And All Things Will End (Aven...

By tippilanea7x

105K 3.2K 343


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 12

1.8K 60 3
By tippilanea7x

"No we don't." I said quietly.

"Yeah we do."

I had nothing to say to him, absolutely nothing. I wished he'd just leave me alone. I wished he'd never sat here. I could feel my family glaring, blaming me. He sat here, I didn't make him.

"How have you been Matthew?" Nanna asked him.

I listened to them discussing life, the band, Nanna's cruise.

"What happened to San Francisco?" Matt suddenly asked me.

I looked at him, what could I say.

"It didn't work out." It was the best I could come up with.

He smiled and nodded at me.


Suddenly my father appeared next to us.

"Cara wants you to join her at our table." He told Matt, completely ignoring me.

"David." Nanna said.

He just glanced at her.

"I'm okay here." Matt told him.

"Go." I whispered.

He looked at me. "No."

"I'm fine here." He told my father. "I'm catching up with Isabella."

Oh I wished he hadn't said that. The look that passed over my father's face. I was in so much trouble.

"At least join us for dessert." He said before walking away.

"Always so pleasant." Nan said sarcastically.

Matt chuckled. I didn't find it the least bit amusing.

Our meals arrived and I sat there silently, pushing food around on my plate while Matt and Nanna talked some more.

"So you and Cara?" Nanna suddenly asked.

I nearly choked.

Matt opened his mouth to reply when my father's voice boomed out.

"We just want to thank you all for coming. Cara and Christopher would like to say a few words and open their gifts."

Oh great, I could hardly wait.

Christophers speech was short thankgod, thanking everyone, but the biggest surprise for me was when he thanked 'his baby sister'. Why the hell did he say that?

Cara's speech however dragged on forever. Of course it did. Everyone was paying her attention so she would milk it for all it was worth.

"And lastly I'd like to thank a very special person, he means so much to me."

She was looking at Matt, he looked around embarrassed.

"Go." I hissed nudging him.

"Izzy no."

I virtually pushed him out of his seat and watched him walk over to her.

I stopped paying attention after that.

"But really Bella, Matt and Cara?" Nanna asked.

"Well look at them." I said, glancing over. "They make the perfect couple."

"No they don't." She scoffed. "He's too good for her."

"He doesn't think so, they're together."

"I always thought you and him might have a thing." She said quietly.

I choked again. Me and him. Never.

"That's ridiculous." I told her.

"Why Isabella, why is that ridiculous?"

"Look at me."

Nanna didn't say anything, she just picked up her wine and took a drink.

"Bella, you listen to me. You are a beautiful young woman and I wish you could see that."

What could I say to that. I didn't see it at all.

"Well that was awkward." Matt said suddenly, sitting back down.

"Can I ask you your opinion on something?" Nan asked him.

Oh she wouldn't dare.

"Of course." Matt smiled.

I would kill her if she said it, I really would.

"Don't you think Isabella is a beautiful young woman?"

Jesus Christ, she'd said it. I couldn't believe she'd done that. I wanted to die right then.

Matt went quiet, taking a drink of his beer, while Nan sat there looking at him.

It was an awkward silence and I'd had enough.

I pushed my chair back. I needed air.

Matt turned and looked at me.

"Yeah I do." He said softly, so softly that I barely heard him.

Did he just agree with Nan?

Nan winked at me and I looked away from her.

I suddenly had a fluttery feeling in my stomach and I really didn't know what it meant.

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