Twins :A diffrent story

By MoonIight16

320K 9.2K 3.9K

I adopted this story -Ongoing -Gay -Potter!Bashing -Granger!Bashing -Weasely!Bashing (Minus Bill,Charlie and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Im Sorry
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4(pt 2)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Not An Update
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10(PT 2)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 12(pt 2)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 22 (pt 2)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 28 (pt2)
Chapter 29
Just A Little Lesson
Author's Note
Chapter 29 (pt 2)
Chapter 30
Chapter 30 (pt 2)
Authors note:
Chapter 30 (pt 3)

Chapter 7

11.2K 293 159
By MoonIight16

Chapter 7

When Lily went in to wake her son up Saturday morning she was surprised to find him in a meditative trance in the centre of the bed, it was unusual, she thought, that he could meditate so well when he was so young; Rosina couldn't do it even though Lily had tried. It was why there was no hope in teaching the girl Occlumency. Lily wondered if Harry had any shields within his mind, when she was younger she had managed to build up some of her own without knowing what they were and it was only when he had explained everything to her did she know what she had done. Feeling it was best to leave him as he was, she quietly left the room. Lily knew that Harry didn't even want to be there, and she had tried to convince James to let him be. She said that maybe if they just left him to his own devices, and be a silent support, he would eventually come around. She knew, of course, the likelihood of that was very slim, but it was a better option than what James was doing currently.

Harry knew his mother had entered but appreciated that she left him alone, he wanted to complete his testing without interruptions and only when he had been though every part of his mind did he rise and go down to breakfast, which, to his misfortune, was not going to be ate in the Great Hall. The food was very nice, obviously coming from the Hogwarts kitchens, and Harry was only too happy to sit and eat in silence. He murmured a thanks to Lily for breakfast, knowing that she would have been the only one to actually remember him, before vanishing back to his room to study his creation.

He didn't doubt that he knew it, and he knew the potion was flawless, but he was going to be making it in front of a completely new audience and that held a mild pressure. He even watched himself make the potion in his memory, carefully noting everything he did and didn't do whilst brewing and bringing it to the forefront of his mind. In no time at all, Harry was being called for lunch and he smiled slightly; he would be escaping soon.

"Rosie has her extra training this afternoon, I would ask you to join but it is advanced level so you more than likely wouldn't understand." James told him in what could have been a sympathetic voice. Harry raised an eyebrow, barely keeping in his amusement at that sentence, but it gave him the perfect excuse to vanish for the entire afternoon so he was taking it.

"I'll be on my way so I don't get my average sized brain confused with the advanced training." Harry said, his voice lined with Sarcasm that went way over James' head. He got to his feet and left, slipping through all of his shortcuts to get him back to the dungeons as quick as humanly possible. He walked in to the common room and released a sigh of utter relief, dropping down on the leather sofa next to Draco with as much grace as an elephant, smiling slightly.

"What has you so happy? I'd have thought you would have been angry because of the Potters." Draco inquired.

"Oh I am, but my happiness at seeing green again is overriding that." He answered, making the blond look at him in confusion.


"I have literally never seen so much red and gold in one room." He said seriously, "It was everywhere."

"That bad?"

"I honestly believe they would be less red and gold in the Gryffindor common room. And it was just so bright! I was starting to believe I would become colour blind and never see anything other than red and gold."

Draco snorted at his dramatics, shaking his head when Harry laughed.

"Don't stay here too long, if you want to go and see uncle Sev, anyway."

"Right, let's get that going and then I hide out here for a bit longer before torturing myself by going back." Harry waved at Draco and slipped through the portrait that led to Professor Snape's office, being told to enter when he knocked.

"Good afternoon, sir." Harry greeted brightly.

"I see you managed to escape."

"Yes, something about Rosina going through her advanced training that I wouldn't be able to understand." Harry told him, rolling his eyes and grinning at his Professor's look of distaste.

"Let us not talk about your ah sister and continue on to potions." Snape decided, leading him through to his classroom. Harry was only too happy to comply with his decision, following him through and then getting straight to work. Snape watched from his desk at Harry seemed to flow perfectly, confident in his movements and sure in his potion. When the potion had to simmer, Harry snapped his fingers and brought the same little black book from the previous day to his desk.

"Sir if you were to add a moonstone to the Draught of Living Death it would turn in in to a medium strength sedative, yes?"

Snape thought for a moment.

"Yes, depending on the magical ability."

Harry smiled in thanks, noting something down before stirring his cauldron almost absently 7 times clockwise.

"Why do you ask?" Snape wondered.

"I think I may have created something but I'm not sure it would have to be tested." Harry said re-reading his notes, "Or if it has been done before."

"Explain it and I can see if it would be possible to test it or if I know of it." Snape suggested and Harry nodded.

"It would work as a sedative only in a gas form and could knock out many people at once if inhaled, a medium strength sedative with an egg of an ashwinder and 4 'corn hairs, boiled and then rapidly cooled."

"That would make the liquids separate instantly."

"Yes but what would happen if you put both of the separated liquids in the same phial and shook it, temporarily fusing the two?"

"It would release non harmful gas that would knock who-ever breathed it in until it separated again or it was capped I believe but I don't think it's ever been tested, nor have I ever heard of anyone doing something like that. It would have been announced amongst the Guild." Snape mused. Harry grinned, bringing the potion to boiling point before adding the final ingredient and watching as the bubbles burst in to colour, making the contents resemble liquid gold as it should. He moved the potion back to cool, cleaning his station as he normally would and then going back and bottling it up. He watched as the Professor examined the potion with a critical eye, testing everything from the viscosity to the shade consistency.

