Hate to love

By Vixy29

12.1K 2.1K 1.3K

But that's the only way this story is gonna end. With me hurt and her broken. Devon has never failed before... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 44

152 26 28
By Vixy29

Savannah's POV

I lay down on my bed, my eyes still blurred with tears.

That had been my routine for the past week.

Crying myself to sleep.

Re mourning my sister again.

My closed wound had been re opened.

And it hurt.

All through the plane ride home, Devon avoided me.

Because he had tried to explain but I wasn't ready to listen.

I didn't believe anything he was saying.

He confessed to shooting her. That's all I wanted to know.

The autopsy reports proved that she was shot three times on the heart.

And that's how Devon was taught to kill.

My boyfriend's first blood was my sister.

But that wasn't what hurt me the most.

What hurt me was my heart was betraying me.

Because deep down, I missed him.


I ran out immediately Donnie said those words.

I couldn't breathe.

The snow crunched underneath my foot as tears streamed down my face.

"Savannah! Savannah wait!" I heard him call for me.

But I couldn't look at him.

Not after that. Not after he killed my best friend.

"I didn't do it!" He yelled.

I stopped and looked at him.

"Did your father lie to me?" I asked, hope lighting in my eyes.

Devon had never lied to me before.

I believed him completely.

He looked down. "I shot her. I shot her three times but it wasn't intentional. She was creeping in the bushes. I thought she was a spy. Or worse, a bear."

I felt my heart breaking.

"So you killed her."

"Savannah I didn't. My dad was there. I begged him to take her to the hospital. He said no. But I begged him. Then I made a deal with him. I told him if he took her to the hospital, I would take over the gang and take the fall."

"What do you mean by that?"

"For the sake of your sister Savannah, because I didn't want her to die, I did a blood oath with my dad, that the day our gang was caught. I wouldn't mention his name. I wouldn't bring him in. All the kills, everything, would be my fault. We rushed her to the hospital. The doctors said she was okay."

I laughed bitterly.

"She wasn't okay Dev. She died and guess what? The autopsy said your shots killed her. So you should have saved your blood. Because I'm going to turn you in to the police."

I didn't mean that.

I really didn't but it was too late.

I saw his walls build up in seconds.

His eyes became blank.

All the emotions where locked out of them.

"Fine. Lock me up."

"You plan to use Ceejay to blackmail me?" I taunted.

Even though my mind was begging me to tell him I didn't mean that.

He laughed bitterly "I don't use what I know about people to hurt them Savannah."

He turned.

"Just know this. I didn't kill your sister. I'm a hundred percent sure of that fact."

He turned and walked away.

End of flashback.

Ceejay was mad at me when he heard that.

It was like a street rule.

Snitches are killed on the spot.

According to Ceejay, if Devon had killed me on the spot, he was justified.

It seems like everyone else believed Devon.

Even dad.

Dad hadn't come back with us. He said he had business to attend to and we should go.

A part of me believed him.

But the other part didn't and strongly believed we betrayed our sister by even liking him.

"But what can I do Pixie? Even when my head is mad at him and doesn't believe him, my heart loves him and misses him and believes him. I'm so screwed."

I buried my face in her fur and cried more.

"Okay that's fucking it." I heard Jasmine yell as she banged into the room.

I looked at her.

"You've done nothing all week rather than cry here and go for your shoot. You're only hurting yourself."

"What do you mean?"

"Devon has never lied to you. What makes you think he'll start now? Heck he is the most honest person I know and just because of one thing that happened, you wanna throw it all away?"

"She was my fucking sister. You probably don't know how that feels because you don't have a sister. Or any siblings"

I mentally cursed myself as her face became pale.

"Sure, rub it in why don't you."

She turned and ran out.

"Jazzy!! Jasmine wait." I ran after her and grabbed her hand.

"I'm sorry. Okay? I'm so sorry. I'm confused. I'm hurt. I'm angry. I don't know who to believe."

