An IDV story (dumb)

By nutstate

35.4K 1K 5.2K


Just some background
Gay boi hours
Naib, help!
Accept or reject?
Joseph, get out!
They won't stop crying...
Roadman Robbie and Chavvy Follower?
Bald boi time
A wedding?
Finally husband and wife
A small problem...
Soft boi dates!
A second wedding
Even more weddings...
New character: John Cena!
Adopting a roadman...
A moment of peace, please?!
Joseph done goofed
Sacrifice the child
Fully snapped
No way... Another wedding?!
Movie night!
The mini hunters
Adopted Andrew
McDonalds madness
Beach time!
Wait, you're a boy and I'm a rat?!
Helena causing trouble again?!
Uncovering the truth
The rise of Rah Queen
Rah Queen films a video
Thank you so much!
How's Norton doing?
A manly sleepover
Girls' night!
Naib's sad boi hours...
Unexpected pregnancy
Two-person skewer
Kevin gets a man
Just brotherly love~
The softest content you'll get
Luca's virginities
Mike's kebabs
A boat date!
Magnet man's turn
A night out
The park
Poor health
Over the bridge and far away
Finding out
Too much soup
Don't drop your ice lolly
A not-so-private chat
Inviting some friends
Last minute plans
Always interrupted
Joseph's going crazy...
Car wash
Duo hunters
Cleaning survivors' rooms
Cleaning hunters' rooms
Relationship problems
All in one day
Is this how it ends?
A peek into the future

Not the holy woman!

278 5 53
By nutstate

The same day (or the next day for the innocent people), Antonio's room...

Joseph: *walks in*

Joseph: I want to see Satan!

Antonio: Come help me then!

Joseph: *rushes in and grabs a few candles*

Joseph: Where do I put these?! What do I do?! What should I say?! I really want to see Satan!

Antonio: Too many questions, so I won't answer any of them. And I never knew you would want to see him so badly...

Joseph: Hurry! Tell me what to do!

Antonio: Okay, okay! Devils... Drop those candles and start saying this...

Antonio: *hands a spell book to Joseph*

Joseph: *places the candles down and starts reading the words*

Antonio: Not that one! This one...

Antonio: *points to a certain spell*

Joseph: Oh okay...

Joseph: *says the correct words*

Antonio: *also says some gibberish*

Ann: *wanders in*

Ann: What are you guys- Jesus! It's Antonio...

Joseph: Ann! Come summon Satan with us!

Ann: Did your tiny brain forget that I am a HOLY woman?! There is no way I am helping with such a sinful task...

Joseph: It's so much fun, though! And you can only see Satan once in your life!

Ann: I don't want to see him. I NEVER want to see him. You'll be seeing him a lot, later on, if you carry on doing this...

Antonio: The floor is lava!

Joseph: *screams like a little girl and jumps onto Antonio's bunk bed*

Antonio: *jumps onto his desk chair, the type that spins*

Joseph: *starts twerking*

Joseph: Ann! You have to get off the floor!

Ann: Stop that unholy dancing. And I will not be partaking in any of these childish games...

Antonio: Lady, the floor is legit lava. You're melting...

Ann: *slowly descending*

Ann: Oh, that's why my legs felt ticklish... Wait. AHHH, I'M BURNING ALIVE! WHY AREN'T YOU TRYING TO HELP ME?!

Joseph: That's the rules of the game. Whoever is still on the floor, when time is up, they. Will. B u r n.

Ann: Kitty! Save me!

Ann's cat: *jumped up on Joseph's head, not moving*

Ann: Traitor! You're all going to hell for this!

Antonio: I hope I do, bish. I hope you're going to heaven.

Ann: I'm already on the list of people guaranteed into heaven, so thank you!

Antonio: Oh honey, I wouldn't take that as a compliment...

Ann: *lava reached up to her hip*

Ann: I hope you ROT in hell!

Antonio: Yeah, I can do you one better! I hope you THRIVE in heaven! That's the worst punishment I could ever recieve...

