Time for Love

By destinytyrell

152 2 0

Renji, a highschool boy must prevent his girlfriend from having countless deaths when he is given a mysteriou... More

chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11 epilogue
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: Epilogue
Character bios

chapter 2

15 0 0
By destinytyrell

Renji's heart raced as he looked into the girl's eyes. Everyone's attention was glued to the beautiful girl that stood in the front of the smartboard. " so you are the new student" the teacher said as he sat a bunch of papers down onto his desk." Find any seat that is available". Cierra took the seat that as in front of Renji. Her named ringed inside of Renji's mind as her soft voice repeated those lines over and over. " mind telling us about yourself ?" the teacher asked. Cierra stood up and looked around in nervousness. " Ummm, hmmm, I'm not really much of talkative person, I uh tend to get annoyed easily and I focus on my work," she said as her eyes glared at the students. Silence soon filled the room as everyone slowly turned their heads back towards the teacher. Snoring roared from the back of the class. A few hours had passed since they entered the classroom. The lunchtime bell rang as the students began to enter the large cafeteria filled with tables. Many of the kids sat down in their usual seats with packed lunches. A few of the others stood up in corners of the room. The remainder of the kids had entered the lunch line. After a few moments, Renji and his friend had walked away from the line with plates of food. " where should we sit?" Renji asked as he turned around to face the boy with goggles. The two boys continued to walk in between tables until they were behind Cierra who was sitting alone. " hey are you okay?" Renji asked from behind. " oh yeah, I'm fine" the girl said looking back up. " dude comes on" the boy said standing next to Renji. " it's fine, ill talk to you later Uriel" Renji said as his mouth grinned. Uriel was his friend's actual name but most of the time everyone else had nicknamed his goggles. " oh I see" Uriel said. " is there a reason you didn't grab any food?" Renji said as he sat down next to her. " I didn't need to know we had to pay for lunch," Cierra said holding her stomach. Her stomach continued to growl multiple times during their conversation. "ill uhhh, share mine with you" Renji muttered as his loud voice quickly quieted down where only she could understand him. Cierra chuckled and laughed at Renji's awkwardness. The two had grown a bit closer. They were nearly just a few inches apart from one another. " if you really don't mind, then ill only take half" she said as she glanced over. Her cheeks grew red, her voice softened up to a near whisper. Renji stayed silent as he was processing what was going on between them. A few minutes had passed since they started eating together, not realizing they were sharing the same fork and milk carton. Renji had moved his seat from being next to her to sitting across from her. Each of them was in tune with what they were saying to each other. There eyes locked to each other, emotions from all over wrapped around them. For the first time in a long time, These to people had finally stopped being lonely, finally having someone to understand them. " is there a reason you chose this school?" Renji asked. " uhhh, there weren't really any other schools near me" the girl replied unprepared for that question. Her mind had been completely thrown off. " sounds like you live far" Renji said slowing down the chewing of his food. " kind of" Cierra replied looking away. " I'm so sorry for being this way, it's just I don't really talk to people about this kind of thing" she mumbled. sitting a few tables back was Uriel. " what does he see in her, Something is weird about this, He has never been like this before" he thought to himself. " I mean it's fine, you don't have to tell me if you are uncomfortable," Renji said looking for reassurance. " it's fine, it's nice to have a friend once in a while. Renji's face changed into shock at the words that he had heard. " you actually consider me as friend!?" he said blaring his voice. " well yeah, why not, you been the only one helping me out recently" she replied looking down as if she was embarrassed. " well ill throw the plate away" Cierra said as she stood up grabbing the empty plate and walked towards the row of trashcans. On her way in between the trashcans and the lunchroom tables stood a girl on her phone. someone from behind bumped into Cierra, the empty messy plate flew and landed on the girl on the phone. " I'm so sorry!" Cierra yelled. Everyone in the lunchroom had gone silent only paying attention to the commotion. " YOU BETTER CLEAN THIS UP! the girl yelled. Cheese completely covered the bottom of her blue shirt. Cierra quickly moved to the side to grab the nearest napkin. Once she grabbed it she rubbed it across the girl's clothing. The stain had only grown larger and darker. Before Cierra could react, the girl slapped her. "NO, WAIT, STOP!" Renji yelled across the room. Blinding anger had taken over. Renji had sprinted around the table. " Look I said I'm sorry" Cierra repeated. The girl with curly black hair had lifted her hand up again in preparation to hit again. Suddenly a tight grip wrapped around her arms. Renji was standing behind the girl holding her back. " What the, who are you!" the woman yelled. " leave her alone!" Renji said angrily. Uriel stood up to analyze what happened. " how did he get there so fast! she was at least twelve feet away. there's no way to move there that quickly. It must have taken at least 1.7 seconds or less, maybe a microsecond, but he had to go around the tables. The human blink is four hundred milliseconds yet he got there at that time" he thought to himself. " fine then, ill make her pay" the girl said snatching her arm away. Renji stood in front of Cierra. " are you okay" Renji uttered looking back. " yes I am thank you". With a warm embrace, Cierra hugged him from behind. Her warmth poured into him. The girl from earlier had made her way to the women's bathroom. " Stupid brat, I just bought this!" the girl yelled out punching the mirror sitting above the sink. " Making others look at me like I'm the fool, my reputation," the girl said slamming her hands down on the countertop. Pieces from the now cracked mirror fell onto the counter. Renji had moved away and faced Cierra directly. " go ahead and sit down, I can do the rest," Renji said smiling. He bent down to pick up the messy plate off the floor and threw it in the trash. Cierra had walked back to the lunch table from before. Renji followed behind her and sat across from her. " by the way, I don't think I ever got your name" the girl before he said in a concerned tone. " oh, my bad, my name is Renji" he said proudly. " Japanese I take it," she said looking deeper into him. nervous sweat dripped down the boy's face. The atmosphere between them had changed completely. " yeah you can say that my mom was Japanese so,yeahhhh" Renji nervously remarked. " you live alone don't you?" Renji asked analyzing her reaction. Cierra's face flared up. " wh-why would you ask that?...." she murmured. " well I just notice you haven't mentioned family or even see you on your phone texting anyone so I just assumed. I live alone myself so sorry if I made you uncomfortable". " my parents mysteriously disappeared. When I was younger, I was hanging out with my friend and when I went to my bedroom, things got dark and I don't remember much after. The only thing I was told was that my parents had disappeared. " mine died to a house fire" Renji said as his expression saddened. " When I woke up from falling unconscious for some odd reasons I could only hear the firefighters saying the heat of the fire wasn't normal and could be as hot as the sun. Then I saw him. A man in a top hat and cane walking away in the distance. " I'm so sorry," Cierra said sincerely. Cierra stood up from the table. " ill is back, gotta go to the restroom" She said as she turned away and walked. She entered the bathroom and looked at the mirror. Drips of tears drizzled down her cheeks. " Mommy, Daddy, I miss you," she said to herself.

