heliophile , steve harrington...

By suchadingus

259K 3.8K 2.9K

heliophile (n.) - one attracted or adapted to sunlight, lover of the sun start: june 2, 2020 end: ongoing โ€ข #... More

dating steve would include
dating steve would include [2]
โ†’ spy
โ†’ secret [1]
โ†’ secret [2]
โ†’ stranger
โ†’ treat you better
โ†’ almost is never enough
โ†’ different
โ†’ coke
โ†’ switched [2]
โ†’ switched [3]
โ†’ love notes
โ†’ lovebirds
โ†’ such a baby
โ†’ awkward
โ†’ dandelions
โ†’ heather [1]
โ†’ heather [2]
โ†’ beautiful
โ†’ summer love [1]
โ†’ summer love [2]
โ†’ pretty obvious
โ†’ you're not alone
โ†’ fearless
โ†’ dance with me
โ†’ trust me
โ†’ no taking back

โ†’ switched [1]

7.5K 71 119
By suchadingus

big thanks to Mrsgarfield_dehaan for this idea !

summary : y/n and steve switched lives, and they have to solve the problem before they run out of time.

a/n 1: if you recognize the names i used ily 😌
a/n 2: as you can see by the title this will be in two parts since it's very long
a/n 3: this is about to get kinda confusing so be ready 🤡

"See you later, Mom!" I yelled while I was heading downstairs and slipped on my heels to go to a party my friend invited me to. "Don't get wasted, sweetie! Be home at 10." she says back from the kitchen. She finished cooking and went to see me. "Oh look at you. You're gorgeous, honey." she smiles at me. "Thanks, Mom. Got it from you." I giggled, "Alright, have fun. Don't do anything I won't do." she warned before kissing me on the cheek.

I headed out and saw my friend waiting for me in her car. I waved at her before getting in. "Nice dress, West." I teased, she doesn't like being called by her last name, she prefers Jade. "Whatever. Nice dress too, I guess." she says sarcastically as she chews her bubble gum that made me laugh.

It was a silent ride, before the raven haired girl beside me asks. "So.. Have you heard of the guy Harrington?"

"What about him?" I rolled my eyes. I didn't hate the guy, but him getting all the attention from the girls few years back annoyed me for some reason. Not because I like him, it's because he is–well, was, the biggest douche in Hawkins High. I mean, in my opinion there are a lot of better guys than him.

"Someone told me he's going to the party too." Jade muttered, eyes still fixed on the road. "Okay, and?" I replied, getting annoyed. "Maybe you'd like to dance with him or I don't know, get yourself a boyfriend. Heard he's single." she glanced at me while I cringed at the thought. "Why don't you dance with him?" I arched an eyebrow as we pulled over at the house where the party is. She glares at me, "Um, duh? I have Beck." she hissed. We got out of the car and headed towards to the house.

"Oh, here's Cat," Jade introduced me to one of her friends. "Like the animal?" I asked and furrowed my eyebrows. The red head gasped, "What's that suppose to mean?!" with an oddly high pitch voice. "Oh.. I'm so-"

"Don't mind her." Jade cuts me off before pulling my arm. I waved awkwardly at Cat as she became further in the distance. As I turned my head to our direction, I saw the man himself, Steve Harrington. I groaned internally as Jade pulled me towards him. "Hey, Harrington!" she greeted before spotting Beck in the distance and letting me go, leaving me with Steve.

We stood there for what seemed like an hour, while other people are partying, including Jade. I tried to avoid the boy's eyes in front of me as the awkwardness between us got thicker. "Hey." he mumbles, breaking the silence. "Hi." I muttered back. "Wanna.. grab some drinks?" he offered, and knowing that I can't escape this situation, I agreed.

We headed outside with our red cups filled with drinks. To be honest, Steve isn't actually that bad. He's fun to talk to. "This shit tastes disgusting." I stared at my cup as we sat down by the porch. "Then why did you agreed to drink?" he asks, brushing his hair with his fingers. "Because I guess it'll be rude to deny your offer? And besides, it's nice to try new things." I answered before sipping on my drink.

"You don't drink?" he questioned, I nodded and unglued my eyes from the cup to him. "Also I have to drive home so I'll not drink that much. I figured Beck will take Jade home." I added and he nodded in understanding.

We sat in silence for about ten minutes, letting the loud music behind us blast in our ears. "You know, sometimes I thought of switching lives with someone." I muttered, catching his attention. "Oh yeah, why is that?" his eyebrows furrows as his eyes met mine. "I don't know, I just want to experience other people's lives. Like what do they do in a day and shit. My life is kinda boring." I stated.

