Book 1: Blue Flames & Red Ros...

By kulekhaka

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Rin x oc Yukio x oc Season 1 More

Main OCs Info
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty-Six

19 2 0
By kulekhaka

Yukio's POV:

The sun began to set below the horizon, casting a yellow-orange glow in the cloud. I watched the landscape pass us by as the train moved onwards. Before me was a man, claiming to be my grandfather.

"Don't just stand there. Please have a seat." He insisted, gesturing towards the chair. I walked forward, sitting down in a stiff manner. I looked to the side of the table and gasped softly. A picture frame stood, inside a photo of a girl who looked similar to my mother. "They say boys sometimes take after their mothers, looking at you, I certainly see a resemblance to Yuri." He laced his fingers, resting his elbows on the table. I shifted my gaze.

"Yuri?" I wondered.

"Didn't Fujimoto tell you about her?"

"He didn't. Not a thing." I replied shakily.

"I see." Ernst looked towards the picture. "That is the only photograph I have of Yuri." I looked back to the picture. "I know that before he died Fujimoto appointed Sir Pheles as your guardian. When I found out he had been arrested by the Knights of the True Cross, I decided to take action. I'd like to take you and your brother in. I am your grandfather after all." He said.

"When I was little, in kindergarten, a teacher once made us draw a picture of our mother for Mother's Day. Rin drew what he thought she looked like." I stared out the window. "But I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried." I gazed at the photo. "I feel the same now as I did then." He studied my expression.

"For fifteen years you lived a life of pain and loneliness. I am so sorry for having put you through that, but I want you to know I had no other choice. You see, I was imprisoned the whole time." I looked up in shock.

"Imprisoned?" I asked.

"Fifteen years ago, I survived the Blue Night, but in that instant I lost everything. My standing, my honor," He placed a hand on his mask. "This face of mine. Not to mention my beloved daughter Yuri."

"She died?! Then she was killed by Satan like all the others." I seethed.

"No. She didn't die by Satan's hands. It was my jailers, the Vatican." He spat the name. I gasped. "On that horrible day when Satan destroyed all the exorcists, the Vatican found out Yuri was pregnant with the spawn of Satan."

"You mean my brother and me." I murmured.

"The Grigori executed Yuri as a witch." I froze.

"No! The witch hunts have been over for centuries! Why would they condemn my mother to death like that?!"

"The Knights of the True Cross were trying to restore their authority. They used Yuri as their scapegoat." I took a deep breath.


"The Order operates the same way it did six hundred years ago. For being the father of a witch I was thrown into prison and left to rot. I almost lost the will to live, but I had one last hope to hold onto." He held out a hand, revealing a locket on a chain. "This."

"What is that?" I asked. He opened it, inside a picture of Rin and I when we were around four or five.

"A photograph given to me by Fujimoto. All those years I kept thinking about how I longed to hold you both in my arms. The children Yuri risked her life for." He retracted his hand. "However, had the Vatican discovered the truth of your existence, they would surely have hunted you down." I frowned.

"And that's the reason you could never come forward." I finished. He smiled.

"Exactly, but we don't have anything to fear from the Grigori anymore." My eyes widened. "You will be with me from now on." I leaned forward.

"Wait, what about my brother?! Everything you said is very important to me and him. He should be here too!" I argued.

"Unfortunately, now that the demon in him has awakened, I can't take him with us."

"Where exactly are you taking me?" I asked. We disappeared under a tunnel, only to be riding through what appeared to be a factory. The natural sunlight was replaced by a bright artificial green light. I gasped. "What's this?" I whispered.

"The Dragoon Laboratory. Our Anti-Demon Weapons Unit." I stared outside the window in amazement. "Now that the Knights of the True Cross have become Mephisto's puppets, they can't protect Assiah any longer." He offered his hand. "I want you to come with me Yukio." I stared at him in shock. "Together, we can create a new era. One that will bring peace and freedom to all of mankind."

Emi's POV:

I stared out into the hall of the Japan Branch, waiting for Shura to arrive to help interrogate Neuhaus. I stood outside the Great Cell. Yukio didn't come home last night, and to say I was worried was a massive understatement.

