Game of Traitors | A BNHA Fan...

By JojoTheHonorable

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In a sleepover taking a turn for the insanely boring, Midoriya Izuku suggests a game of cards to save himself... More

Sleepover of Boredom
Preparations and Ceremonies
The Ceremony
After Parties and Reveals
Arguments, Challenges, News, Oh my!
Flags and Alliances
Take Out The Gunmen
Tragedy Temple
Misery Inc
Cave of Avabuarta
Talks with Hawks and Annoying Lamps
Why Us?
Let Out The Beast
Infirmaries, Information and Insanity
How Do You Keep Your Mouth Shut?
March of the Statues
Royal Palaces and Returns
Princesses and Palace Towers
Heavens, Horns and Heathens
Flying Animal Sports
Operation 'Kill IcyHot'
Dimension Crossed Lovers and Absolute Chaos
Bad Dreams and Late Night Rendezvous
Inside Missions and Love Whisperers
Pool Party Extravaganza
S&M's Aquatic Adventure
The Curious Case of His Royal Majesty
What The Hell?
The Traitor's Gala
The Halftime Show After Party
Return to Semi-Normality
Shield Enterprises and Unplanned Alibis
The Garden's Looking More and More Beautiful
Preparing for the Hunt
Hunt for Life
Fallacies Brought Upon by a Friend
Et tu, Brute?
Graveyard Shift
The Great Plan And The Great Date

What Is This I'm Feeling?

482 31 123
By JojoTheHonorable

A/N: Hello everybody! Back with chapter 15! I've been a bit busy these past few days with studying and stuff, but I made sure to make it for you guys!  This chapter is a bit more focused on the romantic subplot for a refreshing change!

Song for this Chapter: I Caught Fire – The Used

"Iida Tenya's death was a suicide."

My eyes widen. I swear I just dropped my glass, the orange juice splattering into a pool on the ground like my lost hopes and dreams. My throat goes raw, my breath being blocked by a large knot blocking my airway. My body shakes, my mouth letting out soft yet panicked whimpers.

A suicide? Did he do this because of us? Because of the accusations? The stress of seeing us die?

Toga takes another deep breath, "We'd been trying to figure out why you all weren't eliminated straight after he died, and we've finally gotten to a conclusion. Iida thought he would win the game if he eliminated himself. We didn't know it didn't work that way until today."

"Oh, I almost forgot!" She continued. "I need to announce the next challenge, silly me! This is for when Todoroki is better, so I'll inform him."

She pulls out a small paper, same as the others and takes a deep breath, as we're all seated at the table.

"Beloved Competitors,

Several days from now, you will take part in your third challenge. How exhilarating! As usual, one person gets eliminated each time! So make sure you play correctly according to your rules!

Just like the past twenty seasons of the Game of Traitors, you will guess your challenge based on a key word or phrase!

'Never gonna give you up,
Never gonna let you down,
Never gonna run arou-'

"Wait a sec... Monoma!" Toga stomps, crumpling up the paper into a ball as a vein pops from her forehead.

"You're very welcome," he smirks from the other side of the table.

Laughs sound from around the table. Kirishima slaps his thighs, his eyes shutting as he struggles to catch his breath. "That's the best thing that's happened—this whole ga-"

"Shush! Now, to your actual challenge which I have here!" She grumbles, pulling out another card which hopefully isn't a stupid rickroll.

'Sometimes you have duties to fill
And to the palace you go for a thrill
But the statues in it's forest send down your spine chills."

Chills? Spine? Statues? Palace?
Does she mean this palace? Well, technically this is a temple, but that a synonym? Why would statues send us chills? God, I'm too tired to think about this.

The others stay completely silent, as I look down at my feet. My heart thumps against my chest strongly. I've lost my appetite. I take a deep breath, "I-I'll just be heading out now. I need some fresh air," I stammer, as I turn around to walk out with nothing to add.

Todoroki got stabbed and is in the infirmary. Iida killed himself. Kaminari and Uraraka got killed in a challenge. Yaoyurozu tried to choke Monoma from his rage...

I go outside to the garden, and notice the bushes are full with beautiful pink and white flowers, instead of there just being  plain green hedges. Wreaths and lines of flowers adorn the fountain, and the handlebars of the bench I sit on to take the edge off. Where me and Kacchan made our plan which eventually got us here.

I look down at the stone pathway, letting out a large huff, placing my head on my hands as I stare down, my eyes and body numb. I've already cried so much, that I don't know if I'll even have the energy to even form tears in my eyes.

The air is filled with the sound of crickets and even owls if you listen hard enough. Contrasting the pretty flowers, the sky above is a dazzling black, shining stars illuminating it all over. The air is fresh. It takes me away from that of blood and tears.

I take a deep breath, my heartbeat steadying...finally. I'm not permanently on alert for once.