The school day continued as normal. The final bell rang and the students began to get their bags from their lockers. The school busses had arrived in front of the school.  Renji was standing in front of his locker trying to put in his combination. " hey, I'm going to the bus" Cierra said walking standing behind Renji. " Hold on, wait, my locker Is stuck !" Renji yelled nervously. Renji started banging on the locker door. " well see ya tomorrow silly" Cierra happily said walking off.  sweat poured off of Renji." OPEN UP, NOOOO, IMA MISS THE BUS!!!!" Renji said banging his head against the locker. Suddenly, he heard loud honking from the busses outside. He turned his head and looked out the window to see the busses driving off one by one. " DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN IT!!!!" Renji yelled. His locker door slowly opened up. Renji looked back to notice only making him more annoyed. it had been an hour since he had left the school, strolling through town making his way home. " I HATE LOCKERS!" he said out loud to himself. He started to walk past an ally way when a mysterious man moved from the shadows. The man had long hair with scars going down his cheeks from his eyes. He had long thick hair as if it wasn't washed from years. The sun shined on his green long-sleeved t-shirt that was ripped and full of holes. " hey you!" the old man yelled out." huh" Renji groaned. " would you like a watch" the man said with a twisted smile. "Why would I want a watch when I got my phone," Renji said as the tone of his voice got deeper. " its a magic watch," the man said desperately trying to get the boy's attention." you sound retarded" Renji replied with as he started to keep walking. " I mean, it's just a free special watch that annny one would want if you turn around" the man kept saying. " look bro, I get it, your on some crack but I got nothing for you just leave me alone," Renji said getting more irritated. The man smiled once more sticking his hand out revealing a large watch with multiple buttons. 

" you can time travel"

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