Snow and Fire II

By Stardust-Fury

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The Evening before Hiccup is taken to be with the dragons, King Agnarr of Arendelle tells a story to his chil... More

Prologue - All Is Found
Some Things Never Change
Charades and Voices
Into The Unknown
The Past is Not What it Seems
Entering The Forest
It Will All Make Sense
A Magic Meeting
The Fire Spirit
The Truth
The Sentinels and Earth Giants
Lost In Dancing Dreams
Anger and Water
Show Yourself
Dive to Deep and A King is Born
The Message
The Next Right Thing
Destroying The Gift
The Return
Happy Endings
Olaf's Recap and Authors Note

Shipwrecks and Letting Go

911 20 0
By Stardust-Fury

Bruni sat on a rock waiting for Elsa, Hiccup, Anna, Olaf, and the dragons to catch up.

" Ah, ah, ah, ah!" Elsa sang out into the wilderness hoping for the voice to answer back.

" Arh!" Hiccup roared trying to receive a call from his grandfather.

" Ah, ooh, ah, ooh!" Olaf called out after the couple, Anna, Bruni, and the dragons jumped at the sudden burst of sound.

" Ah, ah, ah, ah!" Elsa called out and Hiccup roared again.

" Ah, ooh, ah, ooh!" Olaf replied the dragons and Bruni grumbled.

" Ah, Olaf maybe just do it quietly," Anna suggested as the dragons nodded.

" I agree Hiccup hasn't got the right pitch," Olaf whispered back to her and the dragons shook their heads.

Gale flew past them and twinkled, the dragons crooned in response.

" Hey, Gale's back." Olaf happily announced as the wind spirit circles them.

Gale flew over to Hiccup and Elsa twirling around the two magical beings, she flew over to a hill making a flag attached to a mast flap.

Elsa and Anna ran up the hill, Hiccup, Olaf, and the dragons following close behind.

When they reached the top the sisters stopped and gasped, there laying tipped over was an Arrendallian ship.

Hiccup and Olaf came up behind them, looking down on the wreckage Hiccup exactly whose ship it was.

" What is it?" Olaf asked looking confused.

" Our parent's ship," Anna exclaimed still gripping Elsa's arm.

" How, this isn't the southern sea." Hiccup pointed out as Liry stood next to Elsa.

" No, it isn't," Anna stated as Elsa ran down the hill towards the ship.

" Ah, wait!" Hiccup called after them, they continued running.

" Oh yeah, we should definitely go check out the abandoned shipwreck." Hiccup deadpanned to himself while walking down the hill with the dragons and Olaf.

The girls walked into the ship and looked around at the scatted wood, silt from the sea not far away was beginning to swallow the sulking hull.

Hiccup and Olaf sauntered in behind the girls, the craftsmanship was incredible.

" Why is their ship here, how is it here?" Elsa asked moving a plank of wood.

" It must have been washed in from the dark sea," Anna answered back rummaging through a trunk with Stormfly.

" What we're they doing in the dark sea?" Elsa questioned while her and Hiccup looked through a set of shelves.

" I don't know," Anna replied as she pulled back a curtain.

" How did the ship get through the mist, I thought only we could, unless no one was on it," Olaf stated while looking at the hole in the ships hull.

" There's got to be something here to tell us why they were in the dark sea," Hiccup announced while holding Elsa.

" Wait, look around, every Arrendallian ship has a compartment that's waterproof." Anna began checking the walls and every shelf.

" That's very clever," Olaf stated while picking a few things up.

" Then why don't they just make the whole ship waterproof?" Hiccup queried, he was pressing his fingers against the walls.

Anna began pushing a cupboard and Elsa was checking a set of shelves, Hiccup ran his fingers across the side of a bench and a flap opened carrying a long metal cylinder.

" Ah, guys I found something!" Elsa and Anna rushed over and took the cylinder.

Anna opened one end and pulled out a piece of parchment, she unravelled the paper to reveal a map and chart with a foreign language written on it.

" What language is this?" Anna asked while passing it to Hiccup.

" It's in Bewildern, it says something about two beings that will bring peace." Hiccup tried to decipher the rest of it, but with no luck.

" Wait this is mother's handwriting," Elsa answered indicating to one of the corners.

" End of the ice age, the river found but lost, the life-givers cave, magic source, Elsa's source?" Elsa grabbed the chart as she and Hiccup tried to make sense of the writing.

Hiccup was confused, we're Iduna and Agnar looking for his grandfather or for Elsa source of magic.

" It's a map, they travelled North and planned to cross the sea to." Anna followed her parent's markings until she reached a hand-drawn section.

" Attahallan?" Elsa and Hiccup both held the map in shock.

" It's real?" Anna looked at Elsa and Hiccup trying to find answers.

" Atta, who what?" Olaf asked, confused about what was happening.