"He's okay, Emi." I looked to see Nyx was standing next to me. I shook my head.

"It's not like him to just disappear like this. He hasn't picked up any of my calls or answered any of my texts." I said, looking down at my phone.

"Relax, I'm sure he's-" Nyx tried to speak, but I cut her off.

"How can I relax when he could be in serious danger?! I can't relax, Nyx, not when Neuhaus is on the other side of that wall, and Yukio is God knows where!" I didn't mean to sound so harsh, but I wasn't in the mood to relax.

"I know. It's fine to worry, just don't let it affect the interrogation. He'll exploit you in any way he can. We can't waver, especially you considering your relationship with him."

"Don't you think I know that?!" She held her hands up in surrender. I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I'm just-"

"No it's fine. I'm sorry too. It's just... I'm just reminding you. You can let emotions get to you sometimes, but you're right. If anyone knows Neuhaus' tricks, it's you. I trust you on that." I nodded before remembering something else.

"Oh, I needed to tell you." I pulled out a tape. "I recorded this last night, thought it could help you in your investigation." I said quietly. Nyx's eyes widened in shock. "Don't play it here, we're surrounded by exorcists. Also, it's kinda illegal." I whispered, winking.

"How did you-" I cut her off, showing my recording device.

"You didn't hear this from me, but this corruption stuff is deeper than we thought. It's going straight to the Vatican. The Paladin, the Grigori, even the Pope. I think this can be the first step in exposing it all. I'm counting on you to do that."

"God, I really love you sometimes." She grinned. I put my hand over my chest in fake shock.

"Sometimes?! I am so offended! Whatever shall I do?!" I then started fake sobbing when Shura walked up to us.

"Hey, you two, he's here." She said, jutting her chin towards the interrogator.

"You're fashionably late." I scoffed.

"Mhm." Shura nodded while opening the door to the Great Cell. "Let's get this party started."

Nyx's POV:

I leaned against the wall as Neuhaus sat in a metal chair. I looked over to see that Emi appeared to be calm, but I knew she was tense on the inside.

"Listen, I've told you over and over. She's no demon. She's my wife." Neuhaus said.

"But the spider web used in the attack was definitely a product of Gehenna." The interrogator stated. "If she's not a demon, then she's possessed by one."

"She's not." Neuhaus was interrupted by a knock at the door. I looked up at Emi who just shrugged. I walked over to the door, opening it to reveal Rin. He marched through the door and into the room.

"So you were lying? You told me Satan killed your family, remember?" Rin asked, walking up to Neuhaus. "So how can a dead person be walking around, and why would she attack my friends?!" Rin slammed his hand on the table. "Answer me!" He ordered.

"She's an Anti-Soul, huh?" I asked, walking back to where I previously stood. Rin looked at me with confusion.

"Anti-Soul?" He asked.

"It's a technique to revive a dead human." Emi explained. "Remember? I believe I taught you that in class." She smirked.

"Oh, yeah... that thing." Rin said while leaning against the table. Shura looked down at Neuhaus, clearly done with his games.

"Alright, look. We already know you ran a lab in Poland that was involved in the research of artificial life. So drop the act, 'kay?" She kept a straight face while speaking. "You used prohibited technology to resurrect your dead wife. Stop wasting everyone's time, and just admit it."

"It wasn't me, damn it!" Neuhaus yelled. We all looked at him. "I admit, I kept my wife's body cryogenically preserved, but I'd never return her soul to it. That's a line that I would never cross. If I did, I'd be turned away from the gates of Heaven."

"If it wasn't you, then who was it?" I asked.

"I don't know, but one night... at the lab. I came back to check on her as I always did, but this time, her cryotube was open... Right away, I knew her body had been possessed by a demon, but the thought of killing her was too much for me to bear. I couldn't let her suffer the pain of death again... We managed to escape. I used a key, and we fled to Japan, but things didn't get better. I could tell something was wrong with her... I think that was the moment Michelle remembered burning to death in the blue flames... Michelle had become a demon of vengeance. I wanted to take her back to the lab before she was caught, but here I am."