"It is perfectly made," Severus declared and Harry grinned in relief; he didn't doubt himself at all, but it was still tense.

"Thank you," Harry said, accepting the potion back. He drank it down, shuddering as he felt it take effect. "This dosage lasts half an hour under constant varied spell fire."

"Very well,"

Harry flicked his wrist, conjuring up a large, full length mirror and completely missing Snape's floored look. He began casting spells at the mirror, making them reflect back on to himself to illustrate the shield working. Harry started with light spells as Salazar had done, steadily working his way up to the darkest, most vicious spells he knew, completely forgetting that A, he was in the company of his Potion's Professor who didn't know of his past training, and B, he was eleven years old casting spells many fully grown adults struggled with whilst being completely wandless and almost fully wordless.

"There," Harry said, turning to his teacher once he had clearly illustrated that the potion worked. Snape blinked slowly, using everything he had to control his expression as he started at the child. He had recognised a lot of the spells the boy had cast, and most of the ones during the end were spells that he shouldn't even know about let alone be able to cast; there were adults that couldn't cast them!

"It is safe to say your potion is a complete success." Severus told him, remembering why he had seen such a display in the first place. "Now, would you care to explain how you effortlessly cast incredibly advanced magic and some of the darkest arts know to wizardkind whilst being wandless and almost completely wordless at eleven years of age?"

Harry opened his mouth to say absolutely anything but then closed it as he didn't know what to say. Merlin had told him that while it couldn't be announced from the centre of the wizarding world, he was free to tell anyone who he trusted about his secret, but Harry had no idea how to work out who to trust with such knowledge just yet.

"I learn really quickly?" He offered, and then realised that was the worst excuse he had ever come up with in his entire life. The look of absolute disbelief on the usually stoic Potions Master's face only emphasised the poorness of it. He flicked his hand, sending a black flaming phoenix bursting from his wrist and vanishing in a shock of flames. They waited a few moments before there was a thud from Snape's office and Sirius tumbled through the door.

"It's always your damn floo, Sev. I swear you do it on purpose." He grumbled, rubbing his head. "What's up, Pup?"

"Well I just slipped up majorly and you know Professor Snape better than I do." Harry told him brightly.

"Stupidly advanced magic and dark arts?" He asked and Harry nodded sheepishly.

"Sevvy here is trustworthy." Sirius responded, grinning when both Severus and Harry choked at the butchery of the name.

"If I ever hear that Merlin awful version of my name again, Mutt, I will slip you a potion that will permanently alter your anatomy." Severus growled. Sirius held up his hands, grinning as he stepped back behind Harry.

"Gee thanks, uncle Sir. Hide behind me while he curses you to Avalon." Harry huffed, sticking his nose in the air.

"If you hurried up and began explaining you interesting childhood he would forget all about cursing little old me." Sirius said and Harry laughed, folding himself on to his stool to begin his explanation. As he had done so with Sirius and Remus, he did not mention the fact that it had been he who had survived the killing curse.

"As impossible as it seems, it does explain your unnatural training, your pre-existing knowledge of the wizarding world and how you seem to move around this castle with ease not even Dumbledore has." Snape mused, "It does not, however, explain your extraordinary amount of magic."

"How do you know what?"

"It practically rolls of off you."

"I don't know, but I don't like to brag," Harry began, only for Sirius to flick his ear.

"So modest,"

"Salazar always taught me that if you are superior to, or better at something than, someone else, it is not your responsibility to hide it but their responsibility to accept it." Harry said with a shrug.

"That explains so much." Sirius said with a grin.

"As much as it may pain you, you may wish to make a hasty retreat before he comes looking for you." Snape pointed out and Harry groaned, draping himself over the desk.

"Astronomy tower, here I come." He muttered, making Sirius burst out laughing at the overdramatic behaviour.

"Get moving, Pup. The quicker you get it over with the sooner you'll be free." Sirius said and Harry nodded, departing with a heavy sigh, and dragging his feet back up to his adoring family. When he entered, Rosina was stood with her wand out pointing it at a book.

"Accio." She called frustrated, the book barely twitched.

"Don't worry, Rosie it's a difficult spell and your still much more advanced than every other 1st year." James told her soothingly, and Harry barely covered his snort with a cough.

"What are you doing back?" Rosina demanded, "I'm in the middle of training."

Harry looked at her with amusement.

"Not very successful apparently."

"I'd like to see you try and do a 4th year spell." Rose snapped and Harry shrugged, taking out his wand.

"Accio." He said with a flick of his wand. The book soared in to his outstretched hand instantly and he nodded, he knew that spell like the back of his hand, having edited it himself. The look of flabbergast on James' face was almost as amusing as the outraged horror on Rosina's, and he laughed, banishing the book back with a wave of his wand just to rub it in.

"Carry on. I see I am very much outclassed here." Harry said, his voice dripping in sarcasm. He span on his heel and entered the room he was staying in, chuckling to himself as Rosina stormed off in to her room.

"How did he do that?" James asked shocked.

"I don't know Rosie has been trying for weeks now and still hasn't got it." Lily said with a shake of her head. "Everything seems to be effortless when it comes to magic for Harry and it has been rumoured that he does wandless magic."

"Don't be ridiculous, Lily, that's impossible." James waved off, "I expect it was just luck."

Lily didn't respond.


