Cold Heart (Interracial)

By Queen_Ransome21

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He pulled me closer to him as my breath hitched in my throat. His looks could kill anyone who got near him. H... More



3.5K 142 40
By Queen_Ransome21

Archer POV

"Come sta?" Lukas asked me over the phone. (How is she?) I sigh, looking over at Davina who's still sleep in bed.

She stayed in bed for a week while we were here. She hardly ate, she didn't smart mouth me, and she just dozed off into space when I talked to her.

The doctors said she would've died if I didn't keep her wake. I walked over to her and caress her cheek.

"È stata... diverso da quando è successo. Ma lei sarà solo avere quella cicatrice sulla schiena." I said as I heard him sigh of relief over the phone. (She's been... different ever since that happened. But she'll just have that scar on her back.)

Well I think that was a sigh of relief.

"She'll....come...a-around." I heard him say. He barley got that sentence out. I arched my eyebrow, walking from Davina to the window at the hotel.

"You okay?" I asked him, I heard a woman's moan in the background. Yeah now I wish I didn't ask that. I should've known he was giving Danielle some dick.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fi-" I heard him groan on the other side of the phone. I made a disgusted face, listening to it.

"baby," He panted, loud in my ear. "Yes like that Bella...keep going."

"Eh... if you want me to call back, I will." I made a disgusted face, turning around to see Davina waking up. She stretched her arms out, with that thing on top of her head. It looked like a chefs hat but she said it was called a bonnet.

"Yeah... that's fine.. I've got to finish teaching her how to suck-"

"I don't want to know." I cringed, closing my eyes. I didn't want to know that he was teaching her how to suck dick.

If he was, she's doing a good job. To what he use to tell me, it's hard for women to satisfy him.

"I'll call back later." He hung up the phone. I shake my head, going over to Davina.

I sat on the right side of the bed because Davina doesn't like people to be in her personal space bubble.

"Amore? You okay?" I questioned, looking at her. She sighs, looking over at me. She stands up, making me look at what she was wearing.

I didn't sleep with her last night because she didn't want me to. Until I told her what we were, she didn't want no type of relations with me.

I trailed my eyes to the shorts she's wearing. They were very short. Too short.

She also wore a t-shirt, with no bra or any bra for that matter. She also had her blue bonnet cap on her head.

"Yes. I'm fine" She started walking towards the bathroom, with my eyes glue to her ass. The door shut and I sigh of frustration, walking towards the window.

I'm not fine. I could feel my dick rise in my pants.

Calm down boy, calm down, calm down. We'll get some soon.

I heard the bathroom door open and footsteps coming my way. "I'm going to take a shower" Her voice said behind me.

I sigh, not even turning around. I didn't want her to see my erection that I was having. 

"Okay, I'll leave" I didn't want her to  see it, but I had no other choice.

"Archer?" She questioned, making me turn around to see her. But before I did, I put my hand in my pockets to try to not make it noticeable.

"Yes?" I looked down at her. We had this intense stare before she spoke.

"Thank you. I'm sorry that I never got to tell you last week." She said making me nod.

"You're welcome" I said, looking at her then her body. I couldn't do it I needed to go.

"I'm going to leave. Text me when you're done." I said, walking from her to the door. I was about to open it when I felt her hand touch my arm. I turn to look at her.

"I... can you at least stay in here with me? I'm kinda... scared" She whispered the last part. She's never scared of anything. I guess almost losing her life made her rethink everything.

I nod my head, letting go of the knob. "Sure. If that's what you want?"

She nods her head, letting go of my arm. She moved from me while I laid on the bed, seeing that she was getting her suitcase from off the floor.

She puts it on the bed, unzipping it and finding clothes for her to wear today.

She had a pair of shorts, a white cropped shirt, her matching undergarments from Victoria secret, and a pair of her low top converse laid out. She put her makeup bag next to it.

She zipped her bag back up and looked at me while I watched her. We had that intense stare again, watching each other.

Oh man, we got it bad.

I was the first to break. I slid her stuff off her bed and grabbed her neck, passionately kissing her.

She didn't back away or tried to push me away. We kissed in sync, while I moved my lips to her neck.

