Tom Holland, Sam Holland , Ha...

By obxnc1102

138K 1.9K 191

Imagines about the best and hottest people on earth. More

Heartbreak ( Tom holland )
The night we met( Tom holland )
The first time you met ( sam holland )
He trys to get you back( harry holland )
I'm sorry ( Tom holland )
He's getting Married and its not you ( T.H)
Hurt ( H.H.)
I loved you first ( S.H )
He cheated on you ( T.H )
Forgotten (H.H)
You found out that he is spider man (P.P)
You love me ? (T.H)
I don't know (S.H)
Mr. Starks Daughter (P.P)
8 letters (S.H)
Shadows ( T.H)
Nervous (H.H)
A million times yes (H.H)
Happier (S.H)
Your him? (P.P)
I want you ( S.H )
Homecoming ( P.P )
I love you ( P.P )
( P.P ) Daddy issues
I missed you ( T.H )
Feelings ( T.H )
Mod Tom holland
A/n mod Tom
I think we need a break ( T.H )
Mod Tom Holland Part 2
Club gone wrong ( H.H )
Best friends ( T.H. )
Best friends part 2 ( T.H. )
MJ ( P.P )
"I need you more then anything " ( T.H. )
I need you more then anything part 2 ( T.H )
Reckless ( T.H. )
Reckless Part 2 ( T.H.)
reckless part 3 ( T.H. )
night sky ( P.P.)
The first time you met ( T.H )
My love ( T.H.)
My love part 2 ( T.H. )
Surprised ( S.H )
I do ( T.H.)
let me go ( P.P )
You're not sorry ( T.H. )
Finding out ( P.P. )
Have we met? ( P.P )
Swinging around ( P.P )
Not now, not ever ( P.P )
Don't marry him ( T.H.)
Home ( P.P )
Movie date ( P.P )
I remember ( P.P )
Right where you left me ( T.H )
illicit affairs ( T.H )
Right where you left me ( T.H ) Part 2
The other woman ( T.H )
Time to go ( T.H )

meeting for the first time ( T.H )

1K 11 0
By obxnc1102

I was in London filming for a movie that I was in. It's my first movie that I have been in and I was really excited when my manager called and said that they want me in the movie.

I just got off the plane to London and everything was so busy. People going everywhere, people talking on the phone it was crazy.

I look to my right to see my name on a sign that a guy in a suit was holding up. I put my bag on my shoulder and walk towards him in a rush so I wouldn't run into anyone.

The guy looks up and knew who I was, " Ah you must be Miss Y/n I suppose?" he said to me smiling. " Yes that's me," I said to him with a smile he went to take my bag for me and smiled at me.

" Thank you!" I said to him we walk to the black car that was out in the front of the airport. " Do you want to go to your hotel first so we can drop off your things" he asked me when we got in the car.

" That's fine with me," I said to him he nodded his head at me and took off, all the places we passed were so beautiful it took my breath away.

" is this your first time in London?" he said from the front, I look up to the front.

" Yeah it's my first time here", I said to him. " Oh and by the way, what is your name?" I asked him with a little laugh, he laugh with me. 

" Will", he said to me, " It's nice to met you Will." I said to him. H e gave me a smile and I gave him one back. We make small talk the whole way to the hotel.

We get to the hotel and oh my god it was beautiful! I have never seen something so nice and pretty before in my life. Will get's out and opens my door for me. 

" It's nice isn't it?" Will ask me while he got my bags out of the back of the car. " Yeah it is," I told him while I helped him with the rest of my bags. " You know me helping you is my job right?" Will said as I helped him.

I shrugged my shoulders at him, " Well where I'm from you help one another," I said back to him he laughs at me. " Well we need more people like you then." he said to me.

" Oh Miss Y/n your finally here!" I hear someone say behind me, I look to see a girl who looks to be about 40. " I'm so happy that you made it safely I'm Ashley one of the directors for the movie", she said shaking my hand.

" Ah yes thank you so much for letting me have this role." I said shaking back her hand. She gave me a soft smile. 

" Let's get you cheeked in." she said to me, she looked over at Will who had my bags. " Thank you Will! We have it from here", she said to him, I turn to look at Will.

" Thank you Will!" I said to him he waved and smiled at me and drove off in his black car.

We walk into the hotel up to the front desk to get me a key for my room. " So this is your key to your room that your staying in." Ashley said handing me my key to my room.

" Thank you.", I said too her with a smile, " We are all having dinner in about an hour if you would like to come." She said looking at me. 

" Oh yeah ill be down there to meet you there in a few.", I said back to her with a smile," Perfect! I'll see you then.", With that she walked away into the other direction.

I take in a deep breath, my best friend should be here she is involved in the movie also and she always comes with me to stuff like this so I won't be alone.

I walk to the elevators and waited for it to get to the main floor, it ding and I got on it while everyone left.

It was about to hit the button to go up to my room when I hear someone start to yell.

" Hey keep it open for me!" I stop the door with my foot and I see a hand came to stop too.

A guy came through the door when it open it back up. He was tall and had brown hair that was style really nice, he look really well dressed he was so good looking.

He looked at me and smiled, I returned the smile back.

" Thank you for holding the door for me" He said turning to look at me " Your welcome" I said back to him, he turn back around to press the floor he was going on but saw that I already pushed it.

I feel like I have seen him before but I don't remember when I did or if I've ever seen him before.

" If you don't mind me asking who are you?" I asked him, " I just feel like I've seen you before" he turn around to look at me he smiled at me." I'm Tom" He said reaching his hand out for me to shake. 

I take his hand and shake it. " I'm Y/n " I said back to him, he smiles at me and pull back his hand. 

" I was in a couple of movies you might know me from, like Spider-Man." He said back to me then it hit me he was Tom Holland.

" Ohhh I know who you are now!" I told him, he laugh back at me " So may I ask what you are doing here?" he asked me " Oh I'm here to do a movie " he had wide eyes " wait your the new actress they told me about?" I blushed when he said that.

" Yeah that's me " I told him he looked at me up and down.

" Well they just left out the part that I'll be working with a beautiful actress" he said with a wink which made me even more red if that was possible.

Then we heard the bell ding and we both get our stuff and start to head out, then I soon realize that our rooms were right beside each other.

Tom turns to look at me, " well I guess I'll see you around yeah? " He said to me.

" Yeah you will " I said with a smile and slowly not wanting to end talking to him. He smiled at me one more time.

" Goodbye Y/n I'll most likely see you at dinner?" he said getting his key out to unlock his door to his room.

" Yeah I'll be there I'm just going to wait for my best friend to get here first and then I'll be down there." I said getting my own key out to unlock my door.

He smiled and looked over at his door opening it. " Okay I'll see you then love." And with that he went into his room and so did I, I can't believe that I'm a room over from Tom Holland and that he actually called me beautiful!

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