He was being punished, Harry surmised. That was the only possible explanation to why he was being 'treated' to a full 'family day'. It was a cruel and unnecessary punishment, and he nearly pleaded with the deities to release him when they sat around the fireplace in a group.

"So Harry, I expect you have a few questions for us. What would you like to know?"

"Why muggles?" Harry asked immediately, making them shift. He saw Rosina smirk out of Lily and James' line of sight and nearly rolled her eyes; he was glad not to have grown up with her.

"It was the only option. After the fall of Voldemort it was still dangerous to trust anyone, and Dumbledore said that Rosie would need to train for when that monster returned. You would have been pushed to the side, it wouldn't have been fair."

"I would have been in the way, you mean." Harry muttered.

"No! Not at all." Lily denied, and Harry scoffed.

"Still doesn't explain why you gave me to muggles."

"Like I said," James told him strongly, "No one knew who to trust."

"So the man who you personally sworn in as my Godfather, with a permanent magical bond, wasn't to be trusted?" Harry offered and James glared at the indirect mention of Sirius.

"Dumbledore said it would be best if you were to grow up away from the wizarding world so you knew humility." James admitted, and Harry stiffened. He turned to look at James, his green eyes burning as his face seemed to turn to marble. There was more to that sentence that what met the eye, and Merlin had taught him all about the life he would have led should he have actually been raised by the muggles. He would need to know due to the memories implanted. Merlin had chosen to implant the events of the deviated timeline to make them fully take to the woman's mind; it was always easier to alter someone's memory if you were changing it to something they would actually do, rather than something you were making up completely; outside sources would spot the inconsistencies. And it was all because of an old man's games.

"You mean to tell me that you subjected me to ten years of muggle hell because of an old man who likes to play with people's lives?" Harry said, his voice icy.

"It wouldn't have been that bad." James brushed off, "Sure Petunia isn't the nicest of people, but she we did tell her to take care of you."

"Did you check up on me at all to make sure?" Harry asked, already knowing the answer. "Of course you didn't, too busy living your fame-hungry perfect lives. Parading yourself to the media and portraying the perfect family. You disgust me."

"Watch your mouth!" James ordered and Harry sneered.

"You think everything was perfect living with a magic hating muggle?" Harry wondered, "Why don't you ask your wife how perfect it was? After all, she is also a freak."

As he expected, Lily flinched violently at the word.

"Oh, Harry." She whispered.

"Save it," He snapped. They fell in to a tense silence, and Harry wished he could leave; he saw no point of being there at all.

"Do you have any other questions?" James asked eventually.




"Well how about I tell you about the Potter's?" James tried, but it was obvious he was getting annoyed; not that Harry cared.

"If you must." Harry sighed and he was treated to the grand story of the amazing House of Potter; it finished with the great tale of how Rose defeated the Dark Lord.

"We even had book deals." James told him happily and threw Rose a proud look to which she beamed. Harry just sat there emotionless throughout the entire tale.

"That thrilled me, it truly did but can I go now? I have potion notes to make."

James face immediately darkened.

"No you can't, you will make an effort with us, we are trying to include you back in to the family."

"Well maybe you shouldn't have gotten rid of me in the first place." Harry suggested casually. James looked fit to burst but before he could speak Lily did.

"What are you doing in potions?"

"I'm fiddling with the potion I created." Harry told her, seeing no reason not to answer the question.

"That's impossible, your only 11 you couldn't have created a potion, and they take years." Lily said.

"Well I have." Harry confirmed but she shook her head.

"You don't need to lie to get our attention, we love you just as much as Rose."

Harry's brows shot up before he sneered.

"If you show love by getting rid of children then I would shudder to see your hate." He stated coldly, "Besides I do not need to lie, I usually refrain from doing so."

"But it isn't possible for you to have created a potion, don't be silly."

"Why ask if you are going to say I'm lying?" Harry snapped.

"Do not speak to your mother like that." James snarled.

"I don't have a mother." Harry replied in the same tone.

"Go to your room now and think about what you've done wrong."

Harry looked at him incredulously; that was all he had been asking for!


James seemed to realise he had given Harry exactly what he wanted, but by that point Harry had already risen gracefully and went to the room he was currently occupying to get on with work he actually wanted to be doing. James came to check on him at dinner and asked if he was ready to apologise, to which Harry responded with "what for". He was told he would be kept there until morning so he could realise his behaviour and Harry shrugged uncaringly. It wasn't much of a punishment for him, when he got hungry he merely called for an elf, who was more than happy to serve the Founder's heir whatever he wished and then settled for bed early. Come Monday morning, he was up, dressed and at breakfast at 6am, reading a book as he ate. Sirius, who ambled in with Moony at seven looked absolutely horrified at Harry's wide awake look.

"Pup, why in the name of Merlin are you doing up and that awake at this unmagical hour?"

"If I would have stayed any longer I feel as if I would have reached the point of no return." He said with a shudder. Moony squeezed his shoulder gently and led his tired mate up to the staff table. Draco was the first to see him when the first years entered the Great Hall and the blond made a direct line to him, making Harry smile in relief at seeing a fellow Snake.

"So, how was it as a whole?" He asked and Harry looked at him seriously.

"Horrific, awful, painful, long, boring, scary and ridiculous."


"I know."

Before he knew it Harry had been in the future for over two months and he couldn't believe how well he had adapted. He had grown so close to Siri and Remus that he couldn't imagine life without them, even more so than the Founders and he finally understood fully why Rowena had made him promise not to search for their portraits. Since he had been old enough to understand, he had always known that after his eleventh birthday he would never be able to physically see them again, and it was only now he realised seeing their portraits would have affected him.