"Then why didn't you tell us all this before?!" Rin asked angrily.

"Even if I did, you bastards couldn't save her. If you want to know the truth, she doesn't have much time left anyway. Even though she's possessed by a demon, she's still nothing but a corpse. In a few days, she'll rot away like everything." Rin grit his teeth before walking out of the cell.

"Hold up!" Shura yelled.

"Rin!" Emi, Shura, and I walked out of the cell, running up to Rin.

"Where are you going?!" I yelled, causing Rin to stop.

"You know damn well. I'm going after Mr. Neuhaus's wife." I placed a hand on my hip.

"Oh yeah? And then what?" I asked. "What can you do about any of this?"

"I don't know, but I can't stay here and do nothing." We heard a chuckle. We turned to see Shura speak.

"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." He looked over his shoulder.


"Look, I already got my familiar out looking for her." Shura explained as she pulled out a seal from between her cleavage.

Is there no end to what she can fit in there?

"And take this, you'll need my talisman to guide you." He grinned.

"Thanks a lot, Shura." He reached for it, but she held it up.

"That's 'Ms.' Shura. Now get the hell out. Nyx is gonna go with you, and don't even think about taking her on yourself. You're still a bunch of kids, even if Nyx is a Senior Exorcist, the last thing I need is to be guilty of child murder."

"Be careful out there. Just remember as soon as you find her, call." Shura said.

"Right." Rin grabbed the seal.

"We'll be fine," I promised.

"Guys, We mean it. Don't take her on." Shura ordered. I nodded, running after Rin.

We stopped by the fountain, Rin squatting on the ledge. I stood under the umbrella, staring at the tracker.

"You've never used one of these things, have you?" Rin asked.

"Shut up, I've never needed a tracker. We've made it this far so." Rin stared at his cell.

"We could call Shura." We met each other's eyes, imagining Shura trying to murder us for being idiots, despite saying she didn't want to deal with charges. Rin slumped down. "That was impressive, the way you controlled the flames," I said. He looked up at me.

"Thanks." I sighed, rolling my neck.

"This whole thing is a giant tangled mess. You start pulling on one end and tie the knot tighter. There are too many pieces to this, and it's not coming around in order." Rin placed a hand on my waist.

"You'll figure it out. You're a smart girl." I shrugged. His phone went off, causing Rin to jump up in shock, yelping in surprise. He picked up, groaning.

"H-Hello. O-Okumura here!" He stuttered. I giggled, shaking my head.


I sat up.

"Is that...?"

"Shiemi?" Rin asked. "Hey, what's up?"

"I need your help with something."

He looked up at me, and I shrugged.

"Alright, I'm with Nyx, should we come now?"

"Yes, and hurry!"

"Gotcha, we're on our way. He hung up, looking at me. I frowned.

"This is a little bit strange. What could be urgent at a time like this?" I asked.

"I don't know, but it could be connected to Michelle." I nodded.

"Well, let's not keep the poor girl waiting."

Emi's POV:

I sat in the Great Cell, watching Neuhaus while Shura talked to the interrogator.

"So how have things been since I left?" Neuhaus asked out of the blue.

"Don't even try it." I said quickly. "I'm not falling for your games." Neuhaus chuckled.

"I'm not playing any games here. I simply missed you, is that a crime?" I scoffed, looking up at him.

"I can't believe I saw you as anything more than a monster." I spat. "I used to admire you. I looked up to you, and wanted to be just like you. I trained so hard just so I could be as great an exorcist as you."

"And I see now that you are. I'm proud to say I raised you."

"Don't." I snapped. Neuhaus looked back at me.

"Oh, so all the years I spent helping you grow, raising you as my own, they don't matter now, do they? Have you forgotten every memory we shared. Have you forgotten the times when you used to call me your father."


I walked back to the apartment I lived in with Igor Neuhaus. The rain was pouring, and I didn't have an umbrella. Tears streamed down my face as blood trickled from my scraped knees. I would normally tell Nyx or Yukio about this, but Nyx was back in America for the Summer, and Yukio was back at the monastery. I had decided to go through the cram school's summer program since I had nowhere to go anyway. I unlocked the door and walked in, dripping all over the floor.