Antonio: *shudders, causing the chair to quake with him, slightly losing his balance, but manages to stay on the chair*

Ann: Oh, I WILL thrive in heaven! Blesséd day, all of you wretched beings!

Antonio: Bitch, don't bless me! I wanna go to hell!

Joseph: What is this FiErY drama going on? And- Get off- My head!

Joseph: *grabs Ann's cat and throws it into the lava*

Antonio: No hesitation... I like it.

Joseph: I'm used to deaths now. Nothing surprises me anymore and it's slightly fun to kill off a few animals, you know?

Antonio: Oh yes. I know, alright. I make sacrifices to Satan all the time.

Ann: *gets engulfed by the lava, along with her cat*

Ann: You'll pay for this!

Joseph: Oh she gone...

Antonio: Yep... The lava is leaving too! We won!

Joseph: Oh my gosh, yay!

Joseph: *jumps off the bed and double high fives Antonio*

Joseph: We're like best bros.

Antonio: Who wouldn't want to be bros with-

Joseph: Me. I know right? Everyone adores me.

Antonio: No, me. Everybody loves me more than you, weak old man.

Joseph: *le French gasp*

Joseph: You take that back!

Antonio: Umm... No.

Antonio: *runs away*

Joseph: Ugh... Oh well, Ann's dead, but we can always get Ann to resurrect her- Wait a sec... That doesn't seem right...

Joseph: *eyes widen as he realises what happened*

Joseph: Oh no! Ann's actually dead! Wh- What do we do?! No more infinite lives?! Shiiiieeeet...

Joseph: *not sure what to do, just runs to Aesop's room*

Joseph: Aesop! I don't know- Huh? Where is he?

Joseph: *hears some shouts and water running in the bathroom, so goes in*

Joseph: Aesop! I don't know- Heh?

Andrew: *washing Aesop's hair*

Aesop: *struggling and yelping*

Joseph: What... Nevermind. I've asked too many times and I should just start getting used to random moments where people just love Aesop even though it doesn't make sense...

Aesop: Joseph, help me! Andrew pulls my hair too hard!

Andrew: Onii Chaaaaan! It's not that bad!

Joseph: What in the world?

Aesop: Yes it is! It's very bad, dumb albino...

Andrew: Hey! That's rude!

Joseph: Are you guys at least clean and free from... Ahem...

Andrew: My white peepee juices? Well, yes. But I want to do it more!

Aesop: I know I agreed earlier, but it suddenly seems like a really bad idea!

Andrew: Oniiiiii-

Joseph: *picks up naked Aesop and runs*

Andrew: Put him down! I want my big brother!

Aesop: *being taken away, calls back to Andrew*

Aesop: You sound like a really badly dubbed anime girl!

Andrew: *shouts back*

Andrew: At least I'm kawaii and I don't smell like a gym sock dipped in mayonnaise!

Aesop: I DO NOT smell like that!

Andrew: You can't smell your own pungent odours!

Aesop: I'll get you next time!

Andrew: I'd like to see you try!

Joseph: *takes Aesop back to his room, placing him down on the bed*

Aesop: Do you have any spare clothes?

Joseph: I do, but they might be a bit big on you... And they're tucked away, deep into my walk-in closet...

Aesop: You have a walk-in closet?!

Joseph: Yes. I just got it added yesterday, actually. Anyway, for now, take my jacket.

Joseph: *removes his coat and wraps it around Aesop*

Aesop: Ah, thanks... It smells like you...

Joseph: Oh, does it smell bad? I always have some extra perfume or cologne or-

Aesop: Haha, no, it's fine. I love this smell~

Joseph: Oh... Okay, heh...

Aesop: You seem like you're in a rush. What's up?

Joseph: Umm, yes, well... I'm not really sure who to tell... I did something really bad...

Aesop: You didn't hurt Joseph Jr, did you?

Joseph: No! Not our lovely- Urk- Love-

Aesop: *a little afraid, gently places a hand on Joseph's back*

Aesop: Hey, you okay?! Is it because you're talking to me?! I knew it! I really am cursed!