Until a pair of footsteps takes me out of my blissful trance, my head tilting to the side.

Please don't be Toga. Please don't be Toga!

"Hey nerd," I hear a voice say. A familiar one if you ask me. Music to my ears is more like it.


"Ye-yeah, uh, hi," I mutter, looking up at him. Why am I stuttering? I know him. I have for a long time. I can't find myself looking away, though.

I'm kind of glad he came out here.

"This is going to sound fucking stupid, but can I sit here? I can't stand any of those damn clowns anymore," he says blankly.

I take a deep breath. "Yeah, yes of course, sit down," I say, as I scoot over on the bench, tapping the empty spot with my hand."

Kacchan sits down, as he sighs, "I've had enough of all of the others. They've all gone batshit crazy."

I fidget with my fingers. "Well, it makes sense why they would... judging by everything that's going on. I'm surprised you haven't," I say

"They're all acting like they can change their fate. None of us can. We're all going to fucking die," he says blankly, turning his head to face me, devoid of any and all hope.

I look at him reassuringly, placing my hand on his shoulder. I could swear his body is loosening at my touch.  It's not as tense. "Don't say that Kacchan-"

"Why shouldn't I? We're all going to die and you know it. You see what happened to Kaminari, and Uraraka. What happened to them wasn't their fault and they couldn't stop it. It could be us next. So let's just stop fucking acting all mighty and like we can fix our predicament, because we can't." His tone raised in volume, and as he stopped, he let out a deep breath.

I simply shut my eyes in thought, then open them. "Should we just...not ta-talk about this? It's why we're both out here anyways."

"Sure, got anything you want to talk about, nerd? Or should we just sit in silence? I'd take fucking anything at this point."

I caress his shoulder, as I look at it. Even in the night I can see how toned it is, especially through his black tank top. So hard yet soft at the same time, delicate. A thought wishes to pop into my head, yet I can't quite put my finger on it.

His eyes are fixed on my hand on his shoulder, making me immediately remove it, "S-Sorry."

"It's okay, Deku," he says blankly.

I clap my hands loudly, distracting from the now awkward silence taking place. I take a deep breath,"Since I'll probably never have the chance to ask you; why did you make fun of me all those years?" I ask, looking down.

Kacchan bites his bottom lip, humming, "Wow, straight to the hard shit, huh?" He chuckles awkwardly, rubbing his thigh, looking at it, "You could say I was jealous of how fucking cheerful you were..." he grits his teeth. " you'd always see the bright side of things. I thought that somehow, if I made you feel bad about yourself, it'd elevate me, make me better in a way."

I press my lips into a thin line. "I-I never thought that'd be the reason," I chuckle awkwardly. My face is met with warmth coating my cheeks, as I fidget with my green sweater sleeves, "Wow, uhm, thanks Kacchan...for telling me."

"You asked me why, idiot," Kacchan grumbles. His hands fly upwards, as he lightly shoves my shoulders back,  my back hitting the flowery armrest of the bench. A faint chuckle leaves his lips.

An inkling of a laugh. I want to replay it over and over and over again. My lips curl into a smile as readjust myself, sitting up straight, my back touching that of the bench.

My eyes are fixed on Kacchan's crimson ones, how they glimmer in the moonlight.I place my hands on my feet as I sit cross legged on the bench like a little kid, facing him.

I awkwardly press my lips into a straight line. "So...what now?" I ask sheepishly.

Kacchan rolls his eyes, "Any other stupid questions?" He says as he slouches on the bench, turned to look at me.

I play with my fingers, humming in thought, "I, Uh..." I take a deep breath, inhaling the scent of roses and caramel wafting from Kacchan, "If we ever make it out of here–"

"We won't," Kacchan interrupts. He isn't exactly wrong. All of the people who've competed in the Game are all stuck here...Hawks, his husband, Aizawa, Toga, Monoma. It could be several others as well.

"Let's say we do. Let's say we win this thing and somehow get home. What are you planning to do with your life?"

Kacchan stays silent for a few seconds, letting out a coarse hum as he inhales. "Fucking therapy," He scoffs. He takes another deep breath, gathering his thoughts, "Look, on the off chance we do get back home, I want to just fucking make amends with people. I've seen too many die, and I don't want to fucking be the reason for someone else's death."

"That's understandable," I frown, playing with my sweater sleeves.

Kacchan clears his throat, "How about you, nerd?"

My head shoots up, my hand going to the back at it, awkwardly scratching, as I awkwardly smile. Not to mention that he looks simply mesmerizing in this light. Why does my heart feel like it's dancing? "Huh? Oh, right!" I gather my thoughts, "Call me cheezy, but when I get back I just wanna forget about all of this, probably get married, start a family and put this all behind me. It's... stupid, I know."

