to find m-my f-friend." I said trying to keep my voice steady, but failing miserably.

"And who is you're friend?" He asked, his face softening a bit but not much.

"Liam Payne." I said. His face became very grave and I started to panic.

"You might want to sit down for this.." He said. He put his hand on my shoulder and started to lead me back where Rachel and the boys were waiting in the main lobby area thing.

We walked back through the door way into the waiting area. We were met by a still pacing Harry, a spaced out Lou and a now silent Zayn, even though tears still rolled down his face. Rachel sat between Louis and Zayn trying her best to comfort them. As soon as they payed eyes on me, they began to ask questions all at once, only to be quickly silenced by the doctor.

"Your friend has lost a LOT of blood and has unfortunately slipped into a coma. We don't know when he'll wake, we don't even know if he'll make it the night. But we'll do everything in our power to save him." He finished and left the room.

Behind me I heard Zayn start crying again. Harry started pacing again, faster then before. Louis pulled his knees up to his chest and stared off into distance, silent tear rolling down his cheeks. Rachel tried her best to comfort Lou and Zayn.

And me? whole entire world just shattered into a million pieces.





I'm sorry I didn't update for like....ever. I had school and practice and homework and shit.

and then over break I was really busy. I was either sleeping, eating, watching a movie, not doing my homework, or bong with my family

And I'm very lazy which may have been a contributing factor..


And so like December was and busy month for One Direction

Harry and Cameltoe Swift got together


Purple Perrie


Louis turned 21 (which I still don't believe is true)



So like Zayn saved Liam.


Niall bby let me love you

Um so I have an idea for the next chapter but I think some people might kill me...


Nutella is delicious people like oHMYGOD


um so I just realized I wasted all of 2012 blogging about one direction....

So um I really want one direction tickets but I have no money :(


Ok last thing and then imma leave. Do you people actually really fo realz like my story or...? Just curious.

And I'll try my best to update

Ok now go and fan me and vote and comment yo thoughts my children. No?....oh...sorry..

Ok eat your school, stay in drugs, and don't do vegetables ;) mwah

~ Bern xx

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