Be Mine | YoonKook ✓

By pohpih

49.9K 2.7K 522

Jungkook, a mentally unstable student with anger issues, starts taking interest in his new music teacher, fo... More



605 36 15
By pohpih

While leaning against the bars near the edge of the rooftop, Namjoon sucked in the soft cigarette, letting the smoke out like a small fluffy cloud.

With the edge of his palm he rubbed his temple. He was sighing too much today. It must be unhealthy.

What was he going to do about Jin? The fact that Jungkook had anger issues was the main factor to look out for them.
Namjoon knew his parents. They even cane to his aid back in the day, though he was not a psycologist. But he still helped him get through the school. That's why he would always cover for him whenever he got into a fight.

Now thinking back... he was acting like a father- no more like a big brother.

"...i did look out for him.."

He mumbled to himself before blowing the smoke out of his mouth, emptying his lungs slowly.
The scent of the fresh rain mixed with his cigarette was relaxing. And it seemed that he was not the only one who found it that way.

"Isn't it relaxing?"

He didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

"It's not like you to come up here."

Yoongi leaned on the bars next to him, and then took in a deep breath.

"I needed some fresh air."

Namjoon didn't say anything as he looked down at the schoolgrounds. It was empty because of the rain, yet it felt calming to watch.
And the fact that Yoongi was beside him was even more relaxing. He just had a relaxing aura around him.

"How about you? You look rather depressed."

Namjoon scoffed, throwing the cigarette butt down the roof.

"Just toughtfull about some things."

Yoongi nodded, looking down at the school grounds as the rain poured down on them calmly.

"I see... but who knows, maybe i could help?"

Namjoon smiled. He was feeling a bit nostalogic. This moment felt familiar.

"It'd be nice but... i wouldn't want to trouble you with it."

Yes. This moment felt familiar indeed. It was just like the day both of them met. He could still remember it like it was yesterday.

"So you don't want to tell me huh... oh well."

This part though.... it felt not familiar at all.

"Oh well? You'd never say that. Jungkook is having a toll on you."

Yoongi smiled, shaking his head.

"No... not at all actually. Ever since we started dating he has become more... calm. So more like i'm falling into his steps. I'm opening up to him."

Namjoon took out another cigarette from his pocket, ready to light it.

"I can see that very well. You used to not even talk about what you think. I guess he might be a good effect on you after all."

Yoongi watched Namjoon raise his hand up and take in the smoke of the deadly grass in his lungs.

"Effect? Maybe a diffrent kind of emotion has formed inside me."

After that it went silent for a minute or two... they didn't count.
But it felt like a brand new personality had unlocked inside him. And Namjoon liked that.

"Say... do you love him?"

Yoongi felt a little nostalogic as he remembered all those times they had spent together.
And ofcourse, Namjoon wasn't excpecting him to say that he loved him. Not with words at least.

"I just might."

From those 3 words Namjoon could understand that he was still processing their releationship. But he still seemed more warm to the words.

"I see... well, either ways, i hope that you won't make him feel preassured."

Yoongi looked confused.

"Why would i?"

Namjoon shrugged as he threw the cigarette away and then started walking towards the door.

"Because he's a student and all... let's just say i can see who is top. So don't be too cruel with you words, he might just get hurt."

After that he went back inside the building, leaving a flushed Yoongi all alone.


The weather was couldy as ever. It was cold and slightly pouring. In the meantime, Yoongi was patrolling the school grounds outside, because it was breaktime.
Most students were just running and fooling around, some were playing football and trying to hit the puddles to make each other wet while some just decided to stay inside.

The fact that it was cold wasn't what was bothering Yoongi. He just had this uncomftable feeling inside. Let it not be paranoia.

As he continued to walk in the enormous schoolgrounds, he started hearing some footsteps, which were coming closer by the second.
Just when he was about to turn around to look, suddenly someone pointed an unbrella above his head, letting the relatively smaller raindrops fall on it.

"Aren't you cold?"

And then he knew who this was. Yet he didn't seemed that comftable with it.

"Not really... you get used to it when you live in such a rainy country."

He replied back, earning a small laugh from Seokjin.

"Talk for yourself. I still get the shivers when it rains."

Yoongi smiled as they both walked under the same unbrella.
It was pretty quiet. Usually Seokjin would try to spice up their conversation by making funny remarks but today... he seemed rather serious. So instead of him, Yoongi spoke.

"Did you come all the way from your office to just point an umbrella above my head or..."

Seokjin suddenly cane back to reality from his toughts and then shook his head.

"No, not really. I guess i just wanted to talk. So how are you holding up? You know that my offer still stands."

Yoongi felt a little bit more calmer as Seokjin told him that he was there for him. Well, he meant it even though he didn't say it with his words.

"I know... and thank's a lot. But, i'm fine really. And besides, i'll be out of there in a couple months anyways. After i've gathered up some money.."

Seokjin bit his lip.

"That's too long..."

He mumbled to himself quietly, but Yoongi was able to catch it.
Right now, Seokjin was feeling like he was out of options. But it didn't take him long to find an another way to make them get closer.

"Well, then if you really insist on not taking my offer... let me take you out. Tomorrow night. I kind of checked your schedule before asking so... you're free."