She moaned lightly, pulling away from me. We panted sightly, looking at each other. I pulled my shirt off, and my rings. I got off the bed, walking towards her.

I kissed her more and we started to peel all of our clothes from each other. I even took the bonnet cap off her head. I was going to pull every inch of her hair.

"Archer!" She pulled away from me. We looked at each other and I couldn't control it.

"What?" I panted, looking at her naked body in front of me. She's making it so hard for me not to demolish her body.

"We can't-" before she could even get a word out, I picked her up about to go to the bathroom but she put both of her hands on either side of the door.

"We can't do this Archer" She said and I groaned, rolling my eyes. I put her body down, still looking down at her.

This shit is awkward as fuck. I closed my eyes, regretting this.

"I-I'll just wait for you-" I didn't get my sentence out cause she came back on me and kissed me. She pulled away, looking down at me then back up.

She gave me a different look and decided to grab my hand. I gave her a confused look until she started walking to the bathroom with my hand still attached to hers.

Yes! Yes! Yes! I get to pull hair and slap ass.

We had stop for some food before we went back to San Diego. We decided to go to a Chinese restaurant. Davina wanted to sit down and eat and I didn't. I needed to get back to San Diego to figure out what else I could do to save my sister from Richard.

He wanted me to become his inside man to get all the information he needed to take down Lukas. Lukas is my best friend, my brother and I wouldn't betray him.

I mean yeah we aren't talking to each other right now, but I couldn't do it. My family and friends would turn their backs on me and I'll get killed.

Now, Davina and Sara where at the buffet, getting some food. Colin and I had already got our food and sat down.

"You are whipped." He said making me look at him. I threw a balled up napkin at him. He only laughed a little, throwing it back at me.

"Shut the fuck up before I stab you in your shit."

He chuckled, "Well you are. You actually stopped in Sacramento because Davina was hungry. We are 7 hours away from home."

I rolled my eyes, but then I made a confused look at him. "How'd you-"

"I've been knew. I see the way you two look at each other." He said and I groaned slightly, putting a hand on my forehead.

Well so much for sneaking around. I looked over at Davina to see that she was smiling at Sara while she talked to her.

"Well" I sighed, looking at Colin who was eating his food. "You should watch it with Sara. You two don't like each other but trust me," I gave him a serious look.

"I would stop if I were you. That's how Davina and I became a... thing" I said, causing him to scoff, shaking his head.

"That's not going to happen to me and horse mouth."

I shake my head, chuckling. "Alright, don't say I didn't warn you."

He rolled his eyes, continuing to eat his food. Sara and Davina came to sit down and eat also. While we were eating I kept feeling eyes on us.

I looked around my surroundings and I saw a group of men and women that were in a corner of the Chinese place. They had on black and a they had an intense glare on us.

"Colin, quelle persone in nero ci stanno fissando. Non guardare indietro lo renderà ovvio." I used my calm and low voice because I'm pretty sure they knew who we were. I'm sure we know who they are too.

Sara gave me a confused look putting down her fork slowly. (Colin, those people in black are staring at us. Don't look back it'll make it obvious.)

Colin stopped eating, and pretend he dropped his napkin. Sara and I continue to eat while I felt Davina touch my arm with her hand.

"Is everything okay?" She furrowed her eyebrows and I nod, lying to her.

"Yes Amore, everything is okay."

Colin groaned slightly, closing his eyes. He already knew who they were. "It's the White Tail Triads. Great! we're in their territory."

I knew it was them. The triads were this secret society that made negotiations or trades in order to keep their territory protected. They also didn't like other clans or mafia groups.

The il clan Estelle was the most hated. Richard did almost everything for this clan to have targets on our backs.

"We got to leave." I looked at everyone. "Now."

Just as we stood up, we heard guns cock. "GET DOWN!" I yelled, grabbing Davina and pulling her down on the ground.

Bullets started flying, with people screaming and bodies falling. Colin and I flipped the table and looked to see if everyone was okay.

I saw Davina lift up her shorts and revealed her handgun that she always kept with her. Colin and I took out our guns and we started shooting back.