"Why the hell is that stupid?" Kacchan grunts, his blank stare digging into my eyes.

"Well, uh, I," I fidget with my fingers, feeling the heat engulf my whole face, even the ears, "Well, because you don't really expect a guy to want to get married and stuff as a first priority. Of course, I want to have a good career, but love's always been a huge dream of mine."

Kacchan sighs, "I still don't see why that's stupid, Deku. If you want to feel like you want to have someone to wake up to every day, so be it. It's freaking normal to want to have kids too one day. It's fucking human nature."

"Huh, I guess it is," I chuckle nervously.

"I know I judge you a fuck ton for how you look and how you act, but I have no excuse to anymore and in a way, I learned how to actually fucking treat people in this competition."

"Yeah, I guess so," I fidget with my fingers and play with the fabric of my shirt as I take a deep breath.

Here goes, a thought I haven't thought about this entire time, yet somehow Kacchan awakens my need to just...come out with it. It'd been bothering me for a long time, before the game, sometimes even popping up before I fell asleep.

"You know, there was one thing I wanted to d- to do, before I was sucked into this mess," I say. "Promise not to beat me up or punch me?"

"God, Deku, get to the fucking point. You shouldn't worry about anything you tell me when there's literally someone killing us. I know that you're not the fucking Traitor, or the Lawyer, or definitely not the De–"

"I'm gay."

I look down at my crossed feet, my eyes wide as I place my face in my trembling hands

Poop, poop, poopity poop!

Great, now he's definitely going to beat you up. Just prepare for the punch! God, his hand is getting closer, oh God!

Instead of punching me, his soft, soft hand rests itself on my shoulder. I slowly remove my head from my hands looking up at him, as he lets out a soft grunt. "So?" He asks.

My face feels like it's burning, chaos pooling in my stomach in the form of what I can only call butterflies. My lips curl into a nervous smile, "Uh, what do you mean?"

"I mean why does it freaking matter if you're gay? It doesn't fucking make you any less of a human being. Only your actions determine that."

"So you don't hate me?"

"Of course not, idiot."

"Oh," I chuckle, exhaling, sighing in relief even, "You know, I was gonna come out to my mom too. I had it all planned out and everything."

"You sure she'd accept it?" Kacchan continues to rub my shoulder, looking at me straight in the face, his face blank and sweat building in his forehead as he grits his teeth awkwardly.

Needless to say, the starlight decorates his eyes with stars creating beautiful bloody galaxies. I can't help but gaze into the skies of crimson, maybe I could find a constellation.

Or I just want an excuse to gaze into his beautiful eyes. Why am I suddenly nervous? I just came out to him, and he's supportive. My chest should just calm down.

"I don't know," I say blankly.

"Hmm, okay."

The area is filled with the sound of crickets and of the delicate wind blowing through our hair. Silent, yet peaceful. Since I get to stare at Kacchan's undeniable beauty, I have no complaints. Why am I staring though? Why am I engulfed in such warmth around him? Why does he make my heart race?

Kacchan takes a deep breath, placing his head on his forehead as he looks away from me, instead at the fountain as he sighs, "You know," he pauses to inhale again. It must be something serious. "I'm not exactly straight either," he says. As he says that, his eyes widen to the size of saucers, yet he continues to stare at the fountain.


Did he just say he wasn't straight? Woah woah woah, rewind...what?

"Wa-wait, really?" I ask. My eyes dry from how widely I have them open without blinking. The intense heat on my face seems to match the situation taking place on his face, taking the form of soft clouds of red lacing his cheeks. I'm not sure if hes sweating as much as I am though.

"Yes. You think I'd fucking tell you if I weren't for real?" He grunts

"Well, you would. I just never expected this from you to be honest," I say, playing with my fingers nervously as I try to stop trembling. "Why are you telling me this now? And why are you telling me?"

"Because you're gay too, idiot!" Kacchan sighs, swinging his hands in the air. He sets them on his thighs and takes a deep, shaky breath, "Well, I'm not even sure I'm fucking gay. I could be bi, but I don't think I've ever liked girls. They were never... appealing to me."

"Oh, I know exactly how that feels," I chuckle awkwardly, scratching my head. "Why're you telling me this now?"

"Because we're gonna fucking die soon!"

"Right...If you don't mind me asking...Do the others know?" I tug my sweater sleeves past my hands sheepishly.

"Of course nobody fucking knows! Not even Shitty Hair, not even my father and not even that old hag."

"So I'm the first person you told?"

"What do you think?" Kacchan rolls his eyes, his breathing labored as I can practically hear his heartbeat, "I don't know if the others are...supportive." He sighs, looking down.

I place my hand on his back, caressing it. "Hey, you're still the same Kacchan they know and love," I say in a soft tone. "And on the off chance they don't, which I doubt..." I give him a sympathetic smile, my hand going up and down the curve of his toned back, " have me to talk to."