"Why not the person who loves you. The person who has never lied to you. The person who trusts you. The person who looks at you like you're his sun, moon and stars. He has never once given you a reason to doubt him. But one thing happens Savannah and you do."

"But what if he killed her? Nothing else happened to her. Apart from those shots."

Jazzy gave me a disappointed look and left me.

I headed out to the pool, looking and feeling very sad.

I was on pyjama shorts and top but I wore one of dad's hoodies and Devon's beanie.

No matter how much everyone believed him, without solid proof, I wasn't going to rush back to his arms.

I wasn't that girl.

I heard a thudding sound and I looked up.

A shadow looking figure stood in front of me.

It was obviously a female.

"What do you want?"

I stood up, reaching towards the gun that Ceejay had gotten me.

I was now a Dragon. Honorarily.

"I have something to show you. And then you can make your choice about Devon."

"If he sent you here forget it."

"Hush stupid girl. Devon didn't ask me to come here. I came on my own. Because he is hurting. And I can't see him in any form of pain."

My heart clenched at the thought of being the reason for his pain.

Then my brain reminded me that my sister was dead.

That was enough for me to maintain my neutral expression.

"Meet me at Moonlit Hotel. Room number 315. At exactly twelve midnight. Make sure you're not followed."

"How do I know you're not the enemy."

"Wear a tracker on you. Activate it."

I looked at her. The only thing I could see where her eyes.

I couldn't even tell the colour.


She left and I watched her.

Going inside, I changed into a black hoodie dress, combat boots and a belt. I his my gun inside.

Ceejay had banned from going anywhere without my gun

I took one of Ceejay's pill trackers and after activating it, I swallowed it.

Then, I snuck out of the house and to the hotel.

Getting a ride there wasn't hard and I told the receptionist that I wanted room 315. I was given the card without argument.

I went in and closed the door.

Then I saw a shadow leap in at the balcony.

Fear gripping me, I cocked my gun and pointed, ready to pull the trigger if it was a kidnapper.

"I had no idea you planned to kill me, or are police cameras hidden all around?" He asked coolly.

Ouch. He asked like he expected it.

"You sent that woman?" I asked him incredulously.

"If I wanted you, I was more than capable of kidnapping you myself."

Somehow, his words hurt me. Did that mean he didn't want me anymore?

He was closing off everything to me.

It felt so wrong.

Get a grip on yourself. He killed your sister yet you're having a mental breakdown because he i implied that he never wants to see you again.

I steeled myself and met his eyes.

Then I realized they where bloodshot.

Either he was crying or smoking.

Or doing both.

I smelled the sweet smoke coming off him.

Flavoured smokes.

"You where smoking, you're gonna get yourself killed."

"Revenge closed, isn't it?" He said coldly.

"I can't believe you, you kill my sister and you act like I'm the bad guy here?"

"I told you I didn't!!!"

"You're a fucking liar."

"I've never lied to you."

Suddenly, it was like all his walls collapsed.

I could see his pain, feel it. It was burning me, choking me.

"Why don't you believe me? I didn't kill her. I saved her. I didn't let her die."

"He's right " the woman swung through the balcony.

"Guess doors are overrated." I muttered.

She handed me two files. The first I recognized as an autopsy report.

Then I realized its my sisters own.

"Primary cause of death, stabbing by s poisoned knife. Secondary cause, suffocation." I read out.

The lady handed me the second one.

It was an SMS print out.

It was dated ten years ago.

The first phone sent to the second phone, a night before Ajay died and the night after she was sent to the hospital.

Donnie's son has shot Blake's daughter. Right time to start a war. Kill the kid and make sure the autopsy says she was shot.

Oh God.

I turned to look at Devon.

"You didn't believe me." He whispered

My heart broke again.



Read, vote, comment, share.

And please check out the book I'm writing with my friend Bookwormm1605

Check it out. Our combined account is Dome3129 and our book is titled Deadly Domicile. Its a short story actually. Support us please by following the page and reading the book.

And this update is to thank you all for being wunnerful.

Love Vixy 💖💓❤💖💞💋

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