Davina took out two, Colin took out four and I took out at least five. We ducked back down and I tried to find an exit. I saw that there was an exit near the bathrooms.

"There's an exit!" I yelled at them, pointing at the exit. They all nods their heads. I looked up at the ceiling to see the sprinklers.

I hope this works.

I aimed for the sprinkler and shot one. Water came down and the rest erupted. We started running towards the exit when I got pulled back by someone.

I elbowed them and punched them. They punched me back and pulled out a Katana.

Oh fuck me.

The man kept trying to hit me as I moved from the attacks. As I punched him, he came back swinging the sword to my side. I felt the wound forming and I groan, falling down.

I fell on the ground and just as the man was about to stab me, a gunshot was sound, which he stopped and fell with a thud. My body was dragged out of the place. I was picked up and thrown over the shoulder by someone.

They laid me in a vehicle and the vehicle sped off. I couldn't barley keep my eyes open.

I opened enough to see one of the bodyguards driving, Colin in the passenger side, and Sara on the right of me. All I heard was Italian language and yelling throughout the Vehicle. I turned to my left to see Davina taking off her shirt.

"Davina! What are you doing? Put back on your shirt!" I managed to say. She applied her shirt to my open wound and I hissed, trying to pry her hands from me.

"Guys we've got to get him to the nearest hospital!! He's bleeding out!" Davina yelled at them.

I felt myself not being able to stay woke. "Davina." I spoke weakly, looking at her.

"No! No! Archer come on!" I felt her touch my face. "Please!" I heard her sniff, making me look at her beautiful face once more before I couldn't keep my eyes open.

"I love you." I said before everything went black.

I opened my eyes to see that no one was around me. I groaned, sitting up with a throbbing sensation on my right. I hissed, touching it.

I heard a gasp, before I was engulfed with a hug. "You're up!"

I responded with a groan of pain. "I forgot." The voice said, pulling away from me. Davina was in my seeing view, giving me an apologetic look.

I looked on my side to see that a Gauze covering it. I had a confused look before stuff started flooding back in my mind. Then I remembered a certain thing.

I told Davina I loved her.

Oh shit.

"Davina. I-" I was about to say but she cut me off, chuckling.

"I know you didn't mean that you loved me. It's fine Archer." She looked down, "No one deserves to love me. After all I'm a slut."

I kinda felt bad at what she said. My heart kinda ache when she said that. I couldn't ignore what she does to me. Maybe I was right.

I do love her.


She just chuckles, shrugging it away. "It's okay Archer. Really." She started to get her phone and purse that had.

"I'll tell Colin to come in." I saw a tear slip from her eye. Oh God, my poor baby is crying.

"Davina." I tried to stop her but she kept walking. I got off the hospital bed, walking behind her with the wound throbbing rapidly.

She turned around and gasped when I was behind her. I grabbed her face and started to kiss her.

We were moving our lips in sync, while I traveled my hands to grab her waist and pull her towards me. I loved her so much, it would hurt if I lost her. I felt sparks with her all the time we kissed. I forgot about that wound so I hiss, pulling away.

"Damn Triads" I groaned, touching my wound. Davina chuckled, while we looked at each other.

"So what does this mean for us?" She questioned at me. I gave her a small smile before I gripped her chin softly and pecked her lips.

"I want you to be my Amore" She gave me the biggest smile and hugged me but forgot I had that wound.

I made another groan holding it. She winced, quickly moving from me.

"Sorry!" She apologizes but I chuckled, pulling her back to me.

"It's okay" I smiled, pecking her lips. She pulled away smiling at me.

"I think you owe me a welcome for saving your ass by shooting that triad from killing you." I rolled my eyes playfully, giving her a peck on her lips.

"Thank you for saving my ass." She chuckled, kissing me. That kissing me became a make out session for us.

A/N:YOU GUYS!!!! the book is almost over!!!!!

If you guys like for me to keep switching up POVS let me know.

LOVE YOU💕💜💀🤢☠️🤢🤤🤮☠️🤣😋🤣😛😀🧐😄😜😘🤓🙃😎😏🙂🤣😒😘

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