"I'm home." I mumbled. Neuhaus walked in, his calm demeanor shattering when he saw my state.

"Emi! What happened?! You're soaking wet! Are you bleeding?!" The man quickly went to get some towels and medical supplies.

"A few kids from the program's art class stole my umbrella. I slipped on the way here." I muttered against the fluffy towels.
"Why were they picking on you?" Igor asked. I froze for a moment, feeling tears resurface.

"They made fun of me for not having a dad. We're supposed to draw our dads for Father's Day, but..." I trailed off. Igor grimaced before taking me to the living room.

"I see. Come along, I'll fix those scrapes of yours." I nodded my head, plopping onto the sofa as Neuhaus applied medicine to the wounds on my knees. I looked out into the window, watching the rain pour.

"Why am I always the one that gets picked on? I'm nice to everyone I meet. At least, I think I am." The exorcist chuckled.

"They're intimidated. I've told you before, you're much younger than the other kids. It took those other Exwires years to get where they are, yet you managed to do it so quickly. I think that those kids are jealous." I looked back at Igor.

"Why would they be jealous? They all have dads." The man shook his head.

"Exactly, and here you are, with no father, yet you are still just as or even more stronger than them. You work harder than any of those students, all the while being kind as well. Your kindness shouldn't be seen as a weakness, Emi, but more as a strength. A way to show your control and will power. Which is a-"

"A very important trait in a Tamer. I know." I said cutting him off while smiling. "Thanks." Neuhaus smiled before going to brew a pot of tea.

The next day, I skipped home, eager to show Igor the accomplishments I made today.

"I'm home!" I said happily as Neuhaus met me at the door.

"Was today any better?" I nodded my head.

"Yup! I got a perfect score on my Scripture Reciting Exam, and I got a hundred on this!" I took out a piece of paper from my bag. It was my Father's Day drawing from art class. I showed it to Neuahus revealing that I had drawn him.

"You... drew me." He said in shock. I smiled.

"Of course I did. You're like the best father figure I could ask for." I replied. "Oh! Also, those upperclassmen that picked on me yesterday didn't even look at me today. One of them even had a black eye! Someone must have beat him up."

"Yes, I wonder who that could've been... oh, that reminds me. I have something for you too." Neuhaus went to get something from the living room. "I took-uh-I found your umbrella." He revealed the umbrella, handing it to me. I smiled at him, amazed. I then ran up to him, wrapping my arms around his torso. Neuhaus stood in shock for a moment before returning the hug.

"Thanks, Dad."


"I don't know if I ever got the chance to tell you, but I thought of you as my own child." I clenched my fists trying to not let what he was saying get to me. "I raised you as if you were my daughter. I loved and protected you! Does that mean nothing to you!"

"Fathers don't try to murder their daughters!" I yelled, looking up at Neuhaus. His eyes widened. He grit his teeth, looking down. "You tried to slaughter not just my friends, but me." I looked back down, sinking into my chair. "You said you would never experiment with artificial life because it would turn you away from the gates of heaven." I scoffed. "But you already did that by hurting innocent people." I looked back at the man I used to admire. "The man I called 'Dad' would never jeopardize the lives of his students. He wouldn't abandon his job, and he wouldn't send his dead wife to murder his so-called daughter!"

"What?" Neuhaus looked back up at me with shock. "I-I told her not to hurt you!" I scoffed, crossing my arms.

"Yeah? Well, those webs almost suffocated me, so I say otherwise."

"Emi..." My eyes met Igor's. They were filled with sadness and worry. "I'm sorry." I knew what he was feeling, and although I still cared about him, there was still a part of me that felt betrayed and angry. Like a wound I had was finally healing, and he decided to re-open it with a sharp dagger. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of the door opening.

"Emi. Neuhaus. We gotta go." Shura walked in, uncuffing Neuhaus.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked, standing from my seat. Shura looked to Neuhaus.

"They found your wife."