" Attahallan, it's a magical river said to hold all the answers about the past." Anna sat back down.

" Reinforcing my theory that water has memory." Olaf commented as Elsa got up.

" Water has memory." Elsa kneeled down on the floor and placed her hands on the wood releasing her magic.

The water from inside the wood flowed out of it and began forming a statue in the centre of the ship's rear.

" Elsa?" Both Hiccup and Anna watched with curiosity.

" I want to know what happened to them." Elsa closed her eyes and concentrated on the memories the water held.

The statue formed and the sisters looked at it as their parent's voices echoed from it.

Iduna and Agnar were hugging as waves roared around them until they were gone, Elsa ran out of the ship with Liry following.

" Elsa, wait!" Hiccup jumped down from the platform they were on and rushed out after her with Anna.

Olaf stayed to look at the statue with the fireworms, he wasn't all that sure.

Elsa leant against a rock, Liry was trying to comfort her, Anna and Hiccup found her sobbing and rushed to her.

" Hey, hey, what are you doing?" Anna asked her, Hiccup had enveloped her in a hug and the Queen was now sobbing into his chest.

" This is my fault, they were looking for answers about me." Elsa continued to sob into Hiccup's chest.

" Hey, listen to me, you are not responsible for their choices Elsa." Hiccup held his girlfriend's chin up for her to see him.

" No, just their deaths." Elsa pulled out of the hug and started to walk away.

" No, stop, Yilana asked why would the spirits reward Arrendale with a magical Queen because our mother saved our father, she saved her enemy." Anna held Elsa's arms and looked her in the eyes.

" Elsa, her good deed was rewarded with you, you are a gift." Hiccup held Elsa's hands and smiled at her.

" For what?" Elsa looked away from both of them.

" If anyone can resolve the past, if anyone can save Arrendale and free this forest then it's you two." Anna grabbed Hiccup's hand.

" Elsa listen to us, we believe in you, I believe in you more than anyone or anything." Hiccup held Elsa's hand tighter.

Elsa released their hands and walked away a bit, she needed to continue on this mission alone.

" Honeymarron said there was a fifth spirit, a bridge between the magic of nature and us." Elsa turned to the two of them and explained.

" She also said that the Foreverwing was the protector of the spirits and can give life." Hiccup replied back to her.

" That's who has been calling me from Attahallan." Elsa told them, Anna stepped forward.

" The answers about the past are all there." Anna smiled, she knew where they had to go.

" So, we go to Attahallan." Anna asked, Hiccup suddenly felt the pain shoot up through his spin.

" Not we, me." Elsa told them.

" What, Elsa." Hiccup tried to reason with her.

" That dark sea is too dangerous for all of us." Elsa pointed North and to the dragons.

" No, no, we do this together, remember the song." Anna announced, trying to tell her sister.

" Go too far and you'll be drowned, who will stop you from going too far?" Hiccup commented, he wasn't going to let her go by herself.

" You said that you both believed in me and this is what I was born to do, what we were born to do." Elsa pointed to Hiccup.

" I don't wanna stop you from that, I don't wanna stop you from being whatever you need to be, I just don't want you dying." Anna blurted out, Olaf and the dragons gasped.

" I don't want either of you dying, trying to be everything for everyone else to, don't do this alone, let me help you please, I can't lose you guys." Anna told both Elsa and Hiccup.

Hiccup and Elsa hugged Anna as did the dragons.

" I know, I can't lose you guys either." Elsa gestured for Olaf to hug her as well and the snowman obeyed.

Once they finished hugging, Elsa formed a boat under them so they could slide down the hill.

" Wait, what, what are you doing, Elsa, Hiccup!?" The boat slid back down the hill and towards the forest.

Hiccup's eyes began glowing again and Elsa turned to face him.

" I need to do this alone and you coming with me is too dangerous." Elsa tried to form another boat under Hiccup, but he melted it and stood his ground.

" Elsa don't do this, you know you can't face me." Hiccup was struggling to keep his cool.

" Hiccup, I can't risk losing you." Elsa shouted firing a blast at him.

" I know you can't, but I can't lose you, Elsa I love more than anything else and I would risk my own life just to see you live another day." Hiccup dodged her blasts and fired at her.

Elsa was about to fire again, but one of the Sentinel dragons latched onto Hiccup's outstretched arms and flew away with him, another grabbed Toothless and followed the other.

" Hiccup, Toothless!" Elsa reached for Hiccup's hand but missed.

" Dad!" The Night Lights flew after their father, but the Night Fury roared at them to stay.

Stormfly tried to follow, but Hiccup told Toothless to blast at her.

" Stormfly, Kids go after Anna and make sure she's alright!" Hiccup called back to her, Liry roared in response to her mate.

" Liry stay with Elsa!" Hiccup told her and the Light Fury obey as Elsa looked at the retreating shape of her boyfriend.

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