Joseph: No! No, my honey... Nothing's wrong with you, trust me. I just hate complimenting our son... But I know you'll murder me if I said something bad about him...

Aesop: Damn right.

Joseph: Uh- Yeah... I didn't hurt Joseph Jr, but I think I did something worse...

Aesop: And that is?

Joseph: I killed... Ann...?

Aesop: What...?

Joseph: I think I killed Ann?

Aesop: Are you sure?

Joseph: Yes?

Aesop: You don't sound so affirmative...

Joseph: Well... You see.... I don't know if it's considered a murder or suicide...

Aesop: What happened?!

Joseph: So I was just casually summoning Satan with Antonio, my new bro, and Ann came in when we was playing the floor is lava game, in real life...

Aesop: What? In real life?! What does that even mean?! How?!

Joseph: We were trying to summon Satan! But the floor started filling up with lava, literally! And Ann MELTED!

Aesop: What the heck?! That's why you don't mess with witchcraft, you idiot! ...But did it work?

Joseph: No... After all the lava disappeared, no Satan came... I didn't see anything...

Aesop: Maybe you chanted something wrong?

Joseph: Hmm... I did stop chanting when I saw Ann and decided to greet her and also welcome her to help us summon Satan... But Antonio kept going, so I thought it was okay!

Aesop: He kept chanting, despite knowing that you flopped? Maybe he was saying a different spell? Or maybe you needed both spells in order for the Devil to appear?

Joseph: Eh, maybe.

Aesop: What if... Antonio knew exactly what spell he was saying, trying to fool you into thinking you were summoning Satan, only to kill you?!

Joseph: That seems... Like a likely possibility! I don't like that... Not at all... But I thought we were bros... 😢

Aesop: Who would want to be YOUR friend?

Joseph: Don't bully me...

Aesop: *chuckles and pats Joseph's back*

Aesop: Don't worry. I feel you. Fake friends are dreadful... So just don't have any friends.

Joseph: You live a sad lifestyle, Aesop...

Aesop: Maybe to you, but it's bliss for me. I hate interacting with others anyway, so it's no big deal to me whether I have friends or not.

Joseph: That's... Really sad... Okay, okay! Back on topic! What do I do about Ann?!

Aesop: Not much, really. Her body disappeared in the lava, right?

Joseph: Yeah...

Aesop: So we can't bury her and she was the one who was able to make others come back alive, so she can't do it to herself...

Joseph: That's true...

Aesop: I suggest we just quickly tell everyone and make them aware that they really do only live once. Except those hunters that have died. Then it would be you only live twice... But you get what I mean.

Joseph: That does seem like a good idea... Actually it's the best idea we've got, so... Should I gather everyone?

Aesop: Yeah. You do that while I put on some clothes and kick Andrew out of my bathroom.

Joseph: Kick him out of your room entirely. I don't want to see that mole ever again...

Aesop: Don't be too harsh on him...

Joseph: Don't get all soft and nice to him, now that you've both realised how much he loves you...

Aesop: It's just familial love... It's nothing to be jealous of...

Joseph: I can't help myself... Jealousy is a normal emotion...

Aesop: Fine, fine. Then, I'll be going.

Aesop: *kisses Joseph's cheek*

Aesop: I'll return your jacket later.

Joseph: Okay~

Aesop: Or... Could I keep it?

Joseph: But- My beautiful outfit...

Aesop: Okay, fine. I'll bring it back... See you later, babe.

Aesop: *gives a small wave and leaves*

Joseph: *wiggling around, all happy and fuzzy inside*

Joseph: He just kissed my cheek~ I am BLESSED~

Joseph: *cheerfully goes around the manor, getting everyone to meet up in the entrance hall*

Joseph: Attention, everybody! I have an announcement to make!

Bane: This better be important...

Joseph: It is! Ann is dead!