Steve stared blankly on the floor and stayed quiet for awhile, so I was the one who broke the silence. "How about you? Do you have any weird thoughts inside that pretty face of yours?" I asked, he flipped his head to me. "Pretty face?" he grins and I immediately realized what I just said. "Y-Yeah? But that's not the point just answer my question." I stuttered, making his grin turn into a laughter.

"Well," he sighs. "We have something in common then. My life's boring, besides the ladies running after me." he shrugs and I laughed.

"I've never actually thought about switching lives with someone, but that sounds cool." he added. I glanced at my watch and noticed it's almost ten. "Shit." I mumbled. "What happened?" he questioned as I stood up. "I have to go."

"I can drive you home." he suggested, "Thanks, but my mom would freak out if a boy takes me home. It's nice talking to you. Have a great night, Steve." I blabbered, smiling at him and went to Jade's car. She handed me her keys when we arrived here, she knows to herself that she'll get wasted. We just live next door so I could just park her car on their driveway.

I sensed Steve following me so I turned my back, "It's nice talking to you too, Y/n. Be safe." he smiled at me and I nodded before getting in the car.

It was a quick ride home, I was exhausted so I went straight to my room after I greeted mom. I plopped myself on the bed, didn't even change my clothes, and eventually fell asleep.

I woke up, in a very, very unfamiliar place. Am I kidnapped? How did I not even know? Shit.

"Where the hell-" I furrow my eyebrows, my voice sounds different. I remember getting home last night, but I'm definitely not sick. I shot up and noticed my hands were huge, more like a man's hands. Okay, I'm creeped out.

I stood up, the blanket fell down. I looked down to pick it up but instead I saw myself wearing-

"Oh my God!" I looked away and covered my face with my hands. I was wearing boxers. I went to check myself in the mirror, who am I? I rubbed my eyes and— what the hell. I'm. Steve. Harrington.

"I'm dreaming. This is just a dream, if I wash my face, I'll wake up and I'd go back to my body." I told myself in the mirror as I brushed my—well, his hair. I finally get to touch Steve Harrington's hair! This is actually great! I can finally know how he does this amazing hair of his.

Before I could even go to the bathroom, I heard the phone rung. I picked it up, "Steve! Where are you? You're supposed to pick me up to go to the arcade!" It was Dustin, we're not that close but we're kinda friends, as well as the other kids. The problem is, I don't know where he lives.

"Uh, yeah! S-Sorry, I forgot. Um, can you just.. bike your way there? I'm busy." I lied, "That's bullshit!" he exclaimed, "Since when you were busy on Saturdays? Son of a bit-" I didn't let him finish his sentence and slammed the phone back to its place. I messed up big time. I should call on our house. Maybe Steve also knows about this.

I took a deep breath before grabbing the phone again and dialed our house number. I put it against my ear and it rang a few times before someone picked up. "L/n's residence, Y/m/n speaking."

"Uh, hi! Mrs. L/n. T-This is Steve.. Y/n's boyfriend? Can I talk to her?"

"I didn't know Y/n has a boyfriend," she chuckles, "Shit." I mouthed before I heard her, "Alright. Y/n! Your boyfriend's on the phone!" she calls out.

I tapped my foot rapidly, getting impatient and nervous at the same time. "Hello?" a voice came out. It's my voice. "Steve? Is that you?" I asked and chewed my lip. "Y/n?! Jesus Christ!"

"Listen, Steve, I know this sounds crazy, but I'm in your body. And I think we've switched." I muttered, trying to be as quiet as possible. "Yeah! No, shit!" he whisper yelled. "And you told your mom that I'm your boyfriend? What is wrong with you?" he asks, getting frustrated.

"Dude, I panicked!"



"So could've prepared yourself before calling!" he whisper yelled again, I sighed, "Alright, meet me here, at your house. I'm sure you know how to go here from there, you've been roaming around Hawkins. I'll be at the front door, go here, now. Understand?" I explained, "Wait- now?" he asks, "Now!"

"Fine. Take care of my hair! I swear to God, Y/n-"

"Yes! And I don't want scratches on my car, you better bring that here without any marks and shit. I just cleaned that four days ago. Also my body! Don't you dare look at my-"

"Okay! Okay!" he yells before hanging up.

I took a shower. Barely. I'm telling you, it wasn't a very good experience. He has a great body, not gonna lie.

I went to see his clothes. "This man got some taste in clothing." I mumbled and smirked to myself. I picked up the clothes from the hanger and put them on.