Rin's POV:

We stood outside the shop door. Nyx grabbed my shoulder.

"Wait, it's too quiet. Someone else might be here." She muttered. I looked back.

"Demon?" She chuckled.

"Believe or not, demons are natural. Something else." She frowned.

"Don't worry, nothing is gonna happen to you." I opened the door.

"It's not me I'm worried about." She murmured.

"Hello? Anybody home.... Nope. No ones here." I closed the door. "And after coming all the way out here." I said.


I looked at the steps, and saw Shiemi's familiar. I crouched down, smiling.

"Hey, what up?" I asked. "Is Shiemi around?"

"Nee! Nee!"

"Oh, lead the way then." Nyx said, pulling me up to my feet. The demon led us to a small building, going through a dark passage.

"Hey, Shiemi!" I yelled, stopping at the entrance. I looked into the dark passage, to reveal a room. "What the-" Nee continued inside. "I don't remember seeing these steps before." I muttered. Nyx looked down, frowning.

"Something is definitely not right." She declared. Suddenly, the tacker in my pocket floated away, turning red.

"What's going on?"

"It's Shura's familiar. Look." Sure enough, I saw a white snake coiled up, hissing.

"No way. That means she's here." I gasped. We ran down the stairs, and I froze. Shiemi was holding Michelle's hands. I grabbed my sword, unsheathing it.

"Shiemi!" I yelled.

"Rin? Nyx?" Shiemi gasped.

"Rin, don't!" Nyx yelled. I started towards the woman.

"Get away from her. RIGHT NOW!" I ordered. Michelle grabbed a pair of scissors, holding it to Shiemi's neck.

"Stay back!" She warned.

"Let her go!" I shouted.

"So you're with Satan too, I should've guessed." Michelle murmured.

"Shiemi's got nothing to do with this!"

"I will have my revenge. Everything I ever loved was burned to ashes! Blue flames burned it all away!" She screamed. "I won't forgive Satan for that. He took everything I loved away from me," Her voice grew weaker. "And to make him pay I'm going to... I'll take... everything away from you... I swear..." She fell to the ground slowly.

"Shiemi!" I ran towards her.

"Michelle!" Shiemi gasped. I pushed her away, trying to reach Neuhaus's wife. "No wait!" Shiemi pleaded, running to her side. "She's hurt really bad! I've got to take care of her!" I sighed.

"You can't help her. She's already dead." I explained.

"What?" Shiemi whimpered.

"She's a corpse that was brought back to life to get revenge on Satan. So get back, Shiemi." I spoke. Shiemi held out her arms, blocking my way.

"You can't! Michelle's not evil, I know it!"

"She tried to kill Suguro, the guys, and everyone at the monastery! None of my friends are safe as long as she's around."

"I didn't call you because I was in danger! I called you because I needed your help!"

"And that's why I'm here! To help you! I'll protect you from that thing!"

"No!" Shiemii cried. I looked at her in shock. "I never asked you to do that!"

"Shiemi..." She turned around.

"Look at her. If she's evil, Nee and the others wouldn't have taken to her like that." Nee and the others swarmed her body, shouting "Nee." "You see?"

"Rin, you know we aren't supposed to fight her, we were supposed to call in." Nyx spoke. "Put it down, she's unconscious." I sighed, sheathing my sword.

"By the way, she's Mr. Neuhaus's wife." I said, before jumping down from the large flower.

"WHAT?!" Nyx patted my shoulder, pecking my cheek.

"Let's call Shura." I turned on my phone, dialling a number. It turned red.

"Can't get a signal here." I turned to Shiemi. "I gotta make a call, Nyx will stay here with ya. I'll be back in a sec."

"Okay." She whispered. Nyx sat next to her, eyeing Michelle. I walked up the steps and outside, trying to reach Shura.


"Hey, Shura."

"Hey, Rin. What's up?"

"We found her."

"You did? Seriously?!" Shura asked, surprised. "Where is she?"

"The Supply-Shop." I crouched down, staying under the rain.

"What the hell is she doing there?"

"How should I know? I just got here." I defended myself.

