1D One Shots For You ( Book 1...

By Scarlet_Silhouette

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1D One Shots For You ( CLOSED )
Bookstore Bump ( Mia and Louis )
Skateboarding Love ( Sophie and Zayn )
Rose Petals ( Emily And Niall )
Crazy Identity ( Rei and Harry )
Drops of Rain ( Sharni And Niall )
Quiet's Name ( Amy And Louis )
I Hated, He Helped ( Elena And Liam )
Dreams ( Rylee And Louis )
Superman ( Nena And Louis )
Summer Paradise ( Savannah and Niall )
Sing My Song ( Polly And Louis )
Clumsy ( Jane And Zayn )
Lost In Love ( Nicole And Niall )
It would be Zayn ( Sidney And Zayn )
Lucky ( Brianna And Niall )
Officially Yours ( Ashlie And Zayn )
Still Waiting ( Denise And Harry )
Found My Smile Again ( Glory And Zayn )
Stay Here Forever ( Jordan And Harry )
How Much it Hurts ( Luce and Louis )
Can I Have an Order of Louis ? ( Penny and Louis )
Got My Heartbeat Running Away ( Kat and Liam )
Forget Me Not ( Nate And Niall )
Meeting Batman ( Miranda And Liam )
Cold December Night ( Georgia and Zayn )
Wallflower Magic ( Mary and Harry )
Sickly In Love ( Tasmina And Louis )
Hopelessly Romantic ( Molly And Liam )
One True Love ( Zhyzhia And Harry )
Right Here Waiting ( Karen And Zayn )
His Name ( Margaux and Harry )
Take it From the Top ( Julia And Niall )
Finding Love in Paris ( Catherine And Harry )
Being a Ninja ( Katrina And Harry )
Only the Truth ( Nikki And Louis )
Marry Me ( Crystal And Louis )
His Fake Girlfriend ( Hannah and Niall )
My Carrot Cake ( Cassandra and Louis )
Sparks and Magic ( Ashley and Niall )

They Don't Know About Us ( Brynn and Harry )

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By Scarlet_Silhouette

" Mom, listen, ever since, this has been my wildest dream. Just let me ... let me taste success just for a minute. " I said pleading. Mom turned her head away. I can't believe she refuses to give the opportunity to me. Dad would be amazingly happy if he were here. But he left with my torn dreams haning by the cliff.

I really want to be a professional soccer player. But everyone says that it's a risky sport. But trust me, I have been playing in the minor league for almost 3 years and I haven't died yet. Well, I experienced going to the hospital once a month, getting brusises almost everyday but it doesn't hurt that much at all.

" I'm going out for a while. " I went out of the house only to see my cousin who is disguised as usual. But whatever he puts in his face he is still Louis Tomlinson. Yep. I am his cousin and nope, I haven't met the other boys yet. I'm not interested thou I'm a fan. Weird of me ...

" Hey cousin. Where you going? " He hopped off of his car and kicked the soccer ball I was holding. " You're gonna practice, aren't you? " He dribbles the ball with his feet and his chest. I know he is a great soccer player but jeez ... I know how to do that.

" Call me Brynn, Louis. And isn't it obvious? "

" I am going to tell you for the 23rd time, soccer is dangerous for kids like you. "

" I am no longer a kid and if you will excuse me. " I took the ball from him and got into my skateboard.

" Don't be mad, Brynn. I'm just concern about you. " He smiled and I can't help skipping a beat. Why are his smiles irresistable?

" Thanks. " But I hope you will be concern for my dreams too. I went over to the old theater. It was very much isolated. Away from the city but near the beautiful beach and you can get a clear view of the sunset.

" Brynn, there you are. " A few of my friends came to me. I frowned when I saw they were dressed like they are going to party. " You can come with us. It's Jhayke's birthday. Your ultimate crush remember? "

" Yeah. Yeah. I'll pass. " I said waving my hand in dismuse. They all went away leaving me alone sitting in the bench. It was almost sunset and I'm not in the mood of playing anymore. Jhayke is my crush, but I have a lot of crushes :P

" Hi. Why are you alone? " I looked up and saw a dark image of curly haired guy standing in front if me. I can't hardly see his face due to the light perching to my eyes.

