My New Life

By KKthebooklover

1.9M 47K 21.5K

Alexis whitmore is a 16 year old girl in sophomore year who is very happy, caring, troubling, loves to go out... More

Chapter 1-family day
Author's note
Chapter 2-California here I come
Chapter 3-The Rules
Chapter 4- the mall
Chapter 5- Get back here
Chapter 6- Let's play some basketball
Chapter 7- Don't post that
Chapter 8- Welcome to the neighborhood
Characters part 2
Chapter 9- You can't tell me who I can't be friends with
Chapter 10- you ok alexis?
Chapter 11- how was your day
Chapter 12- Shit alexis whats wrong with your foot
Chapter 13- you ready?
Chapter 14- I can't take those pills
Chapter 15- open up alexis
Chapter 16- stop with the small talk
Chapter 17- What's the issue
Chapter 18- So who are they?
Chapter 19- Why do you need to go
Chapter 20- I'll book your ticket for next week
Chapter 20- the roof
Chapter 21- so you guys are having a party
Chapter 22- This is my sister lexi
Chapter 23- their reputation
Chapter 24- FOUND IT
Chapter 26-One week
Chapter 27- Your new medication
Chapter 28- the nightmare
Chapter 29- Who are they
Chapter 30- I dont want you to hang out with them
Chapter 31- where have you been
Chapter 32-What are you doing?
Chapter 33-Get ready we are leaving
Chapter 34-School
Chapter 35-Dont get between this lexi
Chapter 36- Where are they
Chapter 37- Who's Caden?
Chapter 38-Wanna go to the spot
Chapter 39-Happy birthday to me
Chapter 40-Dont forget the game
Chapter 41-When's Lexi's birthday
Chapter 42- She needs a mother figure
Chapter 43- New York
Chapter 44- The perfect gift
Chapter 45- You got into a fight
Chapter 46- One Ticket please
Chapter 47- Want to go to the luau
Chapter 48-Pack your bags
Chapter 49-Your punishment
Chapter 50-In the medicine cabinet
Chapter 51-Call 911
Chapter 52- 60 days
Chapter 53-How did it make you feel
Chapter 54-They should date
Chapter 55-Someone will be right with you
Chapter 56-They had urgent business
Chapter 57-Redo
Chapter 58- The power went out
Chapter 59-You work with him?
Chapter 60- We would never
Chapter 62-Oh Shit
Chapter 63-We won
Chapter 64-My real father is dead
Chapter 65-Its your fault
Chapter 66-I have to go to the mall
Chapter 68- It was nice meeting you
Chapter 69- Its about rachel
Chapter 70-Let me go
Chapter 71- Go in the car
Chapter 72- I owe you a movie
Chapter 73- Stay out of this rachel
Chapter 74- You ready to go
Chapter 75-Welcome to Italy
Chapter 76-These are your cousins
Chapter 77-Better than Ryan and Ace?
Chapter 78-Come visit me soon
Chapter 79-aisle 6
Chapter 80- New semester
Chapter 81- They came
Chapter 82-Can i ask you something
Chapter 83-Tomorrow
Chapter 84-You lied to us
Chapter 85-Im gonna rip her head off
Chapter 85-I fell asleep
Chapter 86-Why are you up early
Chapter 87-You can say it in front of me
Chapter 88-wait I need those
Chapter 89-Its on the house
Chapter 90-Go warm up
Chapter 91-You are getting one?
Chapter 92-Nice to meet you Judge
Chapter 93-Cant wait
Chapter 94-i think so
Chapter 95-Lexi you look amazing
Chapter 96-There is a spot on this team for you anytime
Chapter 97-I dont have to be here
Chapter 98-Is that a yes?
Chapter 99-Your brothers are worried
Chapter 100-What does that mean
Chapter 101-You broke his rule
Chapter 102- Ice it
Chapter 103-Can you show me where it is
Chapter 104-Go to sleep
Chapter 105-He has work
Chapter 106-Tell her i say hello
Chapter 107-Is that a yes?
Chapter 108-Lets go sit by the firepit
Chapter 109-Prom day
Chapter 110-Im happy you are here with me
Chapter 111-I'll play
Chapter 112-What are you doing here
Chapter 113-No Way
Chapter 114-We will fly out soon
Chapter 115-Be here at 4am
Chapter 116-We are landing
Chapter 117-Did you snitch?
Chapter 118-I.D please
Chapter 119-She doesnt know
Chapted 120-Why is he back
Chapter 121-The graduation is at 7
Chapter 122-graduation
Chapter 123-The photoshoot
Chapter 124-Where have you been
Chapter 125-You are gonna be on the runway
Chapter 126-Happy birthday to me
Chapter 127-Goodbye
Chapter 128-Here's your keys
Bonus chapter
Bonus chapter 2

Chapter 61- Are you sure you want to know

11.5K 316 118
By KKthebooklover

"Lexi, follow me" Aidan said

I got off the couch and followed him into his office. I haven't been here since the day I first came.

He instructed me to sit in one of the chairs in front of the desk.

"Lexi, are you sure you want to know" Aidan asked

"Yes" I said

I was nervous, what else is there to know.

"Lexi, David is not your biological father" Aidan said

"What" I shouted

"No no that can't be true" I said in disbelief.

That can't be true, David was always my father

"Lexi what color are your mother and David's eyes" Ryan asked

"Brown" I said

They were brown and mine were blue.

"No, how do I know you aren't lying" I said

Aidan pulled something out of his drawer.