Yoongi's eyes widened, not knowing what to say. Because whatever he said, he'd be hurting at least one person's heart.

"Are you... asking me out on a date?"

Seokjin shrugged, smiling.

"You don't have to call it that if you don't want to. I just tought that it would be good for a change to get out with people from your age. You've been cooped up at home with a student for some time now and you must be feeling at least a little bored."

No, not at all. If anything, Jungkook was the most fun person to hang out with. There was always something to do even when there was nothing. He would always find a way to entertain him. Let it be games, movies... sex. He had become kinder and cuter after they started dating. So would amost never get bored.

But ofcourse, he couldn't tell those things to Seokjin. But if he didn't find a way to refuse him kindly, Jungkook was ought to get angry.

"That would be nice but... as you know- these are hectic times for me. I need to be focused. So i'm sorry."

Seokjin clenched his fists, lost in toughts again. But when he came to open his mouth, Yoongi's eyes widened.

"Is it because of Jungkook?"

Why was he soo fast to catch up?

"What- that's... no. Why would you even think that? He's just my student-"

Seokjin crossed his arms, determined to take him out.

"Then go out with me tomorrow. All i ask is one night. Is it too much?"

Right now if he didn't aggree then he might keep pushing the subject. It was too risky to continue so at the end, he ended up aggreeing with him.

After all, going out on a date with him would be more safe than revealing his releationship with Jungkook. He hoped that it would never come to it.


"No. No way. Absolutely fucking not."

Jungkook crossed his arms frowning. A moment ago he was sitting on his bed, playing outwatch until Yoongi came in and told him about his date.

"It's just a friendly dinner with a friend."

Jungkook shook his head, placing the controller beside him.

"Even though i wasn't there i can see that he asked you out on a date."

Yoongi sighed, scratching the back of his neck.

"Well... even if it is, it's harmless. He just asked me out thinking that it would be good for me to go out with a friend."

Jungkook scoffed, getting angrier by the second.

"So that's what it is? Going out for dinner? What- we can't do that? I can take you out as well."

Yoongi sighed, he hurt him didn't he.

"It's not that-"

Jungkook raised his hands up, smiling mockingly.

"Oh wait i know- is it because you're broke and i'm just a student who still depends on his parent? I get it now-"

Yoongi's eyes widened. He was quick to deny it. Because it was not the truth.

"N-no! That's not it either! Jungkook- i just wanted to go out with my friend. It's nothing else."

Jungkook stood up and pulled him from his arm. He then squeezed his waist with his other hand.

"Yet you didn't deny the fact that he asked you out on a romantic date. You know- i tried not to be the contolling type but it seems i have let you believe that i had become too soft."

Yoongi looked inside his eyes with guilt, not knowing what to say. Even if he said something, it wouldn't be enough to calm him down.

"Friends huh... i knew the moment he entered this house he had a thing for you. Don't try to hide it. He made it too obvious especially when he made that offer of letting you stay at his house."

Jungkook pulled his face up from his chin and then kissed his neck.

"Well... even if he has enough money to take you out on fancy restaurants... he could never do the things i do to you."

Yoongi swallowed as he got pushed onto the bed. Later Jungkook crawled on him and started unbuckling his belt.

Staying still, Yoongi didn't say anything either. Because he knew that if he tried to get up, he'd be pushed back onto the bed with brute force. Angry Jungkook was not to be meddled with. That, he learned from experience.

After pulling his pants down and throwing them on the ground, Jungkook smirked.
He slid his hand down his leg and then placed it on his shoulder.

"You better not push me back-"

"I wasn't... planning to."

It caught Jungkook off guard. Saying such things wasn't the way Yoongi rolled.

"I see you've been observing me. Obliging like this isn't like you."

Yoongi sighed as he leaned his head down comftably on the quilt.
He then pushed Jungkook down with his leg, making his lips touch his length.

"Rather than getting you angry and pushing me forcefully... i tought i might as well enjoy."

Jungkook smiled. He was soo turned on.

"Well then..."


As Seokjin opened the bathroom door, the steam inside room, started to dissapear.
But the moment he stepped out he heard his phone ring. So, to not make the person wait, he quickly walked over to it with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Then he picked it up from the top of his bed and opened the chats. It was a text message sent by Yoongi.

Now, wasn't that unfortunate. But ofcourse he wanted him to come. And he wasn't ready to let their date get cancelled.

He gave him an argument that Seokjin couldn't even argue about. Doctor's appontment's were not to be taken lightly.

Seokjin ended up sighing and typing back.

It was obvious that he didn't want to go out with him at all. It wasn't about just tomorrow night, it was about him. So he might not like him back after all huh...

That fact annoyed Seokjin soo much that he didn't even want to think about it. He wanted Yoongi to like him back but if this was the case then there weren't many oppurtunities to do that.

So... lost in toughts, he decided to find an another way. But first, he had to be shure that there was nothing between Yoongi and Jungkook.
Because if it weren't for him then he would've come.

"I'm shure..."

He mumbled to himself as he threw the phone aside. And that's when he got the idea to get help from someone to clearify the situation. And that person just happened to be close with Yoongi.

To be continued...

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