Playing Dress-up ~Tomarry~

By sande5098

1.2M 39K 5.9K

In 2nd year Tom Riddle and Harry Potter met through the T.M.R's diary-A horcrux. Showing Harry memories from... More

Chapter 1 ✅
Chapter 2 ✅
Chapter 4 ✅
Chapter 5 ✅
Chapter 6 ✅
Chapter 7 ✅
Chapter 8 ✅
Chapter 9 ✅
Chapter 10 ✅
Chapter 11 ✅
Chapter 12 ✅
Chapter 13 ✅
Chapter 14 ✅
Chapter 15 ✅
Chapter 16 ✅
Chapter 17 ✅
Chapter 18 ✅
Chapter 19 ✅
Chapter 20 ✅
Chapter 21 ✅
Chapter 22 ✅
Chapter 23 ✅
Chapter 24 ✅
Chapter 25 ✅
Chapter 26 ✅
Chapter 27 ✅
Chapter 28 ✅
Chapter 29 ✅
Chapter 30 ✅
Chapter 31 ✅
I was Tagged...
Chapter 32 ✅
Chapter 33 ✅
Chapter 34 ✅
Chapter 35 ✅
Chapter 36 ✅
Chapter 37 ✅
Chapter 38 ✅
Chapter 39 ✅
Chapter 40 ✅
Chapter 41 ✅
Chapter 42 ✅
Chapter 43 ✅
Chapter 44 ✅
Chapter 45 ✅
Chapter 46 ✅
Chapter 47 ✅
Chapter 48 ✅
Chapter 49 ✅
Chapter 50 ✅
Chapter 51 ✅
Chapter 52 ✅
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 3 ✅

41.6K 1.1K 194
By sande5098

Harry's PoV:

I couldn't catch a break! Everyone was wondering how I done it. How I saved Ginny Weasley from the horror that resided in the chamber.  Anytime I walked through the corridors or entered the great hall people start whispering. No one knew except for me and Tom what had really went on in the chamber.

Some were amazed and there eyes filled with the look of wonder and curiousness. Others however believed I could also purge the school into the darkness we had just escaped. Those people gave me glances of fear, distrust and hatefulness.

I kept Tom's diary with me all the time I didn't want another incident were my dorm room was trashed; that would just raise people suspicions. 

Anytime I had the chance to escape the crowds I took it. I have sought shelter from all the whispers and eyes in the chamber of secrets. I have Tom's spirit and Dabria to keep me company. Tom believes that my 'best friends' are distancing themselves from me a bit.

The golden trio would had normally hung out all the time. They would spend break lunch and dinner talking. Help each other with homework, play games and go on adventures. Now Hermione and Ron would say they needed to do an essay or they needed to go to the library. Saying that it was a private study thing and that there was no point me going.

I found myself becoming even more isolated than normal, I was losing sleep and looking extremely unwell.


Third person PoV:

Snape called Harry out at the end of class, after he messed up, yet another potion. "Stay behind after class, Mr Potter."

The rest of his classmates reached to start packing. Once the class left he walked up to the potion masters desk. "Is there something you needed, Sir?" Harry said looking thoughtfully.

Snape handed Harry two vials of something. "What's in the vials, Professor?" He asked in an analytical tone.

"A Dreamless sleep potion. It will help you get some sleep, take one vial every night come back to me once these are finished and I will give you more." Snape continued on talking. "I will supply them to you until the summer."

On the inside Harry winced at hearing this, he dreading going 'home.' His punishment from last time he was staying at the Dursley's would not be forgotten. "Thank you, sir."


That night, once everyone else was asleep Harry opened Tom's diary and started writing to him. "Hello Tom." He watched as the black ink leaked through the page, "Good evening, Harry." Was the answer that faded into the page and after about 7 seconds faded out. Just then the ink was replaced with more writing. "I need you to come to the chamber tonight."

Harry was ecstatic, he had been waiting for such a long time before Tom had asked to come down. "I'll be down after I make sure my dorm mates are sleep." He quickly wrote back before shutting the diary closed.

Harry practically jumped out of bed, with a skip in his step and headed over to get his invisibility cloak. Harry lifted the diary before sneaking out of the dorm and through the empty dim lit light of the sickly ruby red and gold common room. He traveled through the school to moaning myrtle's bathroom. He was still practically skipping.

He was finally going to find out what Tom had planned. Whatever it was He would be happy to help, whatever the deed was, however dark it was Harry would be sure to do it.

Harry made his way into the abandoned girls bathroom and made his way to the sink. Before He knew it, Harry was down in the chamber. Harry opened the diary and Tom's spirit jumped out. He listened as Tom called Dabria who was overjoyed to see her masters again.

"Okay Harry, so I need you to leave the diary down here." Harry stared at the spirit with a confused look. "I am only part of the soul of myself, so if I come back there will be two of me. That would upset the balance. The only reason I could show you the memory was because I am part of the real me."
Harry again looked at the spirit before agreeing and smiled sadly. "Therefore we are to do nothing."

Harry sighed at this, "do you know when he will come back?"

Tom's spirit shook his head. They continued to talk until it was time for Harry to leave. Harry reluctantly left the chamber and the diary with Tom's spirit around 4am so He could sneak back into the nauseating red of the gryffindor common room.

Over the last two weeks of school, Harry continued to use the dreamless sleep potions Professor Snape supplied me with. Harry looked a little better that before; the bags under his eyes were almost unnoticeable.

However, He had started eating a bit more than usual to prepare myself for the Dursley's punishment of no food privileges and beatings. Harry needed to keep up his strength as he mentally tried to prepare himself for the horror that awaited him when he got to his 'home'. Of course people noticed but they brushed it off after Harry had told them he just hadn't been feeling well the last couple of days and was starting to feel better.

That is everyone apart from Tom and Dabria but they stayed silent. Soon enough it was time to go back to the Dursley's...

~~~~~~~~~~~ On the train ~~~~~~~~~~~

Harry sat with his friends Ron and Hermione. They were talking about the crazy events that went on the entire year. Harry sat beside the window staring at the passing fields and grasslands. He made light conversation with the two he shared the compartment with before drifting into a light sleep.

Harry was awoke by the opening of the compartment door. He opened his eyes and saw a smirking Malfoy in the doorway. Ron, Hermione and the blond started arguing about gryffindor being better that slytherin while Harry stayed silent. "At least Gryffindor's aren't deatheater scums like your father." Ron shouted leaving Malfoy in a silent, shocked state. Harry, at this point intervened as he just wanted to sleep before going back to the Dursley's for a pain ridden 8 weeks. He sided with Malfoy and said "Since when does Malfoy have the dark mark I don't see any snake with a skull on his arm." Ron and Hermione stood up stunned at what Harry had just said. He defended Malfoy! The person who had continuously tormented them since the moment he walked into Hogwarts. The two Gryffindors quickly left as Harry invited a stunned Draco inside before settling down to go back to sleep. "Thank you, Potter." He heard the blond say before he went to sleep. "No problem, Malfoy." He whispered back before drifting off into a deep sleep. When they got to the station Draco woke the sleeping boy up. Hermione and Ron has already left with their trunks earlier so harry and Draco gathered their belongings and left. Draco wished Harry a happy summer In which Harry smiled sadly to the boy before Draco left the small raven haired boy alone.

Harry watched as Ron and Hermione walked towards the Weasley's but before Harry could leave he was brought into a hug by the ginger devil twins. He smiled at them before wishing them a good summer as he left through the barrier.


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