It was a family portrait. It was 5 young boys, my mother holding a baby and a guy I didn't know.

"You see, that's baby you before your mother took you." Andrew pointed out

"Why would my mother take me away from you" I asked

I still didn't know if he was saying was true. My mother would never separate me from family. She would always tell me family is important

"Because your real father didn't want people to know that he has a daughter. If people found out they could use you against us. They would do anything to hurt us. They would use you to weaken us. Our mother didn't want want you involved in the mafia or get hurt. We were gonna protect you and you were suppose to live with us but your mother decided to take you one night and move away. Our father didn't know where you went. We searched constantly for you, but it wasn't until we saw the news that your mother and David died. We didn't know who David was until we found out that's who your mother got with in New York. She didn't want anything to do with mafia so she moved, got remarried and told you that David was your father" Aidan said

I didn't know what to say, she was protecting me yet keeping me away from my family.

"What happened to my real father" I asked

I haven't seen him at all, they never mentioned or saw any pictures.

"He's in Italy, we didn't want to bring him in your life until you adjusted but you got hurt, then went to New York then Hawaii, then went to rehab, then get kidnapped. We never got the right chance to tell you. Since you found out about the mafia, we decided to tell you now" Ace said

"Oh" I replied

I didn't know what else to say, my own father was in Italy this whole time. I've been lied to my whole life

"Lexi say something" Ryan said

"I-I I've been lied to my whole life, and I just found out my real dad lives in Italy" I said

"I'm sorry Lexi, we wanted to tell you earlier but we couldn't" Jaden said

Anger starting fueling in me. My own mother lied to me about my family.

"My own fucking mother LIED TO ME" I shouted in range.

I couldn't stay in this room

I quickly went out of the office and ran towards the kitchen

"MY OWN MOTHER" I screamed

I found the nearest thing next to me and throw it all the wall.

All of my brothers watching my throw glass at the wall


"MY MOTHER TOOK MY AWAY FROM MY FAMILY" I shouted throwing plates

"I HATE HER" I screamed throwing this still

Someone came behind me hugging me.

I broke down in there arms

"My own mother lied to me" I said sobbing

I couldn't be mad at her, she's dead.

I dropped to the floor and one of my brothers still hugging me.

"It's ok" Aidan as he kept hugging me.

"I didn't even have a choice" I replied

"I know and we are sorry we weren't there" Aidan replied

"She's gonna need a lot of therapy" Ace said

We all laughed, and I rolled my eyes.

"There's the smile we all adore" Andrew said

"Hey since I know about the mafia, can I go to the warehouse" I ask

"Wait how do you know about the warehouse" Aidan asked

"Arthur" i said

"Soo can I" I asked

They all said no

"Why not" I whined

"Because we said so" Andrew replied

"Ugh Fine" I replied

I stood up from the ground.

"When will I meet my biological dad" I asked

"Whenever you're ready" Ryan replied

"Ok" I said

I started making my way towards the stairs

"And Lexi" Andrew said

"You can't tell anyone, not even Jenna" he said

"Can I tell her about David not being my biological father?" I asked

"Not yet, we are going to make a plan how you found out. For right now keep it to yourself" he said

"Ok" I replied

I went up the stairs. My room was getting boring, and I didn't want to stay in my room. I changed into shorts and shirt, and put on my basketball shoes. I went in the backyard to play basketball. I have to get back in shape if I want to play this season.

I called Jenna to come over to help me practice.

I run back into the house and only Ace was in the kitchen

"Is it fine if Jenna comes over to help me get back in shape for the basketball season?" I asked Ace

"You play basketball?" He asked

"Yeah pretty much my whole life" I replied

"That's good, and yes she can" he said

"Thank you" I replied

"Don't overdo it, you're still injured from your previous injury and now" he said pointing to the visible bruises

They haven't seen the other bruises on my stomach, most of them were covered besides a couple small ones

She came over and we practiced. It was somewhat hard, my body was aching. I kept pushing myself, I needed to get better before seasons start.

We went inside to get some food. We make sandwiches and eat them in the kitchen.

My bruises were still hurting and it was hard for me to breathe sometimes.

We finished eating and went into the loft. We watched a bunch of movies.

We were laughing our heads off

"Owww stop making me laugh it hurts too much" I said in between laughters

"Soo after what happened between with you and Caden" she asked

"Nothing, I don't like him" I said

"Umm you yelled that you did" she said

"That was months ago" I replied

"Are you sure you don't have feelings" she asked

"I'm positive" I replied

We finished the movie and she then left.

I went to my room and checked my bruises. They were very dark blue and purple, with some yellow. I touched it and I hissed at the pain.

"LEXI DINNER" Andrew shouted

I put my shirt down and went downstairs, I got downstairs but I bumped into a wall, but instead it was Ace

I hissed from the pain from the giant bruise on my stomach.

"Lexi you alright" He asked

"Yup" I said giving a thumbs up

"Lexi I know you're lying face what's wrong" he asked

"Nothing I'm fine" I replied

"HEY GUYS" ace yelled

All of my brother entered the hallway

"What's wrong" Andrew asked

"Nothing" I replied

"Lexi's lying about if she's alright. She hit me on accident and she hissed from the pain" ace said

"Lexi tell us what's wrong now" Aidan said

I had to do it or they would just find out themselves

I pulled my shirt up below my bra and revealed the giant dark bruise.

All of my brothers faces were in shock.


Hey guys hope you liked this chapter, when do you think her biological dad is gonna come. Find out next time, see you later byeee

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