Kacchan scoffs lightly, as he chuckles awkwardly. "Thanks, Deku," he says as he avoids eye contact, a nervous blush covering his cheeks.

Oh my god...that's so cute!

We stay silent for a moment, as I continue to caress his back. He simply stays looking at the fountain. eyes are glued to him.

The only thing that can distract me, is that beautiful yet nervous chuckle leaving his lips.

He turns to me, his eyes nonchalant, his puffy as I'd envisioned. I wonder if they're as soft as they look.

He runs his hand through his hair, yawning, "I'm going back inside. I need some fucking sleep," he sighs. I take my hand away from his back, as he stands up from the bench, turning to look down at me. "Thanks know," he says blankly.

I smile, looking up at him, "Anytime, Kacchan. Goodnight." I chuckle softly.

Before I can stand up, I feel warmth on my shoulders and my face, as well as a force pushing me down onto the bench. I blink, seeing Kacchan has taken hold of both of my shoulder, as he's leaning down to my face.

So close!

Is he going to do it? Is he actually going to lean in and kiss me? Don't mess this up, Deku! Remember, keep your eyes closed and don't have too much saliva.

Oh, come on, Deku! He's gay, not desperate!

He stops, only about 5 inches away from my face, yet I can still feel his hot breath on my face...the taste of smoked turkey.

Shoot, I have my eyes closed!

My eyes shoot open as they realize nothing of what I was thinking is going to happen. I let out a soft breath, as Kacchan blankly looks down at me. "Now, let's not talk about this again, okay?" He mutters.

"O-Okay," I say back, my voice quivering nervously. Of course I wouldn't tell! I mean, were kind of the same, in a way.

A few minutes after he left and of me enjoying the majestic nature of this cursed, cursed garden, I stand up, my feet gripping on to the pebbled ground, my mind racing with thoughts.

Kacchan liked boys? Is this true, or is he just messing with me?

I walk up the short stairs back into the temple, walking down the now familiar and less labyrinth-like hallway.

Should I walk around, enjoy how this place is quiet at this time? Usually, I can hear arguments.

I walk up two flights of stairs, reaching the third floor full of identical rooms. If the others were arguing, I'd definitely hear it.

About how Todoroki stabbed himself, or if Jiro stabbed him.

I continue to walk, inhaling the scent of what's closest to me as grandma's house.

"Toga, for the last time, this is not the Grand Traitor's doing. We can just...patch up the hole."

Hold up. Grand Traitor? Like the one Hawks was talking to me about? Didn't she escape? What do they want to do with her? What hole?

The voice belonged to who seemed to be a fairly young woman. Likely in her twenties, and from a nearby door. I inch closer to the opening, seeing a large parliament like space, with Aizawa, Monoma and some other people.

The unknown woman speaks again. "If this is her, wouldn't we figure that out or... something?" She asks. As I peer through the door, I notice her long black hair, her red triangle glasses, and her large breasts bursting through a tight deep V-neck top.

"That's what I'm trying to do, Nemuri!" Toga whined, banging her hands on the table. She sighs. "Ever since she escaped, the hole's gotten bigger and bigger, and now I'm afraid another competitor could esc- Wait, the door is open, wait a sec."

Shoot! I'm at the door!

I stay as quiet as I can, as Toga's footsteps near the door. She pushes it shut, thank God she didn't notice me, even if I stepped out of the way, my back to the creme wall.

She retreats away from the door, as I move closer to it again, placing my ear on the unsettlingly cold wood. All that's said is muffled, yet I hope I can get the general picture. My heart pounds in my chest in anticipation. I could get out of here...we could get out of here.

"I'm afraid another competitor could escape!" Toga panicked.

"Chill, she's probably dead anyway," I can hear Aizawa's lazy voice in the room.

"She's evil! She...refused the lessons of this fine institution! She didn't fulfill her duty as Traitor! She made a mockery of the Games!

"Sweetheart, chill. The Games have thrived even after she left. That was the first Gam-" Monoma said, but got cut off again by Toga, who slams her hands on the desk again.

"Are you aware of how many escape attempts we've had these past few years because of the damn hole that stupid...woman made!"

"Do you even know her name if you hate her that much? She probably has a family, a career. That's if... she didn't rat us out to the world. They probably think she's crazy."

"I damn hope they think so. That...bitch has a card set in her house as punishment.
No matter how many times as she tries to throw it or burn it, it'll still reach a family member. Punishment for what she did to us. Now her son is in the Game. What a shame, he's a nice boy."

Aizawa speaks up, "And what is this woman's name if her son is apparently in the game."

"I can't say her last name because of privacy, but her name is Inko and that bitch ruined the name of the Games."

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