" I should be asking you the same question. "

" Well, we are not alone now. I have you and you have me. " He sat beside me giving me a clear view of his face. My eyes wided out. I felt blood rush to my cheeks as he smiled at me revealing those cute dimples. It was Harry. Harry Styles.

" Harry ... " I sort of whispered.

" Brynn ... " He whispered back. O////O How did he know my name? Stalker alert !!!! >___< I gave him my confused look and he immediately giggled. So cute *u* Why are they so irresistable?

" How did you know my name? " I asked. 

" Come on. Louis talks about you 24/7. You are the one most ineteresting amongst his cousins. I'm happy to finally meet you. "

" Me too. " I shook his hand.

" Wanna play? " He said pointing at the soccer ball. I nodded and we both stood up. He was kinda good at this maybe Louis is teaching him. He would always laugh when he gets the ball from me. I smriked and tackled him to the ground. He fell down and I chase after the ball which ... AAAHH. My feet tripped on the stone and I fell on the hole in the ground. I caught the ball but obviously got myself another set of bruises.

" You alright? " Harry asked peeking inside the hole. 

" Do I look like one? " I said. He laughed and then reached for my hand. He pulled me and I crashed to his chest. I immediately went away blushing.

" Hey. Your elbow. " He grabbed into my arm and took his handkerchief. I realized my elbow was seriously bleeding. It's so much painful but it felt like it was gone with the look of his face. He wrapped it aound my scar. " That's better. "

" Thanks. "

" You never told me you were good in soccer. Neither did Louis. " We both sat down again.

" Louis never believed in me and my ability. Neither did my parents. Just my friends, just them. I really wanted to be a professional player but I think everything is against me. " I closed my eyes trying not to cry. I felt a pair of arms go around me. I opened my eyes and smiled. I hugged him tighter. For once, I felt at ease.

" Well, I'll help you with that. " He said patting my head.

" How? We cannot sneak out of the house to practice. My Mom's strict. "

" Let's pretend we're dating. He said with his eyes on me. I can feel the seriousness in his eyes. I shrugged and then faced him again.

" Sorry but I am not into a fake relationship. " I would really want to date him even if it's not real. Hello? He is freaking HARRY STYLES. Who wouldn't love him? But I have been here before. Helped a friend who happens to be my crush to revenge on his ex-girlfriend. It went smoothly that I almost forgot we are fake. He and his ex came back together and I was left with my heart broken. He had me.

" I see. Then, give us some time. "

" Huh? "

" Nothing ... but I promise, I'll make a way to make sure your dreams come true. " 

" Thanks. You should better be going now, fans are going to chase after you. Hahaha. " I laughed. He stood up and waved me goodbye. I sighed. 

" Wait, I forgot something. " I almost choked when he shouted that. I rolled my eyes on him and he leaned closer giving me a soft kiss in the forehead. I blushed so hard it almost felt like I ate dozens of chilis and peppers. " Bye, Love. " I just smiled. >////<

" Oh my God. " I looked back again and heard the car's engine running. I took a deep breathe and placed my hand on my chest, it was beating so hard as if I joined a marathon. I love you Harry. 

I played on the wall like I usually do. Kicking the ball towards the wall over and over again. " I love you Harry Styles! I really do! " I said as I kicked the ball so hard and when it bounced back ... I groaned as I held my nose. That ball definitely aimed me in my face. Maybe this means I need to rest for today.

It was half-past seven and my tummy is really grumbling. I really need something to eat.

Harry's POV :

It was half-past seven and my tummy is really grumbling. I really need something to eat.

" What's in the fridge? " I asked Niall because he is the one nearest to it like usual. He was on his phone again. He never leaves it for one second. Sigh. That's what you feel when you are in love. Hmmm ... I wonder when will I get Brynn's number?