Sirius and Remus, should the fates decided it, had many many years left on this earth, possibly over a century, and Harry had the same, and he would have that time with them to live and to grow and to love them. And he had been given that chance because he had put in the effort to reform the lost but never forgotten bonds. If Rowena hadn't have made him promise not to go searching from their portraits, he would have spent every spare moment he had scouring the castle to look for them, wanting to speak with them as soon as possible.

Yes, he often wished fiercely that they were there with him, but then he would realise that he could go and see Sirius and Remus and the need would die down a bit. Draco had rapidly become his best friend; he and the blond were inseparable. Harry hadn't interacted much with the students at Hogwarts, not only was he younger than all of them but it would be hard to explain where he had come from; whenever it did crop up he became a distant cousin of Salazar's and nothing else was asked. Unfortunately for majority of the teaching staff, the two Snakes had become the Slytherin House's version of the Weasley twins; they were always getting up to some kind of mischief. Not that the teachers knew it was them, they hadn't been caught yet, and they liked to brag about that fact – very quietly.

Harry had also become quite close to the stoic Potions Master, granting him access to anything potions related, he had come to understand that Snape had a very dark sense of humour, and a sarcastic streak that could cut steel. He had, quite successfully, avoided anything to do with his 'family', the failed family weekend deterring them slightly, much to Harry's relief. It wasn't perfect, but overall Harry was loving the future. When he walked in to common room one morning, he caught sight of the notice announcing flying lessons and immediately turned around and bolted back up to the dorms. He wrenched back Draco's curtains and leaped on to the blond's bed, Draco, who was not expecting the sudden attack tumbled on to the floor.

"Why?" He demanded, glaring up at Harry, who had fallen about giggling.

"Sorry," He gasped, "I wanted to tell you about flying lessons."

"So you decided to throw me out of bed at this unmagical hour."

"It's like 7am!" Harry exclaimed.

"What?" Draco yelped, leaping up. "Why didn't you wake me?"

"I did. You said you were getting up." Harry defended, rolling his eyes as the Malfoy Heir rushed about to get ready. Seeing as none of the other boys were getting up, and Harry fully blamed the fact that they had Astronomy last night, he waved his wand and dumped cold water on all of them. Of course, he wasn't stupid enough to stay in the room after he did that, slipping out of the door before he could be blamed. The filthy looks he received when they finally got down to the common room told him they knew exactly who woke them and he grinned.


"I hate you, Harry." Theo told him.

"Cheer up, we have flying lessons today."

"With the Gryffindors," Blaise added, reading the notice. Harry's expression went rather feral, and the group of Slytherins shared a smirk.

"What have you got planned?" Draco asked and Harry chuckled.

"It would be such a shame if the wondrous Girl-Who-Lived were to be shown up during our flying lessons." Harry mused slyly, "Especially when our Instructor speaks so highly of her."

"Oh most definitely a shame," Draco agreed. They left, eager to start the day so they could get to their flying lesson, and by lunch time Harry was looking strikingly evil for an eleven year old. Sirius took one look at his Godson and walked in the opposite direction. Harry and Draco pointed out the brooms acceptable for the Snakes out of the terrible choices they were given and Harry made a note to have them replaced; these were not Hogwarts standard. The Gryffindors arrived when James did, they were crowding around the man and Rosina, who was soaking up all the attention as James bragged about the flying she did when growing up. Harry shared a look with Draco, snickering when the blond mimed vomiting.

"Afternoon class," James greeted, "Let's get right to it. Stick your hand over your broom and say 'up'."

Harry, like Draco and unfortunately Rosina, got his broom to jump in to his hand immediately. The Slytherins had a great laugh when Weasley's broom shot up and hit him in the face, ignoring the loss of ten points they received for openly laughing at him. James went around the Gryffindors, correcting them where they were going wrong and helping them when needed, but he paid absolutely no attention to the Slytherins, so Harry and Draco helped their House – especially the ones who had never been on a broom before.

"Now, mount your brooms, and when I blow my whistle I want you to kick of fly slowly around the pitch and touch back down - Rosie with demonstrate for you now." James instructed, grinning at his daughter. Harry noted grudgingly that she did have quite a bit of flying skill, though not as much as she bragged about, and Harry shook his head in disgust as she touched down preening at the applauding Gryffindors.

James blew his whistle and the group rose up, some of them were unsteady but others flew off; Rose shot off, flaunting the skill she did have. Harry looked at Draco who gave a short nod and grinned; the pair of them flew after her. Harry flashed a smirk at Draco, flattening himself to his broom and creeping up behind his sister. When he was flying directly behind her, he gave a burst of speed and would have hit her if he didn't readily leap up of his broom and over her, he landed perfectly in front of her and carried on as if it was nothing. Harry was the first back to the start, nose-diving towards the ground before levelling out and jumping of his broom, landing neatly on the grass.

"What do you think you were doing?" James exploded, storming over and shaking him. Harry shocked him, backing away from the enraged man when he let go, just as the rest of the class landed and came over. Draco was immediately by Harry's side, glaring at Potter.

"Given that we are in a flying lesson, I would think your question held an obvious." Draco drawled.

"Shut it, Malfoy." James snapped, keeping his eyes on Harry, "That was ridiculously dangerous. You could have seriously hurt Rose!"

Harry's eyebrows shot up; that was what he was worried about?

