My Kidnapper Loves me? - Bugh...

By bettyscrack

27.9K 553 318

Jughead Jones How do we begin to explain Jughead Jones? Criminal Serpent leader Has his prey on Betty Coope... More

✩ Chapter 1 ✩
☆ Chapter 2 ☆
✩ Chaper 3 ✩
✩ Chapter 4 ✩
☆ Chapter 5 ☆
☆Chapter 6 ☆
☆Chapter 7 ☆
✩Chapter 8✩
☆ Chapter 10 ☆
☆ Chapter 11 ☆

☆ Chapter 9 ☆

1.8K 39 10
By bettyscrack

Betty Cooper


That same word lingering in my mind. Lingering as the way Jughead said it. Love, for me, it's complicated. Me and my mother never had a great relationship and my dad, well, he had a secret affair with another woman.

Everybody has a truth behind their mask.
Mine was their was this boy. His name was Benjamin. We were the iconic power couple. The perfect couple. The couple who everybody predicted to be.

Of course we were happy!
On the outside eye.
My mom let Benjamin move in to the spare room in our house since she trusted me and Ben. But, when mom and dad went on business trips, for whatever reason.
Benjamin would hurt me, physically, mentally.
Physically as in, abuse, any type, you name it, he did it.
Rape every single night and especially when he was drunk it got worst. He'd want to have 'kinky' sex but it was just him strapping my ankles and wrists to the bed for HIS pleasure. Not mine. It wasn't slightly enjoyable, trust me.
And mentally, he would call me these horrible names constantly, I was obviously confident so I stood up for myself but on the inside I was hurting. I still am.
And now, I don't know what to think. Jughead said it, genuinely, but I don't how to take it.
Normally I would call
Ronnie since I trust her more but I can't because, we all know why.
Maybe, Toni can help me. She had to have at least 1 boyfriend to figure out she was lesbian.
Soon, my thoughts faded and my mind drifted off into sweet dreams and unspeakable nightmares.


Waking up at 10AM is not enjoyable, especially when you wake up from loud ass voices.
I look out my window and just stared out into the beach waves.
I slowly made my way down stairs in black booty shorts and a black tube top with the thinnest straps that could break from one stretch.
I walked into the kitchen to see them all awake.
T-"Morning babe!" Toni yelled.
I chuckled at how close we are but Jughead looked a bit mad, "relax Jug, were just besties!" I reassured him but he was still a bit tense.
T-"Oh yeah, your plate of breakfast is on the stove"
Toni said with a smile.
I took the plate and walked into the living.

I scrolled through my phone, mostly tik tok and after I was done I put my plate in the sink.
I haven't said a word to
Jughead or even looked at him but I know his eyes keep lingering on me, which is kinda creepy.

F-"Betty I'm going on a target run! Wanna come with?"
"Yeah let me get ready" I replied fast.
I hurried upstairs and changed into this outfit,

(Btw, Betty dresses like Veronica)

I walked downstairs while Jughead kept watching me. Creep.
"Fangs, I'm ready"
He turned around looking like a literate weirdo with a plaid shirt and shorts which btw, we're totally mismatched!
"Jeez betts were going to target not the met gala"
Jughead glared at fangs once he called me 'betts'.
Jughead nodded his head and walked to the living room.
"Hey, the met gala wound never wear something like this! This is just a casual daily"
I smiled at him and he rolled his eyes.
"Ok, Jughead! Toni! Me and Betty are leaving now. Don't do anything I would regret!"

I was confused at why he said, 'don't do anything I would regret' but I shook it off.
As I almost walked out the door I almost forgot my purse in Toni's room.
She borrowed it from me and never gave it back. I walked back up the stairs and got my purse.
I noticed Toni' wearing her weird ass hat she bought from a vintage store across the street.
I would never.

"Shopping with doctor Sues?"
I asked obliviously.
"At least I don't collar dog fur for a purse"
I looked at her shocked.
"It's faux!"
I fought back. She chuckled and shook her head. I walked downstairs till someone backed me up against the wall.
Of course, it Jughead.
What is up with him and his kinks?!

"Umm hello, Wednesday Adams, I'm trying to leave so if you would move I'd appreciate it."

"Not so fast Betty.
I remember what I said last night. I won't forget it, not ever.
Im still waiting for my answer, baby"

"First off, I'm not your baby, second off, I don't have an answer you want.
Unless your embarrassed to get rejected id move out of the way if I were you"
"Come on baby, you know you want me. Just as much as I want you.
We'd be the perfect cliche couple.
If we're together imagine the countless nights of sex. Kinky, vanilla, anything you want.
I'd do anything to be yours and to have your pretty pink lips wrapped around my cock.
Or even just a simple milkshake date, in Riverdale."
As his words were described I almost moaned at the day dream. I swallowed hard and pushed him out of the way.
I quickly sped out the door and jumped into the passenger seat.

"Took you long enough"
"Just drive fangs!"
I tried to catch my breath and looked back at the front door. I saw Jughead staring at me darkly.
Not in the, sexual type of way but in the, 'I'm a psycho and you should know what I'm capable of by now' type of way.
Chills went down my spine at the though of him going as far as murdering me.
"Hey Betty, can I ask you something? And no it's not a date"
"Ok, do you know why Jughead was acting so stiff this morning? Like, tense but nervous?"
"Um, yesterday when you and Toni were sleeping, Jughead was drunk, I obviously heard since I'm a light sleeper so I walked downstairs to see him drunk on the couch. I tried convincing him to go upstairs but he was so stubborn.
He started going into the subject of me and talking about how precious I am.
Soon it lead to him flat out saying he loved me even if he didn't want to"

Fangs' mouth was wide open, soon he started squealing, Veronica 2.o much?
"I knew he would confess sooner or later! Betty, Jugheads one to never catch feelings this is crazy!!"
"But fangs he was drunk!" I whined.
"Well, did he mention it again?! He looked tensed so he probably remembered betty. Aughhh, my Bughead heart!"
"I doubt whatever 'Bughead' is will hardly happen. I mean, he kidnapped me fangs. Imagine me dating my kidnapper. And yes he mentioned it before I got in the car."

"From what me and Toni saw in the morning, he's head over heals for you babe"
"I won't lie, he is good
looking and sweet, sometimes,
but I don't date people who torture
me mentally and physically"
"Whatever helps you sleep
at night"

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, could it possibly be that I like my torturous kidnapper back?

When you don't update in almost a month: 🤡
Wait, that's me!


~ Melanie 🦋

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