" Ice cubes and Ice candies. " He said as he opened both parts. " And water. "

" What the? Why is One Direction's fridge empty? The management are slowly killing us. I'm gonna die! I am going to die! " I cried ironically stomping my feet. Liam pulled my ear.

" Stop acting like a child. You said we will order pizza for dinner. " Liam said.

" Well, yeah, that's what I was going to say after all. " My eyes caught Louis. His eyes were very much like Brynn's and it came to my mind.

" Hey Louis, you know anywhere here in town that teaches soccer? " I asked.

" Yeah. Why? "

" Well, I want to learn. "

" That's cool. It's around East Boulevard. In front of McRoosens High. "

" Do they teach girls? "

" Deifinitely not. Why'd you ask? "

" Curious. " Now that's a huge problem. Now, I need to find a way to get her number like seriously. Oh I know something ... ;)

Brynn's POV :

I turned on the TV and went to channel 59 namely Solar Sports. Lucky it was Soccer that was on play, Chelsea VS Liverpool. Interesting. I started munching into my popcorn. Pass. Pass. Pass. I love how professsional they pass the ball. I just wish I can be like them.

It feels like we've been living in fast forward

We only wanna have a life 

My phone ringed. I grabbed it and saw an unregistered number calling. There's nothing to lose if I answer it anyway.

Hello? Brynn?

I dropped my popcorn when I realized it was Harry. I gathered myself up and answered him.

" Harry? What's the problem? Where did you get my number? "

Too many questions. I just found a soccer training center. Got it from Louis.

" Where? "

It's called Johnson's Soccer Apprentice Training Center or JSATC. It's just a few blocks away but there's bad news.

" They don't accept female students. I know about that place. "

But .. I know something we can do.

" Eh? "

You're going to pretend you're a guy. How does that sound?

" Awful ... "

But ...

" But I'll do anything for my dreams. Count me in. " I heard him giggle and I smiled with that. Pretend to be a guy eh? That shouldn't be hard enough.

Louis is coming. Talk to you soon. Let's meet tomorrow at the same spot. 7 in the morning. Bye. I love you.

" Love you t- " I hanged the phone. What did I just say? >////< No. This can't be happening. But he said the same thing. It's a weird but awesome feeling of love.

I laid on my bed thinking about what tomorrow would be. Soccer and Harry.


I jerked up and I don't know why. I looked at the clock. 6:50? You have got to be joking me. I quickly threw the blanket away from my body. I felt a few shivers against my pale skin. It's always freezing cold during mornings. I quickly rushed inside the bathroom and threw my clothes away. The hot water really felt so good but I had to hurry up.

I picked some simple clothes, white V-neck t-shirt that reveals a lot so I had to wear a black tank inside of it. I stuffed my jersey clothes inside my bag and quickly blow dryed my hair. Leaving my long brown hair with some waves that looked natural. I applied light make-up and got into my rubber shoes. Mom was going out too so I had to take some extra money. I rushed out of the room and slid to my skateboard.

" What took you so long? " Harry asked. He looked so sleek in a brown polo shirt and a patterened vest. I wiped sweat away from my face and took a few deep breathes.

" Sorry, I just woke up. "

" Nah. That's alright. It's cute actually. " :3 He smiled. 

" So how do I disguise myself? "

" Come with me. " He took my hand and let me to his car. He opened the door for me and I got in. O.o I realized he was still holding my hand.

" Umm ... Let go? "

" Ooops. Sorry. I just thought your hands are soft. " He immediately took his hand away feeling embarassed. I blushed a bit, his hand really fits with mine.

He got into the car too and we drove past a few fans who failed to notice that it was him. We stopped in an abandoned salon. Yet the sign said The Doctor is In. Seriously?

" This place is creepy. " I said looking around the place. It was still okay but there were hair everywhere. The barber was sleeping in one of the chairs. 

" Hello sir. " Harry shouted causing the man to wake up.

" Harry! You have grown so fast! Is this your girlfriend? "

" Umm... Not really. " He blushed and so did I. " Well, we came here to give her a "guy look" Can you help me with that? "

" Sure thing. You can sit here. " I gripped into Harry's arms. He is giving me the creeps.