"I really doubt that." Harry told him, shrugging carelessly, making it apparent that he didn't care either way.

"You selfish brat! Ever since we got you, you've been-," He was cut off by Sirius, who swooped in from no-where and grabbed Harry, swinging around and laughed.

"Absolutely amazing flying, Pup!" Sirius complimented, "I didn't think you would be that good."

Draco, who had stepped back in line with his own Godfather, who had come out with Sirius, turned in to the man, covering his laughter at James' outraged expression.

"Class dismissed." James barked, making the class flee, not wanting to be around the growing tension. The only ones who remained were Rosina and Draco, each standing next to their respective family.

"What brought you out here?" Harry asked his Godfather.

"Severus and I were with Moony and we caught sight of flying. Seeing as the rules on broomsticks only say that first years aren't allowed to own their own, Severus didn't see any problem with placing you on the Quidditch team." Sirius answered brightly.

"Wicked!" Harry cheered, getting placed back on his feet so he could hi5 Draco.

"Like hell he is!" James exclaimed, "He's a danger in the air."

"Excuse me, Potter. I do believe that I am in charge of what happens with my Slytherins." Snape drawled.

"Damn it, Snivellus, your attempts to become better than me is pointless; it will never happen."

"Arrogant bastard." Draco and Harry said together, getting a nudge from their respective Godfathers, even if both adult's expressions were dark. James turned to the boys, dismissing the Malfoy Heir and glaring at Harry.

"I know what this is about. You are very clearly jealous of the fame and attention Rosina receives, so you deliberately tried to hurt her. And you wonder why we gave you up? If this is how you act now, you would have been even more unbearable should you have grown up around it. We've welcomed you back in to our family, and you continuously throw it back in our faces, repeatedly doing anything and everything to bring us down. You're childish, and ungrateful, and it's pathetic."

Sirius, Severus and Draco were in shock at what had just spewed out of James' mouth, and the fact that he genuinely believed his words. Harry had gone very still, his face resembling white marble as his eyes burned like green fire. The clouds overhead rolled in, rumbling and swirling, the winds suddenly began to rage and thunder clapped as Harry's anger made his control on his magic waver dangerously.

How dare than man say such degrading and false things to him? How dare he use his behaviour as evidence to support his mistakes and his actions? James Potter was an insignificant insect, he was arrogant without backing, obnoxious without reason and a sheep led by its Master.

"You think that that pathetic excuse of a witch needs me to hurt her? Be realistic, I am surprised she even knows how to walk on her own, let alone fly; everything has always been done for her. You think I am jealous of her? Do not be so comical. There is not anything that she can do that I cannot do better and faster. You question my behaviour, but never once realise that it is only you and your spawn that ever see a problem, and you try to justify giving up your own child on the word of a manipulative old man because of my actions. You make me sick. To be in your mere presence nauseates me. You are so caught up in your own fantasy world, believing that the sun shines because the precious Girl-Who-Lived wills it so, that it's going to be much to late when you finally understand that there are many who believe otherwise." Harry's voice was like ice, sharp, cutting and cold, and then he laughed. A sound much to cruel for someone so young.

"You call me ungrateful and yet; what have you done for me? You threw me away to muggles and then bring me back and expect me to be happy about it. You expected me to accept your weak excuses, and your half-hearted attempts to sort everything out. I despise the fact that we share blood, I loathe to know that I came from you. I hate you. But do you know one thing? I am glad I was not raised by you, thankful that you are weak of will, and unable to make decisions on your own, because if that-," He jabbed his finger at Rosina, "is the illustrations of your child rearing skills, then I wouldn't wish it on anyone who walks this earth. You say the Dark Lord is set to return, and yet you are not prepared. You'll all be slaughtered, cut down and stomped out, and I pray to Lady Magic herself that I get front row seats, because nothing would please me more than to watch your perfect world burn with you in the very centre of it." Harry spat at Potter's feet, turning on his heel and stalking away; his magic itching to lash out. He left the group in silence, taking the storming winds with him, and Sirius regarded James coolly.

"Congratulations, Potter, you now, if it wasn't clear before, have only one child." Sirius walked away, taking Severus and Draco with him; he had a Godson to find. Though he doubted he could, when Harry wanted to vanish he would and he knew the castle better than anyone could ever hope to.

Harry had gone straight to the dungeons, slipping through corridors he could tell were no longer used to get to Salazar's duelling room, which was attached to his chambers. He spat out the access code, striding in when the wall slid open, banishing the dust cloud with a sharp twist of his wrist. Finally, once he was where he felt at ease, he just let go, allowing his magic to expand around him and his spells to flow effortlessly at the targets. He obliterated the room, releasing all of his anger, his insult and his longing; he was done. He was done keeping himself in check and making sure he didn't push the Potters too far, he was done adapting his behaviour to fit other people's views. And when flames burst from his hands, burning brightly and scorching in heat Harry laughed, bending them to his will and then crushing them in his fists.

Game on.


When Harry eventually fell through the entrance of the common room he was immediately pounced on by an extremely worried Draco, who would later deny all anxiety.

"Dray," He called, stopping the blond with his nickname, "I'm fine just had to work of a little steam."

"Potter was completely out of line!" Draco exclaimed, coming to a stop in front of Harry and crossing his arms, "What are we going to do about it?"

Harry grinned, spontaneously hugging his best friend.

"And that, Draco Malfoy, is why we will forever be great friends." Harry declared. They sat down and began planning ways to make Potter feel as miserable as possible, sharing somewhat evil looks at some of their ideas and then smirking. The rest of the common room seemed to give them a wide birth, not wanting to know what the devious duo were up to now.