"Emi and I are coming over, and we're bringing Neuhaus. Don't let her out of your sight. Got it-" I looked up, and gasped.

"Actually, don't come over," I muttered. "For real, don't."

"Huh?" I looked ahead, seeing Arthur and a large group of exorcists. "What's the matter Rin? Something going on? Hey!" I stared at the people before me.

"What a magnificent garden." Arthur said, holding a red umbrella over himself. "It's really beautiful. Definitely not a place for demons.

Nyx's POV:

I heard footsteps rushing towards us and saw several Dragoons aiming their firearms at us, blocking the entrance.

"Stand down." I demanded.

"We don't take orders from you." One of them spat. I frowned, walking forward.

"Not another step, demon." I stopped, scoffing.

"Demon, angel, wolf, human, keep going, sweetheart. You know you can't hit me with those tranqs." One smiled.

"Well, sweetheart, these aren't tranqs." I felt my body stiffen.

"You really don't wanna do this." One grunted. "You know me, you know what I've done in the past, when exorcists on my team got in my way." They looked nervous. My ears and tail appeared, and I held my hands up. "You sure you guys are up for this?"

"Doesn't matter! We have our orders!" One of them squeaked. I grinned. I ran along the edge of the room, sliding past the men, onto the stairs.

"Sorry, boys. Not really in the mood to play!" I shouted, hearing gunshots follow me up the steps. I walked out into the rain and froze. Arthur had Rin's head under his foot, his sword above the boy's neck. I heard people rushing behind me.

"Sir Aguste! We've captured the suspect!" A man shouted. I saw Shiemi, and felt dread fill up within me.

"Rin!" Shiemi shouted.

"So, you were hiding here the whole time." The Paladin said, smiling as he saw Michelle. "You demon in human skin." He pushed against the back of Rin's head.

"Stop!" I yelled. He looked up, his smile fading.

"Well, if it isn't..." He stopped. I crossed my arms.

"I'll wait, let me know when you've got a nickname that'll stick, blondie." I said. He frowned.

"Considering I'm the one who has this pathetic excuse of a human, and boyfriend of yours under my foot, choose your words carefully." I grit my teeth. He walked over Rin, towards Michelle and I. "There is no greater taboo than resurrecting the dead." He claimed, standing in front of me. "What are you doing here?" He muttered when I didn't step aside. "Really, do I need to lock you in the Great Cell and interrogate you separately?" I looked up at him, still not intimidated by his height, nor status.

"You'd love a little torture, wouldn't you? But you don't want to upset Mateo, do you?" He froze, just for a second.

"I don't report to him anymore-"

"But you kinda do." I interrupted. He wouldn't pick a fight. He returned to his conversation with Michelle.

"Resurrection of the dead violates the law of Assiah. I condemn you in the name of the Vatican!"

"Michelle!" Shiemi yelled.

"Stop!" I heard Rin grunt. Arthur's smile turned into an expression of shock, when a giant flying compass raced towards us, stabbing the ground where Arthur was.

Emi's POV:

"Out of our way!" Shura yelled as we ran through the group of exorcists who had overrun Shiemi's home.

"I will atone for all of Michelle's crimes." Neuhaus said, kneeling on the floor as he lowered his weapon. "Please have mercy on her. Let my wife go. I beg you."

"Bravo to you and your matrimonial commitments. Spare me!" Arthur said before kicking Neuhaus away.

"No!" I yelled, trying to intervene, but I was stopped by Shura.

"The dead shall only be resurrected at the rapture..." The Paladin swung his sword high above his head, ready to attack. "When the angels blow their trumpets for the last time!"

"STOP IT!" Neuhaus yelled. A loud clank was heard. I looked to see Rin blocking Arthur's attack.

"Protecting demons now, son of Satan?" The blonde man asked.

"No, I just think you guys suck for busting in here and tearing the place up!" Rin pushed Arthur back.

"I'm warning you, demon. By defying me, you are also defying the Vatican!" The exorcists surrounding us cocked and aimed their guns at Rin.

"Like I give a rat's ass what you say!" Rin charged at Arthur as they both fought violently.