" It's fine. " Harry said looking straight to my brown eyes.

I sat in the chair and felt it wiggle. How old is this shop anyway? He didn't cut my hair (thankfullu) He just placed a white band or sack to keep my hair in place. He gave me a wig. It was just a simple, brown bieber look. He removed my make-up and added a different one.

I looked at the mirror. Gosh. I was ... handsome ;) Hehe. Except for the fact that my breasts was destroying my look. Everything was perfect. Harry was giving me the thumbs up from behind.

" Put this on. The dressing room is over there. " He gave me a chest band and I went to the small room at the side of the shop. I placed them on. At first, it actually hurts. But you'll get used to it. Harry gave me men clothes and I put them on. Wow. I look different.

" Wow. " Harry stood up in amazement as I went outside the dressing room. He gave me a manly hug. It doesn't feel right actually.

" Thank you, sir. " I told the barber. He nodded. Harry gave him the money and we went outside. We got into the car again and went to the training center. Harry did not fear going out. There are only boys inside it and no shrieking fan girls.

" Are you coming with me? " 

" Not really. I don't have a talent for soccer. "

" You should try. You'll lose nothing. " I pulled him inside and registered both of us. We both changed into begginer jerseys. I blushed just by looking at him. It looked perfect.

" I'm not really sure. " He faked a smile and I just laughed.

" Come on. " We had a mini-match. Me and Harry were on the same team. He would always trip and fall but he was a great runner. Our team won. 1-0 Guess who scored? Mighty ME :D Hooray.

" You are awesome. " Harry said as we both went to the locker room. There were'nt anyone inside it. Harry was really famous inside the field that it was awkward being with him.

" You are too. " 

" Hey, Brynn. Know what? "

" What? "

" I think I love you. "

" I ... I ... " I never had the words to say. He slowly leaned closer to me and I shut my eyes feeling his soft lips against mine. It didn't last for long when I heard camera clicks.

" Shoot. It was almost perfect. "

I laughed on how he can be easy-go-lucky. It was my first and I wish that he would be my last too. We both stopped when a flash-report came in the TV. I mean Paparazzi report.

One Direction member was caught playing in a soccer training area. He went in with a friend or maybe his love interest? Pictures caught him kissing the guy with an unknown identity inisde the locker room. Gay?

This can't be happening. How can rumours spread so fast? Now what? I just destroyed Harry Styles' image. Made him look bisexual in front of the world.

" Harry ... I need to tell everyone I'm a girl. " He was in deep thought.

" No. That will destroy our cover. "

" But I just destructed your pride, your image. " I said with worried tears rolling down my cheeks. Harry just smiled and hugged me. 

" It's fine. I can love with it. I love you Brynn. I love you so much. "

The media went in. How fast can they do that? They all took pictures and asked various questions that I can't hardly understand.

Gay! Bisexual! The boys shouted. I can't take anything anymore.

I pulled the wig away and it turned into a loud silence. I took the band away. My long brown hair falling to my shoulders. I smirked in front of the all. They were all in shock actually including Harry.

" My name is Brynn and I'm a girl. I'm awfully sorry that I lied. But Harry just helped me and I want to thank him. It's quite sad that I can't continue playing soccer anymore but for the sake of truth, I will. Don't make moves quite easily. Stop this rumour of 1D being gay because they are not. Those who doubt themeselves are the ones who show weakness. "

It was a long conversation between the media before they left. We just stayed there. Harry stood up as the other guys arrived. Louis giving me hug.

" I never knew you can be that brilliant. Sorry if I doubted you. " He said.

" Sorry guys. I kinda destroyed our name. " Harry said.

" But Brynn redeemed us. Trust me, you two look like a very cute couple. No one knows about you two except for yourselves. " Liam said.

" I forgot something. " Everyone's eyes were on me but I kept mine on Harry. " I love you too. "


So sorry if I update very very slow. Life is all against me. LOL. Mind If I do drama in here? XD Hehehehe. Hope you like it anyway. VOTE COMMENT SHARE :)

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