"Oh, uncle Sev and Sirius want to see you." Draco remembered, rolling up their parchment and tucking it to his robe.

"Uh oh." Harry said, "How bad do you think it's going to be?"

"Well uncle Sev still wants you on the team, and while he understands your loss of cool, he may not be pleased. Sirius was more worried, seeing as you somehow created a storm," Here Draco have him a: you will definitely be explaining that look before continuing, "and completely enraged at Potter. He ran off muttering something about 'losing him again' and 'having to calm down a frantic wolf'."

Harry went a bit pale.


"I take it you know what that means." Draco said and Harry nodded.

"Uncle Moony is always in a funny mood after being ill."

Draco still looked confused before he had a look of understanding on his face.

"Werewolf. Right."

"How did you know?"

"Uncle Sev brews his potion." Draco waved Harry away. "You need to go now unless you want him to come down here."

Harry looked mildly alarmed at that fact and jumped to his feet.

"I'll be back later, I'll explain then." Harry promised, and then he was gone. He used Salazar's corridors to get to the Founders corridor, and Harry was very surprised to see it obviously unused, but he didn't remain there for more than a second, slipping back through another corridor and out on to his Godfather and uncle's floor. He muttered the password when he got to their frame, walking in only to have himself pounced on for the second time that day. This time by a frantic uncle and worried Godfather.

"There you are, cub." Remus exclaimed, "You had us so worried. We thought we'd lost you all over again. Sirius told me what that bastard said. I'll hunt him down and string him up." The final bit came out in a snarl and Harry patted the man's back soothingly from his place on his hip. Allowing him to sniff and check him over, he couldn't help but grin at the protectiveness, it was nice really.

"I'm fine – really!" He added, when Moony didn't look like he didn't believe me.

"Are you sure?"

"I promise." Harry assured, finally being allowed down. He went over to hug his Godfather and smiled up at the man, "Potter just annoyed me a bit."

"A bit? Nice storm, Pup." Sirius joked and Harry laughed, his smile turning sheepish.

"Yeah, ok, more than a bit."

"He'll get his own eventually." Sirius said. "Congratulations on making the team, though."

"Thanks, I am so happy." Harry said, "I can't believe it. I was gutted when I read that first years weren't allowed brooms."

"It's a rule mainly to compensate muggleborns coming in to the world. To make it fair." Sirius told him and Harry's nose wrinkled.

"That's stupid, this is the wizarding world. They should be going straight in to a customs class rather than taking every day things away from the rest." Harry stated, "We're expected to learn and adapt to their world, they should be the same to ours."

"Dumbledore has changed a lot over the years." Sirius said, "I do not discriminate against blood, but we have reached the point where we don't even celebrate our own holidays."

"That is just offensive to Lady Magic," Harry declared, "So many things are wrong with this time, and it all seems to be around Dumbledore. He's the bigger power currently, isn't he?"

"While not official, yes. Fudge hangs on his every word, he's in charge of this school, in charge of the courts and in charge of the international courts. The Leader of the Light." Moony answered.

"Some light. Who claim to stand for equality, fairness and good and yet treat other races as inferior and cage off branches of magic." Sirius grumbled.

"Enough of the failings of our world." Remus decided, "You had better run off and see Severus, Harry. He will want to speak with you about your place on the team."

"Oh yes, I don't think he was pleased with you storming off when we walked out to speak to you." Sirius said.

"Merlin," Harry groaned, "I'll go see him now."

"Off you go, cub. Be careful."

"I will. Bye!" Harry ran off with a wave, easily getting down to the dungeons and to Professor Snape's office. He smartened himself up and knocked on the door, the usual brisk "Enter" was called and he pushed open the door.

"Mr Potter, of what do I owe the pleasure."

Oh that was just cold, Harry thought with a wince.

"I came to apologise for ah storming off earlier." Harry said calmly, keeping his face blank as he watched his favourite teacher continue to write without looking up once.

"What should you have done in such a situation?" Snape inquired and Harry almost grimaced at how much the man reminded him of Salazar at that moment, the Slytherin Founder could be absolutely relentless when he wanted to.

"I should have retained my cool and dealt with the situation rationally. It was also highly disrespectful to disappear like I did."

Snape finally looked up and motioned to the seat in front of his desk, Harry sighed in relief; he was forgiven

"You look worn." Snape told him, Harry rolled his neck.

"I've just come from Draco then Uncle Moony after Sirius told him."

Snape actually winced.

"Well on better terms, I've confirmed it with the Headmaster and you are allowed on the team." Severus told him and Harry grinned, "However, Potter 'appealed' to the Headmaster to allow the next Merlin on the Gryffindor team."

"What!? Oh come on!"

"As expected, the Headmaster immediately granted his request, going further by giving permission for Potter to have her own broom." Snape smirked slightly, "Which means you are also allowed to have your own broomstick."

"Brilliant." Harry said, "If Potter wants to see his daughter crushed on the pitch as well as the classroom then so be it."

"Do not make my choice a mistake." Snape dismissed him and Harry laughed, rising up and walking towards the door.

"Sir, without overcompensating, I'm probably better on a broomstick than I am at making potions."

He caught up with the rest of the first years as they headed up to dinner, and Harry grinned at Draco.

"Potter got the Girl-Who-Lived on the Gryffindor team and she got given permission to have her own broom, which means-,"

"You can have your own broom too." Draco finished, smirking.