I explored his room for awhile before heading downstairs and grabbing food from the fridge. The fridge's full of canned beers. Ugh. I walked away and waited at the front door. Moments later, I finally saw my car pulled over. Steve got out and ran towards me. He's wearing my favorite hoodie together with my pants that I've been searching for months.

"Oh my God.." we both said at the same time. I poked his cheek and he did the same to me. "What did you do to my hair?" we said in unison again. His hair (in my body) has a headband, which is definitely not my style, Headbands are not my thing. I don't even know where he got that. While my hair (in his body), well I didn't really do anything to it. It honestly doesn't look bad, I don't know why he's mad about it.

"Let's go inside." I said and he followed, shutting the door after. "Sooo..?" he raised his eyebrows. "What?" my eyebrows met as we plopped down on the sofa. "How's it going?" he asked like nothing is wrong. "What do you mean? You need to help me solve this problem!" I exclaimed.

"Well it was your idea in the first place." he shrugs, I scoffed, "Why does it look like you're enjoying my life? How come I'm not enjoying yours?" I pouted as he makes a confused face. "I mean your mom is a great cook, let me tell you that. And how are you not enjoying this? You have the house for yourself, you have," he glanced at my hair, "Great hair, I mean, you're me!" he beams.

I rolled my eyes, "Well, one of your kids called, he said you have to pick him up to go to the arcade but I don't know where he lives!" my voice got higher at the end of the sentence in frustration. He opened his mouth to say something but a sudden knock on the door made us jump.

"Steve? Are you there man?" It's Dustin. Well shit, speak of the devil. "Open the door." he mouthed to me. I got up and opened the door hesitantly. "Steve! What's up with you? Are you alright? You promised- Y/n? What is she doing here?" his eyes shifted to Steve. "Uh.." I don't know what excuse to make, not until Steve slithered his arm around my waist.

"We're dating." he blurted out. His words left me in shock but I played along and wrapped my arms around his shoulder. "Y-Yeah. Totally. We are." I smiled awkwardly. Dustin's face lit up when I was expecting him to be confused. "Finally! You finally made a move!" he beams as he pointed at me. "You know, Y/n, Steve won't shut up about you. Everytime we're with him he always brings you up as a topic." he chuckles, I glanced at Steve and saw him blushing. Damn, that's what I look like when I blush?

I glared at Steve and he gave me an awkward smile before looking back to Dustin. "Do you.. want anything?" I asked the curly haired boy. "Uh, no. I just went to check. Alright, have a great time love birds! I'll just bike my way to the arcade and tell the others about the great news." he said and strolled away. We're in deep shit. I watched him disappear in my sight before closing the door and faced Steve.

"What was that?" I asked him. "What was what?" he asks, pretending not to know anything. "About Dustin and him saying that you finally made a move?" I restated. "Uh.. Y/n, I like you, okay? It's been awhile now. Even before the party last night. I just.. can't- don't know how to properly ask you out." he confessed, I stayed quiet, trying to process what he just said. "It's okay if you can't answer right now. We have bigger problems. I just wanted you to know that.. since that little shithead already called me out." he let out and shook his head, making me laugh.

"I'll think about it." I muttered, "About?" he tilted his head in confusion. "That." I replied, referring to his confession that I didn't really expect, actually I never expected it. I mean, me? And Steve Harrington?

"Okay.." he nodded slowly.

He got home and got to our house safely–I knew because he called right away. We planned to talk about this problem on Monday, at Scoops.

Sunday went by, we both have to pretend like each other–he has to help mom prepare dinner for us since Sundays are our free day, while I take the kids to the Wheeler's. Steve taught me where Dustin lives, what do they do on Sundays, and I got to know the kids better which is great. Thankfully they didn't notice the change between us, well, Eleven seems suspicious.

At the Wheeler's
"Steve?" El mumbles while the boys were busy playing nearby. "Yeah?" I smiled casually. "Are you okay?" she questioned and I nodded but that didn't seem to convince her. "Steve. Friends. Don't. Lie." she looked into my eyes as I gulped. Luckily, before I could answer, Steve went inside and El drew her attention to him. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that I can't lie to this brunette beside me but Steve technically saved my anxious ass.

"Y/n! You came!" Max got up from the sofa and hugged him tightly. Steve and I made eye contact before sharing small smiles. The kids seems very happy for me and Steve to be together, it looks like they've been talking about me before this switching shit even happened. But little did they know this was only temporary. When we go back to our real bodies, we have to pretend like nothing happened.

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