Everyone: *gasp and mutter to eachother*

Mary: *faints*

Emily: *catches Mary*

Emma: Another death? I'm going to run out of flowers at this point...

Everyone: *agreeing, not really shocked at the news*

Joseph: Wait! You all don't understand, do you?! If Ann is dead, then you can't be resurrected!

Everyone: *gasp and begin to panic*

Follower: So like, we can't live forever? Are you serious? I'm actually about to post this to my snap, yeah, like just watch.

Follower: *pulls out her phone and starts taking selfies*

Joseph: That's right. We no longer can live forever... If you die, you are NOT coming back! Keep that in mind, everyone, and be careful!

Bane: Well, this was very important, indeed...

Joseph: Yes, lucky you.

Bane: Okay, cool. Imma head out now.

Everyone: *nodding their heads*

Mary: *disappointed in everyone, wakes up*

Mary: All of you! Do you have no respect?! A lovely woman just died today and you're all just going to dismiss it, like it's nothing?! You group of disgusting creatures!

Joseph: It's not like we can do anything... Her body left with the lava...

Mary: You! Can't you at least be gentler with your words?! Not everyone can take blunt information!

Antonio: Ayo, actually. I have Ann here...

Everyone: *looks at Antonio*

Antonio: *points to his neck*

Ann: *her body shriveled up, super tiny, and wrapped around Antonio's neck*

Everyone: *cheers*

Antonio: Woah. Not so fast, guys. I have her body, but that doesn't mean she's alive. She is very much dead.

Everyone: *quickly switch to sad expressions*

Joseph: Hey, Antonibro.

Antonio: Please don't call me that...

Joseph: But we're-

Antonio: No.

Joseph: Okay... Fine... Anyway, are you going to keep Ann around your neck like a necklace or could we bury her body?

Antonio: With this tiny body, you could bury her in a plant pot. I'll stick with keeping her with me.

Joseph: Huh. You've grown attached to Ann?

Antonio: I... Always have been...

Joseph: What? Are you two timing Andrew?

Antonio: He doesn't love me anyway...

Joseph: So you just went for Ann instead?!

Antonio: I've known Ann for a while... We always had arguments about religious stuff, and that was honestly kinda cute of her...

Joseph: So you're straight?

Antonio: No, I'm bi.

Joseph: Oh- Yeah, that makes sense...

Antonio: Anyway, y'all dismissed!

Everyone: *scatters, off to do their own thing, except Joseph and Antonio*

Joseph: Just wondering... Did the spell work?

Antonio: Of course it did.

Joseph: But I didn't see anything?

Antonio: You have five senses. Don't just use one of them. You'll feel his presence, if you just focus.

Joseph: I've never done this before though, so how am I meant to know?!

Antonio: Trust me. He's here. Somewhere behind me.

Joseph: Spooky... You're not scared? Even I'm terrified...

Antonio: This isn't my first time, so I'm not all that scared. Plus, he's not here to harm anyone. We summoned him, so we are getting what we want from him. If he breaks the contract, he gets punished. And the punishment is worse than hell.

Joseph: Contract?

Antonio: You really don't know anything, do you?

Antonio: *sighs*

Antonio: You have to make a deal with him, by signing some documents. You both can't break your promises to eachother, or else punishments for the rule breaker. It's simple.

Joseph: That sounds really scary...

Antonio: Don't worry. He's only after me, since I'm the one that completed the chants... You just stopped halfway through...

Joseph: I'm thankful that I did. I definitely don't want a demon near me! Why did you summon him though?

Antonio: I wanted a companion. And Satan is my best friend.

Joseph: I just can't understand how that's possible, but okay... I won't judge...

Antonio: You should head back to your room now or something. You probably have some thinking to do, since Ann... Died...

Joseph: Yeah... Take care...

Joseph: *walks off, thinking and muttering to himself*

Joseph: Ann's death was slightly fast... It was so quick and, hopefully, painless... Right after Jack and Naib's departure too...

Joseph: *sighs and holds his head*

Joseph: Things couldn't get worse...

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