"Yep, and I can't wait to crush her."

"It's going to be beautiful." Draco agreed, "You'll have to talk to Flint, apparently he's brutal."

"It'll be worth it."

"I'm kind of jealous."

"Don't worry, as soon as it's humanly possible to get you on the team you'll be right there with me." Harry assured, "There can be no other way."

"Of course." Draco agreed, "Seeing as we have a few plans for Potter, what about his spawn?"

"I have a plan to make Rosina's life hell for the next couple of weeks but we will need inside help."


"Yes, we will need the twins."

A beautiful snowy owl swooped down towards the Gryffindor table, catching the attention of the majority of the hall. She dropped her letter in front of the Weasley twins and soared off leaving many curious. The twins read the letter and left, much to the surprise of the rest of the hall and no one noticed two Snakes slip out the hall at the same time. In a hidden archway four people stood looking positively evil.

"So slip this in to her shampoo and put this on anything she uses daily." Harry handed the twins a bottle and a powder.

"What will it do?" They asked in sync, there was nothing pleasant about Draco or Harry's smiles. For the rest of the day, Harry and Draco set up the magical 'tripwires' in every class room and the Great Hall, so every time Rose walked through the doorway it would reactivate the prank, even if it had been removed. Marcus Flint cornered him in the common room telling him to get a decent broom and be on the pitch that night at 6, Harry was left blinking at the abrupt demands and the sudden departure and slowly shook his head, deciding to go and see Sirius as Draco said he wanted to catch up on some homework and write to his parents. As soon as he arrived, Sirius leapt up and handed him a long package, grinning wildly.

"Open it!" He said excitedly.

"Oo present!" Harry said equally excited. He tore off the paper and whooped when he caught sight of Nimbus 2000 on the top of the broomstick. "Uncle Siri, this is amazing!" he cried, rushing to hug the man. "Oh Circe have I wanted one of these! Look at it – its beautiful."

The design of it, the sleekness and the balance put all other brooms he had ever been on to shame; it was fantastic.

"I can't wait to take this out on the pitch with Draco!"

"Well off you go then," Sirius ordered, "You still have time and you don't have any lessons left."

"You're the best, uncle Siri." Harry declared, running off and hugging a surprised Moony as the man walked in. He ran all the way back to the dungeons, falling in to the common room and wordlessly holding out the broom to Draco, who took it with a gasp.

"A Nimbus 2000!" He exclaimed, "That's the best broom there is!"

"Sirius just gave it to me," Harry explained, "Wanna come out and practice on it?"

"Of course!" Draco confirmed. The pair of them darted from the common room, getting to the entrance hall quickly and rushing down to the pitch. Where Harry leapt on to the broom and took off, cheering at the ridiculously fast speed and very smooth flight.

"What other stunts have you got up your sleeve?" Draco called to him, Harry grinned and placed his feet on his broom. Working with the balance, Harry stood in a fluent motion, he flew like this slowly at first before he picked up speed. He sailed past Draco, who was smirking but shaking his head at his friend's antics, and readied himself for a trick. He stepped back and bent his knees, as soon as he reached a straight stretch he jumped and flipped in the air. Draco nearly screamed when Harry didn't land on his broom, instead he caught himself with his hands and pulled himself up, grinning madly. When the raven head landed, he received a punch in the arm from a very pale Draco.

"What was that? Are you trying to kill me?" The blond demanded.

"That was amazing, it's the first time I've landed that perfectly, usually I fall!" Harry said breathlessly, Draco swallowed.

"I dunno if it's such a good idea you playing Quidditch now."

Harry looked affronted before grinning.

"Here, its your turn." Harry said, handing over the broom.

"Wicked!" Draco said, accepting the broom and kicking off. Draco was very good, and he showed previous experience in the air and he circled the pitch.

"Come on let's go cause trouble before Flint puts me through my paces." Harry said once his friend was back on the ground. Draco smirked and the pair walked back to the common room. Harry rummaged around in his potions store and pulled out two phials of clear liquid.

"We need to clear the Entrance Hall so we'll have to consort with the twins." Harry said handing a bottle to Draco.

"What does this do?"

"It's timed transfer glue, we are going to spread it in the Entrance Hall and it works based on a time delay, from the moment it coats your shoes it'll stick solidly to the floor every 15 minutes."

"This is going to be brilliant."

The pair dashed up to the Great Hall, where people were filtering in and out from the lunch hour; the twins, luckily, were just leaving so Harry and Draco ran after them and pushed the pair in an all too familiar alcove.

"Gred, Forge."

"Oh look Gred its Harrykins."

"Yes with his little blond friend."

Draco rolled his eyes.

"Gentlemen I believe you like to cause mass mayhem and disturbance." Harry said with a smirk.

"Of course." They answered together.

"Well if you could cause a massive disturbance so the Entrance Hall is completely clear for ten minutes me and Harry here would be most appreciative." Draco told them, and the twins grinned.

"Note to selves stay away from the Entrance Hall at all costs today." Fred said.

"When will the prank on Rosina kick in?" George asked.

"Monday morning and let's just say it will be a very interesting few days."

Harry and Draco lingered discretely in the Entrance Hall waiting for the signal, they didn't know what to expect from Fred and George Weasley; the pair got high praise for their pranking from Sirius and that was never a good sign. They jumped when a catastrophic boom sounding from many floors above, and that told them the twins had started. Teachers and students alike ran up to see what was going on and the two Snakes didn't have to wait long before the Great and Entrance halls were silent. From opposite ends Harry and Draco poured the entire contents of potion on to the stone floor and watched as it spread like wild fire, coating it in a clear sheen. When the entire floor was covered it sank in making it look ordinary and the pair ran back to the dungeons grinning evilly as they went.