"Rin!" I yelled. I almost cringed at his poor swordsmanship.

The least he could do is fix his stance-ah! I have so much to teach this guy. He's not gonna last long against a Knight like Arthur.

"Is that the best you can do, Satan Spawn?" The Paladin said while sliding back.

"You wanna go?!" Rin said, jumping into the air. "Let's go!" Rin yelled as he charged at Arthur. Shura and I stepped in as Shura pulled out her sword.

"Snake Fang!" She yelled, knocking Rin back.

"What the hell, Shura." Rin muttered as he fell to the floor.

"Would you just chill." I said firmly. "You are not helping anyone."

"Just get out of my way." Rin growled.

"Is this what you want? Really?" Shura asked. "Come on, think!"

"Out of my WAY!" Rin yelled as he launched towards Arthur. There was a gunshot. I looked to see Michelle infront of Rin, blood splattering from her chest.


"Michelle!" Neuhaus yelled, running to the woman.

"Oh no..." I heard Shiemi whimper. Neuhaus caught Michelle as she fell to the ground.

"Stay with me, Michelle. Michelle!" He yelled, cradling his wife's body. I ran to his side.

"DAMN IT!" Rin yelled, marching up to the exorcists. "Which one of you shot her! Huh?" Rin swung his sword. "Which one of you cowards was it!" Nyx and Shura ran behind him, trying to restrain him.

"Stop it, Rin!" Nyx yelled. I looked down at Michelle. I could tell she would leave soon.

"The Garden of Amahara..." She muttered. "That paradise where all the plants in the world are gathered." The Anti-Soul lifted her hand, holding a key. She placed her hand in Neuhaus'. "It's not here, but I know it's real. If we can just find it, I know we can live in peace." Neuhaus looked up, his eyes meeting mine. I knew what he was about to do, and he was asking me for permission. I pushed away my tears, knowing this was goodbye forever. I nodded my head, wrapping my arms around him.

"I love you, Dad." I whispered into his shoulder, making sure he only heard me. Neuhaus smiled, looking down at Michelle.

"We can find it together. Just you and me." He muttered.

"My darling..." Michelle smiled. Neuhaus lifted Michelle up as he stood to his feet. He turned to face me, gently kissing the top of my head.

"I am so proud of the woman you have become, daughter." I bit the insides of my mouth, trying to hold back my sobs. Neuhaus smiled at me before walking away.

"Don't just stand there!" Arthur demanded. "Arrest those heretics! That's an order!"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Shiemi screamed. Suddenly, giant vines sprouted from the ground, surrounding Neuhaus and Michelle while keeping the exorcists out. I looked to see the vines were being created by a bunch of baby Greenmen.

"I've never seen so many baby Greenmen before." Shura said, completely shocked.

"Curses!" Arthur yelled before turning to face us. "You will all pay for your crimes!" He charged at Shiemi, but I stepped in front of her, without my sword.

"LEAVE US ALONE!" I screamed as I grabbed onto the handle of the sword, pushing upwards. I struggled to keep Arthur from swinging down as tears flowed down my face.

"Emi..." Shiemi mumbled.

"Don't you think you've done enough damage." I spat.

"Why you little-" Arthur was cut off by the sounds of church bells ringing. Arthur removed his sword as we all looked up to see the sky had cleared, revealing rays of light poking through.

"Sir Auguste..." An exorcist said while bowing.

"Yes, I know." Arthur said while turning around. "Retreat." He ordered, walking out of the garden.

"What's up with all the bells?" Rin asked.

"It's an emergency summons from the Vatican." Shura explained as she walked away.

"That can't be a good thing." Rin said. I didn't take much notice to the sky as my eyes stayed glued to the giant ball of vines in the garden. Tears continued to stream down my face, but a smile still remained glued to my lips.

"It's okay to cry this time," Nyx spoke softly, looking at me. I nodded my head.

"I know it is." I said, continuing to smile.

"Do you think it's gonna work out for them?" Rin asked me.

"I hope it does. If anyone can find it, they can," I said. Shiemi grinned.

"The garden of Amahara. A place where they can live in peace." 

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