"We had better warn uncle Sev or he will kill us." Draco said and Harry nodded. The pair headed to the Potions classroom, they needed to stock up on prank potions any way. Snape was sat behind his desk marking homework when the pair arrived and nodded in greeting. Harry pulled out their list and Draco immediately selected the potions he was comfortable in making, leaving Harry the other half. The pair of them worked together very well, trading ingredients and helping on the others potions. Once they had bottled up and cleared away, they approached their Professor.


"Professor, I was wondering if you knew any spells that would stop a transfer potion." Harry asked. Snape's brow raised as he took in the two blank faced teens in front of him, they were both perfectly calm and composed, except for their eyes, which were alight with mischief.

"I know of a few. The most simple one would be the basic shield charm. Why do you asked as I'm sure you both already knew that." Snape replied evenly, knowing full well that Draco knew it and Harry used it for extra credit in his last essay.

"We just wanted to confirm with you, Professor." Draco told him, "There have been rumours, sir."


"Yes, that the Entrance Hall isn't safe. There was something else too… what was it Draco?"

"That there may be those who find themselves in a 'sticky situation', whatever that means."

That was shockingly good, Severus admitted. If he didn't know hid Godson, and hadn't been watching Harry since he arrived, he would have absolutely bought it. As it was, he did know his Godson and Harry had been on his radar since he had been sorted in to his House.

"Indeed," He drawled, eyeing them. They didn't so much as twitch, nodding respectfully and taking their leave. There wasn't much for them to do until they went to dinner, so he had Draco lounged about the common room. Draco was telling him a bit more about his family when he suddenly sat up.

"How long does the glue last?" He questioned.

"It goes on and off, sticking them in place for about thirty second before releasing them. It'll last about three days."

"Don't you think we should warn a few Snakes, like, maybe, the Quidditch team you're supposed to be training with later. Harry's eyes widened and he shot up, he ran to the boys fifth year dorm. He poked his head in and was relieved to see Flint sat on his bed.


"Potter, have you ordered your broom? You had better be good because we're taking a risk letting a first year on the team."

Harry rolled his eyes.

"My Godfather has already given me one." He assured, "It's a Numbus 2000,"

Flint whistled.

"Nice. You better know how to fly it."

"Do you think Professor Snape, of all people, would allow me on the team if I didn't know how to fly?" Harry asked rhetorically, "Anyway, if you want the team to practice, you should tell them not to walk in the Entrance Hall without a shield on their feet."

"Got it," Flint got up and went to warn the rest of the team while Harry went back to Draco, muttering to himself.

"Flint give you a hard time?" The blond asked his friend.

"Honestly, you'd think he would trust Professor Snape's judgement by now." Harry grouched.

"Just pull what you did earlier and Flint will soon stop talking." Draco waved him off. Harry grinned. The pair warned as many Snakes as they could about the Entrance Hall, but they didn't tell everyone knowing it would put their House under suspicion if none of them got caught in the prank. It was true practice for their masks when they got up to the Entrance Hall and found people stuck in odd positions, the glue obviously kicking in at the wrong time. Harry ducked his head, moving in to the Great Hall to cover his snickering. Draco didn't bother, he caught sight of Ronald Weasley stuck in a weird, lunged position and openly laughed at him, even going so far as to nudge Harry and point at the red head.

Dinner was surprisingly calm right up until the very end when the chaos started as people rose to leave. The first caught up in the glue's timing were a couple of third year Lions, who found they couldn't leave their seats when they tried. The noise in the Hall grew when others discovered they were in the same predicament, and there was laughter as people caught sight of others getting stuck mid walk. Laughing helplessly to themselves, Harry and Draco edged back out of the Hall and back down to their House rooms, sharing a high five as they dropped on to their beds.

"This is going to be brilliant," Draco decided, grinning.

"Just wait until tomorrow when everything with Rosina kicks off."


Harry was treated to watching the Slytherin team run through their training practice before he was allowed on a broom and then Flint was all over him.

"Potter let me see your quickest lap." Flint barked. Harry raised his eyebrow but kicked off, flattening himself to his broom and shooting off. He didn't bother to slow up much on the corners, using his weight to control the sharpness over his movements.

"Not bad, Potter. Let's see how you fly while trying to catch things." Flint pulled out a bag of ordinary gold balls and started launching them in to the air; Harry took off. Flint threw the balls in every direction and Harry pulled off some spectacular stunts, some of which he had never done before but he didn't miss one. When he touched down next to Flint, the Slytherin Captain was gaping at him.

"Thank you Lady Magic!" He whispered reverently. Flint eyed him with a somewhat manic glint in his eye and Harry was ever so slightly alarmed.

"Do I qualify?" He wondered. Flint nodded mutely.

"Play like that in every game and you'll be Captain soon enough." Flint told him, "Practice every Thursday and if you miss it you had better hope your reason changes the very foundation of magic or else."

He stomped off, taking the Quidditch equipment with him and Harry was left wondering what he had gotten himself in to. He shrugged, shouldering his broom and making his way inside. He wanted to shower and then tell Draco all about it, after all, they had to keep themselves calm for tomorrow. He couldn't wait to see Rosina.

[I posted twice because i forgot to post yesterday]

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